UO2 Fuel Pellet Thermal-Structural Analyis
UO2 Fuel Pellet Thermal-Structural Analyis
UO2 Fuel Pellet Thermal-Structural Analyis
Jeffrey A. Anderson
December 7, 2018
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
Uranium dioxide is a common radio-active ceramic material used to make fuel
pellets for nuclear reactors. As with other ceramic materials, it may undergo
brittle fracture if tensile stresses exceed it’s maximum tensile strength. Figure
1 shows a typical fuel rod assembly comprised of individual rods. Each rod has
an outer cladding that is filled with uranium dioxide pellets stacked one on top
of another. The cladding is designed to help prevent the spread of radiological
contamination from the fuel pellets.
Fuel rods function by producing heat. They produce some level of radiation
as a result of the natural radioactive decay process. As more radioactive ma-
terial is brought into close proximity, neutrons from the decay reaction become
more likely to strike a nucleus and split another atom, causing a chain reaction.
Control rods made of neutron absorbing material are inserted between the fuel
rods and are drawn in and out as necessary to control the chain reaction.
The radioactive energy from this decay process in released in the form of
heat, and is treated in heat transfer as internal heat generation, q, in the heat
conduction equation. Prior to being assembled, the heat generation of a single
pellet would be much lower than after it has been put together with a large
amount of other pellets in a reactor core and the control rods partially with-
Due to this change in internal heat generation within the pellets, a thermal
gradient develops causing internal stresses to develop. If these stresses exceed
the fracture strength of the uranium dioxide, then failure occurs as shown in Fig-
ure 2a. Stresses and stress drivers may be analyzed to help in the development
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
Figure 2: Left: (a) Failed Ceramic Fuel Pellet [2]. Right: (b) Fuel Rod
Schematic [3].
Real World to Solid Mechanics
A detailed fuel rod schematic is shown in Figure 2b giving several representative
dimensions and identifying the various aspects of the general design. The ge-
ometry is cylindrical, and as such the polar coordinate system will be employed
in setting up the problem and developing the solution.
It will be assumed that the stress state is approximately planar in the r − θ
directions. This assumption is justified by the relatively low stress that will
be caused by the fuel stack hold-down spring. Any thermal expansion in the
z-direction will be compensated for by this spring with only minimal resulting
stress (assuming the spring has a very low stiffness compared to the ceramic).
It can also be seen from Figure 2, that the fuel pellets are not directly in
contact with the water flowing through the reactor core. For the purposes of
this project, a the cladding will be ignored to simplify geometry and the heat
transfer equations.
Further, material properties will be assumed to be constant. This avoids any
non-linearity that may be introduced by using properties that are a function of
temperature. While this simplification will not be justified, it will be accepted
as a necessity for reaching a solution within the scope of this project.
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
Constitutive Model
The material will be assumed to be linear elastic and isotropic. Therefore, the
generalized formulation of Hooke’s Law will be employed in the solution as
rr = (σrr − νσθθ ) + α∆T (1)
θθ = (σθθ − νσrr ) + α∆T (2)
Governing Equations
The static equilibrium equation for polar plane stress was used in the solution
technique. This is given by
∂σrr 1
+ (σrr − σθθ ) = 0 (3)
∂r r
The form of the strain compatibility equations that will be used is derived
from the relations
rr = (4)
θθ = (5)
which leads to the compatibility equation
dθθ 1
= (rr − θθ ) (6)
dr r
The radial temperature distribution for a round rod of infinite length having
an internal energy generation is
q̇r2 r2
T (r) = o 1 − 2 + Ts (7)
4k ro
Since nuclear reactors are typically cooled using forced convection, the sur-
face temperature is given by
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
Ts = T∞ + (8)
Substituting equation 8 into equation 7 and simplifying yields
1 2 2 ro
T (r) = q̇ (r − r ) + + T∞ (9)
4k o 2h
Assuming there exists some reference temperature T0 at which the stress field
is identically zero (neglecting residual stresses created during manufacturing)
1 2 ro
∆T = q̇ (ro − r2 ) + + T∞ − T0 (10)
4k 2h
which can be substituted into equations 1 and 2.
t=σ·n (11)
tr = t · n (12)
tθ = t − tr (13)
As for the strain, we will assume the strains to be small such that the infinites-
imal strain tensor provides a satisfactory approximation of the strain field. It
is given by
1 ∂ui ∂uj
ij = + (16)
2 ∂xj ∂xi
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
A summary of the solution is presented here. The full derivation of the solution
is given in the appendix.
First, Hooke’s Law (1 and 2) are substituted into the compatibility equations
(6). The equilibrium equation is then solved for σθθ and substituted to get the
whole thing in terms of σrr . After simplification, the resulting ODE is
=0 (19)
dr r=0
which when solved, yields a solution of
q̇αE 2
σrr = (r − ro2 ) (20)
Then, going back to solve for σθθ using the re-arranged equilibrium equation
we find that
σθθ = (3r2 − ro2 ) (21)
The stress state is now defined by
σrr 0
σ= (22)
0 σθθ
The maximum stress values are found using the first derivative test. This shows
that the maximum stresses in both coordinates appear at r = 0 with values of
q̇αE 2
σrr (0) = − r (23)
16k o
q̇αE 2
σθθ (0) = r (24)
16k o
This result makes sense when looking at the failure fractures in Figure 2a.
Ceramics do not fail in compression as easily as they do in tension. When they
do fail, the failure is often brittle in nature. Since the radial stress is compressive
(positive), it makes sense that most of the fractures would be normal to the θ
stress direction where the stress is tensile (negative). However, it is curious that
there is a fracture ring normal to the radial direction as well. The failure of
this result to indicate the reason behind this may be due to the neglect of the
temperature dependence of the material properties which themselves also affect
the stress field.
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
To evaluate the solution results numerically, reasonable values for the constants
were obtained from the literature. The input q̇ had to be derived from available
data. Starting with rearranging equation 7 to give
4k(T (0) − Ts )
q̇ =
and inserting approximate temperatures of 400 o C at the surface and 1500 o C
at the center [4], ro = 0.005 m [3], and k = 7.6 W/mK [4] results in q̇ = 1.3376
GW/m3 . The elastic modulus used was E = 2.196 × 105 e−3.025P , where P is
porosity fraction, assumed to be about 0.02, giving E = 206.7 GP a [5]. Finally,
α had to be derived from an equation taken from an Atomic Energy Commission
report [6] that was given as
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
where P is again the porosity which is taken to be 0.02 [5]. This gives an ultimate
compressive strength of σcmax = 995 M P a. No value or equations were found
for tensile strength.
Plugging in all of the above constants into the solutions from equations 20
and 21 gives the overall stress distribution as a function of r. The Results are
plotted in Figure 4.
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
Substituting Hooke’s law (1 and 2) into compatibility (6) gives
d 1 1 2 2 ro
(σθθ − νσrr ) + α q̇ (r − r ) + + T∞ − T0 =
dr E 4k o 2h
1 1 1
(σrr − νσθθ ) − (σθθ − νσrr )
r E E
Solving equilibrium (3) for σθθ results in
σθθ = r + σrr
dσθθ d dσrr
= r + σrr
dr dr dr
which combines to give
dσrr ν σrr ν ν dσrr q̇rα 1 d σrr dσrr σrr 1 dσrr
− − + r +σrr − + r +2 − + r +σrr = 0
dr E Er Er dr 2k E dr2 dr Er Er dr
r d2 σrr 1 dσrr 2
1 ν ν 1 1 ν ν q̇rαE
+ + + − + σ rr − + − − =0
E dr2 r dr E E E E Er Er Er Er 2k
which then simplifies to
= nrn−1
d2 σrr
= n(n − 1)rn−2
which upon substitution into the ODE gives
n(n − 1)rn−2 + nrn−1 = 0
n(n − 1)rn−2 + 3nrn−2 = 0
rn−2 (n(n − 1) + 3n) = 0
Since rn−2 cannot be zero without yielding the trivial solution, we get
n(n − 1) + 3n = 0
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
n2 − n + 3n = 0
n2 + 2n = 0
Solving for the roots gives
−2 ± 4 − 4(1)(0)
n = −2, 0
Such that
Yh = + C1
Now, turning to Yp we try
C3 q̇αE 2
Yp = r
which gives
dYp C3 q̇αE
= r
dr k
d2 Yp C3 q̇αE
dr k
Upon substitution back into the ODE we get
q̇αE 2
Yp = r
Which can be checked by substitution
q̇αE 3 q̇αE q̇αE
+ r=
8k r 8k 2k
Now, putting Yh and Yp together give us the whole solution
q̇αE 2 C2
σrr = r + 2 + C1
16k r
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
σrr (ro ) = 0
dr r=0
Solving the BC for r = 0
dσrr 2C2 q̇αE
= 3 + r
dr r 8k
2C2 q̇αE
+ (0) = 0
(0)3 8k
we find that C2 must be zero or else the solution would not even be defined at
r = 0. This gives
q̇αE 2
σrr = C1 + r
Now for the BC at r = ro
q̇αE 2
σrr (ro ) = C1 + r =0
16k o
q̇αE 2
C1 = − r
16k o
Which gives the final solution for σrr to be
q̇αE 2
σrr = (r − ro2 )
Now we return to the equation
σθθ = r + σrr
to solve for σθθ by first taking the derivative of σrr
dσrr q̇αE
= r
dr 8k
and substituting
q̇αE 2 q̇αE 2
σθθ = r + (r − Ro2 )
8k 16k
q̇αE 2r2 r2 − ro2
σθθ = +
k 16 16
q̇αE 2r + r2 − ro2
σθθ =
k 16
and simplifying to find the final result for σθθ to be
σθθ = (3r2 − ro2 )
Jeffrey A. Anderson ME560: Project 2
q̇r2 r2
T (r) = o 1 − 2 + Ts
4k ro
q̇ 2
T (r) = (r − r2 ) + Ts
4k o
4k(T (0) − Ts )
q̇ =
ro2 − r2
to yield
4k(T (0) − Ts )
q̇ =
at the center temperature where r = 0.