Goodwilll & Share Valuation
Goodwilll & Share Valuation
Goodwilll & Share Valuation
Goodwill: ¯úk©bxq ¯’vqx m¤ú` ev g~jabx m¤ú`mg~n wewb‡qvM K‡i ¯^vfvweK gybvdv †_‡K AwZwi³ gybvdv AR©‡bi †h ÿgZv
Zv‡K mybvg e‡j| AviI mnRfv‡e ejv hvq ‡h, †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bi ¯^vfvweK gybvdvi †P‡q AwZwi³ gybvdv AR©‡bi ÿgZvB nj mybvg|
cÖKvi‡f`: `yB cÖKvi;
1. Purchase Goodwill : ‡Kvb Kvievi µ‡qi mgq Kviev‡ii `v‡gi †P‡q †ewk `v‡g µq Kiv‡K eySvq|
2. Inherent or non-purchased Goodwill : µqK…Z mybv‡gi AwZwi³ ev wfbœ mybvg‡K eySvq|
Method of Goodwill valuation:
i) Capitalization Method
ii) Super Profit Method
Super Profit: `ywU GKB iKg e¨emv cÖwZôv‡bi g‡a¨hw` GKUv cÖwZôvb †ewk gybvdv AR©b K‡i Zvn‡j †mUv nj Super Profit. hZUzKz †ewk gybvdv AR©b
Ki‡e †mUvB Super Profit.
Problem 2: The following is the Balance Sheet of Toshin Ltd. At December 31,2012
Assets Tk. Liabilities Tk.
Land & Building 1,50,000 Creditors 80,000
Plant 1,00,000 Reserve 50,000
Investment 55,000 Capital 4,50,000
Cash at Bank 1,20,000
5,80,000 5,80,000
The net profit of the firm for the years as follows:
2010 Tk. 80,000
2011 Tk. 1,00,00
2012 Tk. 1,20,00
The above profit include an income on account of interest on investment Tk. 5,000 each year.
Asertain the goodwill of the firm at 2 years purchase of the average super profits for 3 years
taking into accounts the fact that the standard rate of return on capital employed is 10%
Problem 6: From the following information relating to a company calculate the value of its Equity Share:
Issued Equity Share Capital: 20,000 shares of Tk. 10 each. Paid up Equity Share Capital: Tk. 8 per share
6% Preference Share Capital: 2,00,000 shares of Tk. 10 each fully paid. Expected Profit before tax: Tk. 4,00,000, Rate of tax: 50%, Annual
transfer to General Reserve @ 20%. Normal Rate of return: 20%.
Problem 7: The following is the Balance Sheet of City Ltd. As at December 31, 2012
Assets Tk. Liabilities Tk.
Plant & Machinery 75,000 12,000 Shares of Tk. 10 each fully paid up 1,20,000
Land & Building 45,000 Reserve (General) 20,000
Stock 25,000 Tax Reserve 30,000
Trade Mark 20,000 Employees Savings A/C 25,000
Debtors 45,000 Creditors 40,000
Preliminary Expenses 15,000 Profit & Loss A/C 15,000
Cash at Bank 25,000
2,50,000 2,50,000
Land & Building have been valued at Tk. 1,15,000 and Plant & Machinery is worth Tk. 65,000 Tk. 5,000 of the bad debts are
Bad. The profit of the company have been as follows:
Year 2010……Tk. 45,000 , 2011…..Tk. 50,000 , 2012…….Tk. 45,000 respectively.
It is the company’s practice to transfer 20% of the profit to reserve. Ignoring taxation find out the value of Shares on the Yield
and Net Assets basis. Similar company gives a yield of 15% on the market value of their shares. Goodwill may be taken to be
Worth Tk. 1,00,000.
Problem 8: The following is the balance sheet of ABC company Ltd. As at June 30, 2012
Assets Tk. Liabilities Tk.
Buildings 1,70,000 5,000 Pref. Share Tk 20 1,00,000
Machinery 1,65,000 1,000 Ordinary Shares Tk. 200 2,00,000
Motor Car 75,000 Reserve Fund 60,000
Goodwill 30,000 Profit & Loss A/C 20,000
Current Assets 1,40,000 Current liabilities 2,00,000
5,80,000 5,80,000
On June 30, 2012 the Assets were revealed as follows:
Buildings Tk. 2,00,000 Machinery Tk. 1,55,000 and Motor Car Tk. 65,000. The Company earned profits after depreciation and taxation as
follows: Year 2010…Tk. 60,000, Year 2011.Tk. 70,000, Year 2012…Tk. 80,000. The valuation of Goodwill is to be based on 2 years
purchase of supper profit. It is considered that 10% is a reasonable return on Net Tangible Assets.
Compute the value of the Goodwill of the company and also ascertain the value of each Ordinary Share & each Preference Shares.
Problem 9: From the following Balance Sheet and other information given below find out the fair value of each equity share taking
Into consideration a reasonable amount of Goodwill.
Liabilities Tk. Assets Tk.
Equity Share of Tk. 5 each 4,00,000 Goodwill 75,000
6% Pref. Sh. Of Tk. 100 each 1,50,000 Plant and Machinery 3,75,000
General Reserve 2,00,000 Buildings 2,25,000
5% Debenture 75,000 Inventory 2,50,000
Profit and Loss A/C Accounts Receivable 3,50,000
Balance 01.01.2003 = 50,000
Profit for 2003 = 4,50,000
Accounts Payable 50,000 Preliminary Expenses 15,000
Cash at Bank 85,000
13,75,000 13,75,000
1. The company’s prospects of profit for 2004 are equally good.
2. The dividend on Preference Shares for 2003 was not paid.
3. The present value of Plant and Machinery and Buildings are 20% and 15% higher than the book value.
4. Companies doing similar business show a profit of 15% on market value of shares.
5. Profits for the past three years have shown an increase of Tk. 50,000 annually.
6. Make necessary assumptions.
Problem 10: Jamuna Company Ltd. has Authorized and Paid Up Capital of Tk. 10,00,000 Tk. 100 per share. The total
Assets of the company at its price were Tk. 45,00,000 and the Outside Liabilities were Tk. 16,00,000. The company
during the last five years earned profit: Tk. 5,80,000, Tk.6,15,000, Tk. 5,75,000, Tk. 7,00,000 and Tk. 6,25,000.
The Normal Rate of Return expected in future is 12%. The company during the last five years declared dividend at the
rates 15%, 17%,18%,20%,20%. Find out the Fair Value of Share taking into consideration the value of Goodwill at 3 years
purchase of Super Profit. Ignore Taxation.