USC Constitution

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The document outlines the original constitution of the University Student Council for the University of the Philippines Diliman from 1980-1981. It establishes the purpose and structure of the council.

The constitution outlines general provisions, declaration of principles and objectives, composition and organization of the council, powers and duties of officers, meetings and quorum, disciplinary powers, funds of the council, and rules regarding amendments.

The objectives of the University Student Council include defending student rights and welfare, serving as a forum for student ideas, developing school spirit, upholding university ideals, fostering social awareness and national consciousness among students.

Original English Version Ratified SY 1980-81 Constitution of the University Student Council in Diliman PREAMBLE We, the students

of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, desirous of establishing a Student council that will unite the whole U.P Diliman studentry, promote and protect students rights and welfare, and foster a close relationship among the students and the other sectors of society in order to instill national consciousness for the advancement of the Filipino people, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution. ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec.1 This Constitution shall be known as the Constitution of the University Student Council in Diliman. Sec. 2 This Constitution shall govern the University Student Council in the University of the Philippines in Diliman Sec. 3 For purposes of this Constitution, unless the context indicates otherwise. (a) University signifies the University of the Philippines in Diliman (b) University of the Philippines in Diliman or U.P Diliman includes all units located in the Diliman, and Manila campuses, except those comprised in the Health Sciences Center. (c) University Student Council or Council refers to the University Student Council (as distinguished from any college student council) in the University of the Philippines in Diliman. (d) College Student Council or Local Councilmeans the duly constituted central student organization of a unit that offers at least a bachelors degree program. (e) University authorities signify that duly constituted authorities or officials of the System insofar as the University of the Philippines in Diliman is concerned or affected. (f) Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, University Councilors, and College Representatives refer, respectively, to the officers and members of the University Student Council so designated> (g) Council members or members of the Council means the members of the University Student Council, including its officers. (h) University Councilor or Councilor refers to any of the University Councilors as distinguished from the College Representatives. (i) College Representatives or Representative or local representative means a representative of the constituents of a college to the University Student Council.

(j) Permanent vacancy exists when the office of a Council officer or member has been vacated by reason of death, resignation, impeachment, expulsion from the University, or a permanent illness preventing him from performing the functions of his office. (k) Temporary vacancy exists when the office of a Council officer or member has been vacated by reason of temporary mental or physical incapacity, detention or any other reason that leaves the possibility of his resuming his duties before the expiration of his term.

ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES SEC.1 The University Student Council believes in the following (a) That access to education should be afforded by everyone; (b) That education should develop mans physical, mental, social, cultural, and spiritual potential to the full, in order to realize a human and humane existence for all; (c) That education should enhance critical thought and the ability to make informed judgment, free of dogma and myths. SEC. 2 The University Student Council shall at all times strive to: (a) Defend and promote the rights and general welfare of the University studentry and the Filipino people; (b) Serve as an active forum for student ideas and sentiments; (c) Develop a university spirit among the ranks of the students; (d) Uphold the ideals of the university geared towards ensuring a well-rounded intellectual, social, cultural, and physical development for every student. (e) Develop social awareness and instill national consciousness among the students; (f) Unite with the various sectors of society in the pursuit of common interests, particularly in the establishment of a just and humane society; (g) Develop a responsible studentry who will put educational opportunity to optimal use and look after the unity and welfare of the whole studentry and the people; (h) Develop a sense of service and responsibility among the students for the welfare of society; (i) Seek and engender educational reform along nationalist, humanistic and scientific methods, for the full development of the human potential, to respond to social realities and to promote academic freedom. ARTICLE III POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL SEC. 1 The Student Council shall:

(a) Adopt its own internal rules of government; (b) Organize, coordinate and direct student activities designed to improve their general welfare as well as to prepare them for obstructive citizenship, subject to the provisions of Article XI; (c) Represent the students in all major policy-making bodies of the university when so provided by laws, rules and regulations promulgated by competent authority; (d) Advise and make recommendations to the UP President on student matters, affairs and activities; (e) Represent the University in external student activities; (f) Draft the University Student Election Code that shall govern the rules and regulations of the general elections of the Student Council; (g) Have such additional powers and duties as the university authorities may, from time to time, grant or delegate to it, consistent with its stated powers, responsibilities and objectives. ARTICLE IV BILL OF RIGHTS OF STUDENTS SEC. 1. Every student shall have the right to: (a) Enjoy the freedom of expression; (b) Exercise freedom of religious worship and spiritual practice; (c) Have his transcript of records and clearances speedily processed and the confidentiality of his records maintained. SEC. 2. Students shall individually or collectively, be entitled to: (a) Have their grievances heard and speedily redressed; (b) Organize and assemble for purposes not contrary to law and regulations; (c) Present their view to appropriate bodies before any policy or decision affecting their rights, interests and welfare is adopted. SEC. 3. No student shall be subjected to exploitation, involuntary servitude, or cruel or unusual punishment. SEC. 4. No student shall be subjected to disciplinary action without due process of law. ARTICLE V DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENTS SEC.1. It is the obligation of every student to: (a) Observe at all times, the laws of the Philippines and the rules and regulations of the university; (b) Assist the school authorities in dissemination among the students, and education them on, the rules and regulations on the student conduct and discipline;

(c) Help engender an academic atmosphere conducive to harmony among the various constituencies of the university; (d) Exercise his or her rights responsible. ARTICLE VI COMPOSITION OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT COUNCIL SEC. 1. The University Student Council shall be composed of a Chairperson and a ViceChairperson; twelve University Councilors all elected at large; and one representative for every 2000 students or less for each college and degree-granting unit, provided that each unit with a population greater than 2000 students shall be entitled to an additional college representative for every 2000 students in excess of the first 2000. SEC. 2. (a) The college representative or representative shall be elected by the constituents of their own college. The college representative shall serve as a liaison between the University Student Council and the local student council. (b) If the students of a college, school or institute fail to elect their representative to the University Student Council, the University Electoral Board shall determine whether a special election may and should be held therein, and if so determine, shall take immediate steps for holding such election. SEC. 3. The members of the Council shall be elected every academic year in accordance with the rules promulgated by the University Electoral Board and the provisions of the University Election Code. SEC. 4 (a) Any permanent vacancy in the Office of the Chairperson shall be filled by the Vice-Chairperson, provided that if the permanent vacancy occurs in the Office of the Vice-Chairperson, the Council shall elect from among the University Councilors a new Vice-Chairperson. (b) Should both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Council be temporarily incapacitated, the remaining members of the Council shall elect from among the University Councilors an Action Chairperson and Action Vice-Chairperson, both of whom shall relinquish their positions upon the return of the permanent officers. In no case shall the Council be dissolved or rendered inoperative. (c) If the vacancy occurs in the Office of the University Councilor, the candidate who obtained the next highest number of votes in the last general elections of the Student Council shall take his or her place. (d) A vacancy in the Office of College Representative shall be filled, insofar as practicable, in the manner provided above the University Councilor. Should this not be possible, then the College Councilor or the central student body organization shall expeditiously select his or her replacement in the consultation with the University Student Council until the students have elected their new representative. SEC. 5. Every candidate for membership in the University Student Council must, before the general elections:

(a) Have at least one year residence in the Universty of the Philippines in DIliman or in the Manila units on the post-secondary level; (b) Carry the normal load prescribed by his college; and (c) Not have been found guilty in any disciplinary action of any act involving moral turpitude. SEC. 6. Every council member shall hold office for one academic year or until his or her predecessor has been duly elected, qualified and assumed office, provided that Councilors who fill vacant seats shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. SEC. 7 The induction of council members shall take place within a week after their proclamation by the University Electoral Board, the oath to be administered by the University President or his duly authorized representative. SEC. 8. No council member shall hold office as president of the Corps Commander of UP ROTS, or editor-in-chief of the Philippines collegian without forfeiting his or her seat in the Council. ARTICLE VII OFFICERS, QUORUM SEC. 1 The officers of the Council shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager and Public Information Officer. SEC. 2. (a) The officers of the Council other than the Chairperson and the ViceChairperson shall be elected by the members of the Council ( A simple majority vote of 50% + 1 of the members of the council) present, provided there is a quorum, shall be sufficient to elect an officer, provided further that in case a majority vote of the members present is not obtained, the subsequent balloting shall be limited to the two candidates obtaining the highest number of votes in which case election shall be by plurality vote. (b) All University Councilors are eligible to become officers of the University Student Council. (c) Nomination of officers shall not be closed until there have been at least two candidates named, except by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Council members present at the meeting. SEC. 3. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, a majority of all the members of the Council as provided in Section 2 hereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business and every decision of at least a majority of the members present at a meeting which there is quorum shall be valid as an act the Council. ARTICLE VIII POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS SEC. 1. The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of the Council. It shall be his or her duty to:

(a) sign all resolutions, communications and papers of the Council; (b) preside over all meetings of the Council, provided that in case he or she desires to take part in the debate or discussion he may name the Vice-Chairperson, or in the absence of the latter, any member of the council to take the chair. (c) Create ad hoc or standing committees and appoint in the chairperson and members thereof, except in the case of committees stipulated in Article IX, section 3; (d) Represent the Council in his or her official capacity as Chairperson on occasions and events where the organization needs representation; (e) Be the candidate of the studentry of University of the Philippines in Diliman in the selection of a student representative to the Board of Regents; (f) Head the Executive Chamber; (g) Perform such duties as may be necessary or incidental to the discharge and performance of the functions of his or her office. SEC. 2 The Vice-Chairperson shall: (a) Assist the Chairperson in all matters where his or her assistance is required; (b) Take over the functions of the Chairperson whenever his or her office is vacant by reason of his or her death, resignation, removal, suspension illness, absence, or physical or mental incapacity or failure to qualify for office. SEC. 3 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: (a) (b) (c) (d) Keep a journal of the proceedings to the council; Keep all papers and correspondence of the same; Certify all official acts of the same; Perform other duties as the Council or Chairperson may from time to time assign him or her; (e) Head the Secretariat Committee. SEC. 4 The Treasurer shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) Act as a Custodian of the deposits in the bank of the funds of the Council; Keep a record of the funds of the Council; Disburse the same in accordance with an appropriation of the Council; Submit a financial report at the end of each semester to the Council, which shall be published in the Philippine Collegian; (e) Head the Finance Committee. SEC. 5 The Business Manager shall: (a) Keep an inventory and take charge of all Council properties; (b) Supervise all business and fund-raising activities of the Council; (c) Head the Ways and Means Committee.

SEC. 6 The Public Information Officer shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) Release news items regarding Council activities to all media Promote good relations with the press and public; Answer inquiries about the Council; Head the Mass Media Committee. ARTICLE IX COMMITTEES SEC. 1 (a) The implementation of all laws, policies, rules and regulations of the Council is hereby vested in an Executive Chamber, which shall be constituted by the duly elected officers of the Council and the chairmen of the different committees. The Executive Chamber shall likewise act as an advisory body to the Council and shall make recommendations on any action, policy or project it may deem appropriate. A majority of those present at the meeting at which there is such a quorum shall be valid as an act of the Chamber. (b)They shall serve for one academic year and until their successors have been duly appointed, except in the acse of the chairpersons of ad hoc committees whose membership shall e coterminous with their term as chairpersons. SEC.2 As a general rule, only University Councilors shall head the committees of the Council. Should this not be practicable, College Representative may be appointed as committee heads. SEC 3. Standing Committees other than those specified in this Consitution may be created from time to time by the Council. Ad Hoc committees may be created by the Council Chairperson. SEC 4. The chairpersons of committees shall have the power to choose their respective committee members. ARTICLE X EXPULSION AND DISCIPLINE OF COUNCIL MEMBERS SEC. 1 (a) If a council member fails to attend four consecutive regular council sessions without informing the body of his or her status or the reasons why he or she has not been attending or working, he or she shall automatically be dropped from the roll. He or she shall henceforth cease to be a member of the Council. (b) If the dropped Council member wishes to return, he or she should explain and justify his or her side. With the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the Council members, he or she can be reinstated into the Council. SEC. 2 Any member of the Council may be expelled or suspended, as may be determined by the Council, for any of the following causes:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Any willful violation of this Constitution; Gross neglect of dute; Any disorderly behavior during any council sessions; Any other form of misconduct which undermines the integrity of the Council

SEC. 3 For purposes of expulsion, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the Council members shall be required. SEC. 4 For purposes of suspension, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of those present, there being a quorum, at the disciplinary proceedings at which the penalty is being determined, shall be required; provided that: (a) the members in attendance shall constitute a quorum, and (b) the period of suspension shall not exceed 60 days. SEC. 5 The respondent(s) shall have no right to vote in any of the disciplinary proceedings. ARTICLE XI FUNDS OF THE COUNCIL SEC. 1 (a) The general funds of the Council shall consist of student fees collected by the administration during every regular registration period and shall be deposited in a special fund in accordance with the university guidelines on budget and auditing rules and procedures. (c) All money collected by authority of the University Student Council for a special purpose shall be treated as a special fund and shall be paid out for such purposes only. If the purpose of the special fund created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds of the Council. SEC. 2 (a) The Council shall formulate and adopt a budget, which shall embody a work plan of programs and projects together with estimated expenditures for the incoming year. (b) A copy of the budget shall be sent to the Office of the President of the university for his or her review and approval through the Dean of Student Affairs who shall endorse the same with respect to the legality of projects and the sufficiency of funds from student council fees. (c) No money shall be paid out of the funds of the Council except in pursuance of an appropriation authorized by the same. (d) All expenditures of the Council shall be audited by the Office of the University Auditor, which shall be the ex-officio auditor of the Council. SEC. 3 The balance of the Student Council for a specific term shall be returned as the funds for the net or succeeding term. ARTICLE XII COLLEGE STUDENT COUNCILS

SEC. 1 The College Student Councils, or student body organizations (in colleges or units where no College Student Councils have been organized or are existing) shall coordinate with the University Student Council, provided that they shall be autonomous in the management of their own internal affairs and in the implementation of their respective programs and activities. SEC. 2 Policies, rules, procedures and programs/ projects adopted/ approved by the College Student Councils (or student body organizations) shall uphold pertinent/ applicable policies, rules, and etc. adopted/ approved by the University Student Council provided that where inconsistencies exist those adopted/ approved be the University Student Council shall prevail. SEC. 3 Unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution of the College Student Council concerned or except when the College Representative is a voting member of the College Student Council, the College Representative shall at all times, be free from the control of the College Student Council with regard to/ in the performances of his duties, functions and activities as a member of the University Student Council. ARTICLE XIII FACULTY ADVISER SEC. 1 The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs shall be the ex-officio adviser of the Council. ARTICLE XIV AMENDMENTS SEC. 1 (a) The Constitution of University Student Council may be amended only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Council members, provided that the proposed amendment must be presented in writing at previous meeting of the Council and copies thereof, be sent to all Council members at least ten days prior to its consideration. (b) Any amendment to, or revision of this Constitution shall be valid when approved by the University President and ratified in the same manner as the adoption of the Constitution provided in the next succeeding section. ARTICLE XV EFECTIVITY SEC. 1 This Constitution shall take effect upon the approval of the University President and its ratification in an university-wide plebiscite called for this purpose, by a majority vote of all the votes cast by students qualified to vote under the University Election Code. It shall take precedence over all college council constitution in the University. end

RATIFIED: SY 1980-81 AMENDED: not yet

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