9097023-Isn - 2017-18 - WS - Class Xii - English - Keeping Quiet
9097023-Isn - 2017-18 - WS - Class Xii - English - Keeping Quiet
9097023-Isn - 2017-18 - WS - Class Xii - English - Keeping Quiet
1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
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3 Perhaps the Earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive
Now I’ll count upto twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go.
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association or dealing with death also shows that he is not in favour of any form of violence.
3 What symbol from nature does the poet use to prove that keeping quiet is not total
Ans. The poet uses nature as a symbol to explain his idea that there can be life under apparent
stillness. According to him, keeping quiet is not total inactivity. A seed may appear to be dead
and inactive, but one day, the same seed may turn into a fruitful tree..
4 How can suspension of activities help?
Ans. The poet believes that suspension of activities will allow man to introspect, which can help
them in analysing their own actions, and in solving many of their problems based on caste,
religion or nationality. It will help them develop a new understanding of their surroundings, and
thus make them mend their destructive ways.
5 Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
Ans. No, the poet clearly states that his asking for stillness should not be confused with total
inactivity or death. He perceives life to be a continuous process, where man’s activities should
not lead to destruction of fellow human beings or nature, but should be channelised in a
resourceful way.
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