FBC Newsletter 01 2012

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For Worship
Sunday Service: Sunday School - 9:15 AM Worship Service & Children's Church - 10:30 AM Sowers & Reapers - 6:30 PM Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, Kid's Power Hour, & Youth - 6:30 PM

First Family News

A Nursery is provided for Children ages birth to 3 years.

Mark Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pastor Brandon Jenkins . . . . . . . . . Youth Pastor Jennifer Edwards . . . Secretary/Treasurer

First Baptist Church

6260 Hwy 10 P.O. Box 37 Greensburg, LA 70441

FBC Staff

First Baptist Church, Greensburg "Loving People to Christ"

Phone: (225) 222-6580 e-mail: fbcgreensburg@centurytel.net website: www.fbcgreensburg.webs.com

January 2012 Events:

1 New Years Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Awaken 2012 8 Church Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 PM Sowers & Reapers Team A . . . . . . . 6:00 PM 10 Brotherhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM 15 Sowers & Reapers Team B . . . . . . . 6:00 PM 17 Deacons Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM 18 First Family Supper (Jennifer) . . . . . 5:30 PM Business Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM 22 Sowers & Reapers Team C . . . . . . . 5:00 PM Ladies Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 PM 23-24 LBC Evangelism Conference . . . . . 29 Lords Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 AM Sowers & Reapers Team D . . . . . . . 6:00 PM

Awaken 201221 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Begin Monday January 2, 2012 Ask God everyday what He wants you to do for His Kingdom Everyday, pray for someone that needs to come to Christ Jesus Day 1 - Spiritual Awakening Acts 19:1-20 Pray that God will increase your faith to believe that He can bring a Spiritual Awakening. Day 2 - Revival Zechariah 1:1-6 Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival here at First Baptist. Day 3 - Gods Pattern for Revival and Awakening 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 Pray that God will show you where you and FBC are in His pattern. Day 4 - Making the Gospel Attractive Titus 2:9-10 & Peter 2:11-12 Ask God to reveal to you anything in your life that might hinder others from choosing to follow Him Day 5 - Revival and Harvest Isaiah 40:1-5 Pray for God to bring conviction of sin throughout our region that masses will put away sin and come to faith Christ Jesus. Day 6 - Confession Proverbs 28:13 Pray that God will reveal and unconfessed sin your life. Day 7 - What is the Evidence? 2 Corinthians 13:5, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 5:19-25 Pray that God will help you self-examine your faith and your relationship with Him. Day 8 - Be Filled with the Spirit Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:4-8, Ephesians 5:18 Pray that God will fill you with His Spirit. Day 12 -The Blessings of Obedience John 14:15-23 & Matthew 7:21-27 Ask God to evaluate your obedience to Him. Day 13 - The Power of Love John 13:34-35 & John 15:9-17 Pray that God will so fill you with His love that it will overflow to those in your circle of relationships. Day 14 - Survey your World John 1:35-51 Ask God to remind you about the time you were first introduced to Jesus; reflect on how He has changed your life. Day 15 - Praying for those yet to Believe Matthew 7:7-11 & James 5:13-20 Ask God to guide your prayers for people whom you know need to believe on Christ Jesus. Day 16 - Live with Urgency Luke 16:19-31 & Luke 21:25-28 Ask God to reveal to you people who are headed to torment without Christ. Day 17 - Pray for workers in the Harvest Matthew 9:35-38 Pray for the workers who are already working to bring in a spiritual harvest; pray for their protection, wisdom, spiritual and physical health, and fruitfulness; pray that God will call and send more workers; pray that He will call and send some workers from FBC and your family; surrender to Gods will for your part in the work of the spiritual harvest. Day 18 - Jesus Final Command Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, John 20:21-22, Acts 1:8 Talk to God about the status of your obedience to His final command; if your obedience is lacking, confess your sin; ask God to guide and enable your obedience. Day 19 - Go Home and Tell Mark 5:1-20 Thank God for the good things He has done for you; be specific; ask God to help you share your testimony of what He has done for you with others. Day 20 - A Testimony for your Town John 4:1-42 Ask God to reveal the people in your town and area who may be ready to respond with in Christ Jesus when they hear your testimony. Day 21 - The Coming Harvest John 4:27-38 & Acts 1:8 Pledge your willingness to obey God, and ask Him to bring in a great harvest for His Glory.

Feb. newsletter information and articles must be turned into the church office by Jan. 24, Thanks!

Childrens Church Schedule (age 3-grade 3) 8th 15th 22nd 29th Mary Jo Judy Gaye Margaret

Day 9 - Reconcile Broken Relationships Matthew 5:23-24 & Mark 11:25 Ask God to reveal any broken relationships you may have that need reconciliation or forgiveness; pray for these people. Day 10 - Return to your First Love Revelation 2:1-5 Thank God for His love for you through Christ Jesus sacrifice; ask God to reveal the quality of your love for Him. Day 11 - Surrendered Lives Romans 12:1-2 & 1 John 3:16 Thank God for His mercy and grace He has shown you.

Happy Anniversary
7th Bobby & Fran Davison
Please let Jennifer know . ... . . if you want yours displayed. . . . . . . . .

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