Business Studies jss1 Lesson Plan Week 5

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MaryVincent Excellent School, Nkwelle

Lesson Plan for Term 1, 2024/2025 Session

Subject Teacher: Venue:

Wee Day & Date: Grade: Period: Length of lesson: Number in

k: 18th October, 2024. JSS1 2 40 min class:
5 20.


Learning Outcomes / Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
.i.define department.

ii.state types of department in an organization.

iii write the functions of each of department.

Resources/Teaching Aids:
Real life situation and pictures

Virtue of the Month:

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All students should Most students should Some students should
i.define department. state types of department in an Identify the functions of each
organization. of department

Risk assessment: Numeracy / Literacy / ICT focus:

 . Conflicts among group members.  Click here to enter text.
 Bullying or harassment.
 Emotional distress or anxiety.

Set Induction:
The teacher takes the students around the various departments in the school.

Starter/Previous Knowledge:
It is assumed that the students are familiar with the concept ' right attitude to work ', thus, the
following questions were asked to ascertain there in depth knowledge :

1. What is right attitude to work

2. State attributes of punctuality and regularity.

Time Teacher Activity Student Activity Learning outcome

What is a department? A i.define department. i.define department.
department can be defined as a
unit or section in an organization. ii.state types of department in an ii.state types of department
organization. in an organization.
Types of department:
iii write the functions of each of iii write the functions of each
1. Administrative department department. of department.
iv. Answer questions
2. Accounts department v. Pay attention and jot points.

3. Purchasing department

4. Sales department

5. Personnel department

6. Production department

7.Transport department

8. Planning department

9. Marketing department
Functions of Administrative

1.It employs administrative staff.

2.It organizes meeting.

3.It supervises the activities of all

other department.
Functions of Accounts department:

1.It keeps and updates financial


2.It prepares and pays workers’

wages and salaries.

3.It prepares the annual accounts.

Functions of Purchasing

1.It buys raw material and

equipment needed.

2.It ensures that suppliers submit


3.It checks invoice and delivery

i.define department.

ii.state types of department in an organization.

iii write the functions of each of department.

Write the functions of the following
1. Establish clear classroom rules.
2. Foster open communication.
3. Encourage empathy and respect.
4. Address conflicts promptly.

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