Methods of Reducing Earth Resistance
Methods of Reducing Earth Resistance
Methods of Reducing Earth Resistance
Functions of Switch:
To make the electric circuit manually.
To break the electric circuit manually
Name the material used for fuse wire: ( 2 Marks)
S.No Material used for fuse wire
1 Tin
2 Lead
3 Zinc
4 Silver
5 Copper
6 Aluminum
Diagram of ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) :
Excavation on earth for a normal earth Pit of size 2.7 M X 0.6 M X 3.0 M.Or
4.5 M
For Pipe type earthing normal practice is to use; GI pipe [C-class] of 75
mm diameter
of length Having 6 numbers of holes for the connection of earth wires
Normal Practice is to use GI earthing pipe of length as per requirement.
Cover Top of GI pipe with a T joint to avoid jamming of pipe with dust &
These types of earth pit are generally filled with alternate layer of
charcoal & salt up to
4 feet from the bottom of the pit.
The electrical installation which to be earthed, is connected to the top of
the earth pipe
by means of copper or aluminium earth continuity conductor of sufficient
Normal practice is to use GI earthing wire of 10/8/6 SWG as per req