(Feb 2022) Dr. Fareed Dar
(Feb 2022) Dr. Fareed Dar
(Feb 2022) Dr. Fareed Dar
Muhammad Fareed
Associate Professor (English)
Department of Humanities
Director CMPP (AC) NED Academy darfarid@neduet.edu.pk
NED University of Engineering and Technology mfareeddar@yahoo.com
Well-rounded personality with demonstrated abilities to teach, conduct research, supervise
research, communicate & negotiate effectively, lead and manage teams, and initiate, revive &
organise programs for a diverse audience.
PhD, Edu. (English Language Teaching), Thesis Title “English Language Writing Anxiety
among Selected Public and Private Undergraduate University Students in Pakistan: A
Multiple Case Study” 2014.
M. Phil, Edu. (English Language Teaching), Thesis Title “Teaching Essay Writing at
Tertiary Level: A Comparative Study of Product and Integrated Approaches” 2008.
Research Papers
1. Khan, M.A., Fareed, M. (2021). Paper Based Test versus Computer Based Test: The
Impact on Reading Performance. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences
9(3), 100-107.
2. Fareed, M., Khan, I., Akhtar, H. (2021). Peer Feedback on Writing Skills: Perceptions of
Pakistani ESL Postgraduate Students. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences, 9(1), 21-27.
3. Fareed, M., Sultan, S.R., Shireen, K. (2021). Pakistani English Stories for Children:
Linguistic and Technical Analysis. Journal of Education. Journal of Education and
Educational Development, 8(1), 95-108.
4. Fareed, M., Jamal, U.B., Zai, R.A.Y. (2021). Peer Feedback on Writing Skills:
Perceptions of Pakistani ESL Postgraduate Students. Pakistan Journal of Educational
Research 4(1), 399-415.
5. Hussain, S. Q., Fareed, M., Akhtar, N. (2020). English language speaking anxiety in
Pakistani university students. International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation,
24(7), 10537-10551. Scopus Indexed, HEC Y.
6. Fareed, M., Ashraf, A., Mushtaque, S. (2019). Medium of Instruction in Education:
Perceptions of Teachers and Students from Pakistani School, College and University. FWU
Journal of Social Sciences, 13(3), 134-143.
7. YousfZai, R.A, Fareed, M. (2019). ESP teaching practices in Management Science at post-
graduate level in Pakistan: Perceptions of ESP teachers and students. Journal of Management
Sciences, 6(1), 1-14. doi: 10.20547/jms.2014.1906101
8. Akhtar, H., Fareed, M., Shafaqt. (2019). An Investigation into the Attitude of Urdu
Newspaper Readers towards Language Code-Mixing in Pakistani Urdu Newspapers
Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research, 8(1), 43-51.
9. Akhtar, H., Fareed, M., Siraj, S.M.S. (2018). Language-mixing and its processes in
Pakistani Urdu newspapers. Pakistan Business Review, 20(2), 318-330.
10. Fareed M., Jawed, s., Awan, S. (2018). Teaching English language at SSC level in private
non-elite schools in Pakistan: Practices and problems. Journal of Education and
Educational Development, 05(01), 80-95.
11. Fareed, Ashraf, A., M., Bilal,M. (2016). ESL learners' writing skills: problems, factors
and suggestions. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 04(02), 81-92.
12. Fareed, M., Bilal, M. Saeed, N. (2016).Impact of global variation on English language in
Pakistan: Perceptions of Pakistani English language teachers. Journal of Research in
Social Sciences, 4(2), 26-39.
13. Akhtar, H., Khan, M.A., Fareed, M. (2016). Code-mixing and code-switching in
EFL/ESL context: A sociolinguistic approach. Balochistan Journal of Linguistics, 4, 29-
14. Fareed, M., Samreen, H., Aktar, H. (2016). English Language teachers' code-switching in
class: ESL learners' perceptions. Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary
Research, 4(1).
15. Fareed, M., Khan, I. (2015). Writing anxiety among public and private sectors Pakistani
undergraduate university students. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 10, 157-172.
16. Dar, M. F., Akhtar, H., Khalid, H. (2014). Code-switching in Pakistani English language
classrooms: Perceptions of English language teachers. Journal of Social Sciences and
Interdisciplinary Research, 3(2), 107-120.
17. Dar, M. F., Zaki, S., Kazmi, H.S. (2014). Peer assessment in EAP writing: An effective
strategy for large classes. Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 50-60.
18. Dar, M. F., Khan, I. (2014). Oral communication apprehension among undergraduate
engineering students in Pakistan. Journal of Education & Social Sciences, 2(2), 144-153.
19. Zaki, S., Dar, M. F. (2012). Reflections on the local ELT context: the teaching-learning
objectives and the obstacles. English Language and Literary Forum, 14, 15-30.
20. Dar, M.F., Zaki, S., Kazmi, H.H. (2010). Students’ reactions regarding the use of process
strategy for oral presentations in ESP. English Language and Literary, 12, 2-12.
21. Fareed. M. (2009). Teaching essay content through integrated and product approaches.
NUML Research Magazine, 2, 120-134.
Conference Papers
22. Rehman, M., Fareed, M. (2021). English Language Reading Comprehension of
Pakistani HSSC/HSC Level Students: Perceptions and Performance. Asian Conference
on Business, Economics and Social Sciences. Universiti Teknologi Mara . May 24-
26, 2021.
Teaching ExperienceManagement Experience
Teaching Experience
NED University of Engineering and Technology (July 2007 to Present)
Director Center for Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes (CMPP) (AC) 2019-Present
Assistant Professor (English), (May 13, 2013, to Present)
Lecturer (English), (July 2007 to May 13, 2013)
Research Examiner
Keynote Speaker at “Scope and Application in English Language Teaching” organized by Bahria
University Karachi, April 29, 2019.
Invited Discussant at “National Symposium for Research in Education 2019” organized by Iqra University,
February 16-17, 2019.
Presented at ELT Seminar 2008 conducted by Department of Humanities NED
SPSS, MS Office, One year English Language Course from Pak American Institute (PAI)
in 1997