World 05 00032 v2
World 05 00032 v2
World 05 00032 v2
1 Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University Ibn Tofail, B.P. 133, Kenitra 14000, Morocco; (A.B.); (S.B.); (Z.H.); (A.L.); (C.B.); (F.-Z.Y.); (Y.A.)
2 International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-Bari), Via Ceglie 9,
70010 Bari, Italy
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Nowadays, food systems are undergoing major transformations to achieve the 2030 Sustain-
able Development Goals (SDGs). However, there are a lack of comprehensive reviews on this topic in
developing countries. This work highlights food systems’ transition towards sustainability, focusing
on Morocco. It was carried out through searching, selecting, evaluating, and synthesizing existing
relevant scholarly and gray literature. In Morocco, a meaningful transition towards sustainability is
being guided and carried out on several levels, despite numerous challenges, e.g., inability to cope
with the detrimental effects of climate change and escalating water scarcity constitute fundamental
problems. However, there are conflicting views on the outcomes of food system transformation. Some
studies showed that Morocco has increased its agri-food export and reduced poverty to less than 5%
of the population over the past decade; the proportion of wasted and malnourished children has
declined from 25 to 15% and 4 to 3%, respectively, and the 2023 Global Hunger Index (GHI) showed
a score of 9.0. Other studies showed that North Africa has entered a food security crisis; specifically,
food inflation has reached unprecedented levels in Morocco. This paper provides valuable insights
Citation: Benayad, A.; Bikri, S.;
Hindi, Z.; Lafram, A.; Belfakira, C.;
for policymakers and planners to design evidence-based policies and strategies to boost sustainable
Yassif, F.-Z.; El Bilali, H.; Aboussaleh, development in Morocco.
Y. Transition toward Sustainability in
the Moroccan Food System: Drivers, Keywords: food system; transformation; sustainable development goals; food security; sustainability;
Outcomes, and Challenges. World Morocco
2024, 5, 627–644.
and the planet, today and tomorrow, especially with the ever-increasing global population
expected to reach 10 billion people in 30 years [4].
The urgency to transform our food systems is now irrefutable [5]. It is time to create
sustainable and resilient food systems. This intervention has the potential not only to
alleviate starvation but also facilitate significant advancements towards all seventeen
SDGs [6]. Specifically, SDG 2, which aims to eradicate famine, enhance nutrition, attain
food security, and advance sustainable agriculture, is interconnected with the other SDGs.
The 169 targets have been formulated to serve as a road map to attain a more sustainable
and favorable future for all nations [7], developed and developing ones alike.
There is a growing interest in evaluating the current food systems’ sustainability
worldwide. Going forward, many food systems are already undergoing major transforma-
tions aiming for sustainability. However, there is a lack of scientific literature reviews on
this topic in developing countries such as Morocco. Indeed, a search carried out on the
Web of Science—using the following query: “food system” AND Morocco AND (transition
or transformation) and (sustainability or sustainable)—returned only one document, namely
El Ghmari et al. [8]. This shows the marginality of the topic in scholarly literature and,
consequently, the impossibility of carrying out a systematic review. For that, this paper com-
bines scholarly literature, retrieved from different sources, and grey literature (e.g., reports,
policy documents). It aims to compile—in one review paper—basic information about
food system transformation towards sustainability in the world, focusing on Morocco;
it addresses the key drivers, interventions and achievements, challenges, opportunities,
and outcomes.
aspects. The food environment encompasses the presence and accessibility of food, its
cost-effectiveness, as well as its safety, quality, and comfort. Additionally, advertising
also plays a role in shaping the food environment [13,14,16]. The attributes of the food
environment impact individuals’ dietary choices by shaping their access to food [11].
Personal determinants such as financial status, cognitive processes, ambitions, and
life circumstances influence an individual’s food selection and consumption. Income can
determine affordable dietary options, while environmental consciousness and nutritional
status can influence purchasing habits. Work or domestic environments also impact the time
available for food preparation. The way individuals engage with their food environment
ultimately determines their food choices and consumption [11].
Consumer behaviors consist of individuals’ selections of food items, as well as their
practices regarding food preparation, storage, consumption, and domestic food sharing.
Additionally, individual and environmental factors impact consumer behavior. A substan-
tial amount of rigorous research has been conducted on consumer behavior; however, there
is a lack of internationally and nationally accepted key indicators of consumer behavior [11].
A sustainable food system ensures that the environmental and socioeconomic foun-
dations for providing and preserving of nutritional resilience, food security, and nutrition
for forthcoming generations while ensuring that all individuals have access to nutrition
and food security [12]. In order to be economically viable, provide equitable and balanced
societal benefits (social sustainability), and maintain a positive or neutral environmental
footprint (environmental sustainability), sustainable food systems must yield favorable
outcomes across the three dimensions of sustainability [12].
A holistic approach is taken to the development of a sustainable agricultural system.
Concurrently generating beneficial advantages in the socioeconomic and environmental
spheres is essential for sustainable food system development. When every action conducted
by a participant in the food system or a supplier of assistance is financially or economically
feasible, the food system is deemed sustainable from an economic standpoint. Benefits
to laborers, taxes to governments, profits for businesses, and an enhanced food supply
for consumers are all categories of constituents for whom the activities ought to generate
economic added value. When added economic value is distributed equitably, considering
vulnerable groups classified by gender, age, race, and other factors, a food system is deemed
sustainable on the social dimension [12].
Anthropogenic endeavors within the food system ought to enhance sociocultural
outcomes such as health, nutrition, labor conditions, and animal welfare. By ensuring that
food system activities do not have adverse effects on the natural environment, including
carbon and water emissions, food loss, pollution, animal and plant health, and biodiversity,
environmental sustainability is achieved [12].
3.1. Drivers
Drivers are considered to be factors that strongly influence the evolution of future
scenarios. They include climate change, globalization, income growth and socio-economic
development, urbanization, population growth, policies, and socio-cultural traditions.
Ongoing economic recovery and increasing incomes, rapid urbanization, consistent popula-
tion growth, intensifying globalization, and digitalization are the primary forces propelling
food system transformation in Africa [19].
In recent times, food systems have been significantly impacted by a range of transfor-
mative developments. These include economic and social transformations (such as the rise
of middle-income earners in developing nations, swift demographic expansion, and urban
World 2024, 5 630
3.2. Outcomes
Dietary patterns are health and nutritionally significant and are impacted by each
component of the food system. A nutritious diet begins early in life and consists of
a variety of foods, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This includes
carbohydrate staples, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and animal products (e.g., dairy
and meat). With a healthful diet, energy expenditure and intake are in balance, and
sodium, fat, added sugar, highly processed foods, and sugar-sweetened beverages are
restricted [33]. People continue to lack sufficient calories and a diversity of nutritious,
nutrient-dense foods on a global scale. This dearth of access results in micronutrient
deficiencies and malnutrition. The availability and accessibility of nutrient-dense foods,
including fruits, vegetables, and seafood, have been enhanced by rising incomes. However,
rising incomes and globalization have also contributed to an increase in the consumption
of harmful foods [13,34], including highly processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages.
In addition, consumers, policymakers, and researchers are placing a greater emphasis on
the environmental sustainability of nutrition [35]. Diets and food systems have a substantial
impact on greenhouse gas emissions and the utilization and depletion of water and land
resources [11].
World 2024, 5 632
For proper nutrition and health, healthy diets are essential. Worldwide, inadequate
dietary habits constitute a significant hazard of death [36]. Poor nutrition, which is linked
to impaired cognitive development and increased vulnerability to infections, is a signif-
icant contributor to disease and a primary risk factor. Micronutrient deficiencies can be
induced by diets deficient in vital nutrients. In addition to noncommunicable diseases like
cardiovascular disease and diabetes, diets that surpass the recommended energy intake,
especially those comprised of unhealthful dietary patterns, may contribute to weight gain
and obesity. A significantly elevated mortality risk is associated with diets that are rich in
sodium and deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, whole cereals, seeds, fruits, and vegetables [36].
Additionally, the health of consumers and food system employees is impacted by pesticide
use, food safety, and antimicrobial resistance [12].
Global and local environments are impacted by food systems. Worldwide food pro-
duction contributes to approximately 19% to 29% of total greenhouse gas emissions, which
exacerbates climate change [17]. Environmental impacts are distinct for various food pro-
duction methods. Particularly detrimental to the environment is the production of ruminant
flesh and dairy products, which is contingent upon the production method employed in
various contexts. Large quantities of water and land may be required for production, which
may also generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions. More pesticides and fertilizers
are required for intensive agriculture. In addition, monoculture and the production of
commercial crops can contribute to the loss of biodiversity. This can degrade the soil and
reduce the resilience of the agricultural system to drought and other extreme weather
events [14,37].
The agricultural system is one of the most significant employment sectors on a global
scale. The agricultural sector serves as the primary economic driver for low-income and
middle-income nations. Problem modifications and alterations in food systems can exert
substantial economic influence on retailers, consumers, and producers [14]. Increases
in imported food products, for instance, could result in decreased production of local
staples and increased competition among smallholder farmers. However, assistance to
export-oriented sectors could potentially result in a surge in cash crop generation among
domestic producers. Additionally, trade can spur increased investment in the technology
and agricultural industries, thus creating new jobs [23,24].
Food systems are vital to the well-being of a community; they contribute to the
assurance that every member is in the best possible health. Food systems can contribute
to this objective by ensuring that every member of society has an equal opportunity to
consume a nutritious diet. They can also ensure that employees of the food system are
employed in safe, well-paid environments. Equitable food systems contribute to the
advancement of animal rights, labor rights, gender equality, and societal health [14,38].
Advancements in food systems have generated numerous favorable outcomes, pre-
dominantly in developing nations. The development of food industries has resulted in the
expansion of off-farm employment opportunities and a broader selection of foods beyond
regional staples, thereby catering to consumers’ inclinations regarding flavor, appearance,
and excellence. Nevertheless, the swift structural changes that have ensued as a result have
given rise to mounting and substantial obstacles, which may have far-reaching implications
for the condition of nutrition and food security. The issues at hand encompass a variety
of concerns. These include the widespread availability and consumption of food items
that are highly processed, high in calories, and lack nutritional value; the restricted market
access for small-scale producers and agricultural enterprises; the significant quantities of
food wastage; the increase in food safety incidents, and animal and human health issues;
and the intensified energy consumption and environmental consequences that arise from
the industrialization and growth of food supply chains [39].
World 2024, 5 633
• Founded in 2009, the National Office of Food Safety (Office National de Sécurité
Sanitaire des produits Alimentaires, ONSSA) monitors and protects the animal and
plant heritage of the country at the national level and the borders. The office ensures
food safety from primary products to the final consumer, including fish products
and animal feed. It provides registration and inspection of agricultural inputs and
registration of veterinary drugs. ONSSA applies phytosanitary and veterinary policies,
laws and measures and provides risk assessment [43].
The financing and functioning of Morocco’s food systems are ensured by many insti-
• Founded in 1986, the Agricultural Development Fund (Fonds de Développement
Agricole, FDA) endeavors to stimulate privately funded investment in agriculture. To
achieve this, it offers targeted motivators, including financial support, that encourage
the adoption of irrigation and enhance the yield of vegetables and fruits. Additionally,
it develops downstream activities and improves breeding practices to bolster the
performance of the cattle sector [44]. Thus, the FDA functions as an instrument for
executing governmental policies in the agricultural industry and as a mechanism to
stimulate ventures [45]. In the year 2019, the budgeted encouragement totaled MAD
8.6 billion, and farmers owning less than 10 ha accounted for 58% of the recipients.
FDA expenditures increased to MAD 9.7 billion within 2020 and are anticipated to
surpass MAD 10 billion in 2021 [46].
• Founded in 1949, the Credit Guarantee Corporation (Caisse Centrale de Garantie,
CCG) of Morocco is considered a state instrument. It contributes to boost private
initiatives by encouraging the creation, development, and modernization of companies.
Additionally, the CCG supports social development through guaranteeing loans for
housing [47].
• Founded in 2010, Tamwil El Fellah (TEF) was originally established as the Banque de
Développement Agricole (BDA), which was formerly known as the Credit Agricole
Group of Morocco (Groupe Credit Agricole du Maroc, GCAM). Small producers are
eligible for collateral-free financial services through a partnership between the GCAM
and the Moroccan government. About 25% of the farmer’s income, was established
as the loan limit. Inputs and working capital may account for no more than 20%
of the total, while other investments may account for no more than 80%. TEF, on
the other hand, offers a partial guarantee program under which the government
insures 60% of the risk. To accommodate the lengthier and more seasonal nature
of agricultural finance, adjustments have been made to the loan term. GCAM has
expanded its client base and improved risk management by prolonging the periods
in which loans are deemed pre-doubtful, doubtful, and compromised [48]. TEF also
promotes productivity and enhances low-risk investments, such as in mechanization
and irrigation, through facilitating credit for these investments. The financial services
are complemented by technical assistance [49]. By 2015, the operations of TEF had
reached break-even point. By 2016, more than 67,000 smallholders had benefited from
loans, and the loan repayment rate at the end of the term was 98%. About 70% of the
loans had been granted to finance investments in dairy production, irrigation, agricul-
tural equipment, and tree planting [50]. Particularly popular reasons for borrowing
included the conversion of crops towards higher value-added production like olives,
almonds and figs, diversification towards off-farm and processing activities, and in-
tensification. Interestingly, as of October 2015, more than 1800 irrigation projects using
solar water pumping systems have also been funded. The model was so successful
that it has also been extended to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) [48].
• Founded in 1963, the Mutual Moroccan Agricultural Insurance Company (Mutuelle
Agricole Marocaine d’Assurances, MAMDA) is a significant agricultural insurance
company in Morocco. MAMDA and the Moroccan government have formed a public–
private partnership to manage Morocco’s agricultural insurance program, which
covers a wide range of climatic and agricultural risks. MAMDA offers multi-risk
World 2024, 5 635
climate insurance coverage for large crops in three agricultural zones and 10 regions
of Morocco, with five levels of insured capital, and also manages, on behalf of the
State, a multi-risk guarantee fund for fruit trees. For the first insurance product, a
range of insurance amounts and subsidies are offered for the 15 possible zone/level
combinations. Eligibility for payment of claims is officially declared when the yield of
insured crops falls below 60% of the average yield of the previous 10 years in a rural
municipality. Designing and operating this insurance system is very complex. Only
17% of farmers are insured in Morocco (with the reduction in cereal areas in recent
years, this rate has increased to 40%). Insurance mainly covers large farms: while 40%
of large farms (>50 ha) are insured, this is the case for only 24% of medium farms
(10 to 50 ha) and less than 3% of small farms (<10 ha) [51].
• By leveraging educational and training institutions, a network of 52 institutions has
been created in Morocco with 24 different curricula across the country to improve
the uptake and efficiency of agribusiness. Furthermore, eight secondary schools
prepare young people to obtain a baccalaureate degree in agricultural sciences in
addition to 30 middle schools in rural areas dedicated to training young people
in agricultural technology. All agricultural vocational training institutions provide
vocational training to improve employment opportunities for rural youth who are
not in school, but have basic literacy skills. Every year, 10,000 young people receive
retraining in 20 professions [33].
Many institutions work for employment and skills development in the agrifood sector:
• Founded in 2000, the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills
(Agence Nationale de Promotion de l’Emploi et des Compétences, ANAPEC) facilitates
access to job opportunities by matching individual skills with labor market require-
ments. The agency provides intensive training programs to enhance job seekers’ skills,
making them more prepared for the requirements of modern jobs. ANAPEC pro-
vides career counseling to help individuals identify the best career paths and develop
their professional plans. Many testimonials from individuals who have benefited
from the agency’s services show important changes in their career paths, highlight-
ing the agency’s effective role in improving individuals’ lives and providing real job
opportunities [52].
• Founded in 1999, the Social Development Agency (Agence de Développement Social,
ADS) was set up as a public agency with legal status and financial autonomy, and
with a mandate to initiate and support programs aimed at sustainably improving
the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations, including smallholders. It
finances income-generating activities and employment opportunities, such as food
processing and local restaurants, and provides financing that covers all stages from
production to consumption. ADS, for example, has funded the program «TATMINE»,
which promotes local production chains for small farmers, including women [53].
to the extent that all vegetables, livestock, and milk are produced domestically, in
addition to approximately 70% of the local cereal market. Agricultural value was
added, and agricultural exports increased twofold between 2007 and 2018. The PMV
facilitated the creation of over 250,000 agricultural sector jobs. The implementation
of interventions, including agricultural insurance, irrigation, and water management,
benefited over 2.7 million individuals. Each USD 1 of publicly funded incentives
generated USD 2.3 of private investment [56].
• The Green Generation Strategy (GG), which is aligned with the 2030 Agenda, spans
the years 2020 to 2030. Building upon the achievements of the PMV, the GG provides
a contemporary instrument for agricultural development, a fresh perspective on the
sector, and a framework for recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and bolstering
the resilience of rural regions. Human capital development and sustainable agricul-
tural development comprise its two pillars, respectively [57]. Pillar I promotes the
formation of a new generation of youthful entrepreneurs and an agricultural middle
class comprised of 10,000 families. By bolstering the performance of the agricultural
value chain, doubling agricultural exports and gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030,
and modernizing wholesale markets to ensure more efficient merchandise dispersal,
the second Pillar will guarantee the long-term viability of agricultural progress and
seeks to stimulate the annual revenue of production chains and ecotourism, replant
13,000 ha of forest, and generate an additional 2750 direct employment jobs. A mul-
titude of facets of food security are influenced by the two pillars when joined. By
establishing forest nurseries, an educational and research institution, a water and
forest agency, and a nature conservation agency, the GG intends to inspire and engage
local communities in forest management activities. Profiting from the comparative
advantages of each region, it is implemented using a regional strategy [58].
• Halieutis Plan (Plan Halieutis), which was introduced in 2009 as a supplement to the
PMV’s emphasis on agricultural and cattle farming, seeks to improve the sector’s
competitiveness in the global economy, preserve of marine biomes and the fishing
sector, as well as increase quality and productivity. It aimed to increase the sector’s con-
tribution to gross domestic product and exports, as well as enhance food and nutrition
security, all while ensuring the water resources’ long-term viability. Three processing
zones were established in Tangier (northern Morocco), Agadir (central Morocco), and
Laayoune-Dakhla (southern Morocco) to increase annual domestic fish consumption
from 11 kg to 16 kg per capita. The productivity of marine fisheries increased by 7.2%
in value by 2017, a 2.3% annual average increase. Presently, 108,000 positions are
aboard vessels and 97,000 are on shore in the marine fisheries industry. By elevating
fish consumption per capita in Morocco from 11 kg in 2009 to 14 kg in 2017, the
associated increased production enhanced the country’s food security and nutrition.
Additionally, private investment in the sector amounted to USD 295 million. Fish pro-
cessing industry investment peaked at 13% [59]. However, a strategy operating under
the territorialization approach has been formulated for the period of 2020–2030 [43].
• Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Humain (INDH) translates to the National
Human Development Initiative and is a territorial approach to administering agricul-
tural systems, which has been adopted by Morocco to facilitate a more inclusive politi-
cal process and bring the decision-making process closer to the populace. Initiated in
2005 by the King of Morocco to tackle the underlying factors that contribute to poverty
and socioeconomic exclusion, the INDH embodies this novel framework. The INDH
endeavors to alleviate poverty through the promotion of collective entrepreneurial
thought and networking, as well as the establishment of income-generating activities.
Under the INDH, a multi-level governance structure including a strategic committee
has been adopted. Under the INDH, agricultural and rural development are top prior-
ities [60]. From 2005 to 2014, over 80% of financed endeavors were concentrated in the
farming sector. Youth and women residing in rural regions comprised the majority of
entrepreneurial in 2005thoughtby the King and of Morocco toastackle
networking, well as the theunderlying
establishment factors that contrib-
of income-gen-
World 2024, 5, FOR PEER REVIEW 11
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World 2024, 5 ute to poverty and socioeconomic exclusion, the INDH embodies this novel frame-637
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[63]. health facilities; they should also be able to actively participate agriculture, environ-
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➢ Stage
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4.1.3. Programmatic Approaches
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Stage 2stages
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strong implementation:
impetus to the INDH insofar as the financial enve-
on rural communes and urban neighborhoods.
➢ Stage
Stage 13 (2005–2010)
lope allocated (2019–2023)
(2019–2023) to it waswas organized
solidified around
theAiming for
accomplishments four
one programs
million that focused
documented in
in3300 on combating
the rural
preceding com-
phases. poverty, urban upon
It encompassing
is founded
is founded social
upon exclusion,
four programs
programs andthat
mountainous volatility,
that prioritize
prioritize and
areas, the
the an
this intervention
phase of
provision ofof the that spans
tal services development.
and communesinand
infrastructure urban neighborhoods.
in underdeveloped regions,
regions, assistance
assistance to those
to those in precar-
in pre-
➢ iousStage
carious circumstances, enhancement of youth income and economic integration,enve-
23 (2011–2015)
circumstances, gave a
enhancement strong the impetus to
of youth the
income INDH and insofar
economic as the
in financial
integration, preceding and
lope allocated
phases. It is in
investment to
founded it was
humanupon increased.
capital four Aiming
to programs
foster human for one million
that development receivers
prioritize the provision in
for the benefit3300 rural
of fundamen- com-
of future
tal services encompassing
and 22 isolated mountainous regions,
in underdeveloped areas, this phase of
assistance to the
those initiative
in pre-
By 2014, the on rural
the INDH communes
INDHhad hadfacilitatedand
enhancement urban
facilitatedthe of neighborhoods.
theimplementation income
implementation and
of of economic
over over 7400 7400integration,
initiatives inandin
the Stage
agricultural 3 (2019–2023)
sector. in human
This This solidified
includes includes to the
3063 3063 accomplishments
human development
livestock-related documented
projects for
projects the in the
with 45,945
with 45,945 preceding
of future
300 local 300 It is product
product founded
promotion upon
promotion four programs
projects projects
with 7407 that
with prioritize
7407 the
beneficiaries, of fundamen-
288 fishery-related
fishery-related projects
By services
2014, the andINDH infrastructure
had in
facilitated underdeveloped
with 4320 beneficiaries, and over 723 small farmer-focused activities with a total oftotal
with 4320 beneficiaries, and over 723
the small regions,
implementation of assistance
over activities
7400 to those
initiatives a ininpre-
10,845carious circumstances,
beneficiariessector. [55]. enhancement of youth income
[55]. This includes 3063 livestock-related projects with 45,945 beneficiaries, and economic integration, and
300 local PMV
product wasinpromotion
executed capital
projects foster
with 7407 human development
beneficiaries, 288for
that the benefit
enabled ofprojects
the fulfillment
fishery-related future
of thegenerations
aims of the [64].
strategy. To establish the agricultural
with 4320 beneficiaries, and over 723 small farmer-focused activities with a total of 10,845 value chain, program contracts
and aggregation
By 2014,[55].
beneficiaries theinitiatives
INDH hadwere utilized
facilitated the toimplementation
implement Pillar ofI.overGovernment
7400 initiatives institutions,
in the
agricultural the Agriculture
sector. This includesand Fisheries Ministry, and projects
3063 livestock-related interprofessionalwith 45,945 establishments
300 local productwith agricultural
promotion projects supply chains with 7407 jointly affixed their
beneficiaries, 288 signatures
fishery-related to program
with 4320 The contracts delineate
beneficiaries, and over the 723obligations
small farmer-focused of each participating
activities with entityato enhance
total of 10,845the
structure, output,
beneficiaries [55]. and efficiency of a specified value chain, encompassing both agricultural
and processing activities, within a timeframe of seven to ten years. The government
incentivizes private sector investment in business through the contract program, contingent
upon the value chain and activities involved. Project aggregation revolves around the
World 2024, 5 638
deliberations, and the extension of an employment instruction and direction center network
to assist youth in their job-seeking. Youth participate in brief training programs tailored to
rural environments [72]. To increase the sustainability of the paradigm, the initiative assists
important actors engaged in national and regional employment promotion. More than
2500 young men and women aged 15 to 35 benefited from the initiative during the first
phase, which ran from 2015 to 2017. Of the supported youth, 47% obtained employment or
saw an increase in income. The secondary stage of the initiative dedicates the years 2018 to
2021 to implementing the intervention in alternative provinces to expand its reach to an
additional 3000 young individuals [73].
4.3. Opportunities
By enhancing the agri-food sector’s efficiency, inclusivity, and environmental sus-
tainability, digital technologies may provide a remedy for food system improvement in
Morocco [86]. As a result, producers, consumers, and society as a whole can experience
greater benefits [80]. Increased on-farm productivity, enhanced resource utilization ef-
ficiency, and climate resilience can be facilitated by these technologies [87]. Moreover,
they can contribute to a substantial reduction in food losses and waste, as well as notable
improvements in the core areas of manufacturing, logistics, and supply-chain management.
Particularly in the agri-food industry, COVID-19 has increased awareness of the necessity
and utility of adopting digital technologies [88]. Additionally, the opportunity to ensure
food security is presented by Morocco’s climate, biogeographical, and cultural diversity,
which results in a wide range of cultivars, animal strains, and indigenous production
knowledge. In addition, Moroccan producers have demonstrated in the past a strong
capacity to manage local agriculture both individually and collectively. Morocco possesses
substantial expertise in irrigation water management and is currently progressing towards
the adoption of localized irrigation systems. By enhancing the efficacy of irrigation systems
and the sustainability of irrigation schemes, public–private partnerships in irrigation are
an effective instrument for enhancing the performance of agricultural irrigation in terms
food security is presented by Morocco’s climate, biogeographical, and cultural diversity
which results in a wide range of cultivars, animal strains, and indigenous productio
knowledge. In addition, Moroccan producers have demonstrated in the past a strong ca
pacity to manage local agriculture both individually and collectively. Morocco possesse
substantial expertise in irrigation water management and is currently progressing to
World 2024, 5 wards the adoption of localized irrigation systems. By enhancing the efficacy640
of irrigatio
systems and the sustainability of irrigation schemes, public–private partnerships in irr
gation are an effective instrument for enhancing the performance of agricultural irrigatio
in terms of water resources development. A substantial portion of agricultural productio
of water resources development. A substantial portion of agricultural production is also
is also guided by scientific and agronomic research with a focus on sustainability [61].
guided by scientific and agronomic research with a focus on sustainability [61].
4.4. Outcomes
4.4. Outcomes
Morocco has achieved notable success in its export production growth and povert
Morocco has achieved notable success in its export production growth and poverty
reduction to below 5% of the population through its agricultural planning efforts over th
reduction to below 5% of the population through its agricultural planning efforts over the
last two decades [89], particularly the latter decade. In Morocco, the proportion of waste
last two decades [89], particularly the latter decade. In Morocco, the proportion of wasted
and malnourished children declined from 25 to 15% and from 4 to 3%, respectively, an
and malnourished children declined
the country’s from 25Index
Global Hunger to 15% anddecreased
score from 4 toby 3%, respectively,
43% between 2000 andand
the 2020 [90
country’s Global Hunger Index score decreased by 43% between 2000 and 2020 [90],
with a score of 9.0 in the 2023 GHI (Figure 1) according to recent statistics, and with a a rank o
score of 9.0 in the 2023 GHI (Figure 1) according to recent statistics, and a rank of 47th
47th out of 125 countries [91]. Morocco has demonstrated notable progress in the reduc out of
125 countries [91].
tion Morocco
of povertyhasanddemonstrated
famine [92]. Ifnotable progress
we include in thegroups
significant reduction
thatof poverty
lack access to funda
and famine [92]. mental social services and adequate shelter, however, food insecurity social
If we include significant groups that lack access to fundamental affects million
services and adequate shelter, however,
more individuals. food
It has been insecuritythat
determined affects
Africamore individuals.
has entered a food securit
It has been determined
crisis [90].that North Africa
Specifically, foodhas entered
inflation hasareached
food security crisis [90].levels
unprecedented Specifically,
in Morocco, Tun
food inflation has
sia, reached
and Algeriaunprecedented
since the Arablevels in Morocco,
Spring Tunisia,
civil unrest and ago.
a decade Algeria since the Morocc
Arab Spring civilhasunrest a decade
experienced ago. Furthermore,
a three-year average of Morocco has experienced
28% moderate-to-severe food a three-year
insecurity rate from
average of 28%2018 moderate-to-severe
to 2020. food insecurity rate from 2018 to 2020.
5. Conclusions5. Conclusions
If food systems fail, dire
If food consequences
systems are expected,
fail, dire consequences arejeopardizing humans and
expected, jeopardizing the and th
planet. Therefore,
planet. Therefore, food security and the transition to sustainable food systemsof
food security and the transition to sustainable food systems are subjects are subjec
discussion today. However, today.
of discussion to our However,
knowledge, to there is a lack ofthere
our knowledge, scientific literature
is a lack reviews
of scientific literature re
about the transformation
views about of theMorocco’s
transformationfood of systems towards
Morocco’s food sustainability.
systems towards This work
sustainability. Th
aims to compile—in one to
work aims review paper—information
compile—in about food system
one review paper—information transformation
about food system transfo
towards sustainability in the sustainability
mation towards world, focusing in theonworld,
focusing keyondrivers,
Morocco’s interventions,
key drivers, interven
challenges, opportunities,
achievements, and opportunities,
challenges, outcomes. Globally, many food
and outcomes. systems
Globally, are food sy
tems are
already undergoing already
major undergoing major
transformations aimingtransformations aiming
for sustainability. Ourfor paper
showedOur pape
that Morocco’sshowed
driversthat Morocco’s
(climate change,drivers (climate change,
globalization, incomeglobalization, income growth and socio
growth and socio-economic
economic development, urbanization, population growth,
development, urbanization, population growth, policies, and socio-cultural traditions) policies, and socio-cultural
for tra
ditions) for food system transformation are not different
food system transformation are not different from those of the world. Morocco, in turn, is from those of the world. Mo
rocco, inefforts
furnishing remarkable turn, isinfurnishing
this regard, remarkable
despite the efforts in this
existing regard, despite
challenges; the existing
the inability to cha
lenges; the inability to effectively address the detrimental
effectively address the detrimental effects of climate change and escalating water scarcity effects of climate change an
was identified as the fundamental cause of this vulnerability. Additionally, COVID-19
has added pressure on African food systems. A meaningful sustainability transition is
guided and carried out at the institutional, policy, and programmatic levels, resulting
in many achievements. However, there are conflicting views on the outcomes of food
system transformation. Some studies showed that Morocco has achieved notable successes
in increasing export production and reducing poverty to less than 5% of the population,
particularly over the past decade; the proportion of wasted and malnourished children has
declined from 25 to 15% and 4 to 3%, respectively, in this country. The 2023 GHIs showed
a score of 9.0, which suggests that Hunger is low in Morocco. Other studies showed that
North Africa has entered a food security crisis. Specifically, food inflation has reached
unprecedented levels in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria since the Arab Spring civil unrest
a decade ago. It was argued that, despite the positive results achieved by food system
developments over the last three decades, the associated rapid structural transformations
have increased challenges with potentially wide-reaching consequences regarding the
World 2024, 5 641
condition of nutrition and food security. So, it is time to redouble efforts to overcome
the challenges of developing food systems towards sustainability, both in Morocco and
globally. This paper provides precious insights, enabling policy makers and planners to
design evidence-based policies and strategies and contribute to the advancement of current
knowledge in this field, not only eliminating hunger and malnutrition, but also stimulating
sustainable development in Morocco.
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