Application Form For Dealer Distributor 16-12-11
Application Form For Dealer Distributor 16-12-11
Application Form For Dealer Distributor 16-12-11
( Please go through the Brochure , available on our website or at our Divisional office carefully before filling this application form .) APPLICATION FOR IOC RETAIL OUTLET (PETROL PUMP) DEALERSHIP Location ___________________________________ Passport size Rev. Dist ____________________ State ___________________________ _____________ Category _ (OP/OP(W)/PH/PH(W)/SC/SC(W)/ST/ST(W))/PMP/PMP(W)/ DEF/DEF(W)/FF/FF(W)/ OSP/OSP(W)): (Please attach Copy of certificates as proof from the respective competent authorities) Passport Size Photograph with specimen signature on the photograph
Advertised on ________________ in ________________ by INDIAN OIL (date) (Name of Newspaper) CORPORATION LTD. Status : Individual / Partnership / Regd. Co-operative Society) Organised body/--------------( Please specify ) (Tick as applicable). 1. Individual : (Individual to enclose Affidavit as per Appendix A) (a) Name (In Block Letters) : Shri / Ms. _________________________________ (b) Fathers Husbands Name : ________________________________________ (c) Address : ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________PIN: ____________ Telephone : ____________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________ (d) Nationality : __________________________ (e) Date of Birth ___________________ Completed Age as on date of application : __________ (Proof to be attached) (f) Educational Qualification(s): _____________________(Proof to be attached) (g) Resident of ______________ Town/Village _______________ District ________________ State_________________________ (h) Gender : _______________________ (Male / Female) (i) Marital Status : ______________ (Unmarried/married/widow/widower/divorcee) (j) * In case of unmarried woman above 40 years of age : Are your parents (Mother / Father) earning? YES / NO If No , I am interested in availing Corpus Fund Scheme facilities ( Please tick as applicable ) : YES / NO
(l )
In case of widow, death certificate of your husband and also affidavit that you are not remarried is attached.: YES / NO If Yes , I am interested in availing Corpus Fund Scheme facilities ( Please tick as applicable) : YES / NO Married Women applicant with change of name after marriage should submit a copy of the marriage certificate or an affidavit in support of the maiden name and name after marriage.
2. In case of partnership, please give name of each of the partners and attach registered / Proposed Partnership Deed. Application of all the partner(s) should be attached together while submission: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Non Individual Entity : Registered Co-op Society / Organised Body /Corporate House/ Fleet Operator/Charitable Trust etc : ( to enclose Affidavit as per Affidavit as per Appendix A1 ). (a) (b) Name of the Entity Applicant :____________________________________ Name and designation of the authorised Person ( Submit authority from the organization) : (c) Address : _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________PIN: _________________ telephone No.:______________________E-mail id Address _________________ (Please enclose affidavit as per Appendix A1) Note : (1) Copies of audited profit and loss account statement for the preceding 3 financial years from date of application to be enclosed. (2) All Such entities can apply under open category only. However Registered co-operative society can also apply for other categories provided each member of registered society individually belongs to same category and fulfils the eligibility criteria for such category for which the dealership has been advertised. 4. Are you or any of your following close relatives is dealer or LOI holder of any MS-HSD / SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship of any oil company ?
( a ) For individual ( including partnership ) : (i) In case of married applicant : (i) spouse (ii) unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s) : YES/NO (ii) In case of unmarried applicant (i) father/mother (ii) unmarried brother(s)/unmarried sister(s) : YES/NO ( b ) For non Individual entity : Are you meeting multiple dealership norm : Refer condition of advertisement and appendix A1.) 5. YES / NO (
Gross Income during last financial year: ______________________ (attach Proof Please refer comments under para 7 of advertisement) Present Occupation: ____________________________________________ In case you are an Income Tax Assesse, Please furnish PAN No. ________________
6. 7. 8.
Do you have business / selling experience? If yes give full details : ___________________________________________________________(attach supporting documentary evidence ) 9. Do you have experience of supervision of personnel? If yes, give full details: ___________________________________________________________ (attach supporting documentary evidence ) 10. For being eligible, applicant should have sound physical & mental health. Are you having sound physical & mental health Yes/ No (If no, applicant is not eligible) 11. Please attach a separate sheet giving your detailed plans to run the dealership. 12. Land Details (To be provided by all applicants for all locations where YES is indicated in Column No. 5 or 6 in the advertisement . :
(a) Do you have a suitable site readily available at the location where the dealership has been advertised? Yes/No If Yes, City / Town / Village _________________________ District _______________________ State _______________ Survey No._________________ Hissa No. __________________ Name of the Road __________________________NH. No. / SH No. / Other Road _______________ Nearest Km Stones: __________________ Total Land area: (Acre/sq.m)_________________ (Please attach site map giving dimensions in frontage and depth of the offered plot and also showing adjoining plots of the land) (b) Near by land marks : (i) Distance from tube well if any ____ mtrs (ii) Distance from nearest Distribution Point / Transformer-----mtrs. (iii) Distance from nearest Kilometer Stone ___ mtrs on the road from ___ to ____. (iv) Is there any underground pipeline / canal / drainage / tunnel passing through the site Yes / No (c) Ownership is by the applicant / multiple ownership (strike out whichever is not applicable).______________________________________________________________ _______________ (d) Where applicant is not the land owner notarised affidavit by all owners or co-owners to be enclosed (Refer para 14 of brochure for details). (e) The applicant should furnish at least one of the following document( in support of ownership)which should have been issued/ revalidated on or after date of advertisement : (i) Khasra / Khatuni or any equivalent revenue document or Certificate from revenue official confirming the status of ownership of the land, OR (ii) Registered sale deed / Registered lease deed or any other type of ownership transfer deed / document in favour of applicant. (f) Are you willing to transfer the land on sale / long lease to the Oil Co.? YES/NO If yes, at what rate / terms ________________________________________________________
Note : (i) Land document will be sent to District Magistrate / District Collector for verification of title for ownership of land before considering land for evaluation. (ii) In cases where offered land is allotted by Government / Semi-Government / Autonomous bodies like DDA, NOIDA, HUDA etc, copy of (a) the possession certificate along with (b) the lease agreement or allotment letter to be enclosed . 13. Give details of source of funds: (to be provided by all applicants) The details to cover free & unencumbered Bank accounts / Govt. Securities / Fixed Deposits, bankers / financial institution certificate for credit worthiness (in the enclosed Appendix A2) / loans, UTI, NSC, Bonds, Shares of Public Limited Companies ( with valuation report) etc., details of other assets ( with valuation report) like immovable property (land, building etc.) / movable properties like vehicles etc., any other sources of Income like from interest, rent, business etc. (please attach documentary proof in all cases ). The details under Finance may be provided in the following format .( Attach separate sheet as required ) Relationship with applicant
Type Fund*
Amount (Rs.)
* Amount given in FDs, Bank Accounts/ and other financial documents as proof for financial capability should be valid as on date of application.
In cases where finance (savings, current, FD, NSC etc), income, assets are not exclusively owned by the applicant and are under joint account or ownership of the candidate with his relatives within the definition of family, the same can be considered for evaluation subject to consent of the family member/s on notarized affidavit. NOTE : (i) For the purpose of awarding marks under the parameter Capability to arrange land and Capability to arrange finance, the ownership capability will include that of self, and members of family unit as defined in clause 2 (e) under multiple dealership norm (relationship clauses) subject to a consent letter on appropriate stamp paper or an affidavit from the concerned relative. (ii) Candidates applying for locations details under para 12 and 13. reserved for SC and ST need not provide
14. Have you ever been convicted for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude and / or
economic offence (other than freedom struggle)? (Applicable to individuals, partners, members of Co-op Society, Co-op Society and all other Non Individual entities) Please state Yes or No. _____________________
15. Demand Draft / Pay Order No. _________________ dated ______________ for Rs.__________________ drawn on __________________________(state Banks name) in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Limited payable at _____________ is enclosed. NOTE: Affidavits to be enclosed in original. In respect of all other certificates / documents, duly self attested (duly signed by the applicant on each page) photocopy need be attached along with the application. However, originals of all these documents will have to be brought at the time of interview, if called for interview. 16. Any other information: 17. UNDERTAKING I am fully aware that M/s. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. under its policy will not appoint me as their dealer if I am employed. I shall have to resign from the service and produce proof of acceptance of my resignation by my employer to IOC before issuance of Letter of Appointment for the dealership. That, if selected, I undertake that I will be required to deposit an interest free security deposit as per the policy of IOC.
I ____________________________________________________________ hereby certify that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any wrong information / suppression of facts will disqualify me from being considered for the dealership. Place: Date: Signature: (Name in block letters)
APPENDIX A (to be submitted by individuals and partners of partnerships) (TO BE TYPED ON APPROPRIATE NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF REQUIRED VALUE OF RS. 100/AS APPLICABLE IN MAHARASHTRA STATE) AFFIDAVIT I __________________________________________________________________________ _______ Son/daughter/wife of _____________________________________________ Age ___________ years residing at ____________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under:
That I am unmarried. That neither I nor my Father, Mother, unmarried brother(s), unmarried sister(s) have dealerships/distributorships or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet or SKO/LDO dealership or LPG distributorship of any Oil Company. OR That I am married. That neither I nor my spouse, unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughters(s) have dealerships / distributorships or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship of any Oil Company
* That I am a unmarried women above 40 years of age without earning parents (* delete this if not applicable) * That I am a widow and not re-married (* delete this if not applicable) That I have never been convicted for any criminal offences involving moral turpitude and/or economic offences (other than freedom struggle) I hereby, confirm that I was never a signatory to a dealership / distributorship agreement of any Oil company, which was terminated for proven adulteration / malpractices. * That against item No. 13 of my application form details of various sources of funds required for setting up and operation of the dealership has been furnished. I undertake that these funds will be made available for the purpose stated above. In case it is found that the same is not made available as and when required, the offer of dealership, at any stage, can be withdrawn and that I will have no claim / damage whatsoever against the Oil company. (* delete this if not applicable) That presently I am not having any contract with any oil marketing company as Service Provider / Job Contractor / Labour Contractor for any COCO RO. OR That, presently I am having a Contract with an oil marketing company as Service Provider / Job Contractor / Labour Contractor for one COCO RO (Name of COCO Location ___________, Dist. ____________, State ________, Oil Company name ______). I also know that, if I am selected as a dealer, I will have to terminate this contract before issuance of Letter of Appointment.
I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed there from. If any information / declaration given by me in my application or in any document submitted by me in support of application for the award of the dealership or in this affidavit shall be found to be untrue or incorrect or false, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. would be within its rights to withdraw the letter of intent / terminate the dealership (if already appointed) and that I would have no claim, whatsoever, against Indian Oil Corporation Limited for such withdrawal / termination.
APPENDIX A1 (To be submitted by Non Individual Entities like Registered Co-operative Societies, Organized Bodies, Fleet Operators, Charitable Trusts and Corporate Houses) (TO BE TYPED ON APPROPRIATE NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF REQUIRED VALUE of RS. 100/- AS APPLICABLE IN -------------- STATE) (AFFIDAVIT) In the matter of Retail Outlet dealership of M/s. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., at ____________________________________ (Location) whereas M/s. ___________________________________________ (Name of the entity)) ________________________________________________ (Address) has applied for RO dealership of M/s. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., at ___________________ (Location). I ________________________________________ son / daughter / wife of _______________________ Age ________ years resident of ________________ in the capacity of ____________________________ do hereby solemnly declare: 1. That through a resolution passed by M/s. _______________________________________________, I have been authorized to apply for the said dealership. A copy of the resolution / authorization is enclosed herewith forming part and parcel of this affidavit. 2. That the said entity M/s. _____________________________________________________ is duly registered with a competent authority and a photocopy of the registration certificate is enclosed herewith forming part and parcel of this affidavit. 3. That the said entity M/s. __________________________________________________________ is a profit making body during last 3 Financial years. (@) 4. That on behalf of M/s. _____________________________________________________________, I undertake that I will observe all the relevant guidelines with regard to award / operation of the said RO dealership issued by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited / Government of India or any other statutory body from time to time. 5. That M/s. _____________________________________________________________ is a Registered Co-operative Society Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 and that all its members belong to the reserved category for which the location has been advertised including for women category. A copy of the certificate to this effect from the Registrar of Co-operative Societies is enclosed herewith forming part and parcel of this affidavit (@) (Applicable for co-operative societies / consumer societies applying under reserved categories). 6. That M/s. _____________________________________________________________ is a Registered Co-operative Society Registered under Societies registration Act 1860 (@) / is a Company registered under Companies Act 1956 (@) / is a _____________________________ (@) (specify the type of entity) registered under ____________________________________________________ (specify the authority) and that the same does not have any criminal records nor does it have any criminal charges framed against it by a court of law involving moral turpitude and/or economic offences. Moreover, none of the members of its Governing Body (@)/ Managing Body (@) / Any such other Body ______________________________________ (please specify) (@) / Directors (@) have been convicted and / or charges have been framed against them by a Court of law for criminal offences involving moral turpitude and / or economic offences (other than freedom struggle). 7. That M/s. _______________________________________________ is a Registered Cooperative Society Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 (@) / is a Company registered under Companies Act 1956 (@) / is a ___________________________________ (@) (Specify the type of entity) registered under___________________________ (specify the authority) and that neither this entity itself nor any of the members of its Governing Body (@) / Managing Body (@) / Any such other Body ______________________________ (@) (Please specify) / Directors (@) was ever signatory to a dealership / distributorship of any oil company which was terminated for proven adulteration / malpractices.
8. That M/s. _______________________________________________ is a Registered Cooperative Society Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 (@) / is a Company registered under companies Act 1956 (@) / is a _______________________________________ (@) (specify the type of entity) registered under ____________________________________________________ (specify the authority) and that neither this entity itself nor any member of its Governing Body (@) / Managing Body (@) / Any such other Body) _____________ (please specify) (@)/ Directors (@) or his/her family members (family unit as defined in the case of multiple dealership norms for individuals) is having Retail Outlet / SKO-LDO dealership / LPG distributorships or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet / SKO-LDO dealership / LPG Distributorship of any Oil Company. 9. That M/s. ________________________________________________ is a Company registered under Companies Act 1956 and that neither the holding company nor any of its Subsidiary company is having dealership / distributorships or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet / SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship of any Oil Company. In addition, no other Company or Firm is having dealerships/ distributorships or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet / SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship of any Oil Company where shareholders (put together) of the applicant company do have controlling stake (i.e. 51% or more) 10. *That against item No. 13 of my application form details of various sources of funds required for setting up and operation of the dealership has been furnished, I undertake that these funds will be made available for the purpose stated above. In case it is found that the same is not made available as and when required, the offer of dealership, at any stage, can be withdrawn and that I will have no claim / damage whatsoever against Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 11. That presently the said entity M/s. ____________________________________________ is not having any contract with any oil marketing company as Service Provider / Job Contractor / Labour Contractor for any COCO RO OR That the said entity M/s. ___________________________________________ is having a contract with an oil marketing company as Service Provider / Job Contractor / Labour Contractor for one COCO RO (Name of COCO Location ___________, Dist. ____________, State ________, Oil Company name ______). It is also know that, if the said entity M/s. ____________________________________________ is selected as a dealer, It will have to terminate this contract before issuance of Letter of Appointment. 12. I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed there from. If any information / declaration given by me in my application or in any document submitted by me in support of my application for the award of the dealership or in this affidavit shall be found to be untrue or incorrect or false, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd would be within its rights to withdraw the letter of intent / terminate the dealership (if already appointed) and that I would have no claim, whatsoever, against Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. for such withdrawal / termination.
Solemnly affirmed and declared before me This ______________ day of ___________________ ______________________ _____________________ Signature and Seal of Magistrate/Judge/Notary Public
APPENDIX A2 (Credit worthiness certificate from the Bankers, from a Schedule bank / Financial institution be obtained in their Letter Head in the following format and enclosed with the application) To whomsoever it may concern Sri / Ms / M/s. _______________________________ is a customer of this bank for the last _____________ years and he/she/they is / are enjoying the following facilities from our bank / institution: a. b. c. d. During the above period, the dealings of Sri / Ms. / M/s. ___________________________ with the bank and his / her / their conduct has been satisfactory. In case, a dealership is allotted to him / her / them, we will be willing to extend a loan of Rs. _______________ Signature Name and Designation Office Seal Date :
APPENDIX A3 (To be obtained from the prospective customers and to be submitted by the applicant along with the application). (TO BE TYPED ON APPROPRIATE NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF REQUIRED VALUE of RS.--AS APPLICABLE IN ----- STATE- to be specific with advertisement ) AFFIDAVIT I, ________________________________________________________ Son / daughter / wife of __________________________________ Age ____________ years residing at ______________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under: 1. _______________________ (Name of applicant), son / daughter of _______________, resident of _________________________ (address) has applied for Retail Outlet dealership at ___________________ (location) of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 2. I am having approx. consumption of __________ kl per month of __________ (name of product) required for ______________________ (purpose) 3. I hereby confirm that in case the dealership is awarded to above applicant, I will be taking my supplies through him to the extent of _________ kl subject to the commercial terms and conditions agreed mutually. 4. I hereby confirm that this type of commitment has not been given to any other candidate applied for the above location. 5. I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed there from. Solemnly affirmed and declared before me
This _______________ day of ____________________ _________________________ _____________________ Signature and Seal of Magistrate/Judge/Notary Public _______ Signature of person making affidavit (Name in block letters)
APPENDIX B PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CANDIDATE Certified that I, Dr. ____________________________ Registration No. ______________ have, this _____________________ day of ______________________ examined the candidate whose particulars are given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name : Identification Marks : Sex : Fathers/Husbands Name : Approximate Age : (A) Orthopedically Handicapped (i) Nature of disability (tick the relevant from the following): Post Polio Paralysis, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia, Congenital, Hemipelvectomy, Cheopats Wrist. (ii) Extent of disability (iii) Estimate percentages (iv) Use of appliance (if any) (v) Any operation done or indicated (B)Handicapped by way of being blind (C) Handicapped by way of being dumb (D) Handicapped by way of being deaf
7. Any other particulars to clarify: The nature and extent of disability that the surgeon might like to point out. Place: Signature of Orthopaedic Surgeon /Eye Surgeon/ENT Surgeon (Seal) Counter signed by Civil Surgeon / Chief Medical Officer / Supt. Govt. Hospital xxxx Designation Date:
APPENDIX C COVER NOTE OF APPLICATION Name of Location / District : Name of Applicant : CHECK LIST OF DOCUMENT TO BE SUBMITTED S.N . Page No. From 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Complete Filled Application Format with signature and photograph (with signature on photograph) For locations under reserved category - Attested Copy of Category Certificate from competent authority as per advertisement Affidavit in Appendix 'A' of advertisement (for individuals) / Appendix A1 for Non individuals Attested copy of Certificate regarding Age Attested copy of Certificate regarding Educational Qualification Attested copy of Death Certificate of husband and affidavit stating no remarriage for widow applicant as per Appendix A Attested copy of PAN No. Attested copy of Proof / Certificate regarding Business / Selling Experience Attested copy of Proof / Certificate regarding Experience of Supervision of Personnel Detailed Business Plan for RO dealership (a) In case of Partnership firm - Proposed partnership deed (b) In case of Partnership firm - Whether application of all partner(s) is attached together (a) For Non-Individual entity - Authority letter / resolution specifying name of authorised person (b) For Non-Individual entity - Attested copy of Registration certificate of the entity from competent authority (c) For Non-Individual entity - Attested copies of audited profit and loss account statement for the preceding 3 financial years Affidavit regarding tapping sales from prospective customer as per Appendix `A3 of advertisement. PH category certificate as per Appendix B of advertisement Application Fee demand draft in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. payable at specified location ************** ************ To Submitt ed Yes / No/ NA
Document Particulars
13 14 15
16 17
Offered Land documents - Khasra / Khatuni or any equivalent document from revenue officials / Registered sale deed / Registered lease deed / ownership transfer deed issued/ revalidated on or after date of advertisement Where applicant is not the land owner - Notarized affidavit by all owners or co-owners to be enclosed (Refer para 14 of brochure for details). Sketch of the land showing adjoining plot of land
18 19
20 21
Attested document/ affidavit regarding capability to provide finance (a) Valuation report from Govt. approved valuer of owned property (b) Fixed deposit/saving/etc (c) Attested copy of Documentary Proof for Gross Income during last financial year. (d) Credit worthiness Certificate - Appendix 'A2' of advertisement (e) The finance owned by the family unit - applicant providing a consent letter from the concerned member from the family unit on notarised affidavit Copy of marriage certificate or an affidavit in support of name change after marriage Any other document Total no. of pages attached