Account - Statement 2
Account - Statement 2
Account - Statement 2
Posting Date Transaction Description Money In (R) Money Out (R) Balance (R)
08/02/2023 05/02/2023 Clicks Roodepoort (Card 6586) -352.99 19.86
20/02/2023 20/02/2023 Payment Received A Atif 5 400.00 5 419.86
21/02/2023 21/02/2023 Banking App Payment: Jannan Fish N Chips -5 390.00 29.86
21/02/2023 21/02/2023 Payment Fee -1.50 28.36
28/02/2023 28/02/2023 Interest Received 16.07 44.43
28/02/2023 28/02/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -6.50 37.93
08/03/2023 08/03/2023 Payment Received: Jannan Fish Salary Payment 29 550.00 29 587.93
09/03/2023 09/03/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Mr M N Kazi -17 620.00 11 967.93
09/03/2023 09/03/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 11 960.43
10/03/2023 10/03/2023 Payment Received: Rtc 05c55kbtjk Furnicher 12 750.00 24 710.43
11/03/2023 09/03/2023 Online Purchase: Mob*selfcare1 Islamabad (Card 6586) -115.14 24 595.29
11/03/2023 09/03/2023 International Processing Online Purchase Fee: Mobilink -2.00 24 593.29
12/03/2023 10/03/2023 Online Purchase: Supersaver_za_m46cr0 Online (Card -5 177.35 19 415.94
12/03/2023 10/03/2023 International Processing Online Purchase Fee: -2.00 19 413.94
12/03/2023 12/03/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -0.86 19 413.08
13/03/2023 13/03/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -0.65 19 412.43
13/03/2023 13/03/2023 Banking App Payment: Ali Imran -5 000.00 14 412.43
13/03/2023 13/03/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 14 410.43
13/03/2023 13/03/2023 Payment Received: Zohaib Payment 2 000.00 16 410.43
14/03/2023 14/03/2023 Payment Received: Imran Transfer 5 050.00 21 460.43
16/03/2023 14/03/2023 Yoco *dr Heleen Oliv Randfontein (Card 6586) -650.00 20 810.43
17/03/2023 17/03/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******337 -500.00 20 310.43
17/03/2023 17/03/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 20 300.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Prepaid Purchase VODACOM -350.00 19 950.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 19 950.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Correction: Prepaid Purchase 350.00 20 300.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Correction: Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee 0.50 20 300.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase Vodacom -350.00 19 950.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 19 950.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Banking App Correction: Prepaid Purchase 350.00 20 300.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Correction: Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee 0.50 20 300.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase Vodacom -350.00 19 950.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 19 950.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Banking App Correction: Prepaid Purchase 350.00 20 300.43
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Correction: Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee 0.50 20 300.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Banking App Payment: Habib Paracha -14 000.00 6 300.93
20/03/2023 20/03/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 6 298.93
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 1 of 4
22/03/2023 22/03/2023
Cash Deposit Fee (Notes)
Capitec B -34.30 3 955.63
22/03/2023 22/03/2023 Cash Deposit: Cash Dep Mdantsane K Ncr Mdantsane 50.00 4 005.63
Kuyasa 0 9/05/2023
22/03/2023 22/03/2023 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) 70010 -0.70 4 004.93
22/03/2023 22/03/2023 Banking App Payment: Mias Branch: 4 03 -937.00 3 067.93
22/03/2023 22/03/2023 Payment Fee Device: 9 -2.00 3 065.93
28/03/2023 26/03/2023 Engen Krugersdorp (Card 6586) -300.00 2 765.93
29/03/2023 29/03/2023 Payment Received: Lala G Transfer 3 290.00 6 055.93
31/03/2023 01/04/2023 Interest Received 29.20 6 085.13
31/03/2023 01/04/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 6 078.13
01/04/2023 29/03/2023 Online Purchase: Https://visa.vfsglobal Rivonia (Card 6586) -2 495.00 3 583.13
02/04/2023 02/04/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.00 3 582.13
03/04/2023 03/04/2023 Banking App Payment: Pg Mansori Shoieb Ch -3 500.00 82.13
03/04/2023 03/04/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 80.13
04/04/2023 04/04/2023 Payment Received: Part Transfer 15.00 95.13
05/04/2023 05/04/2023 Eft Debit Order (0949681734): Retail Cap (217478237 -50.00 45.13
05/04/2023 05/04/2023 Debit Order Fee -3.50 41.63
06/04/2023 06/04/2023 Payment Received: Khan Payment 3 000.00 3 041.63
06/04/2023 06/04/2023 Payment Received: Jannan Fish Salary Transfer 29 550.00 32 591.63
10/04/2023 09/04/2023 Acc Status Enq Google *temporary Hold Us 0.00
10/04/2023 09/04/2023 International Processing Fee for Card Validation Enquiry: -2.00 32 589.63
Google *temporary Hold Us
10/04/2023 06/04/2023 Online Purchase: Https://visa.vfsglobal Rivonia (Card 6586) -2 475.00 30 114.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.00 30 113.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Payment Received: Shoaib Payment 3 000.00 33 113.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Mr M N Kazi -17 620.00 15 493.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 15 486.13
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Mr M N Kazi -11 930.00 3 556.13
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 3 548.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Mr Naveed -1 148.00 2 400.63
11/04/2023 11/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 2 393.13
12/04/2023 11/04/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******716 -300.00 2 093.13
12/04/2023 11/04/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 2 083.63
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Payment Received: Rtc 05b2c151mk Furnicher 14 400.00 16 483.63
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Payment Received: Unica Payment 13 800.00 30 283.63
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Banking App Immediate Payment (RTC): Swt Travel -10 400.00 19 883.63
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 19 876.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Banking App Payment: Swt Travel Bloemfont -100.00 19 776.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 19 774.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******619 -2 300.00 17 474.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Cash Sent Fee -16.00 17 458.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Payment Received: Sher Khan Transfer 1 745.00 19 203.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Sparkatm Engen Aa Filling -2 000.00 17 203.13
Statioazaadville Gpza
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -19.00 17 184.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Correction: Cash Withdrawal 2 000.00 19 184.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Correction: Cash Withdrawal Fee 19.00 19 203.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Sparkatm Engen Aa Filling -2 000.00 17 203.13
Statioazaadville Gpza
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -19.00 17 184.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Eft Debit Order (0955762222): Retail Cap (217788937 -50.00 17 134.13
12/04/2023 12/04/2023 Debit Order Fee -3.50 17 130.63
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 2 of 4
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 3 of 4
Transactions not yet processed on your account up to 09/05/2023
08/05/2023 Engen Krugersdorp (Card 6586) -300.00
08/05/2023 Mobilink Microfinance Islamabad (Card 6586) -114.18
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 4 of 4