YBCO/manganite Layered Structures On NdGaO3 Substrates
YBCO/manganite Layered Structures On NdGaO3 Substrates
YBCO/manganite Layered Structures On NdGaO3 Substrates
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1. Introduction
High temperature superconducting (HTS) YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) and magnetic La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO)
La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) are oxide materials, which are characterized by compatible crystalline
structures and original physical properties [1,2]. Multilayers of HTS YBCO and magnetic manganese
LCMO and LSMO oxides have recently attracted much attention because of their specific physical
characteristics originating from the individual layers and the interlayer interaction. Fabrication and
investigation of multilayer structures is a complex procedure and the experiments were made mainly
for the cases of standard substrates and low frequency region [3,4].
In this paper we report results of deposition of YBCO/CeO2/(LCMO or LSMO) structures on
standard oriented and tilted NdGaO3 substrates and investigation of main electrical characteristics of
the YBCO film in these structures.
2. Experimental
Bottom La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (or La0.7Sr0.3MnO3) films with a thickness ~240 nm were deposited on NdGaO3
substrates (5-mm x 5-mm x 0.5 mm) using RF magnetron sputtering technique in off-axis geometry.
The substrate surface was tilted (around the [001] axis) from the (110) plane of NdGaO3 crystal and
one of the substrate edges was perpendicular to the tilt axis. A ~100 nm thick CeO2 buffer layer was
deposited on the top of the LCMO (or LSMO) film and an YBCO film with the thickness of ~560 nm
was grown on this buffer layer by laser ablation technique. Sample 1 consisted of
Dependences of the magnetic moments of the samples on the external magnetic field H (or hysteresis
loops) measured at 77 K in a perpendicular geometry, are presented in figures 2 and 3. The magnetic
moment is due to the screening current flowing in the YBCO film. According to the estimations, the
perpendicular component of the magnetic moment of LCMO and LSMO films at μ0H< 15 mT is small
-7 2
(<10 A m ) and does not affect noticeably the behaviour of the hysteresis loops. Critical current
5 2
densities calculated from the magnetic moments were JC~ 10 A/cm at H=0 for samples 1-3 and
cases of dielectric, metal and superconductor media, respectively, the relative permeability of these
media is μ r = 1 ; μ rn = μ − ( μ a2 / μ ) [7] and ε rn = − jσ n /(ε 0ω ) in the case of a conducting
magnetic layer if the external magnetic field H is applied parallel to the layer and perpendicularly to
the microwave magnetic field; μ = 1 + ω H ω M (ω H2 − ω 2 ) −1 ; μ a = ωω M /(ω H2 − ω 2 ) ;
ω H = 2πγH + jαω ; ω M = 2πγM ; M, and are the magnetization vector, the gyromagnetic ratio
and a coefficient for the damping term in the magnetic layer, respectively; n is the normal conductivity
of the medium; is the London penetration depth; dn is the thickness of n-th layer.
Some results of calculation of the surface resistance of layered structures using above formulas are
presented in figure 4 for the single-domain state of the magnetic layer (magnetic field H is applied
parallel to the film surface). Parameters of calculations were the following: /2 =8 GHz, =0.3 μm,
RS=2.18 m , d=0.56 μm for the superconducting layer; =10, d=0.1 μm for the dielectric buffer layer;
5 -1
=0.01, =2 10 ( cm) , μ0 M=25 mT (figure 4, curves 1-3) or μ0 M=30 mT (figure 4, curves 4-6) for
the ferromagnetic layer; μ0H =5 mT (figure 4, curves 1, 4), μ0H=25 mT (figure 4, curves 3, 5) and
μ0H=50 mT (figure 4, curves 2, 6). It can be seen that a thin manganite film (d<1 μm) does not affect
significantly the surface resistance of the structures because of a low normal conductivity of this
material. Therefore it can be assumed that the microwave losses in above experimental structures are
not caused by the magnetic layer and could be reduced by further optimization of the technology of
growing of layered structures.
4. Conclusion
Layered YBCO/CeO2/LCMO and YBCO/CeO2/LSMO structures were grown on the standard oriented
and tilted ( = 8°) NdGaO3 substrates and electrical parameters of YBCO films in these structures were
investigated. The YBCO component of the structures prepared on the tilted substrates exhibited
anisotropy of the normal resistance and the microwave surface resistance. The critical parameters of
YBCO films in the layered structures were lower in comparison with those of single YBCO films. The
contribution of the magnetic layer to the microwave losses of the layered structures was evaluated.
The work was supported by INTAS grant 01-0249, by the Bulgarian Science Fund - Contract F
1503/05 and by the collaboration Programme between the Russian and Bulgarian Academies of
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