Chemistry Salt Analysis

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Aim : Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.

(i) Preliminary Test for Anion:

Nature Solid NH4 , Mg2+

Colour White NH4 , Mg2+

Odour very pungent odor NH4

Solubility A little of the salt is Soluble May be Sulphate,

shaken with water
Nitrate, Chloride or
Ammonium Carbonate.

Salt sublimes with evolution of May be Ammonium

Action Of Heat: A small amount
of the salt is heated gently in a pungent smelling gas giving
dry test tube. dense white fumes with a glass
rod dipped in conc HCl

Flame Test: A small amount of

the salt is made into a paste No characteristic coloured Absence of Calcium and
with conc. HCl in a watch glass flame Barium
and introduced into the non-
luminous part of the Bunsen

Conc. Sulphuric acid test

about 0.2 g of dry salt was A colourless gas was evolved. Cl-, Br- , I- may be present
takenin a test tube then added
2ml of
conc. Sulphuric acid and thenhe

(ii) Confirmatory Test for Anion:

Silver Nitrate Test: To a few A curdy white precipitate, Presence of Chloride

drops of the extract dilute soluble in excess of
Nitric Acid is added until the Ammonium hydroxide.
effervescence ceases and 2
ml of Silver Nitrate solution is

(iii) Preliminary Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference

1. To a few drops of the No characteristic precipitate. Absence of First Group
original solution 2 ml (Lead).
of dilute HCl is added
2. To a few drops of the Absence of second
original solution 1 ml No characteristic precipitate. Group (Aluminium)
NH4Cl and 2 ml
NH4OHsolutions are
3. To a few drops of the
No characteristic precipitate. Absence of third Group
original solution 1 ml
NH4Cl and 2 ml
NH4OHsolutions are
added andH2S gas is
4. To a few drops of the
original solution 1 ml No characteristic precipitate.
NH4Cl, 2 ml NH4OH Absence of Fourth
and 2 ml (NH4)2CO3 Group (Calcium
solutions are added. andBarium)
5. To a few drops of the
original solution 1 ml No characteristic precipitate.
NH4Cl, 2 ml NH4OH
and 2 ml Di Sodium Absence of fifth Group
Hydrogen Phosphate (Magnesium).
are added
6. To a few drops of the
original solution Reddish brownprecipitate.
Sodium Hydroxide
and Nessler’s reagent Ammonium is confirmed.
are added

(iv) Confirmatory Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference

To a few drops of the original Reddish brownprecipitate Ammonium is confirmed.

solution Sodium Hydroxide
and Nessler’s reagent are

Result: The acidic radical is (Cl-), and the basic radical is (NH4+). Therefore, the given
salt is identified to be (NH4Cl).

Aim : Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.

(i) Preliminary Test for Anion:

Nature Solid NH4 , Mg2+

Colour White NH4 , Mg2+

Odour very pungent odor NH4

Solubility A little of the salt is Soluble May be Sulphate,

shaken with water
Nitrate, Chloride or
Ammonium Carbonate.

Absence of Calcium and

Flame Test: A small amount of No characteristic coloured Barium
the salt is made into a paste flame
with conc. HCl in a watch glass
and introduced into the non-
luminous part of the Bunsen

Dil. Sulphuric acid Test

Colourless, pungent-smelling
Sulphite (SO32-)
about 0.2 g of dry salt was
takenin a test tube then added
2ml of
Dil. Sulphuric acid and then

(ii) Confirmatory Test for Anion:

Add aqueous barium Formation of a white Sulphate (SO42-)

chloride (BaCl2) to the precipitate which is insoluble
water extract in concentrated hydrochloric
acid (HCl)

(iii) Preliminary Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference

1. To a few drops of the No characteristic precipitate. Absence of First Group

original solution 2 ml (Lead).
of dilute HCl is added
2. To a few drops of the Absence of second
original solution 1 ml No characteristic precipitate. Group (Aluminium)
NH4Cl and 2 ml
NH4OHsolutions are
3. To a few drops of the No characteristic precipitate. Absence of third Group
original solution 1 ml (Zinc)
NH4Cl and 2 ml
NH4OHsolutions are
added andH2S gas is
4. To a few drops of the
original solution 1 ml No characteristic precipitate.
NH4Cl, 2 ml NH4OH Absence of Fourth
and 2 ml (NH4)2CO3 Group (Calcium
solutions are added. andBarium)
5. To a few drops of the No characteristic precipitate.
original solution 1 ml
NH4Cl, 2 ml NH4OH
and 2 ml Di Sodium Absence of fifth Group
Hydrogen Phosphate (Magnesium).
are added

(iv) Confirmatory Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference

To a few drops of the original A white precipitate is obtained. Magnesium (Mg2+)

solution Sodium Hydroxide
and Nessler’s reagent are

Result: The acidic radical is (SO32-), and the basic radical is (Mg2+). Therefore, the
given salt is identified to be (MgSO4).

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