5 Commandments of Dating

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5 Commandments of Dating

by Jason Illian, excerpted from Undressed: The Naked Truth About Love, Sex, and Dating October 11, 2006 Christians do many things well, but dating isn't one of them. In fact, many of the fallacies prevalent in the dating world were created by Christians. We have been so overly zealous about modesty and purity that our faith often morphs into legalism, shaming everyone with unattainable standards of perfection. Many young adults desire a relationship with the Almighty but not at the cost of feeling guilty every single day of their lives because they long for human companionship. Even God said, "It is not good for man to be alone" and then He created Eve to be man's partner (Genesis 2:18). The answer to the reckless and shameless dating often seen in America today isn't found at the dogmatic, ultraconservative end of the spectrum. It is found in the balanced life, somewhere between everything and nothing, culture and faith, the place where Christ resides. Despite what many of us have been taught, there is nothing inherently wrong with dating. But like any freedomdriving, voting, drinkingit can lead to disaster if you do it recklessly. Even though the Bible doesn't specifically talk about dating, the Bible is a wonderful guide when it comes to interpersonal relationships. And if you think about it, dating is just one type of personal relationship. Dating gives us the opportunity to interact with a myriad of interesting people in a very unique way. Some people we will never see again, some will become friends, and some may become more. But in every instance, we have the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and about the diversity of humanity. The purpose of dating is to find the "right one" with whom to spend the rest of your life. If you simply want to have fun, meet interesting people, or learn about yourself, don't do it within the context of dating. There is a time and place for these types of experiences, and it is called friendship. Just make friends with some people of the opposite sex if your goal is to learn and grow. Although dating sounds like an ideal way to simply shop around for Mr. Right, it is too easy to get emotionally and physically involved. And if you date with the goal of self-improvement or self-satisfaction, there is a very good chance that you're going to get hurt or you're going to hurt someone else. Dating should have a purposeto learn who and how to love. Here are a few guidelines to help you on the adventure: The 5 Commandments of Dating 1. Thou shalt not group date. Pierce my nipples. Juggle porcupines. Rip the hair off my body with duct tape. Train my cats to swim. Visit Neverland Ranch at night. Test new parachutes. Debate Paris Hilton. Wear a Speedo to church. These are all things I'd rather do than go on a group date.

When you hang out in a group, it isn't datingit's socializing. Or mingling. Or entertaining. Whatever it is, it is not helpful. Nothing of any substance ever gets discussed in a group of co-ed friends when the intention of the get-together is to date. Emotional intimacy cannot be cultivated between two people if they are surrounded by ten of their best friends. While I'll agree that a group setting can be an excellent way to meet someone new, it is a terrible way to get to know someone's heart. The church devised the group dating concept because it recognized the futility and dangers of how most people date in American culture. With pregnancies, diseases, and divorces on the rise, they wanted to protect their flock from having similar heartwrenching results. I can appreciate their intentions, but going from one extreme to another has not alleviated our problems. It has just given most singles a whole new set of issues to deal withloneliness, despair, and confusion ranking at the top of the list. Besides, fairy tales never begin with "A group of knights gathered together to fight for a handful of maidens, only later to decide who rescues who." Romantic stories are never written that way because that doesn't speak to our hearts. It is only when one knight takes a calculated risk and battles for the hand of a beautiful princess that we see true commitment and intimacy. And we long for this in our own lives. One of the biggest problems with group dating is that it allows men to be passive. In a group setting, men can shun accountability and responsibility. They don't have to make any plans because someone else will. They don't have to be responsible for anything because it is easy to disperse ownership with others involved. And they don't have to ask any one girl out because they can enjoy all of them at the same time! Men don't have to be proactive leadersthey can simply be pack hunters. Unfortunately, marriage is not a group outing. When a couple finally decides to tie the knot, many men are unprepared to handle the decisions and responsibilities that come with leading a family. Cassandra and Mike, a very quiet but thoughtful couple in their mid-thirties, recently approached me at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and thanked me for a couple of articles I had written. They told me that they had been married for eight years and that the first four years were the roughest of their lives. Mike said that he dated Cassandra in a group environment like their church suggested, but once they got hitched, he struggled with leading his new family. And they weren't alone. He named at least five other couples in their church where the men were shutting down, frustrated with their spiritual and emotional responsibilities. One-on-one dating is the training ground that men desperately need to learn how to lead. Men are naturally more reserved when it comes to emotional and spiritual development, and their growth is slowed even more when they can mask it in a group setting. On an individual date, however, open discussions can go to deeper levels and men have to think through what they really believe. Men learn perseverance by being rejected, strength by battling for a woman's heart, and initiative by asking a beauty on a date.

There is another downside to group dating that often gets overlooked. Herd mentality. When young adults get together in groups to try to develop romance, everybody is in everybody else's business. Instead of dispersing the pressure to act one way or another, the pressure mounts. When two people in the group finally do connect, they often break away from their friends to escape the gossip and preconceived notions. We've learned the hard way that the only thing more dangerous than a misguided individual is a misguided group. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Single Christian groups also develop an "it's-about-us" attitude. They are not very welcoming to new people or ideas. It is as if the people in the group believe they have earned the right to be the first person to get married because they have waited around the longest. If a new person does happen to join the ranks, he is usually enthusiastically accepted by the opposite sexlike a T-bone is enthusiastically accepted by a pack of famished wolvesand snubbed by the same sex. Because he is just one more single mouth to feed at a table that many believe is already short of good food, he is usually not a very welcome visitor. Are one-on-one dates more intimate? Yes. But isn't that the point? Aren't we trying to get to know someone's heart to see if we can develop a romance? Group dating doesn't allow this. You certainly have to be more mature to handle an individual date and the things that may develop from it. But that is what makes it so exciting. Men enjoy the challenge of battling for a heart they think is worth fighting for, and women exude confidence when they realize their heart is a treasure. 2. Thou shalt commit to the fight. The normal model of male-female relationships is quite simpleyou are either dating or you are not dating. But the current Christian model is quite different. Perhaps we got held underwater a little too long during baptism, but our model looks like this: become friends, hang out, get to know one another, see where it goes, talk about possibly getting involved, discuss the north wind and how it may affect the relationship, talk to the youth pastor about it, pray about it, fast over it, court (which may mean dating), date (which may mean courting), and finally, date. Instead of having or not having a romance, we add a million meaningless micro-steps which muddy the already difficult waters. So, to set the record straight, you are either dating or you are not dating. Commit to one side or the other. There is nothing in between. There is nothing overly spiritual or holy about camping somewhere between friendship and intimacy. In fact, when you attempt to know someone's heart without committing anything to them, you are doing them a terrible disservice. I have seen droves of well-meaning Christian men break young women's hearts because they stole intimate moments from a girl while committing nothing to the relationship. It's called emotional promiscuity. I've done it myself more than once. For those struggling to define datingwhich are most church-attending adultsdating is getting to know somebody else exclusively. It is purposeful intimacy with personal

commitment. Many pastors substitute the word courting for dating, but I think this is a misnomer and very dangerous. According to Webster, courting is "wooing, working, and trying to gain the affection of another through attention or flattery." But you shouldn't have to persuade or entice someone to spend time with you. Courting has the connotation that the relationship is definitely leading to marriage, putting undo stress on the couple. Women often think that if they are being courted, they are guaranteed a proposal. But that is not necessarily the case. While you can hope the relationship leads to marriage, courtship is no guarantee that the man will get down on his knee. Conversely, dating is about committing yourself to a devel- oping, exclusive relationship to determine if your partner can be your soul mate. Dating doesn't hold any preconceived notions about what can or should be expected in a relationship. As Christians, we don't need a different word to explain our romances. All people, regardless of their belief system, long to love and be loved, and we can share in this pursuit when we share in their struggles. We don't need to reword datingwe just need to do it better than everyone else. The tricky part is figuring out when dating actually starts. Is it the first kiss? Is it the define-the-relationship talk? Is it after x-number of dates? After talking to hundreds of couples, I've learned something humorous (and sad) about many Christian relationships: Many women are dating men who don't know they are dating. Dating often begins for a woman when the man builds an emotional bond with her. This can be accomplished through intimate conversation or quality time together. On the other hand, men often equate dating to the physical aspect of the relationship. Whether it is a kiss or something more, men often don't think they are "in" a relationship until they have displayed some level of physical affection. To reconcile these bipolar views, there is only one solution communicate. Some of your dating relationships will begin at the first kiss and others will begin after you have talked about it. Neither side is completely right, but neither side is completely wrong either. If intimacy is taking place on a regular basis, then dating has begun, whether or not you have officially defined it. A few telltale signs that you are dat- ing but you don't know you're dating include regular latenight phone calls, flirtatious e-mails, recurring daydreams of the other person, continuous Starbucks dates, and extra prepping before seeing one another. I got to observe this confusion firsthand while speaking at a university recently. To prove a point about effective communication, I asked for three volunteer couples from the crowd. I saw a girl's hand waving in the front and asked her and her boyfriend to come forward. As they were walking toward the stage, I saw a look of confusion on his face. When I asked him how long they had been dating, he said, "Uh, I didn't know we were dating." Shocked, the girl quickly blurted out, "We've been dating for three months!" If you are not sure whether or not you are dating, discuss it. If she or he hesitates or tries to stay in that awkward middle ground, jump from the moving train immediately. You are

headed for disaster. You can't bounce in and out of "the friend zone" like Tigger on crack. You are either dating or you are notmake a choice. 3. Thou shalt expect nothing. The number-one reason men don't want to commit to a relationship is because the only thing higher than a woman's heels on a first date is her expectations. If you think that the next guy has to be "the one," don't be surprised if he doesn't call you again. If you start talking about your dream wedding, his short trip to the restroom may detour out the back door. While many guys seem confident on the outside, most of us are still trembling little boys on the inside trying to understand this thing called love. Expectations are cancer to a new relationship. Author Erich Fromm said it eloquently in his best-selling book The Art of Loving when he stated, "In love, if one expects nothing and asks nothing, he can never be deceived or disappointed. It is only when love demands that it brings pain." We are all guilty of bringing unreasonable expectations into a relationship, even more so as followers of Christ. Because Christ was perfect, many of us expect our Christian partners to be perfect as well. But assumptions and expectations are roadblocks to finding out about the heart of the person sitting across the candlelit table. My last relationship was with a single mother who has a ten-year-old son. If I had held some preconceived notions about dating a divorced woman, I would have missed out on eight wonderful months of dating and romance. I've always wanted a family, and while dating this beautiful girl, I watched her be a loving mother on a daily basis. I want that. I need that. I would have missed that had I held expectations that God had someone different for me. I don't completely know the type of person I'll marry, and if you are honest with yourself, you don't know either. Always give yourself margin in a relationship, especially at the beginning. When I refer to margin, I'm talking about creating extra space between your hopes and reality, much like the space between the words and the edge of a book. Don't lower your standards just give everybody the benefit of the doubt and give God room to work. When we get around the opposite sex, very rarely do we say and do exactly what we mean. The butterflies in our stomach often make us alter our predetermined plan. Couples often talk about "love at first sight." Of course, the couples that talk about this are the ones who actually fulfill the prophecy. You never hear a person talk about "love at first sight" when the relationship doesn't work. I happen to believe that at first sight, you can only fall in love with the idea of that type of person, not the actual person himself. It takes seasons of life, intimate moments, difficult obstacles, and unwavering faith to really fall in love with someone. When you first start seeing someone, give yourself three to four dates to decide whether or not you want to date him exclusively. Even if you think you know after the first date, give him time to realize how wonderful you are as well. Desperation is an ugly suit, and you certainly don't want to wear it on your first date, Cinderella. Unless there is excessive

physical contact (not incidentalif he brushes your leg as he gets up to use the restroom that doesn't count) or verbal commitment on the first couple of dates, both individuals should have three to four dates to decide if they want to commit to an exclusive relationship. Ideally, the man should address the issue of dating, but if he hasn't initiated the conversation after the allotted four dates, feel free to bring it up, ladies. Ask an openended question along the lines of, "What kind of relationship do you see us developing?" or "Where do you see our friendship going?" Regardless of who brings it up, if the other person wavers and doesn't commit to getting to know you and only you, move on. You deserve better. 4. Thou shalt be patient. Too many young Christian couples bolt out of the starting gate like they are being chased by a rabid dog. They are so excited about their new relationship that they often confuse marriage as the end of the race, when in reality, it is merely the beginning. Their passion is redlining, but their patience is still in neutral. They are sprinting toward love, but they are not carrying the anchor that will help them see all the obstacles along the way. It is ironic that the churched, those who claim to understand the fullness of Christ's love, are often even more in a hurry than the unchurched to get hitched. How many times do you hear of young couples meeting, dating, and marrying all within a six- to twelvemonth span? Since the divorce rate is as high among Christians as it is among nonChristians, this tells us one of two things: (1) We preach the concept of patience, but we don't actually practice it; or, (2) we don't really understand the depth of true love. Why are we in such a hurry to meet, greet, eat, and feel each other's body heat? After a church service in Texas, a handsome young stud approached me and said, "You saved me ten thousand dollars." Of course, I had no idea what he was talking about, but I joked that I'd be happy to split it with him fifty-fifty. Confident and debonair, he said that he had heard me speak two years earlier about love and patience while he was still in college. At the time, he had just bought a diamond ring for his girlfriend of seven months. After the talk, he prayed about proposing to her and decided to wait a couple of months before popping the question. And he was thankful that he did. Apparently, when she didn't get the ring as early as expected, she threw a fit and her true colors began to show. Within a month, they weren't even dating anymore. (On a side note, I've still yet to see a penny in the whole deal.) Above all things, unconditional love is patient. When you experience a fresh and exciting new romance, you take a big swig of dumb-dumb juice. In all other instances, you would think rationally and logically, but when Cupid's arrow hits you in the backside, you begin to have outlandish visions of grandeur and romance. Everything is wonderful because "he likes me." A hoodlum could break into your house, steal your favorite stilettos, eat the last piece of chocolate cake, kick your dog, and leave the toilet seat up, and it wouldn't bother you. Normally, you would have this guy tethered to a moving truck and dragged

across hot asphalt for even eying your chocolate cake. The prospect of love makes you dumb-dumb. To combat dumb-dumb syndrome, the best medicine is patience. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he was adamant about saying "love is patient" first (1 Corinthians 13:4). He wanted the young Corinthian believers to understand that God's perfect plan is mysterious, and the best way to decipher an enigmatic plan is to give it time. While you may feel that your partner possesses all aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, your feelings can be deceiv- ing. The best way to check somebody's true intentions is to see if their actions match their words. No matter how much you love someone, there is no substitute for life's experiences. Walking through different seasons of life with your partner is an invaluable indicator of how he will handle the unpredictable moments of marriage. Remember, a tree is recognized by its fruit, and the only way to see if the tree will produce fruit is to observe it over many seasons. Nearly every relationship I've experienced has hit an inflection point at both the six- and twelve-month marks. While there is no specific research suggesting why these time frames might be significant, they may be indicators of how your loved one is changing, growing, and developing. Take the time to get to know him thoroughly. If you are planning on being married for the next seventy-five years of your life, a couple more months of dating certainly won't hurt you. To use my last relationship with the single mother as an example again, how we communicated with one another began to change at about the six-month mark. Up to that point, we both filtered our thoughts and used an extra level of caution when approaching a sensitive subject. We didn't do it to avoid speaking the truth or broaching controversial issues. We did it because we cared for one another and didn't want to hurt each other's feelings. As I mentioned earlier, young relationships are fragile and need to be handled with the utmost care. However, when we finally began honestly talking about sensitive issues, we realized that we had very different expectations on what our future family could look like. She desired a husband who could work a nine-to-five job and spend nights and weekends with the family. I, too, desire a family, but understand that my career will sometimes take me away from home for significant periods of time. After talking about it for a couple of months, we realized that even though we both loved the Lord, we were heading down two very different paths. Had we rushed into a marriage because things "felt" right or because all the boxes were checked on a Must- Have list, we would now be facing some serious marital problems. Exercising a little patienceand communicating openly and honestly with each othersaved us from much emotional pain. If we are really honest with ourselves, the reason that most of us are impatient is because we don't want the person we are dating to get away. We are simply afraid of being alone. But is that love or is that self-interest posing as love? When I get discouraged about my love life, I remember one thingthere are over six billion people in the world and I need only one. God is more than capable of finding me the perfect mate among that many choices.

5. Thou shalt always follow the King. When we are confused in our relationships, we often get this counsel from our family and friends"just follow your heart." While our loved ones mean well, this advice is a little misguided. Our heartsour feelings, thoughts, and emotions are usually the very things that got us in trouble in the first place. Our hearts have very limited foresight and are easily shaken by circumstances. As the prophet Jeremiah wisely noted, "Our hearts are deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand [them]?" (Jeremiah 17:9). Instead of simply submitting to our feelings and emotions, it is more important to follow the passion and direction that the Lord instills in us. Why follow your heart when you can follow the Creator of your heart? If your dream is to one day find a prince, doesn't it make more sense to follow a King and learn what princes are made of? I recently overheard an interesting conversation at a local bar while visiting one of my bartender friends. As in most pubs, groups of men often come in looking for groups of women. This night was no different. As I was catching up with my buddy, a couple of beautiful ladies sat at the table behind me. It wasn't long before a couple of gentlemenI use the term looselyapproached their table and started a conversation. Within five minutes, one of the girls and one of guys got up to go shoot pool. But the other couple sat at the table and talked. Now, I've been around some pretty eager guys, but this guy wins the prize for hustling a girl for her phone number. Calm and collected, she denied him this small request for over half an hour. Finally, he got frustrated and asked, "What does it take to win your heart?!" Without skipping a beat, she said, "Don't come to me asking for my heart. I gave my heart to the Lord a long time ago." Profound. Powerful. True. Not the kind of comment you usually hear between cheers and beers. But she was absolutely right. Had the guy had an ounce of sense, he would have real- ized that she wasn't denying him; she was simply reminding him where he needed to refocus his efforts. On the Lord. Many of us need that simple reminder because we all have a choice to make. We can either take love into our own hands and try to decipher between the millions of potential mates, or we can hand our hearts over to the Lord and trust that He who is Love will act in our best interest. Stated another way, we can either do it ourselves or we can ask the Creator of Relationships for a little help. I've tried it on my own and have been humbled on more than one occasion. As for me and my heart, we will follow the King. From the book Undressed: The Naked Truth About Love, Sex and Dating by Jason Illian. Copyright 2006 by Jason Illian. Reprinted by permission of Faith Words, Inc, New York, NY. All rights reserved.

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