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Course PM 2023 v1

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Course PM, Systems and Mechatronics for Mobility

Engineering (EEN130), study period I, 2023

General information

Examiner: Jonas Fredriksson, tel: 772 1359, jonas.fredriksson@chalmers.se

EDIT-building room 5414

Lecturers and TAs: Jonas Fredriksson

Lorenzo Montalto, lorenzo.montalto@chalmers.se

Ektor Karyotakis ektor.karyotakis@chalmers.se

Responsible Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Student administration: studadm.e2@chalmers.se, EDIT-building room 3342

Literature: Karl J. Åström and Richard M. Murray, Feedback Systems: An

Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition,
available online:

Other material (on Canvas): EEN130 - Problem Collection

EEN130 – Textbook supplement

Examination: Approved hand-in assignments. To pass the course a total score of

45 points needs to be collected from the assignments.
Grade 3: 45-60 points in a total score of the assignments
Grade 4: 60-70 points in a total score of the assignments
Grade 5: 70-80 points in a total score of the assignments + oral
presentation of the last assignment.
Course description

Aim: Modeling, control design, and simulation are important tools

supporting engineers in the development of mobility systems,
from the early study of system concepts to the optimization of
system performance. The course aims to provide a theoretical
basis for model-based design for mobility engineering. The course
will cover mathematical modeling from basic physical laws and use
the developed models in design processes with a specific focus on
mobility applications.

Content: The course will teach the basics of mathematical modeling with a
special focus on modeling for vehicles of various kinds, such as
vessels, trains, aircraft, and cars. Based on the models, different
types of control methods will be introduced and applied, from
simple state feedback controllers to optimal control methods. The
course will also introduce and discuss methods for estimating non-
measurable system quantities. Exercises play an important role
throughout the course.

The knowledge developed during the course will not only be a base
for mobility systems engineering but can be useful for many
different applications.

Learning outcomes: After completion of the course the student should be able to:
• Apply knowledge of basic mechanics on vehicular modeling in
the longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions.
• Use methods and tools to develop mathematical models of
dynamical systems by using basic physical laws.
• Become familiar with the concept of state-space terminology.
• Linearize nonlinear continuous-time models.
• Have knowledge of deriving discrete-time models by sampling.
• Analyze system models from controllability, observability and
stability point of view.
• Explain, design, and analyze feedback controllers to meet a
design specification.
• Explain, design, and analyze observers and apply them for
state estimation.
• Detail the importance of adhering to the code of ethics in the
engineering profession.
• Reflect on opportunities and challenges of working in a
diverse team.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of automatic control, linear transforms and


The course is taught using a flipped classroom philosophy. Each week a new topic will be
introduced, followed by pre-recorded videos to be watched before the topic is concluded with a
discussion session. To give practical experience, tutorials on each topic are also offered each week.

Lectures: The lectures are intended to motivate and introduce the content of
the course literature. with references to real applications. The
course is defined by the lectures together with the chapters
mentioned below in the course book. The course literature is
followed relatively well during the lectures. To the lectures are a
few videos provided that explain the content in more detail.

Discussion sessions: In the discussion sessions the week’s topic is discussed through a
few problems. The problems are based on the material in the
lectures, videos and course literature and aim to confirm and
deepen the understanding of the course content.

Tutorials: Tutorials are performed with a brief summary of theory and

methods and a demonstration of how to solve problems. To get the
most out of the tutorials you should prepare for the tutorials, for
example by reading in on the problems that are to be solved during
the session. The teaching assistants are also available for
consultation. Note that it is necessary to set aside additional time
to work on the problems (exercises) on your own!

Week Date Time Lectures/Discussion Chapter/Exercises

1 29/8 08.00 – 09.45 MPMOB:
Internationalization and
cultural diversity
10.00 – 11.45 Introduction
30/8 08.00 – 09.45 Feedback principles and Ch. 1, 2.2 - 2.4, 5.1, 5-
linear systems I 3 and 6.1
2/9 08.00 – 09.45 MATLAB and Simulink
10.00 – 11.45 Ethics
2 5/9 10.00 – 11.45 Feedback principles and Ch. 1, 2.2 - 2.4, 5.1, 5-
linear systems II 3 and 6.1
6/9 08.00 – 09.45 Tutorial 1 Ex. 1.7, 1.8, 1.10 -
8/9 08.00 – 09.45 Discussion session I
3 12/9 10.00 – 11.45 Modeling of dynamic Ch. 3, 4.1 and 4.2
systems I
13/9 08.00 – 09.45 Modeling of dynamic Ch. 3, 4.1 and 4.2
systems II
15/9 08.00 – 09.45 Tutorial 2 Ex. 2.1 – 2.8, 2.14 –
2.15, 2.19, 2.24
4 19/9 10.00 – 11.45 Discussion session II
20/9 08.00 – 09.45 State feedback control Ch. 7
22/9 08.00 – 09.45 Tutorial 3 Ex. 3.4 – 3.6, 3.9, 3.12
5 26/9 10.00 – 11.45 Discussion session III
27/9 08.00 – 09.45 State estimation Ch. 8
29/9 08.00 – 09.45 Tutorial 4 Ex. 4.5 – 4.8, 4.10,
6 3/10 08.00 – 11.45 MPMOB: Group diversity
13.15 – 15.00 Discussion session IV
4/10 08.00 – 09.45 Implementation aspects I Textbook supplement
5/10 13.15-15.00 MPMOB: Group diversity
7 10/10 10.00 – 11.45
11/10 08.00 – 09.45 Implementation aspects II Textbook supplement
13/10 08.00 – 09.45 Tutorial 5 Ex. 5.1 - 5.4, 5.6
8 17/10
10.00 – 11.45 Discussion session V
18/10 08.00 – 09.45
20/10 08.00 – 11.45 Presentations of Grade 5
Examination – Hand-in assignments

About the assignments: The assignments are individual (except for Assignment 1 and
Assignment 2 which are solved in groups of two students) and
must be solved according to the instructions presented in the
assignments and on the canvas page. Individual parameters are
provided for each student. Supervision sessions are provided
each week.

Late submission of assignments: You may submit your

assignments after the deadline but with the consequence of a 5
points deduction for each missed deadline.

Supervision sessions The sessions will be held twice per week, on Tuesdays from 08.00-
09.45 and on Fridays from 10.00- 11.45. Additional sessions will
be provided, see TimeEdit.

Assignments: Assignment 1: Linear systems and feedback control

The purpose of this assignment is to refresh your knowledge
about basic feedback control concepts and linear system theory
that are needed in the course. The assignment is worth 10 points
in total and is compulsory for all students. Deadline September 15.

Assignment 2: Modeling and analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to implement,
modify and analyze dynamical models. The assignment is worth
10 points in total and is compulsory for all students. Deadline
September 22.

Assignment 3: State feedback control

The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to design and
implement a state feedback controller. The assignment is worth
15 points in total and is compulsory for all students. Deadline
September 29.

Assignment 4: State estimation

The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to design and
implement state estimators to estimate immeasurable quantities
in the system. The assignment is worth 15 points in total and is
compulsory for all students. Deadline October 6.

Alternative last assignment:

Assignment 5: Automated driving function
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your
knowledge of all the parts of the course. The assignment is worth
15 points in total and is elective compulsory. Deadline October 19.


Assignment 5: Grade 5 assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your
knowledge of all the parts of the course. The assignment is worth
30 points in total and is elective compulsory. Deadline October 19.

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