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Social Science – Branch of science that deals with Human behavior in social aspects.
It includes, anthropology, Sociology, political science etc.

Natural Science – Branch of science that deals with natural and physical world.

Sociology – One of the disciples that answers the social and political issues.

Came from latin word socius means companion and greek word logos means to

It’s a systematic study of human relationship along with society.

Society- is where the social interaction occur.

Aguste Comte (1798-1857) - a philosopher that introduces positivism in

Positivism – Believe that societies developed and progressed because of the

struggles of diff. social class.

Positivist – allowing sociologist to study society scientifically through evidences,

experiments, and stat.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) – a german philosopher and economist that introduces the
Communist manifesto together with Frederich Engles.

The Communist Manifesto – Believing that all countries should become capitalist.

Emile Durkheim – the transformation of a society from primitive into capitalist state.

Suicide – Suicide Statistic emphasizes the role of rationalization.

Durkheim also states that as the world progressed the people began to justify and
adopt scientifically and rational attitudes.

Bureaucracy – application of scientific way of life which is introduces by Emile


Areas of Sociology:

Social organization population study social psychology social change human


social theory and research.

Anthropology – study of human societies and culture and their development and
also their evolution.

Charles Darwin – writer of the book on the origin of species that inspires Spencer,
Taylor and Morgan. Who believes that evolution did not limits biological evolution but
also cultural.

Bronislaw Malinowski – introduces participants observation as a method of studying


Franz Boaz (1858-1942) – known as the father of American Anthropology. He

focuses on rejecting biological basis of racism, which he rejected the western ideas of
social evolution.
He favored Historical Particularism that assumes society has unique and different
form of culture. He is an advocate of Historical Particularism.

Culture comes from latin word cultura means cultivation.

Edward B. Taylor – He defines culture is the complex whole includes knowledge,

beliefs, arts, moral laws, costoms, and all aspects of man is member of the society. In
his book called primitive culture.

Branches of Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology – study of people with their variation and progress in terms
of culture.

Linguistics Anthropology – Study of language mainly but not exclusively among

humans. Also known as study of communication.

Archeology – Study of past human culture through their material remains.

Biological Anthropology – Study of humans as biological organism including

evolution and variations

Applied Anthropology – developing solutions to responds in the present problems in

social, political and economic issues.

Political Science – came from greek word polis that means city Science came in
latin word which means to know

-It is a discipline that concerned primarily in the state of government and pilitics.

Areas of Pol. Sci.

Political Theory - principles identifying the basis structure conduct and operations
issue of state.

Public law- it’s the ordinances that controls the public Government.

Public Administration- academic discipline that studies of civil service and


Political Dynamics – concerned with the relationship of diff. societies force that
dictates political action.

Government and Business – importance of regulation and government to business

functions concerning national economy.

Legislative and Legislation – Legislation is a complex mechanism that tries to

explain the process of compilation and organization of legislature.

International Relations – inquiries into nations state foreign policy in their mutual
ties on various forces

International Law- a syst6of agreement and treaties that entails responsibilities of a

state to another.

Comparative Government – a discipline that studies and analyses the general

structure of a country including the 3 branches of the government.

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