CANS Study Guide

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CANS Exam Study Guide With 100%

Complete Solution 2024

Family Strengths: Carmen's parental rights have been

terminated; she has no other known family members. -
Correct Answer-3

Interpersonal Skills: 4-year-old Mindy is very shy. It takes a

lot of prompting for her to play with others. When
prompted, she will attempt to play with the other children. -
Correct Answer-2

Optimism: 17-year-old Dante plans to go to medical school.

He knows if he studies hard in his classes he can do it. -
Correct Answer-0

Educational Setting: 15-year-old Trumaine has recently

returned home from a residential placement. No school has
been identified for him at this time. - Correct Answer-3

Vocational: Jamie is really good at fixing things. He does not

want to fix things for a living, however, he wants to be a
writer. - Correct Answer-1

Talents/Interests: Sarah won the most valuable player
award of her swim team and is team captain. - Correct

Spiritual/Religious: 17-year-old Tracy sings in the church

choir and participates in many youth activities. She states
that her beliefs give her comfort and that she prays when
distressed. - Correct Answer-0

Community Involvement: This past year, Jill became

involved in community center activities including joining a
soccer team. - Correct Answer-1

Natural Supports: Natalie has neighbors who have helped

her get a summer job for a few years. - Correct Answer-1

Relationship Permanence: 12-year-old Natasha is living in

her third foster home. Her permanency plan calls for her to
live with her mother; her mother participates fully in
supervised visitation. - Correct Answer-2

Child/Youth Involvement with Care: 9-year-old Ben is not

knowledgeable of his needs. - Correct Answer-3

Coping and Survival Skills: Don manages adversity quite
well, but does not seem to have much fun. - Correct Answer-

Resiliency: Jen's caregiver has become interested in yoga

and is starting to meditate when she is anxious or distressed.
- Correct Answer-1

Family Functioning: The family is managing well. - Correct


Living Situation: Nancy has the occasional fight at home

with her parents; her parents are concerned about her
behavior at home. - Correct Answer-1

School/Day Care: A 13-year-old girl's school behavior has

resulted in her being sent to see the school principal -
Correct Answer-2

Social Functioning: Terrance is socially withdrawn and

isolated; he has minimal social interactions - Correct

Recreation/Play in Young Children: 5-year-old Patrick tends
to cling to adults while other children play. When he does
play, it is unimaginative. - Correct Answer-3

Communication: Donnelle has selective mutism and refuses

to speak. He also refuses to point to aid in communication. -
Correct Answer-3

Physical Health: Cailin has asthma. She is able to take part in

gym class if she has her puffer. - Correct Answer-1

Sleep: Reggie is a 16-year-old who stays out late on school

nights and then sleeps during class. He often does not get a
full night of sleep during the week. - Correct Answer-2

Elimination: Monica doesn't like going to the bathroom in

public places. She will hold it in if she has to. Her mother
reported to the doctor that Monica complains of frequent
stomachaches. - Correct Answer-2

Personal Hygiene/ Self-Care: Bronwyn forgets to brush her

teeth, but no one notices. - Correct Answer-1

Gender Identity: James reports feeling like he
should have been born a girl instead of a boy.
When he told his father, his father threatened
to throw him out of the house if James
brought it up again. James is so stressed
about this that he has been losing sleep. -
Correct Answer-3

Sexual Development: Marquis is a 17-year-old

boy. He has had three sexual partners in his
life, ages 20, 22, and 28. - Correct Answer-2

Judgment/Decision Making: 16-year-old Tony

enjoys getting drunk and taking his parents'
vehicle out for joy rides. - Correct Answer-3

Legal: 14-year-old Don has been arrested in

the past for theft, but not in the last year. -
Correct Answer-1

Independent Living Skills: Darnell is a 16-

year-old boy who will not bathe if his parents
do not tell him to. His parents are worried
that when he moves out one day that he will
never bathe. They believe that some outside

supports will be able to address the issue. -
Correct Answer-2

Job Functioning: Tommy was recently fired

from his fast food job for missing work and
being rude to the manager. - Correct Answer-

Developmental/Intellectual Disability: A
child's intellectual functioning is so poor that
it prevents valid testing. - Correct Answer-3

Self-Injurious Behaviour: 8-year-old Ryan has

been banging his head repeatedly against the
floor. His skull has begun to change shape
because of this behavior and he has started to
have painful headaches. - Correct Answer-3

Suicide Risk: 15-year-old Amanda was

released from the hospital today after a 5 day
stay resulting from her attempt to slit her
wrists. She currently reports no active
suicidal ideation. - Correct Answer-2

Reckless Behavior (Other Self Harm): A 16-
year-old boy has received 3 speeding tickets
since getting his license six months ago. -
Correct Answer-2

Danger to Others: Bryan has been in several

fights recently. In one fight last week, he
broke the nose of another youth. - Correct

Sexual Aggression: Darrell has never been

sexually aggressive. - Correct Answer-0

Runaway: Carmen was arrested for violating

her probation by running away from a court-
ordered treatment program 2 days ago. -
Correct Answer-3

Delinquent Behavior: Sean has been staying

out past his parents' curfew. He lives in a
town with no legal curfew, but his parents are
upset. - Correct Answer-0

Fire Setting: 17-year-old Doris was caught
carrying matches. She said she likes to listen
to music by candle light which was confirmed
by her parents. - Correct Answer-0

Intentional Misbehavior: 16-year-old Lauren

is always threatening to commit suicide so
that she can be hospitalized and see her
favorite therapist who works there. The
therapist at the hospital knows that Lauren is
not serious and Lauren is at risk of being
banned from that hospital. - Correct Answer-3

Bullying: Darnell is a member of a gang and

has been involved in intimidating other youth
using violence. - Correct Answer-3

Medication Compliance: Brittany sometimes

forgets to take her seizure medication, but
remembers as soon as she sees the reminder
she put on the fridge. - Correct Answer-1

Psychosis (Thought Disorder): A 18 year-old

boy tells you that he is hearing voices telling

him to get a knife and stab his mother. -
Correct Answer-3

Depression: Trish is a 17-year-old girl who

sometimes gets blue and a bit down on
herself. She generally is able to 'snap herself
out' of her funks, but sometimes needs
support. - Correct Answer-1

Anxiety: Martha has social anxiety that

interferes with her making friends at school. -
Correct Answer-2

Mania: Vicki has a history of manic behavior

when she was younger but has since
controlled it with medication. - Correct

Impulsivity/Hyperactivity: Edith sometimes behaves in a way

that appears to be rash. - Correct Answer-1

Attention/Concentration: Denis is a 14-year-old with attention

problems that interfere with his school work. - Correct

Oppositional Behavior: A 12-year-old boy talks back to his
teachers and a few letters have been sent home about this
problem. - Correct Answer-1

Conduct: A 15-year-old has been arrested for vandalism and

theft after stealing from a neighbor. - Correct Answer-2

Anger Control: A 12-year-old boy destroys property and

physically harms others when he becomes angry. - Correct

Substance Use: A young man is prostituting himself to pay for

his growing drug habit. - Correct Answer-3

Eating Disturbance: Quenzell refuses all food. He becomes

aggressive when efforts are made to encourage him to eat. His
weight has dropped so low that he has to be hospitalized. -
Correct Answer-3

Attachment Difficulties: A 9-year-old girl cries when her mother

drops her off at school, but once her mother has left, she is fine
for the rest of the school day. - Correct Answer-1

Supervision: Melissa's foster parents are able to adequately watch
her. - Correct Answer-0

Involvement with Care: Ben's foster parents assertively involve

themselves in all of his IEP meetings. They routinely contact
teachers to ensure that they are following his IEP. - Correct

Knowledge of Child's Needs: Maria's parents are pretty good at

understanding Maria's needs. Recently, Maria has been irritable
and "sleepy." This has not raised concern in the parents as of yet.
- Correct Answer-1

Organization Skills: A child misses appointments frequently as

the child's parents are unable to get him to the clinic. - Correct

Social Resources: Foster Parents have a strong support network

of family and friends that help out. - Correct Answer-0

Residential Stability: Parents recently relocated twice due to job

changes. - Correct Answer-2

Physical Health: A foster mother's chronic illness has recently
become life threatening. She is unable to care for her foster child.
- Correct Answer-3

Mental Health: A single mother was recently hospitalized with

severe postpartum depression. - Correct Answer-3

Substance Use: A substance abuse team is worried that a single

mother has a substance use problem because she tends to be
very sleepy at meetings. She denies any use. - Correct Answer-1

Posttraumatic Reactions: Jerry's dad was in a car accident as a

child and now gets nervous when driving. - Correct Answer-1

Developmental: A single mother has an IQ of 50 and is unable to

provide the needed assistance to her child. - Correct Answer-3

Access to Child Care: Connor's aunt usually watches him;

however, sometimes she is unable to and Connor's dad has to
skip his meetings to stay home with Connor. - Correct Answer-2

Military Transitions: Daisy just relocated with her parents --

who are both in the Armed Forces -- because they had been
redeployed to a nearby military base. - Correct Answer-2

Family Stress: Sasha's asthma has his father so worried that
Sasha is hardly allowed to leave the house; his parents get in
frequent arguments about this. - Correct Answer-3

Safety: Veronica's mother is addicted to heroin. She struggles

to take care of Veronica's basic needs. - Correct Answer-3

Medical Health: 9-year-old Paula has leukemia and her

doctors say that she might not live for more than one year. -
Correct Answer-3

Self-Injurious Behavior: 4-year-old Ryan has been banging his

head repeatedly against the floor. His skull has begun to
change shape because of this behavior and he has started to
have painful headaches. - Correct Answer-3

Aggressive Behavior: Oles is always hitting his dog; so far, his

mother has been unable to get him to stop. - Correct Answer-

Intentional Misbehavior: When Suzy's parents have people

over, Suzy will swear to get attention. - Correct Answer-1

Sexually Reactive Behavior: Tom was abused by his foster dad
and now engages in sexually inappropriate touching. - Correct

Bullying Others: Daryl is a 4-year-old who was recently

disciplined for taking the toys of another child at day care. -
Correct Answer-2

Fire Setting: Michael is always playing with matches. - Correct


Flight Risk: Justin used to bolt from his mother's side in stores.
He has not done this in 8 months. - Correct Answer-1

Birth Weight: Ethel was born underweight. Her doctors fear

that because of this she may suffer developmental delays. -
Correct Answer-2

Prenatal Care: Romanna's mom had only 5 doctor's visits

when she was pregnant. - Correct Answer-1

Labor and Delivery: Amber has cerebral palsy because she was
deprived of oxygen when she was born. - Correct Answer-3

Substance Exposure: Frank was born addicted to cocaine. -
Correct Answer-3

Parent or Sibling Problems: Serge's mom is developmentally

delayed. - Correct Answer-3

Parental Availability: After Anthony was born, his mom was

diagnosed with severe post-partum depression. - Correct

Motor: 5-year-old Tilden is unable to walk but can manage

hand-related tasks. - Correct Answer-2

Eating: Quenzell refuses all food. He becomes aggressive when

efforts are made to encourage him to eat. His weight has
dropped so low that he has to be hospitalized. - Correct

Sensory Reactivity: Ashton is an 4-year-old with Fetal Alcohol

Syndrome symptoms who is easily overwhelmed by too much
sensory input and becomes unable to function. - Correct

Attachment Difficulties: An 4-year-old boy has lived in three
foster homes in the past year. His foster parents feel like they
cannot make a connection with him. The foster parents also
feel that the boy cannot form attachments with anyone. -
Correct Answer-3

Emotional Control/Temperament: Terrance has persistent

temper tantrums when he does not get what he wants. It is
difficult to calm him down or re-direct him. - Correct Answer-2

Failure to Thrive: Carmen was born early and was

underweight for many months, but now she is in the normal
range for weight. - Correct Answer-1

Depression: Denise has shifting moods that are challenging for

her foster parents at home. Most days it is hard for her to get
out of bed in the morning and get ready for daycare, but other
times she wakes up excited and ready to take on the day. -
Correct Answer-2

Anxiety: Martha has social anxiety that interferes with her

making friends at school. - Correct Answer-2

Atypical Behaviors: La'Quesha's mom and dad have noticed
that La'Quesha will stare at lights for hours on end. They have
to snap their fingers to get her to stop. - Correct Answer-2

Impulsivity/Hyperactivity: Deonte has trouble waiting his

turn; he often blurts out answers in class. During lunch time
he is always getting time outs because he does not stay at his
desk to eat. - Correct Answer-2

Oppositional Behaviors: A 5-year-old girl is so defiant toward

her parents that they have decided to give up custody, as they
feel they are no longer capable of controlling her behavior. -
Correct Answer-3

Eating Disturbance: Quenzell refuses all food. He becomes

aggressive when efforts are made to encourage him to eat. His
weight has dropped so low that he has to be hospitalized. -
Correct Answer-3

Persistence: 3-year-old Richard has a limited ability to

complete tasks. When his mother or teacher gets involved,
this sometimes helps, but sometimes doesn't. - Correct

Curiosity: 2-year-old Lucie ignores toys presented to her and
turns her face away when new objects are offered to her. -
Correct Answer-2

Adaptability: 5-year-old Brian has a hard time adjusting to

new things when supported by his parents. He eventually will
try new things out, but it takes a lot of prompting and
support. - Correct Answer-2

Interpersonal/Social Behavior: 4-year-old Marquis has some

acquaintances and can get along with peers, but has no real
friends. - Correct Answer-2

Sexual Abuse: 15-year-old Maria was molested by her step-

father over a period of nine months. - Correct Answer-yes

Physical Abuse: 9-year-old Tommy came to school with

bruises, but he says he fell down and his parents confirm this
explanation; there is some suspicion that his older brother
bullies him. - Correct Answer-yes

Emotional Abuse/Neglect: After years of humiliation at the
hands of his mother, Marcus has no self-esteem and views
himself as a complete failure and a worthless human being. -
Correct Answer-yes

Physical Neglect: 5-year-old Laura was found locked in the

basement; she had not been given food for several days. -
Correct Answer-yes

Domestic Violence: 4-year-old Xena's parents fight all the time

in front of her; sometimes, the fights get physical. Neither
parent has ever needed medical attention as a result of these
fights - Correct Answer-yes

Parental Incarseration: Two months ago, Tina's father was

arrested for breaking and entering; he was sent to prison. Tina
has gone to visit him one time. - Correct Answer-yes

Household Substance Exposure: A father becomes drunk and

argumentative and conflict arises. No violence has occurred. -
Correct Answer-yes

Family History of Mental Illness: Paul's sister has been
diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. - Correct Answer-yes

Disruption of Caregiving: When 15-year-old Sara was 3 years

old, she was removed from her parents' home and placed
with her grandparents where she has been ever since. -
Correct Answer-yes

Adjustment to Trauma: A 17-year-old girl was mugged late

one night. She is now afraid to walk the streets at night time.
Sometimes she has nightmares about the mugging. - Correct

Traumatic Grief/Separation: Sammy has never experienced

grief. - Correct Answer-0

Re-Experiencing: After years of sexual abuse, Joshua has

started to re-enact his sexual abuse on younger children. -
Correct Answer-3

School Behavior: An 8-year-old boy repeatedly talks out of

turn in class. - Correct Answer-1

School Achievement: A 13-year-old boy is failing all of his
classes and is at risk of not being promoted to the next grade.
- Correct Answer-3

School Attendance: Over the past couple of months, Tremont

has missed a day of school every month. - Correct Answer-1

Relationship with Teachers: Brenden respects his teachers but

rarely talks to them, which interferes with his learning. -
Correct Answer-2

Hypersexuality: Danielle is in a relationship but continues to

seek out multiple sexual relationships. - Correct Answer-2

Masturbation: Sometimes Jen masturbates in her bedroom,

but her family is unaware. - Correct Answer-0

Sexually Problematic Behavior: Bertha has no sexually

problematic behaviors. - Correct Answer-0

Knowledge of Sex: Mark hangs out with older boys in the

neighborhood, and thus knows more about sex than most kids
his age. - Correct Answer-1

Choice of Relations: Tammy has been prostituting herself in
order to brag to her friends about how many sexual partners
she has been with. - Correct Answer-3

Pregnancy and Child Bearing: Denise is a sophomore in high

school. She is 4 months pregnant with her first child. She
wants to keep the baby, but is not sure where she will live
after the baby is born. Her mother says she can't help Denise.
- Correct Answer-2

Autism Spectrum: There is some evidence that Tammy has an

Autism Spectrum Disorder but she is still high functioning in
many areas. - Correct Answer-1

Cognitive: Patricia has an IQ of 40. - Correct Answer-3

Agitation: 15-year-old Maria reports feeling out of control of

her emotions. She experiences rapid mood shifts and has an
explosive temper. In times of stress, Maria will emotionally
"explode" without being able to control herself. - Correct

Self-Stimulation: The smell of onions repulses David, making
him shout and wring his hands. - Correct Answer-1

Motor: 5-year-old Tilden is unable to walk but can manage

hand-related tasks. - Correct Answer-2

Developmental Delay: Francine achieved all developmental

milestones. - Correct Answer-0

Sensory Reactivity: When a sound is made, Rachel takes a

longer time to direct her eyes to where the sound was made. -
Correct Answer-2

Atypical Behavior: La'Quesha's mom and dad have noticed

that La'Quesha will stare at lights for hours on end. They have
to snap their fingers to get her to stop. - Correct Answer-2

Failure to Thrive: Carmen was born early and was

underweight for many months, but now she is in the normal
range for weight. - Correct Answer-1

Eating: 3 year old Guy is a picky eater. He always needs to

inspect his food before ingesting it. - Correct Answer-1

Mobility: 4-year-old Tristan has cerebral palsy and is
wheelchair-bound with fine motor challenges. - Correct

Positioning: 4 year old John is unable to reposition self and

requires 24 hour monitoring and physical assistance from
others to reposition self. - Correct Answer-3

Elimination: Despite his parents' teaching him how to know

when the time is right to go to the washroom, 5-year-old Brian
continues to wet himself constantly. Brian refuses to go back
to wearing diapers and his parents are afraid to take him out
in public for fear that he may have an accident. - Correct

History of Perpetrating Violence: Isaac killed his pet dog two

months ago. - Correct Answer-3

Frustration Management: Thalia gets so frustrated with her

friends that she can't control her anger. She often punches or
pushes her friends, physically hurting them. - Correct Answer-

Hostility: Leah always looks angry. Even though she is never
rude or mean, her friends perceive her as an angry person. -
Correct Answer-1

Paranoid Thinking: Julia thinks her sister is trying to get her

disowned from the family. Julia requires a lot of assurance
from her sister in order to believe otherwise. - Correct

Secondary Gains from Anger: Olten constantly gets angry at

his mother when she does not have dinner cooked for him at
5:00. She is now afraid to be late serving dinner. - Correct

Violent Thinking: Sometimes when Violet is mad she imagines

punching her sister in the face. - Correct Answer-1

Aware of Violence Potential: Paul and his friends are bullies.

Whenever they get caught beating someone up, Paul admits
he was involved but always says someone else made him do
it. - Correct Answer-2

Response to Consequences: Whenever Judith is violent, she
accepts her punishment; however, she still has trouble
identifying when she will be punished. - Correct Answer-1

Commitment to Self Control: Tyler knows he has a problem

with being violent. He has not decided if he wants to fix this
problem or not. - Correct Answer-2

Engagement in Treatment: Omar and his family are skeptical

about going to an anger management therapist for Omar's
anger issues. In the past, treatment has not worked for Omar.
- Correct Answer-2

Relationship: Vimul raped a girl last week and she had to go to

the hospital because of how severely she was hurt. - Correct

Physical Force/Threat: Fred held his victim down and

threatened to punch her during a physical attack. - Correct

Planning: Billy bought some duct tape at the store with the
intention of using it on a random victim. - Correct Answer-2

Age Differential: Brenda molested a 7-year-old girl yesterday.
Brenda is 11-years-old. - Correct Answer-2

Power Differential: 17-year-old Brian is dating Kylie, who is 12-

years-old and in the 8th grade. They recently started to
become sexually active. - Correct Answer-1

Type of Sex Act: Pauline forced a younger boy to give her oral
sex. - Correct Answer-1

Response to Accusation: Corrina admits that she molested a

young cousin, and says that "she wanted it," but she still feels
bad for her behavior. - Correct Answer-1

Temporal Consistency: James was molested last month. Since

that incident, James has started displaying sexually abusive
behavior. - Correct Answer-1

History of Sexually Abusive Behaviors to Others: Lina was

investigated last year for an incident that involved her
sexually abusing her little brother. This was the only case of
such behavior. - Correct Answer-0

Severity of Sexual Abuse as Victim: Preston's mother
suspected that Preston's father was molesting him. It has
never been proven. - Correct Answer-1

Success of Prior Treatment: Grace successfully completed

residential therapy and is now back home with her parents. -
Correct Answer-2

Seriousness: Don was recently arrested for possession of

cocaine. - Correct Answer-2

History: For the past 2 years, Melinda has been engaging in

criminal behavior; however, she has had periods of 3 months
where she did not engage in any criminal behavior. - Correct

Arrests: Virginia has been arrested 3 times in the past month.

- Correct Answer-3

Planning: Caleb likes to hang around kids who are in a local

gang known for their criminal behavior. - Correct Answer-1

Community Safety: Jordan drives recklessly through the
streets when he is intoxicated. - Correct Answer-3

Legal Compliance: After Jerry skipped school and vandalized a

local store, the court ordered him to attend school daily and
also attend a treatment program to help with his truancy.
Jerry has been attending school every day, but has failed to
attend the treatment program. - Correct Answer-2

Peer Influences: Beth's friends are all involved in illegal

activity but they are not members of any gang. - Correct

Parental Influences: Tom's mother often uses heroin in front

of him. - Correct Answer-2

Environmental Influences: Carla's older brother engages in

criminal behavior; sometimes he is home, but not often. -
Correct Answer-1

History: Fredrick has been consistently setting fires for three

years. - Correct Answer-3

Seriousness: Leslie burned down her house when no one was
home. - Correct Answer-2

Planning: Zack said he had not planned to set his desk on fire,
but he had brought matches to school with him that day. -
Correct Answer-1

Use of Accelerants: Ronnie used body spray to accelerate the

growth of his fire, but he was careful not to direct the fire
toward any buildings. - Correct Answer-2

Intention to Harm: Harriett says she didn't want to hurt

anyone in the fire, but she made no efforts to control the size
it grew to. - Correct Answer-1

Community Safety: Wilma set fire to an abandoned

recreational center. - Correct Answer-1

Response to Accusation: Heather admits that she set the fire

but says she does not feel any remorse. - Correct Answer-2

Remorse: Kyle denies all accusations and does not seem in any
way sorry about the damage he has caused. - Correct Answer-

Likelihood of Future Fire-Setting: Garth admits that he would

most likely set more fires if his parents weren't watching him.
- Correct Answer-2

Severity: 20-year-old Caitlin has stopped drinking for the past

3 months. - Correct Answer-1

Duration of Use: 17-year-old Melissa never drank until last

weekend when she went to a party with friends. She got
drunk and her parents had to take her to the hospital. -
Correct Answer-0

Stage of Recovery: 14-year-old Darnell says that he doesn't

use substances despite multiple arrests for possession and
suspensions for showing up to school high. - Correct Answer-3

Peer Influences: 21-year-old Carmella recognizes that her drug

use is bad for her but she is unwilling to change because all of

her friends use drugs and she doesn't want to be left out. -
Correct Answer-2

Parental/Caregiver Influences: Trevor's caregiver drinks on a

daily basis. His caregiver states she cannot fall asleep unless
she has had a drink or two. - Correct Answer-3

Environmental Influences: Carla's older brother engages in

criminal behavior; sometimes he is home, but not often. -
Correct Answer-1

Hygiene & Self-Care/Daily Living Skills: Bronwyn's mom

forgets to brush her teeth, but no one notices. - Correct

Cultural Stress: A family has recently arrived from Somalia and

reports some initial difficulties adjusting to the American way
of life. - Correct Answer-1

Employment: A single father recently got laid off and is now

unemployed. He has had good jobs in the past and hopes that
he will be able to find a new one. - Correct Answer-2

Educational Attainment: Brad's father wants to be a mechanic,
but has yet to sign up for trade classes. - Correct Answer-2

Legal: Stacey's mom and dad were recently arrested for drug
dealing. If convicted they might be sentenced for a long prison
term. - Correct Answer-3

Motivation for Care: 9-year-old Erwin needs to take

medication daily, but his parents usually forget and
sometimes do not refill his prescriptions for more than one
month. They think his medication is unnecessary and refuse to
comply. - Correct Answer-3

Financial Resources: Quinn's parents are able to financially

provide for their family. - Correct Answer-0

Transportation: A Mother requires transportation to get her

daughter to her doctor's appointments once a week. She does
not have a car and needs someone to teach her how to take
the bus to her daughter's appointments. - Correct Answer-1

Life Threatening: 9-year-old Paul has been given less than six
months to live, according to doctors. - Correct Answer-3

Chronicity: 8-year-old Samantha has juvenile diabetes. -
Correct Answer-3

Diagnostic Complexity: Damian has been in and out of the

hospital for 2 years with odd symptoms. The doctors have
been unable to diagnose him as of yet. - Correct Answer-3

Emotional Response: 5-year-old Dustin appears to have

adjusted better to his diagnosis of diabetes than either of his
parents. He has been a calming influence on them. - Correct

Impairment Functioning: Samantha's broken leg has made it

impossible for her to be in this year's school play. - Correct

Intensity of Treatment: Lavone is bed-bound and requires a

feeding tube and an IV. - Correct Answer-3

Organizational Complexity: Oliver's medical care is provided

entirely by his pediatrician. - Correct Answer-0

Family Stress: Martha's gluten intolerance is making it difficult
for her family to decide what is and is not okay for Martha to
eat. - Correct Answer-2


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