Family Case

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1. Demographic Profile
Name of head of family : Dropati Devi
unique ID : 4092 6085 0593
address : village kumardha
post office kaba kalah
Contact no . : 98161511615

Family type : joint family

No. of family members : total – 5
females – 3
males – 2
Religion : Hindu
Caste category : SC
Income : 36000 / 5 = 7200
(per capita income per month )
Class : upper class
( according to updated BG Prasad scale )
2. Family Details

No. Name Age Sex Education occupation marital relation to

status head
1. Dropati 84 Female Illiterate ---- widow head

2. Rajeev 40 Male high school farmer married son

3. yashoda 36 Female graduate ASHA married daughter in

worker law
4. Kamal 15 Male 9 th class student --------- grandson

5. Pari 11 Female 6 th class student --------- daughter

3. Diet &Nutrition

type of diet : vegetarian

Breakfast : parantha curd
Lunch : roti vegetables
Dinner : rice vegetables pulses

Expected calories : 2000 kcal

700 + 147 + 516 + 260 +477
Calories adequate

Expected protein : 0.8 g

Protein adequate

Fruit intake : yes

Hand washing : yes
4. Environment
House Sanitation
type : pucca cemented owned type : flushable connected to septic tank
rooms : 3 rooms + 1 kitchen + sitting area privacy : yes
overcrowding : Absent water availability
residing since : 2020 cleanliness : maintained
lighting : natural adequate solid waste disposal : yes
artificial adequate
ventilation : adequate Animals
dog owner
Kitchen reared : 2 cow
separate cattle shed : yes
cooking fuel LPG rodents : no
modern amenities: refrigerator vector breeding site : 50 m away

source : piped water indwelling
water supply : government
Storage : 2tanks 2000L & 1000L
5. Social habits & Customs
Addictions : smoking
Do women work are they educated? Yes ASHA worker
Outlook towards family planing Copper T
Knowledge attitude & practice regarding common diseases : present
6. Economic status
Total income per month : 36000
Savings: yes
Ration card : white
Pan card : yes
Insurance : yes

Income Expenditure

Pension : 20000 / month Food : 3000

Rent : 8000/ month education : 250 + 100
Agriculture : 3500 / month fuel travel : 3000 / month
ASHA worker : 4500 / month addictions : 350

Assets : bike , car , TV, washing machine

Preventive check up
family planing , contraceptive & other
reproductive care services
copper T at MMMCH solan
last visit : 1year back

Geriatric health
Dropati devi , 84 years
leg pain
blurring of vision for near objects
good memory
Pedigree chart
Clinico – social case
Patient was apparently well 6 months back when he started experiencing
He took random fasting blood sugar test which came out to be around 170
With consecutive testing in the next few days his sugar levels were found to be raised
He experienced excessive thirst and hunger

Chief complaints
Increased thirst
Increased appetite
History of presenting illness
Patient has history of diabetes

Past history
patient was a known case of diabetes for 6 months .
no history of past surgery

There is No history of seizure

● No history offrontal headache
● No history of chest pain or difficulty in breathing
● No history of epigastricpain
● No history of sudden loss of consciousness or weakness in any part of the body
Family history
no history of diabetes , hypertension ,TB or asthma in the family

Personal history
Smoking yes
Alcohol occasionally
The patient consumes a vegetarian diet with norml appetite, normal bowel habits

Dietary history ( 24 hr recall method )

Calorie intake : 2100 kcal
Protein intake : 1g

Room 2
Room 1

Cattle area
Room 3

Living room

General examination of vitals
Patient was calm, conscious , cooperative and well oriented to time ,place and
PR : 90 bpm rhythm is regular normal volume
BP : 124 / 70 mmhg
RR : 18
Pallor , icterus , cynosis and clubbing of nails absent
Lymphadenopathy not seen

Height : 5feet 11 inches ( 180. 34 cm )
Weight : 97 kg

BMI : 30.0

Clinico social diagnosis
Patient is diagnosed to be diabetic recently with good knowledge on the same
He lags behind in routine tests and screening and is poorly compliant to his

Test recommended
Blood sugar levels
Urine analysis
• prevention of obesity
• Prevention and control of hypertension
• Prevention of illness
• Reduction of environmental stress
• Exercise
• Loose weight

Dietary Modifications
Green vegetables
kerela juice
Cut down sugar
Avoid eating fatty food
Avoid rice , potatoes
Consume 8 glasses of water
Consume seasonal fruits and local vegetables
Consume healthy Fats : almond , flax seed , tuna , salmon
Diabetic diet
Foot care
Regular check up for eye , blood sugar and
Adequate fluid
Thank you !

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