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Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office

Province of Bulacan
Republic of Santa Maria

Las Palmas Guyong Child Development Center

S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Memorandum of Agreement
with Child Development Center

This is to certify that the (parents, Child Development

Worker) signatory to this agreement fully subscribe to the
following terms of norms to them attain their personal goals and
understand and hopefully live with the vision, mission an
objectives of Child Development Center. I fully accept all the rules
and policies contained in Child Development Center Parents
Handbook (if have) set by the Child Development Center
authorities, being conscious that the rules are for my own good.

1. I shall cooperate with the Child Development Center to the

best of my ability in order to attain the aim of the school,
which is to form in me disciplined person and a law–abiding
Filipino Citizen.


__________________________ ___________________
Parents Printed Name & Signature Contact Number

Lyle Areanne G. Paguio

Child Development Worker

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