08 Workshop Transition From Defense To Attack
08 Workshop Transition From Defense To Attack
08 Workshop Transition From Defense To Attack
BASIC CONSIDERA TIONS: Game situati ons rel ated to this topic can be disti nguish i n g eneral to 1. counter after ball won within a duel (1-1; 1-2 ) 2. co unter after ball won b y i nterfering oppo nents combinatio ns
Level of the player s: JUNI ORS U15 years of age Gam e situation s of ball won in deep m idfield Introducing the topic as a new aspect for players beginnin g within sm all gro ups step by step
First step:
Dro p out all those players who are not of need in midfield and defence for young players im proving counter attack behaviour. We get the close situation around the ball 1 vs. 1 + 1, a supporting m idfielder far away and 1 vs. 1 in attack (midfield circle). Due to the age and runways we reduce the space and organise an exercise related to this game situation. Two groups are practicing alternately to give the players recovering time after one attack due to the high intensity of such an exercise.
substitut e
O rganization:
1 s mall goal each 20m behind the mid field line, 10m insid e the touch line; 1 big goal with a keeper opposite on the box line; two vs. on e each d efending one small goal each; one vs. one each behind th e mid field line in the oth er hal f ; one attacker each on th e touch line with one ball; two defending substitutes each behind the s mall goals; one attacking substitute out side the touchline;
su bst it utes
O bjective:
- practicing on both sides on the big goal in turns; - Throw in to the attack er for finishing against the two defenders on the s mall goal; aft er having finished: next throw in; - If defend ers win the ball: count er attack together with thei r team mate in the opposite hal f on the big goal; - restriction: When th e defenders win the ball, only, the thro w-in-player can support his team-mat es against the counter attack; - af er each counter attack: substituting o f the players. t
substit utes
The next step com bines both groups to one com plex exercise:
O bjective:
- If the defenders win the b all they have the choice to counter on their own side or to switch ov er to their team-mates on the other side for finishing together with them. - throw in alternately fro m both sides
Drop out of players which are not of need for i mproving the topic Compl ex exercise:
second session: Rep. of last ex. + complex ex. session:
Ou tside d ef en der
O rganization:
- 2 big goals on the bo x line each; - Two teams, divided in four vs. two in one hal f, 4 vs. 6 in the opposite hal f;
O bjective:
- attacking o f one team (begin of the practice) after a long pass of their goalkeep er on the goal o f the opposite hal f; - restri ction: no pass backwards! - when winning the ball: counter attack o f the other team
Outside defender
The special restricti ons present sui table opportuniti es for wi nni ng the ball to the team practici ng on the topi c. Those restricti ons make possi bl e more repeti ti ons of the topic to be improved, countering . Repetitions are necessary for the learning process.