Methods of Reducing Earth Resistance

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Methods of reducing earth resistance:

Earth resistance can be minimized using any of the following measures
1. By increasing length of the earth electrode
2. By increasing no of earthing rods
3. By treatment of the soil.
Soil treatment involve treating the soil with a salt, such as copper sulfate,
sulfate, or sodium chloride. Combined with moisture, the salts leach into
the soil to
reduce earth resistivity
Earthing means connecting metallic body of the electrical equipment to earth to avoid
the hazards due to leakage current. If the leakage current keeps circulating in the body
of the equipment, it might result in electrical shock to person who touches the
metallic body.
Importance of Earthing: ( Any Four point are expected: 1 Mark each,
Total 4 Marks)
1. To provide an alternative path for the leakage current to flow towards
2. To save human life from danger of electrical shock due to leakage
3. To protect high rise buildings structure against lightening stroke.
4. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents.
5. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic
Types of Earthing: ( Any Two types Expected : 1 Mark each)
1. Pipe type earthing
2. Plate earthing
3. Rod earthing or Driven Rod earthing
4. Strip earthing or Wire earthing
Working of fuse ( 2 Marks for explanation and 2 marks for figure)
Fuse is an overcurrent/short circuit protection. The working principle of
the fuse is
based upon “heating effect of the electric current”. It is fabricated in a
form of strip or thread
of metallic wire. The connection of the Fuse in an electrical circuit is
always in series with
device that is to be protected. Due to the heavy flow of current in the
electrical circuit, the
fuse gets melted soften and it opens the circuit. The extreme flow of
current may direct to the
collapse of the wire and disconnection of the circuit that is protected
Types of Fuses: ( Any Two Types expected: 1 Mark each)
Rewirable Fuses
HRC Fuse
Cartridge type Fuses
D-type Cartridge Fuse
Link Type Fuse
Blade and Bolted type Fuses
Striker type Fuse
Switch type Fuse
HV (High Voltage) Fuses
10. Cartridge Type HRC Fuse
11. Liquid Type HRC Fuse
12. Expulsion Type HV Fuse

Functions of fuse: ( 2 Marks)

1. To break the circuit under fault condition.
2. To provide overcurrent protection to the circuit.
3. To provide short circuit protection to the circuit.
4. To provide safety to the users.

Functions of Switch:
To make the electric circuit manually.
To break the electric circuit manually
Name the material used for fuse wire: ( 2 Marks)
S.No Material used for fuse wire
1 Tin
2 Lead
3 Zinc
4 Silver
5 Copper
6 Aluminum
Diagram of ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) :

Operation of ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) : ( 2 Marks)

 It works on principle of relaying when the current in the earth path exceeds
a set
 Under normal conditions (IL–IN) = If is very low or nearly zero. The CT
the phase and neutral senses the differential current under earth fault and
actuates the
CB to operate (open). The difference current If through fault path resistance
Re is the
leakage to earth. If this value exceeds a preset value, then the ELCB opens.
The ELCB detects fault currents from live to the Earth (ground) wire within
installation it protects. If sufficient voltage appears across the ELCB's
sense coil, it
will switch off the power, and remain off until manually reset. A voltage-
ELCB does not sense fault currents from live to any other earthed body

Applications of ELCB : ( 2 Marks)

1. It is used for safety of the operator
2. It is used to detect presence of leakage current in a device
ii) Applications of MCCB : ( 2 Marks)
1. It is used as a protective device in low voltage distribution
2. It is used to protect secondary side of power distribution transformer
3. It is used for short circuit protection of motors
iii) Applications of MCB : ( 1 Marks)
1. It is used as an alternative to fuse in domestic and commercial
2. It is used in industrial control panels as overload protection and
disconnection of supply
3. It is used in industrial heating systems.
iv) Applications of Fuse: ( 1 Marks)
1. Protection against overload and short circuit.
2. Electrical Appliances, like ACs (Air Conditioners), TV, Washing Machines,
Systems, and
3. Many more.
4. Electrical Cabling in Home
5. Motor starters
6. Cameras, Scanners, Printers, and Photocopiers
7. Automobiles, electronic devices and Gaming’s
Diagram for Pipe Type earthing :

Excavation on earth for a normal earth Pit of size 2.7 M X 0.6 M X 3.0 M.Or
4.5 M
 For Pipe type earthing normal practice is to use; GI pipe [C-class] of 75
mm diameter
of length Having 6 numbers of holes for the connection of earth wires
 Normal Practice is to use GI earthing pipe of length as per requirement.
 Cover Top of GI pipe with a T joint to avoid jamming of pipe with dust &
 These types of earth pit are generally filled with alternate layer of
charcoal & salt up to
4 feet from the bottom of the pit.
 The electrical installation which to be earthed, is connected to the top of
the earth pipe
by means of copper or aluminium earth continuity conductor of sufficient
 Normal practice is to use GI earthing wire of 10/8/6 SWG as per req

Working of MCCB: ( Molded Case Circuit Breaker)

The operating mechanism consisting of lever, spring, contacts etc. is used to
open or close the MCCB electrically.
The arc extinguisher facilitates for the quenching of arc by lengthening it which
is produced when MCCB gets opened and current is interrupted.
The trip unit is the brain of the circuit breaker. It senses the overload or short
circuit condition and trip mechanism is operated to trip the MCCB.
When overload occurs, the thermal relay mechanism permits overload for short
duration, then bimetal strip actuates the tripping mechanism to open the MCCB
When short-circuit occurs, large magnetic force produced by short-circuit
current operates the lever to trip the MCCB immediately and open the contacts.
Functions of ELCB:
1. Provides protection to apparatus by detecting the unsafe magnitudes of leakage
currents diverting to earth.
2. Disconnect the supply to the circuit if line to ground fault occurs.
3. Provides protection to users by detecting the unsafe magnitudes of leakage
currents diverting to earth.

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