12 Appendix

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You will find sane statements related to the study cm

organizational climate. Against each statement/ there are
five choices showing five degrees of answers. Please read
all the statements carefully and give your opinion by
putting a tick mark ( v/) to a choice which you feel most
appropriate. For instance, you 'strongly agree' with a
statement, put a mark against it in the following manner:
<y (a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

Age : Occupation :
Sex : Qualification :
Length of Service :

1. The main conem of people here is to help each other to develop

operating skills for the advancement of the organization.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

2. People here have a high concern for one another and help each
other spontaneously when such help is needed.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

3. People in this organization are not likely to express their

feelings on important matters.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

4. Here rewards and promotions are given on the basis of merit of

the candidates.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.
5. Each post has clearly defined sphere of roles in legal sense.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

6. Our organization discourages informal and personal relations.

(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

7. Official and employees are subject to strict systematic discipline

and control in the conduct of their official jobs.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

8. People are constantly watched for obeying the rules pertaining

to their jobs.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

9. Sanctions for violating rules and procedures of the organization

are severe.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, {c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

10. People in this organizaton tend to be cold and aloof towards each
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

11. The organization willingly takes a chance on a good idea.

(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

12. The organization prefers novel than slow, safe and sure approach.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

13. The organization encouages general orientation towards

(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

14. The organization takes sane pretty big risks occasionally to keep
ahead of the competition.
(a) Strongly agree# (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree# (e) Strongly Disagree.

15. Around here and there is a feeling of pressure to improve the

personal and group performance.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree# (c) Undecided#
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

16. In this organization, people do not seem to take such pride in

their performance.
(a) Strongly agree# (b) Agree# (c) Undecided#
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

17. Employees are free to set their own performance goals in this
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.
18. Employees have to ask their superiors before they do anything
(a) Strongly agree# (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree# (e) Strongly Disagree.

19. Evan for small matters, higher ups are consulted for a final
(a) Strongly agree# (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree# (e) Strongly Disagree.

20. In a conflict situation, those who are stronger, force their point
of view on those who are weak.
(a) Strongly agree# (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

21. Philosophy of our management emphasizes human factors# i.e. how

people feel.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree# (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.
22. Management believes that if the people are happy, productivity
will take care of itself.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

23. Achieving goals or targets set or excelling them is the main

concern here.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

24. Relevant information is made available to all who use it and can
use such information for achieving high perfomance.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

25. Superior often seek advice from their subordinates before

decisions are made.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

26. Most of my normal daily activity in the organization have rules

and procedures stating the way I am to perform them.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

27. The maintenance of organizational norms and policies are the main
criteria of success.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

28. The jobassignment in this organization is clearly defined and

logically structured.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

29. There are rules and regulations for handling any kind of problem
which may arise in making most of the decisions.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.
30. Union management relations are cordial.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

31. Management does everything to ensure wellbeing of the employees.

(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

32. Any job or policy related information is communicated to employees

through established channels.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

33. In resolving conflicts appeal is made to people and organizational

(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.

34. Instructions are issued in this organization by the bosses and

are expected to be carried out without delay and protest.
(a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c) Undecided,
(d) Disagree, (e) Strongly Disagree.


Part - II : Motivation.

This schedule consists of a number of pairs of statements

about things that you may or may like about ways in which
you may or may not feel. You have to choose one of the two
statements which is more characteristic of what you like
or how you feel. Your choice in each instances should be
informative of what you like or how you feel at present and
not in terms of what you should like or how you should feel.

If two statements are equally acceptable to you, choose the

one which is slightly more acceptable than the other. If
the two statements are equally unacceptable to you, choose
the cane which you dislike less. Please make a choice for
every pair of statements. Do not mark both.
Please circle (a or b)/ the one which you choose in the

answer-sheet given to you separately.

1. (a) I like to do something which makes me wealthy.

(b) I like to have a comfortable working condition in my factory.

2. (a) I like to earn money by hard work.

(b) I find real enjoyment in my work since it is veryinteresting.

3. (a) I like to have honest means of getting money.

(b) I experiment with new things in my job.

4. (a) I frequently aspire to be very rich.

(b) I believe that joining a Union/association gives me a job


5. (a) My secret ambition in life is to get a highly paid job.

(b) I am of the opinion that promotion opportunities are very
much necessary to discharge the duties effectively and

6. (a) I believe that I am able to earn enough according to my

basic needs.
(b) I have a tendency to work at a task till it is completed.

7. (a) Our present economic system should be reformed so that the

profits made by the Industry can be used for the betterment
of employees.
(b) I believe that competition among the employees improve the
general living standard of the employees.

8. (a) Adequate earning is positively related to social security.

(b) Very often, I feel that there is too much mental tension
due to adverse environmental conditions which are adversely
affecting the work output.

9. (a) This work gives opportunity to express myself completely.

(b) I would like to get a work according to my taste.

10. (a) I like to have good hygienic conditions in my factory/office.

(b) I am keeping keen observation around my surroundings, especially
when novel and unfamiliar things are going on.

11. (a) I like to work in a place which is free from accident.

(b) I a of the opinion that job security should be guaranteed by
the Government in the present condition.

12., (a) I believe that better and comfortable working conditions

will increase the efficiency of the employees.
(b) I would like to change my present job, because promotion
chances are very meagre here.

13. (a) I feel that employees should fight with their tooth and nail
to improve the working conditions,in the.factory/office.
(b) It is my nature to undertake difficult task.

14. (a) I will be very happy if the Goverment intervenes to improve

the overall working conditions.
(b) I like to do things better than other people.

15. (a) I do my work irrespective of any reward or recognition.

(b) I always look out for a new method of techniques, which
enhance production/efficiency.

16. (a) Very often, I feel that the present work fascinates me very
(b) I ask questions to my supervisors when I do not understand
technical problems related to my work.

17. (a) I believe that job satisfaction is based on suitable type

of work.
(b) I believe that production/work efficiency will increase i
if we get job security in an industry.

18. (a) Very often, I feel that I am part and parcel of this
(b) I believe that better training and higher qualifications
will help us to get promotion immediately.

19. (a) I am enjoying good prestige in my job.

(b) I feel my success depends upon my hard work.

20. (a) I get due recognition for my work here.

(b) I believe that industries are not progressing very much
because of lack of competition among the workers/employees.

21. (a) I am not discharging my duties without fear or favour,

because I may loose my job.
(b) When high posts are created in the industry, they should
be filled by people from the same industry.

22. (a) I like to know and implement new things in my life.

(b) I believe that job security is a must in industrial set up.

23. (a) I try to keep up to date information pertaining to my work.

(b) I like to get frequent promotion because my contribution
is extremely good here.

24. (a) I these days of rapid progress, all around us, we cannot
afford to be slow to learn new ways of doing things.
(b) I frequently aspire to be a man with wonderful achievement.

25. (a) I seek help from superiors in learning new things.

(b) Qualitative and quantitative improvement is possible only
through tough competition among the workers/employees.

26. (a) I have general tendency to continue to my work till it is

(b) Competition has more advantages than disadvantages.

27. (a) Sometimes I feel that I will lose my job without any reason.
(b) I do believe that if all the workers/employees promote more
profits, more industries would spring up which will help
us to get more promotion opportunities.

28. (a) I will continue my job as long as I do it sincerely.

(b) My secret ambition in my life is to establish a glorious
record of achievement.

29. (a) Friends and co-employees are the best security that a person
can have.
(b) Competition with one's own performance increases efficiency.

30. (a) For me, prestige is of vital importance and so I plead for
(b) It gives me a great satisfaction to undertake very difficult

31. (a) Promotion should be dene on the basis of seniority.

(b) Society is changing from the traditional to the modem type.
So# competition is the only way to keep us upto date.

32. (a) I like others to think of me as very industrious.

(b) I like the competitive workers/employees because competition
is a good quality.

1. a b 8. a b 15. a b 22. a b 29. a b

2. a b 9. a b 16. a b 23. a b 30. a b

3. a b 10. a b 17. a b 24. a b 31 a b

4. a b 11. a b 18 a b 25. a b 32 a b

5. a b 12. a b 19 a b 26. a b ;

6. a b 13. a b 20 a b 27. a b

7. a b 14. a b 21 a b 28 a b


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