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Talent Orchestration

Disconnected data, never-ending change management, reliance on reactive

processes, complex workflows & siloed talent strategies are a thing of the past.
Itʼs time for a proactive approach to Talent Acquisition & Talent Management.

The challenge Our solution

The pace of complexity has accelerated. HiredScore brings together data & processes
HR professionals have more data at their across your HR technology stack to identify
fingertips than ever before, yet 57% of TA teams bottlenecks and inefficiencies that can be
feel that they do not have access to the data they eliminated or prevented, allowing you to stay in
need to make decisions on talent.* Instead of control of actions like automations in alignment
acting as strategic talent advisors to the with your business priorities and workflows.
company, many teams are dealing with slow and Contextual recommendations are then
painful change management, low adoption of intelligently delivered to empower the right
technology, lack of agility, and as a result are people with the right insights to take action at the
making reactive talent decisions. right time without changing their preferred
*2022 Aptitude Research

Are you ready to achieve the next phase of your Transformation Agenda?

Old Way New Way

Reactive decisions based on siloed data and Proactive recommendations of cross-system

time-consuming manual HR work action alerts aligned with SLAs

Never-ending change management that creates Alerts & nudges at moments that matter to
HR and business fatigue & risks to programs keep teams working in their flow state

No consistency in how to deal with competing Automated alignment to business priorities

priorities and conflicting goals (i.e speed, cost, and HR goals with monitoring & detection of
quality/satisfaction, and diversity) inconsistencies and alerts for urgent actions

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What can you accomplish with HiredScore?

Automatically discover, score, and prioritize Seamlessly connect DE&I goals

talent across all talent types to recruiter and manager processes
Instantly identify, match, and prioritize leads, Make measurable progress towards Diversity &
applicants, and candidates for any open role across Inclusion goals at every stage of your recruiting and
external, internal, flex, and passive talent. internal promotion efforts with low friction, highly
satisfactory, and easy to adopt TA & HM solutions.
Augment and optimize talent processes Strategic utilization of all workforce options
with safe automation for your hiring needs and retention goals
Remove bottlenecks and keep hiring teams, Align workforce plans including internal talent
employees, and candidates working in the most mobility and discovery of the best talent for the work
efficient, effective, and fair manner. that needs to be done irrespective of worker type.

Innovate with ethical, compliant and Stay compliant in an ever-changing

privacy-by-design AI global landscape of regulated AI for HR
Leverage AI with confidence. Our proprietary AI HiredScore complies with all governmental
provides bias audits, fully explainable, local non-discrimination standards globally and delivers
compliance configuration, and privacy centricity. continual and proactive enhancements.

HiredScore connects & powers your existing & future tech stack
HiredScore seamlessly connects across most HR systems, third parties & collaboration &
experience layers, ensuring 100% data utilization and realization of advanced HR goals.

10 +750m
years in-market fully compliant AI talent decisions processed
for HR solutions by our AI solutions globally

Join the most innovative enterprises building the future of work

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