Banking Questions and Answers
Banking Questions and Answers
Banking Questions and Answers
2. Banks are the 'financial department store' in the modern era. Do you agree?
Yes, banks now offer a wide range of financial products and services under one roof, similar
to department stores offering various goods in one place.
4. Are banks dying? If yes, how can they overcome this problem? Give your
While traditional banking is facing challenges due to fintech competition, banks are not
dying. They can adapt by investing in digital transformation, improving customer
experience, and embracing innovative financial technologies.
6. How do laws and regulations shape the services banks can offer to the
Regulations define which services banks can offer, including loan products, deposit
accounts, investment services, and insurance. Laws ensure consumer protection, financial
stability, and transparency.
10. Should banks face any restrictions in offering investment banking services
to corporations and other borrowers? Why or why not?
Yes, banks should face restrictions to avoid conflicts of interest and excessive risk-taking.
This is crucial to prevent financial instability, as seen in the 2008 financial crisis.
11. How are expected dividend increases combined with declining risk?
When a company’s risk declines, it may become more profitable, allowing for higher
expected dividends. Lower risk also makes the company more attractive to investors,
further supporting dividend increases.
15. What is the money market? What are the restrictions a bank faces in the
money market?
The money market is a financial market where short-term securities are traded. Banks face
restrictions such as regulatory limits on investments, liquidity requirements, and interest
rate caps.