Steve Llano C.V. 2011

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Stephen M.

Home Address 71-63 166th St #2 Fresh Meadows NY 11365 (347)470-5281: phone (718)990-2435: fax Business Address Department of Rhetoric, Communication, & Theater St. Johns University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens NY 11439

Ph.D., Communication, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009 M.A., Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, May 2004 Thesis Title: Rhetoric of the Road: Polyphony in Jack Kerouacs On the Road B.A. History, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 1998

Director of Debate Assistant Professor St. Johns University, Queens, NY September 2007 Present Courses: Presidential Debate, Public Speaking Found, Direct, Administrate, Organize and Coach a new debate program available to all undergraduate students Helped to re-align curriculum and instruction for the creation of a new department of rhetoric Pioneer of inclusion of technology into debate including Skype, Second Life, and Stickam. Graduate Teaching Fellow University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA August 2004 May 2007 Prof. Ron Zboray, Ph.D., Prof. John Lyne, Ph.D. Courses: Public Speaking, Argument Designed and Implemented course objectives, activities and plans independently for each course Designed curriculum and instructional activities Evaluated and critique of student presentations Incorporated speaking, writing and technology into the course

Adjunct Professor Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA August 2005 December 2005, August 2006 - Present Prof. Richard Heisler Courses: Oral Communication, Independent Study in Rhetorical Criticism Taught two sections of Oral Communication Directed two independent studies in Rhetorical Criticism Adjunct Professor Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY January 2004 May 2004 Prof. Amos Kiewe, Ph.D. Courses: Advanced Public Speaking Taught Advanced Public Speaking skills to a class of 23 upper-level students Designed curriculum, assignments and assess student performance in presentations, speaking ethics, and research skills Assisted students outside of class with research and presentation questions

Stephen M. Llano
Home Address 71-63 166th St #2 Fresh Meadows NY 11365 (718)990-5606: phone (718)990-2435: fax Business Address Department of Rhetoric, Communication, & Theater St. Johns University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens NY 11439

Assistant Debate Coach Novice Debate Education Coordinator University of Rochester Rochester, NY August 2003 May 2004 Prof. Sam Nelson, J.D. Coordinated first year debater pedagogy Taught debate theory, research and organization skills to a diverse student body Supervised and assisted debaters at multiple tournaments across the Northeastern United States Faculty World Debate Institute University of Vermont Prof. Alfred C. Snider, Ph.D. August 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Lectured to High School teachers about pedagogical and classroom management issues involved in teaching debate and argumentation courses Instructing beginning debaters in theory and research from High Schools across the United States Directed a group research project among High School Students Instructed beginning college students in theory and research skills producing a research project Critiqued debates between students in policy and parliamentary debate Lectured to international parliamentary debaters from numerous countries Taught American policy debate theory and praxis to a class of 20 university students from all over the United States and the world Supervised and mentored students in the completion of a comprehensive research project on the current debate topic Instructed and critiqued American Parliamentary style debates in a workshop format

Teaching Assistant Syracuse University August 2002 May 2003 Prof. Mark D. Muhammad, Prof. Craig A. Dudczak, Ph.D. Teaching Assistant Planned and conducted lessons for up to three recitations of over 20 students per section. Attend and occasionally taught mass lecture sections Responsible for assessment design, grading, attendance and assisting students outside of class Assistant Debate Coach University of Rochester August 2001 May 2002 Prof. Sam Nelson, J.D. Instructed a team of over 50 members in debate theory, practice, research and argumentation theory Traveled with and instructed students at over 10 major tournaments throughout the Northeast and the United States Directed and produced research projects as well as explain the principles of the research to the students for use in competitive settings University of Rochester won National Debate Tournament Sweepstakes Championship for 2001.

Stephen M. Llano
Home Address 71-63 166th St #2 Fresh Meadows NY 11365 (718)990-5606: phone (718)990-2435: fax Business Address Department of Rhetoric, Communication, & Theater St. Johns University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens NY 11439

Teacher A&M Consolidated High School, College Station, TX August 1998 May 2001 Principal Chrissy Hester Taught Public Speaking, Introduction to Communication, U.S. History, Debate, Oral Interpretation Director of Debate: Coached a team from two to 20 members in three years Developed, designed and implemented Debate class curriculum for the high school Supervised team of over 30 members at hotels, other campuses, and during travel around Texas and the United States

Placing the Poetic Corrective: William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Burke, and the Poetic Imaginary The Space Between 5:1 (2009): 53-76. Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction with Eric English, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Reif, and Carly Woods. Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 4,2 (June 2007): 221-225 The Clown as Social Critic: Kerouacs Vision. in David Robb, ed. Clowns, Fools, and Picaros: Popular Forms in Theater, Fiction, and Film (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007).

Series of invited lectures on American debate, argumentation theory, and dialogue Tokai University, Rikkyo University, Ehime University, Kitakyushu University, Kyushu University in Japan. June 2009. Argumentative Divestment Paper presented at the 3rd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, August 2008. Argumentation and the Flattening of the Other Paper presented at The Promise of Reason: The New Rhetoric after Fifty Years conference, University of Oregon, May 17-20, 2008. Reviving the Poetic Corrective: William Carlos Williamss Imaginary and Kenneth Burkes Poetic Rationality. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006. Disciplining the Poetic: Amiri Barakas Somebody Blew Up America and the Rhetorical Limits of Poetry. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006.

Stephen M. Llano
Home Address 71-63 166th St #2 Fresh Meadows NY 11365 (718)990-5606: phone (718)990-2435: fax Business Address Department of Rhetoric, Communication, & Theater St. Johns University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens NY 11439

The Aesthetic Rhetorical Dimension: Aesthetic Rhetoric, Critical Rhetoric and Marcuses Aesthetic Theory. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-20 2005. The Rhetoric of Scientific Legitimacy: Sigmund Freuds Rhetorical Strategy in Introductory Lectures to Psychoanalysis and The New Introductory Lectures to Psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-20, 2005. A Health Regime for Public Speaking: Transforming the Public Speaking Course through Critical Inquiry. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-20, 2005. Critical Thinking to Critical Be-ing: Critical Pedagogy and the Debate Institute Model with Joseph Zompetti. Paper Presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-20, 2005. Visual Rhetoric: A Skeptical Introduction. Panel Participant at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-20, 2005. Marcuse and His Discontents: The Great Refusal, Psychoanalysis and Overconformity Paper presented at the Association for Psychoanalysis, Communication, and Society. Rutgers University, New Jersey, November 3-5, 2005. "A Rhetorical View of Feminist Subjectivity: A Bakhtinian Analysis of Diane DiPrima's Memoirs of a Beatnik." Paper Presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Miami Beach, FL, November 20 - 24, 2003 "The Clown as Social Critic: Kerouacs Three Visions Paper presented at Queens University, Belfast, U.K. Clowns, Fools & Picaros September, 2003 Impact Weighing and Analysis" Lecture given for World Debate Institute, Summer of 2003. Available online: Europe and America: Harmony Amidst Discord. International University Debate Academy, Ormuz, Slovenia. November 19th 27th 2004. Topics include argumentation theory, research, logical fallacies, refutation, case building and presentational skills for Central and Eastern European University Students.

Stephen M. Llano
Home Address 71-63 166th St #2 Fresh Meadows NY 11365 (718)990-5606: phone (718)990-2435: fax Business Address Department of Rhetoric, Communication, & Theater St. Johns University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens NY 11439

Honorary Member of the Skull and Circle Honor Society of St. Johns College of Arts and Sciences, St. Johns University, New York. Granted lifetime certification by the Texas Education Agency to teach Secondary school in the subjects of Speech Communication and History. Certified and Trained in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by the College Station Independent School District. Certified and Trained in the "Natural Helpers" Consultation and Teen Suicide Prevention Program by College Station Independent School District. Completed and Practiced "Advanced Tournament Administration and Management" Program hosted by the South Texas District of the National Forensic League. Honored in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" in 1999 and 2001. Received the Callaghan Award for Outstanding graduate student by the Syracuse University Department of Rhetoric and Communication Studies in 2003. ($250) Received the Master's Prize from the Graduate School of Syracuse University for Excellence in Scholarship and Teaching at the Graduate Level in 2004. ($250)

References and Teaching Portfolio Available Upon Request.

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