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MTH151 Syllabus S12

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Moraine Valley Community College Course Syllabus Date: January 17, 2012 Course Title: Calculus II/Analytic Geometry

Course Number: MTH 151 Semester: Spring, 2012 I. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Faculty Information Instructor: Office: Office Phone: Office Hours: Mailbox location: Instructors E-mail: Email Policy: Dr. Kristen R. Schreck D112 708-974-5614 M/W 12:00 1:00 pm T/R 12:15 1:15 pm Also by appointment. D108 schreckk@morainevalley.edu (note the extra "k") 1) Students must use the e-mail account provided by MVCC as the official means of email communication for all business related to this course. Any email that does not come directly from your MVCC (username@student.morainevalley.edu) account may be filtered as spam or junk mail or will be deleted. 2) Please include the course number in the subject line of all emails to the instructor (i.e., MTH 151).

II. A. B. C. D. E.

Course Identification Credit hours: 5 Total contact hours: Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Class meetings: MTH151-003: M/W 1:00pm 3:30pm Room: D222 Prerequisite: MTH 150 with a grade of C or better Catalog Description: A continuation of MTH 150. Topics include applications of the integral, techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, improper integrals, numerical sequences and series, conic sections, polar coordinates and parametric equations. Textbooks/Materials Required: Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Fifth Edition, by Larson, Hostetler, & Edwards, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA, 2010. Recommended: Study and Solutions Guide, by Edwards. Required: Graphing Calculator TI-83+ is preferred. The use of calculators may be restricted on any quizzes or any exams.

III. A. B. C.

IV. Learning Outcomes The student will: A. Compute the area under a curve and between curves. B. Compute the volume of a solid of revolution using the methods of disks, shells and washers. C. Use the partition-approximate-integrate principle in computing volumes and surface areas of solids of revolution, arc length, and center of mass.Compute arc length, center of mass of planar regions, and volumes and surface areas of solids of revolution. indefinite integrals and to compute the values of definite integrals. D. Employ a variety of methods (including integration by parts, partial fractions, and substitutions) to find indefinite integrals and to compute the values of definite integrals. E. Use LHopitals Rule to evaluate limits in indeterminate form and to help evaluate improper integrals. F. Identify whether an infinite series is convergent or divergent. G. Use power series to find derivatives and integrals of functions. H. Identify, describe and sketch basic conic sections using rotation and/or translation of second degree equations. I. Graph, differentiate and analyze relations expressed in parametric form. J. Graph, differentiate and integrate functions in the polar coordinate system. K. Use a computer algebra system such as Maple to: find derivatives and evaluate integrals, algebraically manipulate mathematical expressions, and numerically evaluate and graph functions and relations. V. A. Classroom Policies and Procedures Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly and punctually. Students are responsible for the material covered during the lecture as well as the material in the text. Participation during in-class activities and completion of all assigned work are expected and are essential to mastering the theory and concepts presented. Cheating/Plagiarism:


Mathematics Department Statement of Academic Integrity: The Department of Mathematics views upholding academic integrity as an integral part of student learning, classroom engagement, and ultimately, the production of student-generated work. The Mathematics Department believes adherence to the principles as stated in the MVCC Code of Academic Integrity preserves the value of assigned grades and other assessments. Instances of academic dishonesty compromise the development of problem-solving skills and other skills necessary for subsequent work in mathematics, depriving students of an authentic learning experience. Overall, we believe integrity in the mathematics classroom translates into ethical behavior beyond academia.

Sanctions for violations of Academic Integrity in this course: Academic misconduct in the class includes, but is not limited to the following: Dishonest or deceptive behavior Inappropriate use of electronic devices Misuse of notes, books, etc. as defined by the instructor Violations of Academic Integrity will result in: Filing of the official Form for Academic Dishonesty form with the Dean of Science and Business. A grade of zero will be recorded on that particular assignment/exam - this grade of zero is never dropped. A repeated violation of academic integrity in this course will result in failure of the course (i.e., a grade of F will be issued). Please read the MVCC Code of Academic Integrity (Cheating/Plagiarism): http://www.morainevalley.edu/studentlife/policies/admissions.htm#Cheating C. D. Student Conduct: Each student is responsible for adhering to the Code of Student Conduct which is found at: http://www.morainevalley.edu/studentlife/judicial/code.html Cell Phones: Faculty, staff, students, and college visitors may not use and must silence cellular phones, pagers, and other communication devices in all instructional areas which include: all classrooms and labs during instructional sessions, the Library, the Testing Center (B101), and other areas so designated by the college. Course Withdrawal: A student who does not officially withdraw from this course will receive a grade of F which will become a part of the students permanent record. The course withdrawal date is listed in the attached General Information Sheet at the end of this syllabus. Testing Center: The Testing Center will not be used for this course. Resources/Tutoring: It is your responsibility to see the instructor if you are having difficulties in mastering the objectives in this course. Please do not delay in seeking help. If you cannot make the scheduled office hours, please arrange a special appointment. There is free tutoring by mathematics faculty and qualified students available in the Tutoring Center (L200) on a walk-in basis. Forming study groups outside of class is encouraged. Study groups have proven to be of great help to many students taking this course.


F. G.

VI. A.

Grading Policies Homework: Homework will be assigned each time the class meets and discussed during the following class session. Homework will not be collected, it is meant to reinforce the concepts presented during each class. Students are expected to try and work through all of the assigned homework problems and come to class with questions on the assigned problems. Homework questions not answered during class time should be pursued by students outside of class during scheduled office hours. Homework problems are assigned to help students assess their level of understanding and mastery of the course material. Most homework assignments include exercises from several difficulty levels. Students are encouraged to keep notebooks of their solutions to homework problems. Even incorrect solutions can be beneficial if one can isolate where or when the solution went astray. You are also encouraged to discuss the homework problems with your fellow classmates and to work together to communicate mathematics and various learning approaches with each other.


Quizzes: There will be four chapter quizzes given throughout the semester. Each quiz will be worth 30 points. No make-up quizzes will be given. Missed quizzes will earn a score of zero. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. Projects: There will be projects involving Sage (a free open-source program for doing mathematics) and/or Maple (a computer algebra system, CAS) given throughout the semester. Collectively, the projects will be worth a total of 100 points. Ample time will be given to complete each project. Projects handed in late will be given zero credit. Exams: There will be four chapter exams worth 100 points each. No make-up exams will be given. Missed exams will earn a score of zero. The lowest exam score (excluding the final exam) will be dropped. Final Exam: The final exam will be worth 160 points. The final exam is comprehensive and will be based on the topics covered in class, in the textbook, and the assigned homework problems. There is no make-up if you miss the final exam. The final exam score is never dropped. If you miss the final exam for any reason, a zero will be recorded as the final exam score.




Grades: Grades will be based on the following: Grade Scale: Grade Distribution: A 90% and above Quizzes (best 3 of 4) B 80 89.9% Sage/Maple Projects C 70 79.9% Exams (best 3 of 4) D 60 69.9% Final Exam F below 60% Total possible points

90 pts 100 pts 300 pts 160 pts 650 pts


Course Schedule Spring 2012 The following is a tentative schedule and may be adjusted during the semester to accommodate the needs of the course. Lab sessions for Sage/Maple projects will be added to the schedule as the semester progresses. Homework is assigned at the end of every class (see separate document of assigned problems from the textbook).

Week Sections Covered in Text 1 7.1, 7.2 2 3 4 7.3, 7.4 7.6 Quiz 1 7.5 Review for Exam 1 Exam 1 8.1, 8.2 (No Classes Monday, February 20th) 8.3, 8.4 Quiz 2 (No Classes Tuesday, February 28th) 8.5, 8.6 8.7 Review for Exam 2 Exam 2

5 6

7 8

Spring Break (No Classes March 12th 18th) 9 10 11 12 13 14 8.8, 9.1, 9.2 9.3, 9.4 9.5, 9.6 Quiz 3 Review for Exam 3 Exam 3 9.7, 9.8, 9.9 9.10, 10.1

Week Sections Covered in Text 15 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 Review for Exam 4 Quiz 4 10.5 Exam 4 Final Exam Information/Review Packet Final Exam Week Final Exam Date/Time: MTH 151-003 Wednesday, May 16th Noon 1:50pm in D222



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