CANS Study Guide
CANS Study Guide
CANS Study Guide
Talents/Interests: Sarah won the most valuable player
award of her swim team and is team captain. - Correct
Coping and Survival Skills: Don manages adversity quite
well, but does not seem to have much fun. - Correct Answer-
Recreation/Play in Young Children: 5-year-old Patrick tends
to cling to adults while other children play. When he does
play, it is unimaginative. - Correct Answer-3
Gender Identity: James reports feeling like he
should have been born a girl instead of a boy.
When he told his father, his father threatened
to throw him out of the house if James
brought it up again. James is so stressed
about this that he has been losing sleep. -
Correct Answer-3
supports will be able to address the issue. -
Correct Answer-2
Developmental/Intellectual Disability: A
child's intellectual functioning is so poor that
it prevents valid testing. - Correct Answer-3
Reckless Behavior (Other Self Harm): A 16-
year-old boy has received 3 speeding tickets
since getting his license six months ago. -
Correct Answer-2
Fire Setting: 17-year-old Doris was caught
carrying matches. She said she likes to listen
to music by candle light which was confirmed
by her parents. - Correct Answer-0
him to get a knife and stab his mother. -
Correct Answer-3
Oppositional Behavior: A 12-year-old boy talks back to his
teachers and a few letters have been sent home about this
problem. - Correct Answer-1
Supervision: Melissa's foster parents are able to adequately watch
her. - Correct Answer-0
Physical Health: A foster mother's chronic illness has recently
become life threatening. She is unable to care for her foster child.
- Correct Answer-3
Family Stress: Sasha's asthma has his father so worried that
Sasha is hardly allowed to leave the house; his parents get in
frequent arguments about this. - Correct Answer-3
Sexually Reactive Behavior: Tom was abused by his foster dad
and now engages in sexually inappropriate touching. - Correct
Flight Risk: Justin used to bolt from his mother's side in stores.
He has not done this in 8 months. - Correct Answer-1
Labor and Delivery: Amber has cerebral palsy because she was
deprived of oxygen when she was born. - Correct Answer-3
Substance Exposure: Frank was born addicted to cocaine. -
Correct Answer-3
Attachment Difficulties: An 4-year-old boy has lived in three
foster homes in the past year. His foster parents feel like they
cannot make a connection with him. The foster parents also
feel that the boy cannot form attachments with anyone. -
Correct Answer-3
Atypical Behaviors: La'Quesha's mom and dad have noticed
that La'Quesha will stare at lights for hours on end. They have
to snap their fingers to get her to stop. - Correct Answer-2
Curiosity: 2-year-old Lucie ignores toys presented to her and
turns her face away when new objects are offered to her. -
Correct Answer-2
Emotional Abuse/Neglect: After years of humiliation at the
hands of his mother, Marcus has no self-esteem and views
himself as a complete failure and a worthless human being. -
Correct Answer-yes
Family History of Mental Illness: Paul's sister has been
diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. - Correct Answer-yes
School Achievement: A 13-year-old boy is failing all of his
classes and is at risk of not being promoted to the next grade.
- Correct Answer-3
Choice of Relations: Tammy has been prostituting herself in
order to brag to her friends about how many sexual partners
she has been with. - Correct Answer-3
Self-Stimulation: The smell of onions repulses David, making
him shout and wring his hands. - Correct Answer-1
Mobility: 4-year-old Tristan has cerebral palsy and is
wheelchair-bound with fine motor challenges. - Correct
Hostility: Leah always looks angry. Even though she is never
rude or mean, her friends perceive her as an angry person. -
Correct Answer-1
Response to Consequences: Whenever Judith is violent, she
accepts her punishment; however, she still has trouble
identifying when she will be punished. - Correct Answer-1
Planning: Billy bought some duct tape at the store with the
intention of using it on a random victim. - Correct Answer-2
Age Differential: Brenda molested a 7-year-old girl yesterday.
Brenda is 11-years-old. - Correct Answer-2
Type of Sex Act: Pauline forced a younger boy to give her oral
sex. - Correct Answer-1
Severity of Sexual Abuse as Victim: Preston's mother
suspected that Preston's father was molesting him. It has
never been proven. - Correct Answer-1
Community Safety: Jordan drives recklessly through the
streets when he is intoxicated. - Correct Answer-3
Seriousness: Leslie burned down her house when no one was
home. - Correct Answer-2
Planning: Zack said he had not planned to set his desk on fire,
but he had brought matches to school with him that day. -
Correct Answer-1
Remorse: Kyle denies all accusations and does not seem in any
way sorry about the damage he has caused. - Correct Answer-
her friends use drugs and she doesn't want to be left out. -
Correct Answer-2
Educational Attainment: Brad's father wants to be a mechanic,
but has yet to sign up for trade classes. - Correct Answer-2
Legal: Stacey's mom and dad were recently arrested for drug
dealing. If convicted they might be sentenced for a long prison
term. - Correct Answer-3
Life Threatening: 9-year-old Paul has been given less than six
months to live, according to doctors. - Correct Answer-3
Chronicity: 8-year-old Samantha has juvenile diabetes. -
Correct Answer-3
Family Stress: Martha's gluten intolerance is making it difficult
for her family to decide what is and is not okay for Martha to
eat. - Correct Answer-2