LABOUR LAW-1 Lesson Plan BA - LLB 2023

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Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-Technical Campus.

(Affiliated to: GGSIP University, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Bar Council of India)
Grade “A++” Accredited by NAAC,Accredited by NBA for MCA, Recognized under Section 2(f) by UGC
ISO 9001 : 20015 Certified Institution

Academic Session: 2023-2024 Name of Program : LABOUR LAW-1

Name of Ms Richa August-December Email Id of the subject

the Srivastava faculty
Dr Kusum Lata
Dr Payal Jain.
Ms Sonal Sahu
Ms Tanvi
Total No of
VII Paper Code: LLB 401 Credits: 5 40
Semester: Lectures:

Course Name: BBA.LLB

No of hours allotted per week: 5

Objectives of the Course:
This paper focuses on various aspects of management of labour relation and dispute Settlement bodies and
techniques. To make students understand with regard to various concepts of Labour laws in depth.

The focus is on the welfare of workers. With this purpose in mind, so many amendments have been made in various Labour Law
Acts to give maximum benefits to the labourers and to further bring more clarity the bill has been introduced to frame Labour Code.

Teaching pedagogy (Lecture based/Case Based Discussions/Problem Based Learning/Projects/Presentations/ Readings from
books, magazines, research papers etc.):
PowerPoint Presentation
Case studies

Application of cases with sections

Class discussions

Problem solving method

Experiential learning

Analysis of student understanding with regard to subject

Case material

Resources (Recommended Texts/Reference Books used, Recommended Resources):

TextBook :
1. Indian Law Institute, Cases and Materials on Labour Law and Labour Relations,1963

2. PL Malik, Industrial Law, Eastern Book Company, 2013

3. Dr. Goswami, Labour and Industrial Law, Central Law Agency, 2015

Reference Book:
1. S.C. Srivastava,
2. Prof. K.M Pillai,
3. Dr V.G Goswami

4. Chaturvedi, Labour and Industrial Law, Central Law Agency, 2016

Recommended Readings: S.N Mishra

Course Outcomes (CO):

CO1 – Understand the concept of trade union and familiarize the students regarding the procedure for registration and recognition of trade

CO2 -Acquaint the students about the concept of Standing order, power of certification officer and duty of employer and workmen.
CO3 – Develop the legal acumen of students regarding the concept of industry, triple test evolved by Justice Krishna Iyer and various
machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes.

CO4 –Familiarize the students with the concept of strike, retrenchment, lay off and lock out along with disciplinary proceedings
initiated by employer and Management prerogative for the same.
CO5 –Develop legal acumen to understand industrial relations and settlement of disputes. The purpose is to make the students aware
regarding the various labour legislation and the purpose behind the draft of legislation for their wide understanding of the subject.

Assessment Method Course Outcome Achieved: YES

Exams/ Tests CO1,CO3,CO4
Project and Presentations CO3,CO5
Vivas CO1,CO2,CO5

Quiz CO2,CO3

Programme Outcomes

After the program the students will be able to:

1. Develop enhanced clarity on evolution, significance and implications of legal concepts in substantive law, legal theory, and
2. Gain proficiency in the general approaches to the study of law and legal reasoning from a personal and social context
3. Think critically on legal issues and learn models of planning and decision-making for a range of situations, including those in
which facts are currently unknown and not subject to confident prediction, and in which options involve differing and
uncertain degrees of risk.
4. Adopt a research aptitude to identify core issues and collect, analyze and interpret data
5. Gain proficiency in drafting that displays deep understanding on the interaction of legal analysis with human behavior,
including interpersonal dynamics.
6. Hone their core communication and presentation skills as interviewing, counseling, mooting, debating, negotiating and
7. Gain insights into the role of various institutions of law and experts in law and allied subjects.
8. Develop self confidence and understand the demands, constraints, and methods of thinking in their role as lawyers
9. Understand the interdisciplinary nature of law and the contributions that other disciplines can make to the study of law.
10. Inculcate professional ethics and values and learn to collaborate effectively across diverse experiences, perspectives, and
Programme Specific Outcomes
After the program the students will be able to
● Accurately assess and understand a problem’s situation and objectives

● Develop a plan of action and also be attentive to the need to revise the plan of action, the allocation of responsibilities for its
implementation, and/or the timetable for its implementation.
● Plan a Factual Investigation critical scrutiny of the facts to assess: their accuracy and reliability; how they fit together; any
inconsistencies between the facts and the likely reasons for any such inconsistencies; the conclusions they support, and what
courses of action are appropriate in light of these conclusions
● Collaborate effectively to diagnose address and solve a problem

● Effectively express the legal issues through clear and articulate expression

● Give advice on the options of litigation or alternative dispute resolution

Map the COs with POs from 1 to 3 where – 1 implies Low, 2 implies Medium and 3 implies High

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10

CO1 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 2

CO2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2

CO3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

CO4 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1

CO5 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 1
Map the COs with PSOs from 1 to 3 where – 1 implies Low, 2 implies Medium and 3 implies High


CO1 1 2 2 1 3 1
CO2 2 2 1 2 2 1
CO3 1 2 1 2 3 2
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO5 2 2 1 2 2 2

Lesson Plan

Week-wise Topic/ Contents Details with Course Outcome to be Teaching Pedagogy Reading Material Remarks
subtopics Achieved

Trade Union Trade Unions and CO1, CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Case Dr. Goswami,
Act Collective Bargaining study, Problem based. Labour and
By Surya Narayan Mishra Industrial Law,
Unit 1
and S.C. Srivastava Central Law
Trade Unionism in India
Week-1 Agency, 2015

Definition of Trade Union and CO1, CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Trade Dispute Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Registration of Trade Unions CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Week-2 Legal Status of Registered CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Trade Union Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Mode of Registration CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Powers and Duties of CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Registrar Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Week-3 Cancellation and Dissolution CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
of Trade Union Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Procedure for Change of CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Name Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Amalgamation of Trade CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Union Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Disqualifications of Office- CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
bearers, Right and Duties of Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Office-bearers and Members Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
Week-4 General and Political Funds CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
of Trade Union Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
CO1, CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Civil and Criminal Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
Immunities of Registered method, Problem based. Central Law
Trade Unions Agency, 2015
CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Recognition of Trade Union
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015
CO1,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,
Participative, Experiential, Labour and
Collective Bargaining
Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
method, Problem based. Central Law
Agency, 2015

Caselaws: Lecture, Discussion, Dr. Goswami,

Participative, Experiential, Labour and
1. Bokajan Cement Cooperative, Case study Industrial Law,
Corporation Employees method, Problem based. Central Law
Union v Cement
Agency, 2015
Corporation of India
Ltd., (2004) I L.L.J. 197

2. IFFCO, Phulpur
Karmchari Sangh v.
Registrar of T.U.,
(1992) II LLJ 239

3. In re Indian Steam
Navigation Workers
Union, AIR 1936 Cal.

4. West India Steel

Company Ltd. v.
Azeez., (1990) II L.L.J.
133 (Kerala).

5. Rohtas Industries Staff

Union v. State of
Bihar., AIR 1963 Pat.

Unit 2 By Prof. K.M Pillai CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Standing Order Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Concept and Nature of method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Standing Orders House, New Delhi

CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Scope and Coverage
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
of the Industrial method, Problem
Employment (Standing Vikas Publishing
Orders) Act, 1946 House, New Delhi

CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Certification Process
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Procedure for Certification CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-6 Appeals against Certification CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Condition for Certification CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Date of Operation of
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Standing Orders method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Building Nature and Effect of CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Certified Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-7 Standing Orders CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Posting of Standing Orders CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-8 CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Modification and Temporary method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Application of Model House, New Delhi
Standing Orders

Interpretation and
Enforcement of

Standing Orders CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
CO2,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Penalties and Procedure
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Unit 3 By Dr V.G Goswami and S.N CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Mishra Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Resolution of Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Industrial method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Dispute House, New Delhi
Session Industrial Dispute and
Individual Dispute billtrack/industrial-relations-

Arena of Interaction and CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participants: Industry, Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Workman and Employer Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
1) D. N. Banerjee v. P.R.
Mukherjee AIR 1953 House, New Delhi
SC 58.
2)Bangalore Water
Supply and Sewerage
Board v. A. Rajappa AIR
1978 SC 548
3) State of Bombay v.
Hospital Mazdoor Sabha
AIR1960 SC 610.

4) Nagpur Corporation v.
Nagpur Corporation
workmen AIR 1960 SC

5) Management of
Safdarjung Hospital v.
Kuldeep Singh AIR 1970
SC 1406.

6) Workmen of
Dimakuchi Tea Estate v.
Management of
Dimakuchi Tea Estate AIR
1958 SC 353.

7) University of Delhi v.
Ram Nath AIR 1963 SC

8) Miss A. Sundarambal.
v. Govt. of Goa , Daman
& Diu ( 1989)1 LLJ 61

Week-10 Settlement of CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Industrial Dispute Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Bongaigaon Refinery method, Problem based.
Ltd. v.Samjidun Vikas Publishing
Ahmed. AIR 2001 SC House, New Delhi
Standard Vacuum
Refinery Co. v.
Jadhav J. H v. Forbes
Gokak Ltd (2005) I LLJ
1089 (SC)

Works Committee CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Conciliation Machinery CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-11 Court of Enquiry CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Voluntary Arbitration
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Adjudication: Labour Court CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
RSRTC v. Dean Dayal
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Sharma method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-12 Tribunal and National CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Tribunal Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Powers of the Appropriate CO3,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Government under the Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Unfair Labour Practice
House, New Delhi

Unit 4 By Dr V.G Goswami and Prof. CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
K.M Pillai Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Instruments of Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Economic method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Coercion. Concept of strike House, New Delhi
Session New Labour Laws
Week-13 Explained (Part 1):
Industrial Relations
Code 2020, LIVELAW
(Sept. 26, 2020, 08:43

Gherao CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Bandh and Lock-out CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Types of Strike CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Rights to Strike and Lock- CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
out Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
General Prohibition of
strikes and lock-outs method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
1) T. K Rangarajan v.
House, New Delhi
Govt. of Tamil Nadu
AIR 2003 SC 3032
2) All India Bank
Employee Association
v. National Industrial
Tribunal (1962) 3 SCR

Prohibition of Strikes and CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Lock-outs in Public Utility Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Services Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
1) Kameshwar Prasad v.
State of Bihar (1962 ) House, New Delhi
3 SCR 369

Week-14 Illegal Strikes and Lock-outs CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
1) Esorpe Mills Ltd . V.
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Presiding Officer method, Problem based.
Labour Court ( 20080 Vikas Publishing
7 SCC 594. House, New Delhi

Justification of Strikes and CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Lock-outs Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Penalties for Illegal strikes CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
and Lock-outs Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
1) Bank of India v. T. s
KALEWALA 1990 1 method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
CLR 748 House, New Delhi
2) KR Shyam
Employers are
obliged to pay
wages during
lockdown period,
(Apr. 13, 2020),

Wages for Strikes and Lock- CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
outs Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
1) Syndicate Bank and method, Problem based.
others v. K. Umesh Vikas Publishing
Nayak 1995 AIR 319 House, New Delhi
2) Excel wear v.Union of
India 1979 SCR (1)

3) Supreme Court
Order On
Payment Of
Wages During
The Lockdown
Week-15 CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
1) Management of method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
Kairbeta Estate House, New Delhi
Rajamanikam 1960
AIR 893.

Retrenchment CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
1)Hari Prasad Shiv Shukla v.
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
A. D. Divakar AIR 1957 SC method, Problem based.
121 Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Empire Industries Ltd .
v. State of Maharashtra AIR
2010 SC 1389.
3) Sachiv Krishi Upaj Samiti
Sanawad v. Mahander Kumar
2004 LLR 405.

Transfer and Closure: CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Definition of Lay-off and Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Retrenchment Compensation Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Compensation to Workmen
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
in Case of Transfer method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
of Undertaking Closure CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi

Closure: Prevention and CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,

Regulation Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Conditions: Precedent for CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Retrenchment Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Week-16 Special Provisions Relating CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
to Lay-off, Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
Retrenchment and Closure in method, Problem based.
Certain Establishments. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Procedure for Retrenchment CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
and Re-employment of Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Retrenched Workmen Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
and Penalty
House, New Delhi
Week 17 Disciplinary Action and CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Domestic Enquiry Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Management’s Prerogative
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
during the Pendency of method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Proceedings CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi
Notice of Change CO3,CO4,CO5 Lecture, Discussion, S.C. Srivastava,
Participative, Experiential, Industrial Relations
Cooperative, Case study and Labour Law,
method, Problem based. Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi

Remedial Classes for weak learners (RCW)/ Special Classes for strong learners (SCS)/ Doubt
Classes for all students (DC)
Session Target group Topic/ Contents Details Course Outcome to be Teaching Pedagogy Reading Remarks
No. with subtopics Achieved Material
1-2 7th Sem Trade Union CO1,CO5 Lecture, Case Study, S.N Mishra
Problem Based,
3-4 7th Sem Standing Order CO2,CO5 Lecture, S.C Srivastava
Participative, Case
Study, Experiential.
5-6 7th Sem Resolution of Industrial CO3, CO5 Lecture, Case Study, Dr. Goswami
Dispute Problem based,

7-8 7th Sem Instruments of CO3, CO4, CO5 Lecture, case study, S. C.Srivastava
Economic Coercion. problem based,

List of cases ( PSDA)

1. Rangaswami v. Registrar of Trade Union, AIR 1962Mad 231
2. Tamil Nadu Non–Gazetted Govt. Officers Union, Madras v. The Registrar of Trade Union, AIR 1962 Mad 234
3. Bokajan Cement Corporation Employees Union v. Cement Corporation of India Ltd. AIR 2004 SC 245
4. O. N. G. C. Workmen Association v. State of West Bengal AIR 2015 SC 2210
5. Re Indian Steam Navigation Workers Union, AIR 1936 Cal 57
6. R. S. Ruikar v. Emperor. AIR 1935 Nag 149
7. Rohtas Industries Staff Union v. State of Bihar. AIR 1963 Pat. 170
8. Rohtas Industries Ltd. v. Rohtas Industries Staff Union AIR 1976 SCC 423
9. Jay Engineering Works Ltd v. State of W. B. AIR 1968 Cal. 407
10. Standard Chartered Bank v. Hindustan Engineering and General Mazdoor Union (2001) 1 LLJ 1009
11. West India Steel Company Ltd v. Azeez (1990) II LLJ 133 (Ker)
12. India Yamuna Motors Private Limited v. Dharam Singh (2015) 2 SCC 108.
13. R. G. D’Souza v. Poona Employees Union (2015) 2 SCC 522
14. Barauni Refinery Pragatisheel Shramik Parishad v. Indian Oil Corporation Limited AIR 1990 SC 1801
15. Western India Match Co v. Workmen AIR 1973 SC 2650
16. Salem Erode Electricity Distribution Company Ltd v. Employees Union AIR 1966 SC 808
17. Shahadara S. Light Railway Co v. S.S Railway Workers Union AIR 1969 SC 513
18. Avery India Ltd v. Second Industrial Tribunal, West Bengal AIR 1972 SC 1626
19. Moti Lal v. Bharat Electronics Limited, AIR 2003 SC 145
20. Mrs. Rohini K. Butte v. M/S. E. Merck (I) Ltd. AIR 2016 SC 182
21. D.N Banerjee v. P.R Mukherjee AIR 1953 SC 58
22. State of Bombay v. Bombay Hospital Mazdoor Sabha AIR 1976 SC 610
23. Bangalore Water Supply v. A. Rajappa AIR 1978 SC 548
24. University of Delhi v. Ram Nath AIR 1963 SC 1873
25. State of UP v. Jai Bir Singh (2005) 5 SCC 1
26. State of Uttar Pradesh v. Jai Bir Singh (2017) 3 SCC 311
27. Workmen of Dimakuchi Tea Estate v. Management of Dimakuchi Tea Estate AIR 1958 SC 353
28. A. Sundrambal v. Govt. of Goa Daman and Dui (1989)1 LLJ 61 (SC)
29. Ram Gopal Dwivedi v. Kanpur Electricity Supply Company Ltd (2017) 14 SCC 630
30. ONGC Ltd v. Petroleum Coal Labour Union AIR 2015SC 1277
31. Syndicate Bank v. V. K. Umesh Nayak AIR 1995 SC 319
32. T. K. Rangrajan v. Government of Tamil Nadu AIR 2003 SC1257
33. B. R. Singh v. Union of India AIR 1989 (4)SCC 710
34. HAL Employees union v. Presiding Officer AIR 1996 SC 152
35. Shri Ramchandra Spinning Mills v. State of Madras (1957) ILLJ 90 Mad
36. Kalinga Tubes Ltd. v. Workmen AIR1969 SC90
37. Management of Kairbetta Estate, Kotagiri v. Rajamanickam AIR 1960 SC 893
38. Punjab Land Development and Reclamation Corporation Limited, Chandigarh v. Presiding officer, Labour Court,
Chandigarh, 1990 SCC (3) 682
39. Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co Ltd v. Employees Union, 2015 (3) SCJ 512
40. Rajkumar v. directorate of Education AIR 2016 SC 1855
41. U P Rajya Sahakari Krishi Evam Gramya Vikas Bank Limited v. Subhash Chandra Awasthi (2016) 15 SCC 509
42. Hari Nandan Prasad v. Employer I/R to Management of Food Corporation of India (2014) 7 SCC 190
43. Excel Wear v. Union of India AIR 1979 SC 75
44. Mohanlal v. Bharat electronics AIR1981 SC 1253

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