Chapter 08

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C++ Object Oriented Programming

• C++ Class and Objects
• Inheritance in c++
• Polymorphism in c++
• Encapsulation in c++
• Function Overloading in c++
• Exception Handling in c++
Object oriented programming
• programming paradigm that uses classes and
objects to structure code and data.
• object-oriented programming is about creating
objects that contain both data and functions.
Procedural programming vs oop
• Procedural programming and object-oriented
programming (OOP) are two different programming
• Procedural programming is a programming paradigm
that structures code around procedures, functions, or
• Procedural programming focuses on the sequence of
steps taken to solve a problem and emphasizes the
use of functions to modularize code.
• OOP is a programming paradigm that structures
code around objects and classes.
• OOP is a programming paradigm focuses on the
data and behavior of objects and emphasizes the
use of inheritance, polymorphism, and
Advantages of OOP
• Encapsulation: OOP allows you to encapsulate data
and behavior into objects, which helps to protect your
code and prevent unintended changes to the data.
• Abstraction: OOP allows you to abstract away the
implementation details of a class and focus on its
interface, which makes it easier to use and
• Inheritance: OOP allows you to create new classes
that inherit properties and methods from existing
classes, which can save time and reduce code
• Polymorphism: OOP allows you to write code that
can work with objects of different types, which
makes your code more flexible and reusable.
• Modularity: OOP allows you to modularize your code
into smaller, more manageable pieces, which makes
it easier to maintain and update.
Class and object
• a class is a blueprint or template for creating objects.
• It defines the properties and methods that an object
will have.
• class is a user-defined data type that encapsulates data
and functions that operate on that data.
• A class definition typically includes member variables,
which are the data components of the class, and
member functions, which are the functions that
operate on that data.
• The member variables and functions are encapsulated
within the class,
• object is an instance of a class.
• It is created from the blueprint or template
defined by the class.
• it has its own set of values for the member
variables defined in the class.
Class Apple
Fruit Banana
Create a class
Step 1: Define the class: Use the "class" keyword followed by
the name of the class to define the class.
class className {
Access modifiers: // member variables and functions go here };
class people{
// member variables and functions go here
Step 2: Define member variables: Inside the class
definition, define any member variables that the class will
• Member variables are the data components of the
class and are accessed using the dot notation. For
class people {
string name;
int age;
Step 3: Define member functions: Inside the class definition, define any
member functions that the class will have.
• Member functions are the functions that operate on the member
variables of the class and are accessed using the dot notation.
For example:
class people {
string name;
int age;
void printInfo() {
cout << "My name is" << name << " and age is" << age << endl;
Step 5: Create objects: Once you have defined a
class, you can create objects of that class using
the following syntax:
className objectName;
people person1;
This creates an object called “person1" of the
“people" class.
Access member variables and functions

Step 5: Access member variables and functions:

• Once you have created an object, you can access its
member variables and functions using the dot notation.
• For example: = “Tola Gamada";
person1.age = 23;
• This sets the values of the “name" and “age" member
variables of "myObject" and then calls its "printInfo"
member function.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person {
string name;
int age;
void printInfo() {
cout << "My name is " << name << " and I am " << age << " years old." << endl;
int main() {
Person myPerson; = "Chaltu";
myPerson.age = 30;
return 0;
Description of example

• In the above example, we define a class called "Person"

that has two member variables, "name" and "age," and
one member function, "printInfo."
• We then create an object called "myPerson" of the
"Person" class, set its "name" and "age" member
variables to "Chaltu" and 30, respectively, and call its
"printInfo" member function to print out its name and
When you run this program, it will output the following:
My name is Chaltu and I am 30 years old.
Example 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rectangle {
double width;
double height;
void setDimensions(double w, double h) {
width = w;
height = h;
double getArea() {
return width * height;
double getPerimeter() {
return 2 * (width + height);
int main() {
Rectangle myRect;
myRect.setDimensions(5.0, 10.0);
cout << "Area: " << myRect.getArea() << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << myRect.getPerimeter() << endl;
return 0;
Description of example 2
• In this example, we define a class called "Rectangle" that has two
member variables, "width" and "height," and three member
functions, "setDimensions," "getArea," and "getPerimeter."
• We then create an object called "myRect" of the "Rectangle" class,
set its dimensions to 5.0 and 10.0 using the "setDimensions"
member function, and call its "getArea" and "getPerimeter"
member functions to calculate its area and perimeter.
• When you run this program, it will output the following:
Area: 50
Perimeter: 30
Access specifier
• Access specifiers in C++ are keywords used to specify the access
rules for the members of a class.
• The three access specifiers :
• Public: Members declared as public are accessible from
anywhere in the program.
• Private: Members declared as private are only accessible within
the class in which they are declared.
• Protected: Members declared as protected are accessible
within the class in which they are declared and also in the
derived classes.
class Example {
int publicVar; // Public member variable
void publicFunc() { // Public member function
// Function code goes here
int privateVar; // Private member variable
void privateFunc() { // Private member function
// Function code goes here
int protectedVar; // Protected member variable
void protectedFunc() { // Protected member function
// Function code goes here
• In this example, publicVar and publicFunc()
are declared as public.
• privateVar and privateFunc() are declared as
private, and
• protectedVar and protectedFunc() are
declared as protected.
• In C++, a constructor is a special member function that is called
when an object of a class is created.
• The constructor is used to initialize the object's properties and
perform any other necessary setup.
• The constructor should have the same name as the class and no
return type.
• It can take zero or more parameters, which are used to initialize the
member variables.
• Syntax:
Classname(list of parameters){
Steps to have constructor
1. Define a constructor for the class. The constructor should
have the same name as the class and no return type.
class Person {
string name;
int age;
Person(string n, int a) {
name = n;
age = a;
2. Use the constructor to create objects of the class. When you
create an object, the constructor will be called automatically to
initialize its member variables.
int main() {
Person p(“Tola", 25);
return 0;
Types constructor:
1. Default constructor: A default constructor is a constructor
that takes no arguments.
 If you don't define a constructor for your class, the
compiler will provide a default constructor that does
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
// default constructor
2. Parameterized constructor: A parameterized constructor is a
constructor that takes one or more arguments.
 It is used to initialize the object's properties with specific
class Person {
string name;
int age;
Person(string n, int a) {
name = n;
age = a;
• Inheritance refers to the ability of a class to inherit properties
and behavior from another class.
• The class that is being inherited from is called the base class or
parent class, while the class that is inheriting is called the
derived class or child class.
• Inheritance allows for code reuse and can simplify code by
allowing common functionality to be defined in a base class and
then inherited by multiple derived classes.
• In C++, inheritance is implemented using the keyword "class"
followed by a colon and the name of the base class.
• derived class (child) - the class that inherits from another class
• base class (parent) - the class being inherited from
Advantage of inheritance
• Code reusability:- Inheritance automates the process of
reusing the code of the super classes in the subclasses.
– With inheritance, an object can inherit its more general
properties from its parent object, and that saves the redundancy
in programming.
• Code maintenance:- Organizing code into hierarchical
classes makes its maintenance and management easier.
• Implementing OOP:- Inheritance helps to implement the
basic OOP philosophy to adapt computing to the problem
and not the other way around, because entities (objects) in
the real world are often organized into a hierarchy.
Types of inheritance
• C++ supports five types of inheritance:

1. Single inheritance: A derived class inherits from a single base

class. This is the most common type of inheritance.
2. Multiple inheritance: A derived class inherits from multiple base
classes. This allows the derived class to combine the features of
multiple classes.
3. Multilevel inheritance: A derived class inherits from a base class,
which itself inherits from another base class.
4. Hierarchical inheritance: Multiple derived classes inherit from a
single base class.
5. Hybrid inheritance: This is a combination of multiple and
multilevel inheritance. It allows a class to inherit from multiple
classes using both direct and indirect inheritance.
#include <iostream> Single inheritance
Using namespace std;
class Animal {
void eat() {
cout << "The animal is eating." << endl; • In this example, we create an
} instance of the Dog class called
void sleep() {
cout << "The animal is sleeping." << endl;
} • We then call the eat(), sleep(), and
}; bark() functions on myDog.
class Dog : public Animal { • Since the Dog class inherits from
public: the Animal class, it has access to
void bark() { the eat() and sleep() functions, and
cout << "The dog is barking." << endl; it also has its own unique function
} called bark().
int main() {
Dog myDog;;
Hierarchical inheritance
#include <iostream> class Lion : public Animal {
Using namespace std; public:
class Animal { void roar() {
public: cout << "The lion is roaring." << endl;
void eat() { }
cout << "The animal is eating." << endl; };
} int main() {
void sleep() { Dog myDog;
cout << "The animal is sleeping." << endl; Cat myCat;
} Lion myLion;
class Dog : public Animal { myDog.sleep();
public: myDog.bark();
void bark() {;
cout << "The dog is barking." << endl; myCat.sleep();
} myCat.purr();
class Cat : public Animal { myLion.sleep();
public: myLion.roar();
void purr() { return 0;
cout << "The cat is purring." << endl; }
Hybrid inheritance
#include <iostream> void layEggs() {
Using namespace std; cout << "The bird is laying eggs." << endl;
class Animal { }
public: };
void eat() { class Platypus : public Mammal, public Bird {
cout << "The animal is eating." << endl; public:
} void swim() {
void sleep() { cout << "The platypus is swimming." << endl;
cout << "The animal is sleeping." << endl; }
} };
}; int main() {
class Mammal : public Animal { Platypus myPlatypus;
void giveBirth() { myPlatypus.sleep();
cout << "The mammal is giving birth." << endl; myPlatypus.giveBirth();
} myPlatypus.layEggs();
}; myPlatypus.swim();
class Bird : public Animal { }
Multiple inheritance
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Mammal {
Mammal() {
cout << "Mammals can give direct birth." << endl;
class WingedAnimal {
WingedAnimal() {
cout << "Winged animal can flap." << endl;
class Bat : public Mammal, public WingedAnimal {};
int main() {
Bat b1;
return 0;
Multilevel inheritance
#include <iostream> void bark() {
using namespace std; cout << "Dog is barking." <<
class Animal { endl;
public: }
void eat() { };
cout << "Animal is eating." << int main() {
endl; Dog myDog;
}; // inherited from
}; Animal
class Mammal : public Animal { myDog.giveBirth(); // inherited
public: from Mammal
void giveBirth() { myDog.bark(); // defined in Dog
cout << "Mammal is giving return 0;
birth." << endl; }
class Dog : public Mammal {
• Polymorphism is an important concept of object-oriented
• It simply means more than one form.
• That is, the same entity (function or operator) behaves
differently in different scenarios.
• Polymorphism refers to the ability of a single function or
operator to behave differently in different situations.
types of polymorphism
• Compile-time polymorphism (also known as static
polymorphism) - This is achieved using function overloading
and templates.
• Run-time polymorphism (also known as dynamic
polymorphism) - This is achieved using virtual functions and
Compile-time polymorphism
• Function overloading allows multiple functions with the same
name to be defined in a single scope, as long as their
parameter lists are different.
• The appropriate function to call is determined by the compiler
based on the number and types of arguments passed to the
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; • In this example, the Calculator class overloads the
class Calculator { add() function with two different versions that take
integer and double parameters respectively.
• The appropriate version of the function is called
int add(int a, int b) {
based on the types of arguments passed to it.
return a + b;
double add(double a, double b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
Calculator calc;
int a = 5, b = 10;
double c = 3.14, d = 2.71;
cout << "int sum: " << calc.add(a, b) << endl; // calls add(int, int)
cout << "double sum: " << calc.add(c, d) << endl; // calls add(double, double)
return 0;
Run-time polymorphism
• n C++ inheritance, we can have the same function in the base
class as well as its derived classes.
• When we call the function using an object of the derived
class, the function of the derived class is executed instead of
the one in the base class.
• So, different functions are executed depending on the object
calling the function.
• This is known as function overriding in C++.
// Base class cout << "The dog says: bow wow \n";
class Animal { }
public: };
void animalSound() {
cout << "The animal makes a sound \n"; int main() {
} Animal myAnimal;
}; Pig myPig;
Dog myDog;
// Derived class
class Pig : public Animal { myAnimal.animalSound();
public: myPig.animalSound();
void animalSound() { myDog.animalSound();
cout << "The pig says: wee wee \n"; return 0;
} }
// Derived class
class Dog : public Animal {
void animalSound() {
• It is a mechanism that allows the implementation details of a class
to be hidden from the outside world, while exposing a public
interface that can be used to interact with the class.
• Public members can be accessed from anywhere, including outside
the class. They define the public interface of the class.
• Private members are only accessible from within the class. They
define the implementation details of the class and are hidden from
the outside world.
• Protected members are similar to private members, but can be
accessed by derived classes.
Encapsulation provides several benefits, including:
– Improved code organization and maintainability
– Reduced coupling between different parts of the
– Increased security and data integrity
– Easier debugging and error handling
class BankAccount {
int accountNumber;
double balance;
void deposit(double amount) {
balance += amount;
void withdraw(double amount) {
if (balance >= amount) {
balance -= amount;
} else {
cout << "Insufficient funds" << endl;
double getBalance() {
return balance;
• In this example, the BankAccount class has two private data
members (accountNumber and balance) and three public member
functions (deposit(), withdraw(), and getBalance()).
• The private data members are not accessible from outside the class,
so they are encapsulated.
• The public member functions provide a public interface for
interacting with the BankAccount class.
• The deposit() and withdraw() functions modify the balance data
member, while the getBalance() function returns the current
• By encapsulating the implementation details of the BankAccount
class, we can ensure that the data is only modified in a controlled
way, which helps to prevent bugs and improve code reliability.

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