Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
As the modern business world adapted to the pattern of globalization the vastness of
knowledge required to perform well as a professional has broadened extensively. The
backbone of the contemporary business is maintained upright by resourceful
administration that can oversee procedures and execute them with a strategic goal.
After having gained sufficient work experience as a business professional, I wish to
amp up my skills through higher education. My search for a course that provides
theoretical and practical learning possibilities has brought me to the masters by
research in international business from the University of Gloucestershire.
Management and I believe that this program will give the premise to me to advance
into a profession with extraordinary potential. Furthermore, this MREs Degree will
provide me with the depth understanding and distinct features regarding real-world
business issues, integrated development and critically aware understanding of
international trade theories and practices which will give me the opportunities for
personal and professional development. In addition, through this course, I will learn
about business in the global
The motto "in spirit and truth " resonates with my everyday life. The university
delivers programmes with several collaborative partners in the UK and in 5 countries
overseas, including Malaysia and Zimbabwe . the university is also an active
participant in the ERASMUS programme and the only UK university to be part of the
BCA programme offering semesters abroad, most notable in the USA. It would be w
great opportunity for me to be able to study under this university as it is one of the
very best. The research at this institution will definitely influence growth in both the
creative and cultural industries. BBB I believe that when the destination is challenging,
the journey would be absolutely eplc. University of Gloucestershire is guide of that
challenging journey . deeper research about the course by university of
Gloucestershire gave me a clear idea about the academic curriculum and its outcomes
the program clearly is designed with the aim of providing strong practical expertise to
the students while giving a glimpse of modern and emerging theories. According to
the present business world. For this reason , this school is the right choice for me.
With so many world -class degrees on offer, it's easy to see why UK is the best
possible place to study. I am determined to study this course in the UK as the study
environment I Nigeria is quite different and we get to study with only thing national
students on the other hand , the UK has a great multicultural and diversified student
community which is an opportunity for me to learn with lots of students from different
nationalities. UK education brand is highly respected by employers in our country as
UK degree prepares graduates with academic competences , developed personal and
professional skills that are imperative for organizational success.