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Maranao, largest of the Muslim

ethnolinguistic groups of the
Philippines. "Maranao" means
"people of the lake" referring to
Lake Lanao in the province of
Lanao del Sur.

During the colonial period, they

fought against the Spaniards,
usually under the flag of
Maguindanao sultanate. Like other
Muslim ethnic groups, the Maranao
are brave and have offered sacrifice
in defense of their homeland and

Maranaos are presumed to be the

last tribe who embraced Islam as
their religion.

The Maranao people have

lived on the Southern
Philippine island of
Mindanao since at least
the 13th century. The
inhabitants are located
around the Lake Lanao.
The Maranao language is an
Austronesian language whose
closest similarities are to other
indigenous languages of Mindanao.

1, 420, 000

POLYGAMY is one of the

traditions of Maranaos that is
still practiced upon to this day,
especially for Maranao males.
Polygamy is when a person
marries more than one wife or
Another tradition that is practiced by
the Maranaos is called “parental”
marriage. In that case, parents will be
the ones to adjudicate who will marry
their son or daughter. The parents of
both sides will have an agreement how
much dowry will be given by the
parents of groom side to the parents of
the bride side..
Most of their cultural dances were
derived from their ancient epic,
the Darangen.

Maranao women’s traditional

way of walking.

A dance that shows graceful

walking, turning and balancing KAKINI-KINI
covering their faces.

Okir is a flowing and

geometric design
used by the Maranaos
to beautify their
It is a long strip of cloth attached
around the corner of the house.

The sari-manok is a stylized bird situated, among

other places, on the top of banner poles


Tugaya has long been known as

the home of the arts and crafts of
the Maranao tribe.

Torogan, a royal house

belonging to the leading
household which also serves
a political function.

The landap and malong,

which are tubelike cloths
or skirts designed with okir
are their traditional clothes.

Ramadan is the ninth month of

the Islamic calendar, observed by
Muslims worldwide as a month
of fasting (sawm), prayer,
reflection and community.

The Sagayan festival features a war
dance performed by warriors
carrying elaborated shields and

Most of the Maranao dishes are spicy
because Maranaos like spicy foods.
Palapa is the main ingredient of their
dishes and it is a combination of
different spices like scallion bulbs, chili,
and ginger. Popular dishes include
piaparan a manok (chicken with coconut
meat), bakas (tuna fish) and badak
Piaparan a manok

Badak (jackfruit)

Bakas (tuna fish)

Their most famous desserts is
O dodol, which is a sticky dessert
made with “malagkit” rice, a
D special type of rice, coconut
milk and brown sugar slowly
O cooked until becomes sticky.
Other desserts include barubed,
L tiyatag, pakbol, pabrot, dalog,
palitaw, tamokonsi, browa,
amik, tiompe, balolon, tapay
and lokatis.



The primary source of livelihood is

agriculture, including the production of such
crops as rice, corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts,
papayas, bananas, and betel nuts. Lake fishing
is also a traditional source of livelihood.
A madrasah, a school stressing
the reading of the Quran,
stands in every community,
built with community funds,
sometimes with additional
money from Arab countries.
Lanun- Means pirate in malay language
The iranun/ilanun are
closely related to the
maranao and
maguindanao.They are
marine oriented, Famed
for their sea adventures,
and generally live along
the eastern coast of Ilana
The meaning of these is
the 99 name of allah.
Umrella in iranun means payong
The iranun language also
iranon, IIlanun also is an
Austronesian language
Belonging to the danao
languages spoken in the
provinces of
maguindanao and other
part of lanao del sur and
lanao del norte, coastal
municipalities of
Zamboanga del sur from
tukuran to dumalinao and
cotabato in southern
Philippines and
Most iranuns are
muslim.Their language
is part of the
Austronesian family,
and most closely
related to the maranao
Iranun live on coastal area Earning
their living from the sea.
= Others, live further in land and have
adopted an agricultural lifestyle
cultivating rice and vegetables.

Sagayan was a stage play which usually performed by

young man discribing The skills and bravery of the
iranun warrior While both copy the movements of
nature, particularly the movements of water, maranao
dances the reflect of serenity of the lake, with gentle
waving and hand work, whereas iranun dances convey
the movements of the ocean with bouyant, up and
down movements.

Ancent iranun man were using samping(

vernecular bahag) and sablay ( tsaliko in modern
time) and tubaw. However ancient iranun were
shoeless. They were not using a shoes due. They
were not using shoes due to absence of
knowledge on shoemaking.
Wedding ceremonies

Iranun usually practice maharlika

system. If dowry has been agreed
and settle down and after signing
of contract between the two

The iranun take pride from their dishes such as a

the diateresa. Which has shrimp, Grated coconut,
spring onions, Ginger and coconut milk wrapped
in balanghoy leaves and eaten with yellow rice.

The kulintang,
pamindira,and dibakan
were usually and
commonly used as
musical instruments
were usually used
during fiest day or
durangna( Wedding
Native house
The traditional iranun house
is called the turogan. It
consist's of tree stories.
First is the basement space
or tunnel called kuta or
bag'r or pascol. Historically,
this was the portion of the
house were residents hid
when feuds or war was
The ancient iranun were good farmers
and fisherman.They were living in the
fertile vast land sea.They supplement
farming and fishing by hunting deers
and other wild animals for thier daily
needs and consumption.
Ethnolinguistic Group of
What is
• The Tausug is a native tribe
found in Jolo at the Sulu
archipelago of the Philippines.

• The name Tausug is derived from

two words: “tau” meaning man
and “sug“ or “suluk” meaning
current thus making Tausug as
“people of the current”.
• The Tausug became the dominant ethnic group in the
Sulu archipelago, dominating over the local Sama-
Bajau people, after they were Islamized in the 14th
century and established the sultanate of Sulu in the 15th
• The Tausug are part of the wider political identity of
Muslims of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan known as the
Moro ethnic group, who constitute the third largest ethnic
group of Mindanao.
There are, however, significant migrant (or
immigrant) communities of Tausug in Malaysia and Indonesia,
particularly on the northeastern coast of the island of Borneo. In
the early 21st century the Tausug in the Philippines numbered
roughly 900,000; in Malaysia they totalled about 200,000, and in
Indonesia they amounted to nearly 20,000.
The Sulu Islands are a region of the Philippines, an
island chain that stretches from near Zamboanga, at the
southwestern tip of Mindanao, almost to the Malaysian
province of Sabah, at the eastern end of Borneo.
Marriage - The Tausugs still practice
age-old marriage customs.
Marriages were arranged by the
parents so that the young couple
would be married even if they did
not have much opportunity to get
acquainted. A dowry is go to the
bride's family by the groom's family.
This dowry may be in the form of
crops, work animals, land, money or
pieces of jewelry.
is an important trait
among the Tausugs. They
practice the ritual of blood
compact to signify the depth of
their loyalty to one another. They
are fierce and dangerous but the
moment one befriends one of
them, the bond will be enduring.
Certain burial customs are observed
among these people. For example, when
someone in the family dies, religious officials
are called upon to perform the rituals. The
dead man's body is washed to prepare it for
the ceremony. The sacred text of the Koran is
read over the body. It is believed that the
chants from the Koran will lighten the dead
man's spirit from its physical pain. The reading
of the Koran Is continued, this time over the
grave, for several days. Tausugs means
treacherous waters They are given this name
because their land floats atop the treacherous
Tausug people are considered:
• Are known for their being brave.
• Show/tell you what they feel.
• They are humble and respectful.
• Usually silent type of people.
• Willing to risk their life.
• They have one word.
• Not fun of crowded places.
Visual Arts and Crafts
• Tausug visual arts are represented by
carvings, metalworks, woodworks, tapestry
and embroidery, mat making and basketry,
textile and fashion, pottery, and other minor
arts (Szanton 1963). In general, Tausug
visual arts follow the Islamic prohibition of
representing human or animal forms.

• Consequently, Mindanao and Sulu have

developed ukkil or abstract motifs which
are carved, printed, or painted into various
media. These motifs are suggestive of
leaves, vines, flowers, fruits, and various
geometric shapes.

Gabbang Agung


• Tausugs are good farmers. They cultivate corn, sweet

potatoes, and vegetables for their daily subsistence.
Coconuts, cassava and abaca are grown for commercial
purposes. However, they have to import all their rice.

• Those who live by the lakeshore, rivers and seacoasts

are good fishermen. They catch many varieties of fish,
sharks, sea cucumbers and pearls.
The ancient dwelling
of the Tausugs are built
mostly with indigenous
materials. Joti is a plant they
use for posts while sent
leaves are utilized for walls.
Digpi, the bark of a specific
tree, is used to fasten walls
and posts. The digpi 6-8 feet
long which is pre-soaked in
salt water for sometime then
dried before it is used.
Pangalay - is a traditional "fingernail"
dance of the Tausug people of the
Sulu Archipelago performed during
weddings, social gatherings and
other festive events. It is
characterized by intricate hand
and arm movement along with
shimmering costumes and beat of
the kulintang and gabbang.
The Tausug men wears tight fitting pants and
shirt, a sash around the waist and a matching
turban. Their clothes are made of cotton which they
weave locally. Oftentimes, men shave their heads or
cut their hair short of signify their social status. The
women wear matching sarong of the Malay type.
They wear brass accessories to their blouses or use
as necklace or bracelets.
Men women
• Is a blouse made of plain material like satin
and is ornamented with tambuku on the
breast, shoulders and cuffs.

● Is an all-purpose skirt worn by both
men and women.
• This is the head gear worn by
Tausug men.

• They are tight and lose trousers
they wear.

• A collarless short tailored jacket
similar to the biyatawi.
Tausug is
an Austronesian
language spoken on the
island of Jolo in the
southwestern Philippines. It
is also found on other nearby
islands in the southwestern
part of the Philippines and in
parts of Sabah, Malaysia,
where it is called Suluk.
• They also have
many delicacies
like pyuto made
from white
cassava, bawlu,
am, daral , etc.
Religion and Expressive Culture
Religious Beliefs
- The Tausug are Sunni Muslims, followers of the
Shaft school. The Five Pillars are observed, although only
the elderly practice daily prayers regularly. All illness,
accidents, and other misfortunes are ultimately God's will.
However, the Tausug retain elements of pre-Islamic belief
and, additionally, see the world as inhabited by local
spirits capable of causing good or ill fortune. Folk curers
(mangungubat ) may be sought in time of illness.
Traditional medical specialists, who obtain their powers
through dreams or by the instruction of older curers, heal
mainly by herbal remedies and prayers.
Political System

Before the sultanate of Sulu was founded,

the Tausugs were organized into various
independent communities, each community was
called a Banwa.When the sultanate was established,
it was divided nto districts administered by a mayor
called as the Panglima.

• ruma bichura (state council advisers);

• datu raja muda (crown prince),
• datu maharaja adenduk (palace commander)
• datu ladladja laut (admiral),
• datu maharaja Layla (commisoner of customs),
• datu amir bahar (speaker of the ruma bichara),
• datu tumangong (executive secretary),
• datu juhan (secretary of information)
• datu muluk bandarasa (secretary of commerce)
• datu sawajaan (secretary of interior),
• datu bandahala (secretary of finance)
• Mamaneho (inspector general),
• datu sakandal (sultan’s personal envoy)
• datu nay (ordinance or weapon commander)
• Wazil (prime minister)
The highest among the The headman
ranks. He is politically and the Islamic controlling smaller
ritually empowered member spiritual leader. segments of the
of the society.
regional population
and they also perform
some religious
• Major events in the religious
calendar include fasting
during Ramadan;

• Hari Raya Puasa, a day of

feasting immediately
following Ramadan;

• Hari Raya Hadji, the feast

of sacrifice on the tenth day
of the month of Jul-Hadj;

• the birthday of the

Prophet, on the twelfth
day of Maulud; and

Pagtulak Bala

• (lit., "to send away evil"),

a day of ritual bathing on
the last Wednesday of
KAGAN came from the
word KAAG which means
OR SECRECY. The other term also
is Ka-allagan which means
“shining light referring from the
sun due as they are believed to
be more advanced in lifestyle and
society than their neighbouring
tribes which live on the high-
lands of the mountains
of Davao.
• The Kalagan people are
PLACES/AREA THEY most predominantly found
FOUND on the River Delta areas
surrounding the shorelines
of Davao Gulf.
• They lived in the District of
Sirawan, Bangkal, and Maa
of Davao City, Kaganguwan
in Panabo City, Hijo,
Bingcongan, Madaug in
Tagum, Davao Del Norte,
Piso, Macangao, Sumlog,
Kalagiran, and some areas
of Cotabato.

They continue believe in a variety of environmental spirit. Many tales

are also told of magic, sorcery, and supernatural being. They also
believe that all nature like trees, stone, mountains, river and ocean has
a spirit they called “manguya” and they respect it by performing
ceremonial rituals as a sign of respect.

Before the Islam came in the Mindanao, Philippines early Kagan is believed
to be an animist and they believed that there is a one Supreme God called
TANGALLANG means Creator.
• Muslim religious leaders and teachers
(IMAMS AND PANDITAS) direct religious
life and teach young boys to read and
memorize the Koran (Islam’s Holy book.

• Islamic Group of People.


- The one who performs the rituals are the priest

called balyans which means SHAMAN or Healer
or the one who can contract the spirits by asking
cure for the sick, for the guidance and security
of the tribe, and even fortune-telling.
----Same as Mandayas, they contacting the
Spiritual realm by performing a Kulintang and a
ritual dance holding a “Kasang” a native shield
with well surrounding it and while the balyans
are dancing, the bells creating a sound as an
activation of the spirit to enter the body of the

• For most proposes,

• The Kagan social structure
social rank is less
is unusual because it is
important than
modified by a system of
blood ties.
social rank, certain rules of
decent, and distinctive
• Higher-ranking families
maintain elaborate
genealogies to prove their
• The kalagan of highest rank in their society do
not perform manual labor.

• Man do the plowing, tilling and other heavy

forms of work. The women do most of the
domestic work, often assisted by their older

• Many household items are hand crafted from

wood, bamboo, rattan, thatch, and fiber.
Three Kalagan Term of
the Bride Price

• Saud ng gatas - They usually ask for a cup of bowl.

• Sao sang
kaoowa -They ask for a dagmay (tubular skirt).

• Sarilin sang -They ask for livestock for money.

-The actual marriage rite consists of the imam’s
reciting of some verses from the Quran. This is


-The reciting of appropriate verses

for a wedding.
-The recitation mentions the
five pillars of Islam;

• Worshiping God or praying five

times a day

• Giving Alms (ZAKAT)

• Fasting one month a year

• And if possible, going on pilgrimage

- Kinagan the native language of the tribe.
- It is also related to Indonesian which some of the words are
similar to the Bahasa language.

- Other words are also influenced by the Arabic Language.

- There are know as Multilingual people since they can speak 3 or

more languages used in communication to their neighbouring

-There are approximately 8,000 Kalagan (Tagakaolo) living on the

Island of Mindanao in the Philippines.

- 139,000 total population in the


- They are Self-sufficient farmer, producing nearly all

their own food.

- The Kalagan catch fish and obtain wild foods and other
various materials from the marshes.

-They’re renowned as agriculturists, cultivating rice, corn,

abaca, and coconut for cash crop.

-Tagakaulu Art is confined mostly to

weaving, basket making, and producing
certain ornaments. Personal adornment
in the form of bright clothing beaded
jewellery, and the accessories is
distinctive and colourful.

- On special occasion, grateful dances

are performed to the rhythmic music of
gongs and other instruments.

SINIGAPUNA is a Filipino rice Dish with turmeric and other

Thank you!!!
Ethnolinguistic Groups



• Philippines is home to numerous indigenous groups, including

the molbogs tribe. Also known as “Malebugan” or
“Malebuganon”. They are part of 15 Ethnolinguistic Groups.

• The Molbogs are described as migrants from northern path of

Borneo whose population is estimated to be more than 20,000.
The name molbog is derived from the word “Malubog”, meaning
“Murky or turbid water” reffering to a mudy water sorround the
area caused by flood. Later on Balabac is called “Malubugon”
while inhabitants are called mulbog.

- Molbog’s Are indigent in

the Province of Palawan
who is believed to be
among the migrants from
North Borneo and is now
living in Balabac Island the
Southern of Palawan.
- Their traditional beliefs and costumes
passed on the form one generation, related
to health care and safety. One of the
famous molbog tradition is the dance ritual
for offering, healing, and prayer. It is
formed during wedding or thanks giving
celebrations to appease the God’s.

- In the old times, they were ruled by Sulu datus in which each
village were ruled by religious leaders. But this kind of traditions
are disappearing along the advancement of Technology.

- Aside from dance rituals another

legacy of the ancient molbog tribe is
process making clothes or fabrics
out of bamboo skin. Sadly, Only few
members of the tribe practice this
tradition nowadays.

- The molbog’s livelihood

includes subsistence
Farming, Fishing and
occasional barter trading with
sulu and Sabah Market

- Linguistically, the molbog language has some lixical

similarity with samah, Tausug, and Palawanon.

- Molbog is thought to belong to the Palawanic branch

of Central Philippine languages by some scholars,
while others classify it as a part of the Molbog –
bonggi North Bornean languages.
Latin Alphabet for Molbog

Agung – The agung is a set

of a wide-rimmed, Vertically
suspended gongs use by the
Mindanao, maranao, Sama-
Bajau, and Tausug people in
the Philippines as a
supportive instrument in
kulintang ensembles.
kulintang – (Indonesian
:kolintang, Malay:
Is a modern term for an
ancient instrumental form of
music compose in a row
small, horizontal laid gongs
that function melodiocally,
accompanied by larger ,
suspend gongs and drums.

• Like all Muslim groups, Islam for them is a

way of life. Exercise their religion Is
characterized with zeal. Observance with the
five Pillars of Islam and Basic Arabic chanting
are heard daily in every molbog Community .
The religious life of the community. Along with
the Islamic practice are animistic sacrifices.
In every Muslim and Christian relationship, Christian will
show love that will open Muslim hearts for the Gospel.

• Pray for teaching opportunities. Pray that God’s word

will continue to speak to them. Pray that God will cause
a breakthrough among this people.
• Pray for more culturally sensitive missionaries to come
to the molbog people to share Jesus.
• Pray for continuous favorable opportunities to be
spend for these people that will finally bring salvation
for the molbog.
The end!..
The Palawan Indigenous people

The Palawan. The early Muslim inhabitants in mainland

Palawan were the Panimusan. These people became
Muslims as a result of close contact with the Sulu
Sultanate. Many Tausug during the sultanate period
came to Palawan in order to introduce Islam to the local

The Palawan are shifting cultivators, clearing a small

area of forest and growing food on it before moving
on and allowing the forest to regenerate. They grow
upland rice, which they believe has a ‘human-like
personality’. They also collect honey and hunt wild

They practice shifting cultivation of upland rice

which is considered as a divine gift, they are
also known for their rice wine ritual called
“Pagdiwata”. The cult of the dead is the key to
the religious system of the Tagbanua, who also
believe in countless deities found in the natural

The Palawan’s have an animistic belief system, believing that all living things
have a soul and that humans should do our best to live in harmony with
animals, plants, and nature. A central concern for the Palawan’s is how they
can fulfill their own needs while remaining respectful of the spirits that
surround them.

Palawan is home to several indigenous groups.

The oldest inhabitants are the Palaw'an, Batak,
Tagbanwa, and Tau't Bato who are from the
interiors and highlands of Palawan, as well as
the Calamianes Islands

There are various dialects in Palawan being

spoken by the locals. English, Tagalog and
Ilonggo are widely spoken but among the
native ones, the most widely spoken are
Cuyonon and Palawanon. Statistics say that
Tagalog dominates, followed by Cuyonon, then
Palawanon and some speak Ilonggo.
- Beljan: the spirits of all beljan (shamans); able to travel to the vertical
universe, divided into fourteen different layers, in order to heal the world and
to re-establish cosmic balance also referred to as Balyan

- Diwata: benevolent and protective deity who

stays in the median space called Lalangaw; the
mediator between humans and the supreme deity

-Ampu at Paray: the master of rice

-Linamin at Barat: the lady-goddess of the monsoon winds

-Linamin at Bulag: the lady-goddess of the dry season

-Upu Kuyaw: the grandfather god of thunder


The palaw’ans are descendants of the tabon

caves inhabitants. It was further explained that
these tribes have similarities when it comes to
their language, farming methods, and a
common belief in soul relatives.

The Palawano food is made up of rice,

bananas, cassava, breadfruit, pork
from wild pig, fruit andfreshwater fish.
Musical instrument

Bamboo blowgun

A teenage Palawano teenage

tribesman plays his native
Filipino guitar, a paglong.

The Palaw'ans are literate, although their

Palao'an are known to depend on hunting and
gathering education is only in the elementary
level. Leadership as their major source of living.

Ramadan is a tradition of all Muslims around the world. It is a month of

prayer, reflection, and community. The Muslims
Have religious practices such as fasting from dawn to sunset, having
more time for praying, charity works for the poor, nightly prayers, and
recitation of the Quran.
BADJAO: The Sea Gypsies Of Mindanao
Known to be the men of the seas, the Badjao or
Bajau tribal group has been admired for moving with the wind and tide
on their vintas or small boats. These mighty people have settled in the
coastal areas of the Sulu archipelago. According to the legend, these
boat dwellers were originally from some part in Indonesia. The
princess wanted to marry a Sultan from Brunei so one day she went
there escorted by a large fleet of war boats, which was intercepted by
the Sultan of Brunei. He kidnapped her and sailed back to his land.
The escorting fleets could not go back to Indonesia without their
princess so they kept on sailing the seas. Some of them have settled
on uninhabited islands, others have turned to piracy, and there are
also those that have become fishermen and settled in the coastal
areas. While many were still living in houseboats, there are also other
Badjaos that built houses for cases when their boathouses would
need repair.
Even though their tribe was once feared by most in
Mindanao, these people are actually primitive and friendly,
known to be the most peace-loving group of people in the
world. They are a non-aggressive tribal community. In
times when conflicts with other tribes arise, they deal with
it by fleeing to other places – the sea. They were referred
by the other tribes as “God forsaken” and the Muslim tribes
have forced them to move to the sea, which actually gave
them the advantage for escape in hostile tribe attacks. In
the long run, the sea has molded the attitude and the
unique appearance of the Badjao: their bronze-colored
hair and dark brown skin has made them absolutely
unique from all other tribes in the Philippines.
By tradition, these people
are known to be hardworking
sea nomads, going from place
to place through their small
boats in search of fishing
harvests. They are a pagan
tribe that has been sailing the
seas for over a thousand
The people of the Badjao tribe
are a nomadic sea faring tribe.
The men of the tribe are skilled
fishermen specifically the art of
pantana fishing (spear fishing).
They traditionally lived on house
boats moving through the sea
wherever was needed, to fulfil their
fishing requirements.
Population of Bajao:
The largest people group are the Badjao people
with an estimated population of 400,000. They are an
indigenous ethnic group of The Philippines which has
been there since at least 500AD.
Badjao are an endemic fisher-folk who have
been using sustainable fishing methods for over 1500
years. In the past 50 years however, The Philippines
has experienced a surge in population that has severely
depleted fish populations, leaving Badjao without
anything to sustain their livelihood. Uneducated and
often ostracized by the majority people group, they
are left struggling to survive in modern society.
What is Badjao culture?

An ethnic group of Malay origin, the

Bajao Laut have lived almost entirely at sea for
centuries. They are some of the last true
nomads of the ocean. Living on the sea,
crammed in make shifts boat, and living on
floating houses above the ocean; the Bajao
People are the sea gypsies of the ocean.
What values beliefs and traditions of

Although that their ancestors were once feared

by many in the Mindanao region, the Badjao
are primitive and friendly, they are believed to
be world's most peace-loving people and
consider themselves as a non-aggressive tribal
What is the Tradition of Bajao?

Badjao tradition of marriages

is prearranged by the parents for
their sons and daughters at an
early age; the process is similar to
other ethnic groups, in which a
dowry is often presented to the
parents of the woman that a man
wishes to marry (Peralta, 2002).
What is the religious beliefs
of Badjao?

Religious Beliefs. The Bajau are Sunni

Muslims of the Shafi school. Claims to
religious piety and learning are an
important source of individual prestige,
and persons considered descendants
of the Prophet ( salip ) are shown
special deference.
Where is Bajao located?

Southern Philippines
The Bajao people live across the
southern Philippines, Indonesia and
Malaysia and, according to rough estimates,
number about one million people. "For possibly
thousands of years, [they] have been living on
house boats, travelling from place to place in
the waters of South-East Asia and visiting land
only occasionally. Apr 19, 2018
What are the foods of Badjao?

Fresh fish and cassava are the staple

diet of the Badjaos. After they fled their
homes, many had to adjust to the food
provided by the government and
humanitarian organizations, which
generally consist of rice and canned
goods. For many older people, changing
diet is difficult.
What are the language of Bajao in the Philippines?

The language that our local Badjao speak is a dialect of Sinama, of the
Sama people. Borrowing from the app's description, “Central Sinama is
a language of the Philippines and Malaysia (known in Malaysia as Bajau).
What is the main source of income for
the Badjao tribe?

As a nomadic tribe living in stilt huts or boat houses on

shallow waters, they make their living from traditional free-
diving for fish and pearls. Over the years, more and more
Badjao people have been lured away from the ocean,
migrating to a life on land. The Badjao are also talented divers
– diving for pearls. To this day, these activities still play a
major part in the lives of the Badjao people. They collect the
fish and pearls and sell them at the main markets in Cebu
City. These activities are traditionally their main source of
What are the traditional attire of a

Focusing on their mode of dressing the

traditional attire of a Badjao is the “patadjong.” It
has many uses. They are made large enough to
fit any person and are used by both men and
women as a skirt or gown tucked at the chest
What is the educational background of a Bajao?

Education is very important because most of the children are

not literate and mostly the parents can’t help them read and
Since their parents are also illiterate, most of the children need
learning assistance, coaching, or tutoring outside their homes
if they are to be educated. They need to be literate if there is
any hope for them to assimilate with peers outside of their
tribe and for them to have any vocational choices in adulthood.
Rights of the Bajao’:
SENATE P 5 Res 418
Introduced by Senator Grace Poe
Whereas, Republic Act No, 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples' Rights
Act of 1997 recognizes, respects and protects the rights of
indigenous cultural communities (ICCs) and indigenous peoples
(IPs) within the framework of the Constitution;

Whereas, Section 2 of R.A. No. 8371 outlines mechanisms to

guarantee the realization of the rights of ICCs/IPs, taking into
consideration their customs, traditions, values, beliefs, interests
and institutions, and to adopt and implement measures to protect
their rights to their ancestral domains;
Whereas, the law also established the National Commission
on Indigenous Cultural Communities/lndigenous Peoples
(NCIP) to protect and promote the rights of ICCs/Ips

Whereas, poverty, loss of livelihood, discrimination and

armed conflicts have forced some IPs-among them the
Badjaos of the coastal towns of Central and Southern
Philippines-to give up their seafaring way of life and migrate
to urban areas, particularly in Metro Manila;;
Whereas, the Badjaos (also spelled Bajau, Bajaw, Bajao, Bajo,
Badjau, or Badjaw) are found in coastal settlements in the Sulu
archipelago particularly in Jolo, Tawi-Tawi, and Sitangkai while others
are scattered in Davao, Surigao, Zamboanga, Basilan, Bohol, Cebu,
and Manila in search for livelihood;

Whereas, the Badjao is said to be the most marginalized among all

other IPs in the Philippines and "everywhere the Badjao, as a sea
people, have tended to be marginalized, excluded from positions of
power, despised, and confined to the lowest rungs of the social
ladder“ l; 1 Otherizing the Badjao:

A Spatial Imagery of State Exclusion and Societal Otherization,

Regina Estorba Macaiandag, p. 2
Whereas, several Badjao families were also displaced due to the recent
conflict in Zarnboanga City;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved by the

Philippine Senate, to inquire on the policies and programs of the
national government, particularly the National Commission on
Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and the
Department of Social Welfare and Development, on the apparent social
exclusion confronting the Badjao people;

What are the common problems of these Indigenous Peoples in
the Philippines?

Common problems include non-representation at all levels of

society, lack of education, poverty, and discrimination.

What are the problems of Badjao?

Corruption, Oppression, and Injustice. Recent changes in
the law have outright banned all fishing, sustainable and
otherwise, in the areas where Badjao have been fishing for
centuries. Desperate for food, young men risk their lives and
their boats every night when fishing in these waters.
I. Demography and History.
A. Population
B. Location
C. Brief History
II. Social Organizations
III. Political Structures
IV. Region Culture
V. Economy
VI. Contemporary Issue and Problem
A. Geomography and History
I. Population

Population In the
hundred years between
1870 and 1970 the
population had increased
more than five folds from
2,000 to nearly 12,000
and villages of only a
dozen houses or so have
increased to ten with 30
or more houses in each
(Casiño 1976) .
As of this year, 2015,the
population had increased
almost three folds from
12,000 in 1970, to 31,000 in
this year and globally, this
group totals 66,000 in 2

The Jama Mapun can be found

in Cagayan de Sulu and
Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi.

They call the island of

Cagayan de Sulu as Tana
Mapun which means the island
of Mapun and their language
as Pullum Mapun.
The Jama Mapun also
inhabits in Turtle or
Taganak Island and in
the islands of Bugsuk
and Balak in Southern
Palawan, coastal North
Borneo and the many
small islands in between
(Casiño 1976).
There are eight islets
embracing the
mainland, Tana
Mapun: Kinapusan,
Bintut, Bohan, Manda,
Bulisuan, Muligi, and
(Casiño 1976).

The Mapun Island

has an area of 26
square miles or 67
square kilometers.
Some features which strikes
out Cagayan de Sulu are the
2 freshwater lakes like
Ernestine and Singuwag- and
a crater bay; Jurata Bay-
which lie at the southern end
of Bangarange.

According to some
geologists, the two lakes are
found to be 10 meters above
sea level (Casiño 1976).

As history suggested,
the island of Mapun
was said to be the core
of pirate activities by
Moros during 19th
Jama Mapun are another
Sama sub-group.

They call their dialect as

pullun mapun which is
part of the Sama

The term mapun stands

for west.
They call themselves as
Jama Mapun because
they are situated at the
distant west of Sulu.

They are concentrated

largely at the Turtle
island, Cagayan de Tawi-
Tawi an island
municipality located at
the border adjacent to
They are also found in
southern Palawan.

Like the Bangingi, the Jama

Mapun adopted permanent
settlement, hence they have
a clear-cut social
organization where the
panglima is recognized as
top community leader.
During the Sulu sultanate
period, Jama Mapun used
to be of a military
strategic importance to
the sultanate.

It used to be the
sultanate’s launching base
to secure the
unquestioning loyalty of
the panglima of Sabah and
The whole Cagayan de
Tawi-Tawi is recognized as
local government unit, a
municipality under the
province of Tawi-Tawi.

With this the Jama Mapun

have been subjected to
central control from Manila
since the days of the
Philippine Commonwealth
government in 1936.
Government school and
agencies were put up there
and placed under the control
of the local people.

The island is seen as strategic

place for the AFP forward
force, because it is situated
in the middle of the Sulu sea,
and adjacent to Sabah.

The government built airports,

which the military can use for
advance troop movements in
the Sulu sea.

The Jama Mapun subsistence

technology is based on
agriculture and maritime
trading, with the cultivation of
coconuts for the production of
copra as a cash crop.

Corn and cassava are

alternative staples.

Unlike most other Sama groups,

the Jama Mapun are more
oriented toward land.

The religion of Jama Mapun

is basically Islam with
some syncretism, and the
political structure is related
to the institution of the
sultanate with its religious

The music and dance of the

people are elaborate and
are Southeast Asian in

The believe in on
supernatural beings and
spirits such as hantu,
semangit, pananggahan,
and tubangkit.

They also fear witches ,

sea devils and glants.
Hal diunya or in English, this
word, and halahirat (new world)
are the two orders of existence
the Jama Mapun believe.

God justifies these orders and

gives foundation for the moral
moral code which can be
grouped into these categories,
the good acts which can be
associated with sharing and
giving, the rewards and the
For them , if you obey all times
you will receive a gift of pure
happines (ibid).

During their pre-adolescent years,

the Jama Mapun children undergo
several rituals to enter Islam fully.

They call it Pag-Slam.

First, they undergo a physical

initiation where the males
experience circumcision.
The ritual usually starts and ends
with a prayer.

They even pray during the


The ritual is performed by an all-

male group called paki.

For females, they undergo the

ritual during when they’re already
in their seventh year.
Just like the males the ritual also
focuses on the genital where the
clitoris of the female is scratched
several times with a bamboo knife.

In this ceremony, only one male is

permitted to be present.

The rest are females (ibid).

After physical initiation, they

believe that it is still insufficient
to fully enter Islam.
The next initiation is wherein
the children who went Pag-
Slam must penetrate its mind
and learn the basic Islam
through Psychic.

It involves learning skills in

reading their holy books,
chanting, singing and praying.

The ritual roughly cost a

learning period of six months to
two years.
Their teachers are the guru and
they attend the school two times
a day, from 7-8 in the morning and
1-2 in the afternoon.

Unlike the way we learn, the

Jama Mapun’s way of learning is
pure imitation to what is taught.

Every word, every phrase and

they read or recite it in a
monotone voice.
Their graduation is what they call pag-

This is celebrated after the students

have finish and passed their lessons.

The students present what they have

learned in the ceremony showing to their
parents what they have achieved.

After achieving the Pag-Islam and Pag-

Tammat, the student is now fully
accepted into the muslim community.

The boy has grown into a man or what

they call subul and for females, bud-jang
Bangsamoro Autonomous in
Muslim Mindanao.
The women wear it as skirts, and is used as baby hammocks and even
portable bathroom and changing rooms during olden days.

The Jama Mapun from Palawan and Tawi-Tawi wore the Badjao Sablay.
Jama Mapun delegates show
how to make Jaa, a
traditional food made from
rice flour during the first day
of #Dayaw2014 at the
Baguio Convention Center.

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