02 HSE-HIRADC-002 Pre-Bore Piling Works

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Department Operation Risk Assessor Mr. Asyraf Approved by RA

Pre-Bore Piling Works Reference
Process RM Team Member 1 Signature No:
Location Site RM Team Member 2 Name Mr. Vincent Wong
Assessment HSE-HIRADC-
Date/Review Date* 3/10/2024 RM Team Member 3 Designation Project Manager 002
Last Assessment N/A RM Team Member 4 Date 3/10/2024

Likelihood (L)

Likelihood (L)
Classification of Hazard

Severity (S)

Severity (S)
No Existing REMARK
Psychosocial Event and PIC


Work Risk Justification Additional

Hazard Conseque (due

Activity Control of likelihood Risk Control
nces date)
(if any)
operator 1. Proximity
2.Barricade direct to
Mobilizati 1. Improper
Worksite personnel surrounding work hazard Close monitoring
1. on of handling of / / 2 3 6 1 3 3 Supervisor
may be hit by area. 2. Exposur at site
plant and machinery
moving machinery 3.Toolbox Talk e - intermittent
2. Poor access
machine may cause serious before start work exposure to
due to soft 4.Physical
to the site injury. hazard
ground inspection for soft
3. frequency-low
Installation 1. Improper 1.Worksite 1.Barricade 1. Proximity
machine at site handling
of personnel may be hit surrounding work
direct to
by moving hazard
2. Damage of / 2.Proper inspection 2 3 6 1 2 2 Supervisor/
machinery. 2. Exposur
wire rope such for wire rope by PIC SSS
as kinked, bird 2.Hit by falling before start work. e - intermittent
Close monitoring at
cage, fatigue object such as wire 3.Complete PPE to exposure to
& abrasion rope; hydraulic pipe be worn i.e Helmet, hazard
may cause serious safety shoes & 3. frequency-low
injury. safety vest.
Lorry crane 1.Damage to 1.Experienced &
movement 1.Topple / property. certified operator. 1. Proximity direct
parking 2.Serious body 2.Steel plate to be Site
of crane. to hazard
injured to workers use on soft ground. Supervisor
2.Machine 2. Exposur Close monitoring at
2. failure
e - intermittent
2 3 6
1 3 3
surrounding work
area. exposure to
4.Full extend hazard
outrigger crane. 3. frequency-low
3. Lorry Crane / Lifting 1)Toppling of 1) Provide proper 1. Proximity
Operation. crane due to barricade with direct to
tilting/swaying working area. hazard Close monitoring
/ Injury/Death to 2 3 6 1 3 3 Supervisor/SSS
of lengthy load, 2) Lorry crane and 2. Exposur at site
pushing load Mobile crane out e - intermittent
away from crane rigger should be fully exposure to
while extended. hazard
suspended, 3) Crane boom 3. frequency-low
expected swing/locking device
swaying/jerking are properly locked
of load. and Good working
4) Crane should only
be operated by
competent crane
5) Implement Permit-
to-work system and
Lifting Plan
6) Provide Lifting
Supervisor/ Rigger
and Signalmen
7) Crane operator’s
daily inspection.
2) Mechanical / 1) Accidental swing 1)Mark and identify 1. Proximity Lifting
hazard of crane boom to the safe operation direct to Close monitoring at Supervisor/SSS
other structures area. hazard site
2 3 6 1 3 3
2) Serious injuries to
2) Crane boom swing 2. Exposure -
worker / operator device are properly intermittent
locked exposure to
3) Provide qualified hazard
lifting team for lifting frequency-low
3) Crane and / 1) Damage to 1) To ensure that only 1. Proximity Close Lifting
lifting gear property qualified Operator, direct to monitoring at Supervisor/SSS
failure 2) Death or serious Lifting supervisor, hazard site
2 3 6 1 3 3
injuries to workers Rigger and Signalmen 2. Exposure -
will carry out lifting intermittent
operation exposure to
2) To ensure that only hazard
lifting gears and crane frequency-low
with valid certificates
will be used
3) Implement Permit-
to-Work system
4) Conduct inspection
on crane and lifting
gear prior to lifting
5) Workers hit / Serious injury and 1) Only qualified lifting 1. Proximity direct 3 3 9 Close monitoring
by hoisting/ cause fatal team is allowed to to hazard at site
2. Exposure – High Lifting
suspended load carry out the lifting
exposure to 2 2 4 Supervisor/SSS
during lifting operation
operation 2) Implement Permit- 3. Frequency - High
to-work system.
3) Ensure that no one
is working under the
lifting/hoisting path.
4) Use tag line to
control the hoisting
5) Cordon off the
lifting/hoisting zone
6) Do not lift materials
over working

Drilling Toppling of / Serious injury to 1) Drilling machine 1.Proximity direct to 3 3 9 Close monitoring at 2 2 4 Site Supervisor
operation drilling workers / to be parked on the hazard
2.Exposure – High to site
machine damage of firm ground/ steel hazard
plates. 3.Frequency - High
2) Appointed/
trained operator
only can operate
the drilling
3) Check the
condition before
4) Workers must
wear proper PPE,
such as goggles,
hand gloves, ear

Fixing the / Hand injury to 1) Ensure that 1.Proximity direct to 2 3 6 1) Regular 2 2 4 Site Supervisor
drill bit/ drill workers workers use proper hazard
2.Exposure – High to inspection by safety
rods / PPE such as hand hazard supervisor to
gloves, safety 3.Frequency - High ensure that workers
goggles work safely and
casing 2) Brief workers to follow safe work
concentrate on the procedures.
work during daily
tool box meeting
3) Educate workers
to keep hands off
the pinch areas

Struck by / Bodily injury to 1)to provide proper 3 3 9 1)Regular inspection 2 2 4 Site

casing/drill workers barricade with in by safety supervisor Supervisor/SSS
rods when working site to ensure that
hoisting 2) Ensure the workers work safely
capacity of lifting and follow safe
lugs exceed that of work procedures
chain blocks before 2)Closely
use supervision
3) Ensure chain 3)To apply Lifting
blocks are hooked Operation Permit
securely to the
lifting lugs
4) Ensure the steel
members are
properly rigged to
the chain blocks
before hoisting.
5) Ensure that
weight of the steel
materials to be
hoisted is less than
capacity of chain
6)use valid lifting

Muddy / Slippery Hazard 1)Place timber 2 3 6 2 2 4 Site Supervisor

ground Injury to planks for
workers passage way
2)Use proper
safety shoes

Dust/ Noise / Breathing 1) Check the 2 3 6 Close monitoring at 2 2 4 Site Supervisor

generation difficulties and machine tools site
from drilling causing sickness before use.
works to workers 2) Workers must
wear proper PPE,
such as goggles,
hand gloves, ear
plugs, etc.
3) Close
supervision by
site supervisor

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