05 Science 10th Model Question Paper 2021 22

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le; % 03%00 ?kaVs vad % 80
Time 03:00 hrs Max. 80 Marks
eqnz.k i`"Bksa dh la[;k 19 dqy iz'u 22
No of printed page: 19 Total Question: 22
funsZ'k %&
(i) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(ii) iz'u Øekad 1 ls 4 rd oLrqfu"B iz'u gSa] ftuds dqy vad 32 gSaA
(iii) iz'u Øekad 5 ls 14 rd izR;sd iz'u 2 vad dk gSA ¼'kCn lhek 30 'kCn½
(iv) iz'u Øekad 15 ls 18 rd izR;sd iz'u 3 vad dk gSA ¼'kCn lhek 75 'kCn½
(v) iz'u Øekad 19 ls 22 rd izR;sd iz'u 4 vad dk gSA ¼'kCn lhek 120 'kCn½
(vi) iz'u Øekad 5 ls 22 rd vkarfjd fodYi fn;s x;s gSa A
Instructions :-
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question no 1 to 4 are objective type question. (total 32 marks)
(iii) Question no 5 to 14 each question contain 2 marks (word limit 30
(iv) Question no 15 to 18 each question contain 3 marks (word limit 75
(v) Question no 19 to 22 each question contain 4 marks (word limit 120
(vi) Internal options are given in question no. 5 to 22.

¼1½- lgh fodYi pqudj fyf[k, A [1X8=8]

¼d½ ykSg pw.kZ ;k ruq gkbMªksDyksfjd vEy Mkyus ls -----------------------------

(i) gkbMªkstu xSl o vk;ju DyksjkbM (ii) Dyksjhu xSl o vk;ju
cuuk gkbMªksDlkbZM cuuk
(iii) dksbZ vfHkfØ;k ugha (iv) vk;ju yo.k o ty cuuk

¼[k½ irys rkjksa esa /kkrqvksa dk [khaps tk ldus dh {kerk dgykrh gS -----------------------
(i) rU;rk (ii) vk?kkro/kZuh;rk
(iii) pkydrk (iv) /ofurk
¼x½ nks raf=dk dksf'kdk ds e/; [kkyh LFkku dks dgrs gSa -------------------
(i) nzqfedk (ii) flusIl
(iii) ,DlkWu (iv) vkosx

¼?k½ vySafxd tuu eqdqyu }kjk gksrk gS ----------------------------

(i) vehok (ii) ;hLV
(iii) IykT;ksfM;e (iv) ysLekfu;k

¼M+½ fo|qr /kkjk mRiUu djus dh ;qfDr dks dgrs gSa ------------------------
(i) tfu= (ii) xSYosuksehVj
(iii) ,ehVj (iv) eksVj

¼p½ fuEu esa dkSu vkgkj J`a[kyk dk fuekZ.k djrs gSa ------------------------
(i) ?kkl] xsgw¡ rFkk vke (ii) ?kkl] cdjh rFkk ekuo
(iii) cdjh] xk; rFkk gkFkh (iv) ?kkl] eNyh rFkk cdjh

¼N½ fo'o esa lcls rsth ls de gksus okyk izkd`frd lalk/ku dkSu lk gS ------------------------
(i) ty (ii) ou
(iii) iou (iv) lkSj izdk'k

¼N½ vkorZ lkj.kh esa vkorksZa dh la[;k gksrh gS ------------------------

(i) 4 (ii) 6
(iii) 7 (iv) 8

Choose and write the correct alternative. [1X8=8]

(A) What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron fillings ?

(i) Hydrogen gas & iron chloride (ii) Chlorin gas & iron hydroxide
are produced are produced
(iii) No reaction takes place (iv) Iron salt & water are produced

(B) The ability of metals to be pulled into thin wires is called ..................

(i) Tensility (ii) Malleability

(iii) Conductivity (iv) Soundness
(C) The gap between two neurons is called a ................

(i) Dendrite (ii) Synapse

(iii) Axon (iv) Impulse

(D) Asexual reproduction takes place through budding in..................

(i) Amoeba (ii) Yeast

(iii) Plasmodium (iv) Leishmania

(E) The device used to produce electric current is called................

(i) Generater (ii) Galvanometer

(iii) Ammeter (iv) Motor

(F) Which of the following constitute a food chain?

(i) Grass, Wheat & Mango (ii) Grass, Goat & Human
(iii) Goat, Cow & Elephant (iv) Grass, Fish & Goat

(G) World's fastest depleting natural resource is ......................

(i) Water (ii) Forest

(iii) Wind (iv) Sunlight

(H) Number of periods in the Periodic table is ...............

(i) 4 (ii) 6
(iii) 7 (iv) 8

¼2½- fjDr LFkku Hkfj;s A [1X8=8]

¼d½ ty ,d ------------------------------ vkDlkbZM gSA

¼[k½ /kkrq,sa izk;% Å"ek ,oa fo|qr dh --------------------- gksrh gSaA
¼x½ eknk vkSj xHkZLFk f'k'kq ds chp tSfod laca/k LFkkfir djus okyk Ård ----------------------
dgykrk gSA
¼?k½ ikniksa esa ty ds ogu ds fy, --------------------------- mÙkjnk;h gSA
¼M+½ ijkxdks"k esa ------------------------------- ik, tkrs gSaA
¼p½ vkuqokaf'kdh ds tud ----------------------------- gSaA
¼N½ fdlh rkj dk izfrjks/k mldh yEckbZ ds --------------------------- gksrk gSA
¼t½ efLr"d rFkk es#jTtq --------------------------- ra= cukrs gSaA
Fill in the blanks : [1X8=8]
(A) Water is a ..................... oxide.
(B) Metals are generally .......................... of heat and electricity.
(C) The tissue which establishes a physical connection between mother &
foetus is called .........................
(D) ......................... is responsible for water transportation in plants.
(E) ......................... are found in anther.
(F) ......................... is the father of genetics.
(G) The resistance of wire is ......................... to its length.
(H) Brain and spinal cord make up the ........................... system.

¼3½- tksM+h feyku dj fyf[k;s A [1X8=8]

'I' 'II'
¼d½ lcls vf/kd fØ;k'khy /kkrq (i) VsLVksLVsjkWu
¼[k½ lkekU; jDr nkc (ii) MkbZvkWIVj
¼x½ ikni gkeksZu (iiii) iksVsf'k;e
¼?k½ 'kqØk.kq mRiknu fu;a=.k (iv) oksYV
¼M+½ rkjksa dk fVefVekuk (v) f}Qksdlh ySal
¼p½ ySal {kerk (vi) ok;qe.Myh; viorZu
¼N½ tjk nwjn`f"Vrk (vii) 120/80 mmHg
¼t½ fo|qr foHkokarj (viii) lkbVksdkbfuu
(ix) vory ySal

Match the column : [1X8=8]

'I' 'II'
A. Most reactive metal (i) cytokinen
B. Normal blood pressure (ii) potassium
C. Plant normone (iii) Testosterone
D. Regulating the formation (iv) Atmospheric
of sperm repraction
E. Twinkling of stars (v) 120/80 mmHg
F. Power of lens (vi) Concave lens
G. Presbyopia (vii) Volt
H. Electric potential (viii) Bifocal lenses
(ix) Dioptre
¼4½- ,d okD; esa mÙkj fyf[k,A [1X8=8]

¼d½ 'kq) ty dk pH eku fyf[k,A

¼[k½ nks ;k nks ls vf/kd /kkrqvksa ds lekaxh feJ.k dks dgrs gSa
¼x½ gjs ikS/kksa dh ifÙk;ksa esa ik, tkus okys o.kZd dk uke fyf[k,A
¼?k½ uj ;qXed ,oa eknk ;qXed ds lay;u dks dgrs gSa
¼M+½ fyax fu/kkZj.k djus okys xq.klw= gSa
¼p½ ySal dh {kerk dk lw= fyf[k,A
¼N½ fudV n`f"Vnks"k nwj djus esa dkSu lk ySal mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
¼t½ fo|qr izfrjks/k dk S.I. ek=d fyf[k,A

Write True or False : [1X8=8]

(A) Write the pH value of distilled water.
(B) Two or more metals homogeneous mixture is called............
(C) Name the pigment found in green leaves.
(D) The fussion of male and female gamets are called.
(E) The chromosome responsible for sex determination is ............
(F) Write the formula of power of lens.
(G) To correct myopia which lens is used.
(H) Write the S.I. unit of Resistance.

¼5½- 'olu dh fØ;k dks Å"ek{ksih vfHkfØ;k D;ksa dgrs gSa \ 2

Why is respiration process considered an exothermic reaction?
rsy ,oa olk;qDr inkFkksZa dks ukbVªkstu ls izHkkfor D;ksa fd;k tkrk gS \
Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen, why?

¼6½- veyxe D;k gS \ 2

What is Amalgam ?
la{kkj.k D;k gS \
What is Corrosion ?

¼7½- es.MyhQ dh vkorZ lkj.kh dk fu;e fyf[k,A 2

Write the Mendaleev's Periodic law ?
U;wySaM dk v"Vd fu;e fl)kar fyf[k,A
Write the Newland's Law of octaves.

¼8½- /keuh vkSj f'kjk esa dksbZ nks varj fyf[k,A 2

Write any two differences between arteries and veins.
vkWDlh o vukWDlh 'olu esa dksbZ nks varj fyf[k,A
Write the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

¼9½- dkf;d izo/kZu D;k gS \ 2

What is vegetative propagation ?
Loijkx.k D;k gS \
What is Self pollination ?
¼10½- ekuo esa cPps dk fyax fu/kkZj.k dSls gksrk gS \ 2
How is the sex of the child determined in human beings ?
esaMy ds izHkkfork dk fu;e fyf[k,A
Write the Mendel's dominant law.

¼11½- ijkorZu ds fu;e fyf[k,A 2

Write the rules of Reflection.
viorZu ds fu;e fyf[k,A
Write the rules of Refraction.

¼12½- vksg~e dk fu;e fyf[k,A 2

State Ohm's law.
fo|qr ifjiFk dk D;k vFkZ gS \
What does an electric circuit mean ?

¼13½- fo|qr foHko D;k gS \ 2

What is electric potential ?
izfrjks/k fdls dgrs gSa \
What is Resistance ?
¼14½- ikfjra= ds tSo ?kVd ds uke fyf[k,A 2
Write the name of the biotic component of ecosystem?
vkstksu ijr ds {k; gksus ds dkj.k fyf[k,A
Write the reason of deplition of ozone layer.

¼15½- fuEu jklk;fud lehdj.k dks larqfyr dhft,A 3

¼d½ HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + H2O
¼[k½ NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O
¼x½ BaCl2 + H2SO4 BaSO4 + HCL

Balance the following chemical equations :

(a) HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + H2O
(b) NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O
(c) BaCl2 + H2SO4 BaSO4 + HCL
jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k fdls dgrs gSa \ la;kstu o izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k dks mnkgj.k
lfgr le>kb;sA
What is Chemical reaction ? Explain the combination and displacement
reaction with example.

¼16½- lw;ksZn; ds le; lw;Z jDrkHk D;ksa izrhr gksrk gS \ 3

Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning ?
fVaMy izHkko dks mnkgj.k lfgr fyf[k,A
Write the Tyndall effect with example.

¼17½- pqEcdh; cy js[kkvksa ds xq.k fyf[k,A 3

Write the properties of magnetic lines.
¶ysfeax ds nk,sa gkFk dk fu;e fyf[k,A
Write the Fleming's right hand thumb rule.

¼18½- ÅtkZ dk mÙke L=ksr D;k gS \ 3

What is good source of energy ?
thok'e bZa/ku D;k gS \ vkSj blls D;k gkfu;k¡ gksrh gSa \ fyf[k;sA
What is fossil fuels and Write the disadvantages of fossil fuels.
¼19½- fojatd pw.kZ ,oa /kkou lksMk ds lw= ,oa muds nks&nks mi;ksx fyf[k,A 4
Write the formula and use of Bleaching powder and washing soda.
ftIle ls IykLVj vkWQ isfjl dSls izkIr djksxs \ lehdj.k lfgr le>kb, ,oa
IykLVj vkWQ isfjl ds mi;ksx fyf[k,A
How is Plaster of Paris obtained from Gypsom ? Explain with equation,
write applications of POP.

¼20½- fuEufyf[kr dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa ds lajpuk lw= fyf[k,A

¼d½ ,Fksu ¼[k½ izksisu ¼x½ C;wVsu ¼?k½ ,Fkhu [1+1+1+1=4]
Write the structure and formula of these organic compound.
(a) Ethane (b) Propane (c) Butane (d) Ethene
fuEufyf[kr ;kSfxdksa dh bysDVªksu fcanq lajpuk fyf[k,A
¼d½ Co2 ¼[k½ H2O ¼x½ NH3 ¼?k½ CH4
Write the structure and formula of these organic compound.
(a) Co2 (b) H2O (c) NH3 (d) CH4

¼21½- euq"; ds ikpu dk ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA 4

Draw a labelled digrame of human digestive system.
ekuo g`n; dk ukekafdr fp= cukb;sA
Draw a labelled digrame of human heart.

¼22½- fdlh vory ySal dh Qksdl nwjh 15cm gSA fcac dks ySal ls fdruh nwjh ij j[ksa
fd blds }kjk fcac dk ySal ls 10cm nwjh ij izfrfcEc cus \ ySal }kjk mRiUu
vko/kZu {kerk Hkh Kkr dhft,A 4
A concave lens has focal length of 15cm. At what distance should the
object from the lens be placed so that it forms an image at 10cm from the
lens? Also, find the magnification power produced by the lens.
fdlh vkVkseksckbZy esa ihNs dk n`'; ns[kus ds fy, mi;ksx gksus okys mÙky niZ.k
dh oØrk f=T;k 3.00m gSA ;fn ,d cl bl niZ.k ls 5.00m dh nwjh ij fLFkr
gS] rks izfrfcEc dh fLFkfr] izd`fr rFkk lkbZt Kkr dhft,A
A convex mirror used for rear view on an automobile has a radious of
curvature of 3.00m. If a bus is located at 5.00m from this mirror. Find the
position, nature and size of the image.

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