Ips 1
Ips 1
Ips 1
The term 'Political Science' consists of two words, viz, David Easton-"Political science is the study of
political and science. The word 'politics' is derived from the the authoritative allocation of values for a society".
Greek word 'Polis' which means the city-state. In ancient
Greece, the basic unit of political organization was the city- Politics is the process of making decisions that apply
state. It was the Greeks who first embarked upon the study to members of a group, it refers to achieving and exercising
of state as distinct from the church. The foundations of positions of governance organized control over a human
political thinking were laid by the great Greek philosophers, community, particularly a state.
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. "The Republic". Aristotle the
father of political science, firstly used the term 'politics' and
converted the subject into an academic discipline.
1.1.1 Scope of Political Science
Science is the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation, evidence and experiment. So political science is The scope of political science is vast and experts have
the branch of knowledge that deals with systematic study of divided the field of political science into some sub-disciplines
the structure and behavior of the state and political that are political theory, public administration, comparative
institutions through scientific analysis. Politics refers to the politics, international relations, and public law.
subject matter of our study, science denotes the
methodology or the way of studying the process of politics. It needs to be noted that these sub-disciplines cover
The first term seeks to answer the question "what is studied" the entire gamut of the modern political economy and
and the second term refers to "how is it studied". Therefore, provide the basis for the study and understanding of how the
the political phenomenon which should be studied in global political economy works. The study of the matters
accordance with a definite plan or system is called political concerning the allocation and distribution as well as the
science. transfer of power is one of the main preoccupations of
political scientists. The success or otherwise of the
Political science is that branch of the social sciences that governance structures is gauged by political scientists who
studies the state, politics, and government. Political Science examine the multifaceted and multilayered factors at work
that contribute to good or bad governance. The scope of the
political scientists has now been broadened to include the population of a nation, state or local region. Some of the
realm of the study of the democratic elections across the major issues political philosophy deals with are the rights
world. In other words, with the explosion in the political of individuals, legal concerns and property rights. Other
systems all over the world. political scientists, and their scope concepts may include suffrage and the overall equality
of study has been considerably enhanced. Now a days, it is of members of the society. While the basic philosophical
very difficult to determine the precise and definite questions relate directly to the concept, these principles
boundaries of political science. It is wide and comprehensive can create social upheaval in the form of revolutions or
subject and there is no uniformity among political scientists rebellions. This can stem from simple ideas addressed in
about its scope. It is the study of organizations and activities works of literature or major events such as terrorist attacks
of the state, both at national and international levels. It also or the martyrdom of freedom fighters.
deals with the distribution of governing power among several
agencies by which the actions of the state are determined, Central to the concept of political philosophy is
expressed, and exercised and with the problems of the standards by which the government is organized. Many
international life. Yet some of the important subjects in the prominent philosophies through history included feudalism,
scope of political science are given below:- monarchies and oligarchies. Modern examples are
Political Theory democracies, communism and libertarianism. Additional
Political Philosophy movements within these nations and states are also said to
Political Institutions represent political philosophies. Examples include feminism
Political Dynamics and the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transsexual movement.
Public Administration
International Relations and International Law One major focal point of political philosophy is the
Relation between the State and the Individual idea of panarchism. This states that a person has the right
to enter or leave any form of government and jurisdiction
Political Theory in which the person desires. Another major concept is the
issue of progressivism, the tendency of moving a society
Political theory is a set of specified relationships ward using reform to institute change. This is essentially the
encompassing political matters that focus and organize antithesis of those who focus on keeping the status quo
inquiry to describe, explain, and predict political events and intact and occasionally respond to new events in a
behaviors. Political theory is considered as the basis and reactionary manner.
branch of political science which attempts to arrive at
generalizations, inferences, or conclusions to be drawn from An important factor in political philosophy
the data gathered by other specialists, not only in political throughout history has been the position of political media.
science, but throughout the whole range of human Since antiquity, various writers and speakers have worked to
knowledge and experience. From ancient Greece to the drive political discourse. In modern times, this has become
present, the history of political theory has dealt with an industry based on newspapers, magazines, television and
fundamental and perennial ideas of Political Science. Political film designed to help stimulate political discussions.
theory reflects upon political phenomenon, processes and Throughout history, however, this media has also been used
institutions and on actual political behavior by subjecting it to to move the overall philosophy in the direction of its
philosophical or ethical criterion. The most dominant political choosing. It can also be used to make money for the
theories realize all three goals such as describe, explain, and Companies or individuals involved.
predict. The theories are the results of thoughts and research
of many scholars and exponents of political science. Thinkers Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems
on the subject formulate definitions of various political concerning matters such as existence, ,knowledge, values,
concepts and establish theories. knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Aristotle, who is traditionally referred to as the father of In administering the day-to-day affairs of a State,
Political Science, considered Political Science as the master knowledge of political science is necessary. In formulating
of all sciences or the supreme science. Similarly, Sidgwik foreign policies and in conducting diplomatic relations with
and Bryce consider Political Science as a science. But certain foreign States, knowledge of political science imperative. We
other persons like Maitland deny that Political Science is observe that political science does not merely accumulate
not a science. theoretical knowledge.
Therefore, normative-ness talks about preference. Thus we can say that values, principles or eternal
The word preference is not different from should and ought. ideas relating to politics or function of state constituted the
To sum up, the objectives and functions of state are judged central idea of normative approach to the study of politics. In
in the background of preference, should and ought. other words, this approach says that norms or principles are
to be followed in practice and the aim of such norms is to
make the political organization acceptable to all or majority
Preferences refer to certain characteristics any consumer
wants to have in a good or service to make it preferable to
Majority is the greater part, or more than
half, of the total. It is a subset of a set consisting of more than
half of the set's
Origin of the Approach elements.
The normative approach establishes the concept of It is alleged that normative approach to the study of
responsibility. If certain norms and principles are put forward politics is a smack of norms, ideals, values and principles
and if they are made binding on the authority, people can which have not full relevance to the reality of social and
judge the success or failure of the authority. In other words, political situation. But this criticism is not tenable. As every
norms are easy of locating the responsibility. individual should decide certain principles which he wants, to
follow, a state should also decide or set up certain ideals,
Normative approach stipulates that norms or norms and principles which it should apply while deciding
principles are of immense value and importance so far as the policies and taking decisions.
determination of policy and decision and their
implementation are concerned. 'Is' or 'what' is happening, All these are declared in various forms such as
are important no doubt but every authority must follow constitution, laws and general policy decisions. After deciding
these norms and ideals. the principles or general objectives the state proceeds to
implement them. This can be illustrated by the Constitution
Normative approach envisages of striking a balance of India. The Preamble to our Constitution contains several
or equilibrium between what is or what happens and ought lofty ideals and many of them are yet to be achieved. But this
to be or should be. Any biasness will invariably plague the non-implementation does not invalidate the ideals.
proper functioning of state as well as decision making
process. The rise of welfare state and its increasing popularity
have added new feathers to this approach. The concept of
An authority aiming at the attainment of general welfare state declares that the function of the state does not
welfare objectives cannot take the risk of neglecting either exhaust in maintaining law and order alone, it must perform
ought to be or what is. The balancing process is not a stable many other functions which will bring about general welfare
one. It is always in an unstable condition. It moves from one to the society. The welfare objectives on the one hand and
stage to another. ideals, norms, principles on the other hand are always at par.
The welfare objectives pay more importance upon ought to
Normative approach never thinks of anything be or should be.
settled. Though it is generally argued that norms, values,
principles are of eternal in nature but scholars are of opinion The function of the state is not a static one. In a
that the word 'eternal' need not be taken seriously. dynamic society it should also be dynamic. It means that the
state should make continuous efforts for the improvement of
Values, norms etc. are always subject to change and its functions and this again means that there should be
a responsible authority must take this change into account certain ideals, principles and norms before it. Otherwise it
and also will act accordingly. That is normative approach will have to sail in an uncharted sea. But a pragmatic theory
though pays heavy emphasis on norms it proceeds with the of state does not suggest that the state should sail in an
change. In every age certain norms, values and principles are uncharted sea. The fact is that the state should decide certain
given more importance and they are given priority. ideals and then it will begin its journey.
The historical approach to the study of politics is one of the Michael Oakshott unequivocally lays emphasis on
traditional approaches. History means the records of past the historical approach of the study of politics. He offers us
incidents and facts. These took place at different periods. It the following observation: "Politics as the activity of
also means what people have thought or imagined. "History attending to the general arrangements of a collection of
as a record consists of documentary and other primary people who compose a single community." Here his main
evidences" which occurred in the past. So far as historical emphasis is on the tradition and practice of political
approach is concerned we shall concentrate our attention on community.
historical events recorded in documentary evidences.
He also distrusts rationalism. In his judgment,
The characteristic feature of historical approach is inhabitants of a state are "hereditary cooperative groups."
that history as a written or recorded subject focuses on the Oakshott's final observation demands our special attention.
past events. From history we come to know how man was in He says "what we are learning to understand is a political
the past and what he is now. History is the store-house of tradition, a concrete manner of behavior. And for this reason
events. From the biographies, autobiographies, descriptions it is proper that at the academic level the study of politics
by authors and journalists we come to know what event took should be an historical study."
place in the past.
Not only Oakshott but many other modern political England. Their method is historical, but they have interpreted
scientist have supported the historical approach to the study the documents liberally. The writings of these authors are
of political science. encouraging and have created precedents. Many other
thinkers have depended upon historical facts for the analysis
Evaluation of Historical Approach of politics. Many of them have been successful, but not all.
The historical approach to the study of politics has faced a Institutional Approach
few challenges from several quarters. One of the main
fulcrums of the challenges is history has two faces- one is There is a strong belief that philosophy, history and law have
documentation of facts which is quite naive and the other is bestowed to the study of politics and it is in the field of
interpretation of facts and phenomena. Again, the institutional approaches. Institutional approaches are ancient
accumulation of evidences is to be judged from a proper and important approach to the study of Political Science.
perspective. These approaches mainly deals with the formal aspects of
government and politics. Institutional approach is concerned
The implication is adequate care should be taken with the study of the formal political structures like
while evaluating evidence and facts and it is not surprising legislature, executive, and judiciary. It focused on the rules of
that such a caution is not always strictly followed and, as a the political system, the powers of the various institutions,
result the historical facts do not serve the proper purpose of the legislative bodies, and how the constitution worked. Main
those who use it. This is the main objection against the drawback of this approach was its narrow focus on formal
historical approach to the study of politics. We can in this structures and arrangements. In far-reaching terms, an
connection remember the opinion of a critic. institution can be described as 'any persistent system of
activities in any pattern of group behavior. More concretely,
He says: "History in the light of the best modern an institution has been regarded as 'offices and agencies
practice is to be sharply distinguished from the arranged in a hierarchy, each agency having certain functions
antiquarianism or the collection of facts for their own sake and powers.
and should be defined rather as the study of problems or
causes, the interpretation of phenomena". The study of institutions has been dominant not only
to the arena of comparative politics, but to the political
Of course, how much caution the historian will take science field as a whole. Many writers have argued that
cannot be said before- hand. It depends upon the person and institutions have shaped political behavior and social change.
the facts. Caution is, however, essential. The adoption of These authors have taken an "institutionalist" approach
caution is mandatory because history records fabricated which treat institutions as independent variables. In the last
data. Facts and incidents are not always correctly recorded. twenty-five years, the field of comparative politics has
This is not an imaginary allegation. experienced the advent of the "new institutionalism," which
developed in reaction to the behavioral perspectives that
Alan Ball has drawn our attention to another dark exercise a significant influence on the field during the 1960s
side of the historical approach. He says "past evidence does and 1970s.
leave alarming gaps, and political history is often simply a
record of great men and great events, rather than a The new institutionalism body can be divided into
comprehensive account of total political activity." Very few three analytical approaches:
historians interpret historical events and evidences broadly Historical institutionalism
and liberally. Rational choice institutionalism
Sociological institutionalism
Narrowness in outlook prevails upon them leading These three theoretical approaches developed
to the biased interpretation of facts. This cannot provide a autonomously from each other.
better and reliable basis for political science. The historian
must be sincere in collecting facts and impartial in The institutional approach to political analysis
interpreting them. Such an approach only can be helpful for emphasizes on the formal structures and agencies of
the study of politics. government. It originally concentrated on the development
and operation of legislatures, executives and judiciaries. As
For example, Sir Ivor Jenning's is a great authority on the approach developed however, the list is extended to
British constitution and his analysis about various aspects of include political parties, constitutions, bureaucracies, interest
British Constitution is still regarded as authentic. His groups and other institutions which are more or less
treatment of history is really unique. The depth of analysis, enduringly engaged in politics.
broadness of outlook and impartiality of treatment has
elevated his research and students of politics still remember In the descriptive-institutional approach, the stress
him. From the records of history Jennings has formulated a is on facts rather than values. In other words, the approach
comprehensive account of the British Prime Minister, provide factual and historical answers to such questions as;
Parliament and other departments of Government.
What are the historical sources of parliamentary
Robert Mackenzie studied the party system and supremacy over the kingdom?
Mackintosh investigated the working of cabinet system of What are the procedures followed when a bill
becomes law? environment into which is included international politics
By what electoral arrangement are values or multinational corporations, non- governmental organizations
representatives chosen? or trans-national bodies.
What are the relative merits and demerits of rigid
and flexible constitutions? The decision-making process of the nation state is
influenced by international events and the political activity of
Though, descriptive-institutional approach is slightly other nation states. When the traditionalists were
old, political experts still concentrate chiefly on scrutinizing writing the nature of politics, the interdependence of
the major political institutions of the state such as the national and international politics was not unknown to them
executive, legislature, the civil service, the judiciary and local and it is their failure not to recognize if. Viewed in this light
government, and from these examinations, valuable insights we can say that traditional approach is biased and
as to their organization can be drawn, proposals for reform incomplete. It has not the ability to meet the needs which are
conversed and general conclusions obtainable. The approach rising in the present age.
has been critiqued for the disregard of the informed aspects
of politics, norms, beliefs, values, attitudes, personality and Attention is to be paid to another shortcoming. The
the processes. Institutional approach is also criticized for traditional approach as a method of analyzing politics is
being too narrow. It ignores the role of individuals who deficient for the analysis of political institutions of the Third
constitute and operate the formal as well as informal World countries, particularly the countries which do not
structures and substructures of a political system. Another follow the Western political system in to. In these countries,
problem is that the meaning and the range of an institutional if we try to find out Western system or institutions that will
system vary with the view of the scholars. Researchers of this be an utter failure.
approach ignored the international politics.
It is, therefore, alleged that traditional analysis is
unsuitable for all types of political systems-both Western and
Attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional
non-Western. To compensate this deficiency the political
entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person. They are
scientists of the post-Second World War period have devised
complex and an acquired state through experiences.
a general system approach which is quite comprehensive.
(d) Post-Behaviouralists look to the future well-being of the Marx stated that the individual is individual-in-society.
society Individual has no identity without the society. Marx
Though the post behaviouralists prefer the behavioral described that "society does not consist of individuals,
approach to the traditional approach because it is empirical. but expresses the sum of inter-relations, the relations
The strong demands of the post behaviouralists are within which these individuals stand." As such, Marx is
'relevance' and 'action'. Knowledge should be put into different from the liberal view which conceives individual
practice, change should be the aim of political analysis and as atomized, insular and self-contained.
for future well-being of the society.
Views of Marx on Society
Characteristics of post-behaviouralism as given by David
Easton Marxists specified that all societies in history have been
class societies. The contending classes from 'freeman and
Thus post behaviouralists introduce a new orientation in slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and
political science which will encourage political scientist to journeyman to bourgeoisie and proletariat in the period of
improve political life according to human criteria. Eaton says capitalism have stood in constant opposition to one another.
"to know is to bear the responsibility for acting and to act is All class societies are characterized by supremacy and conflict
to engage in reshaping society". which are based specific, concrete features of their mode of
production. Class domination has been a historical process
suggesting a constant attempt on the part of the dominant
classes to maintain and extend their power on the society.
Marx on Politics 1.2.3 Other Approaches of political science
Marxist opined that politics can be understood only with There are some other approaches of political science, such
reference to the nature of prevailing societal conflict and as:
domination. Politics, as such, conceived in of the specific
articulation of class struggles.' In general, in Marxian view Economic Approach
politics has a derivative and epiphenomenal character. The
political life processes are considered as part of Economics and politics are two important disciplines of social
'superstructure' standing on the economic structure of science and in several respects they are intimately related. In
society. The subsidiary and derivative character of politics can the curriculum of universities of constituted a single subject
be well inferred from the following quotation from the which implies the close relationship between the USA and
'Preface' to a contribution to the criticism of Political many other countries a few decades ago economics and
Economy: political science two. This denotes that in the study of politics
the help of economics is essential
"In the social production of their existence, men
enter into definite, necessary relations, which are The policy formulations -of economic nature and
independent of their will, namely, relations of production determination of the principles of planning which has
corresponding to a determinate stage of development of recently become a part of the governmental activity are done
their material forces of production. The totality of these by the government. In most of the countries of the world
relations of production constitutes the economic structure of public issues are economic issues and here the main, and
society, the real foundation on which arises a legal and sometimes the only actors are the personnel of the
political superstructure and to which there correspond government such as the prime minister, president and
definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of other ministers. This obvious relationship between the two
production of social consciousness. The mode of production subjects has placed the economic approach in a convenient
of material life conditions the social, political and intellectual position.
life-process in general."
Fiscal policies of all types, industrial policy,
According to Marx, Politics, economics, culture and agricultural policy, labor policy are all economic issues, but
ideology are all inseparably interweaved. The 'forces of the chief actors are the members of the government. The
production' at a particular stage of historical development, executive branch takes the final decision. There are many
are harmonized by definite 'relations of production' that specialists and advisers. Since the question of
characterize the society. The relations of production taken implementation is to be looked up by the government, the
together constitute the economic foundation of the society. final say comes from the government side.
The legal and political institutions stand on this "real
foundation" of economic structure. Policy regarding production and distribution, though
within the jurisdiction of economics, is always taken up by
From the Marxist perspective, the real nature of the government. It is to be pointed out here that the impact
politics, has to be assumed from "the hidden basis of the of success and failure of the economic policies fall upon
entire social structure." Ralph Miliband stated that the government. So we cannot discuss politics without
politics is 'a very determined and conditioned activity indeed discussing economics.
so determined' and 'conditioned' in fact, as to give politics a
mostly derivative, subsidiary, and 'epiphenomenal' The greatest attribution of the economic approach
character.” to the study of politics comes from the pen of Marx and
Engels. The doctrine of class struggle, increasing
It is well recognized that Marx put more emphasis impoverishment and capitalism's exploitation are based on
on the materialistic or economic interpretation of history. He economic factors. Marx and Engels have emphasized the
stated that the capitalists by controlling the means of heterogeneity of interests between the classes. Classes are
production and distribution also controlled not only the formed on the basis of economic interests. Capitalist's profit
political but social and economic structure of the society as making motive leads to exploitation of workers. To
well. He stressed economic aspect of life. According to him, emancipate from exploitation the workers are forced to take
every other activity in the society revolved round economics. the path of struggle.
All social and political activities are based on economic
activity. The idea of emancipation is associated with
economic terms. According to Marx, politics is controlled by
Domination is the locus of influential continental analyses of the persons who own sources of production and
unfreedom, inequality and power. manage the process of distribution. Outside economic
influence, politics has no independent authority.