Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM)
Cranefield College is an ISO-9001-certified leader in private higher education and • Students should prepare
selects only the best in terms of highly qualified and experienced lecturers who are themselves thoroughly by
at the cutting edge of development in their fields. This ensures that students enjoy studying the prescribed text
first-class tuition and derive maximum practical benefit from their studies. and recommended reading
Moreover, they will be in a position to be positively influential in the job market very material.
early in their studies. Nevertheless, the syllabus carefully guides every student • Facilitates internalisation of
systematically from first-step foundations and into more advanced aspects at the information.
appropriate point in each module of the course. The needs of those who are • Promotes meaningful
already experienced in the job market are accordingly attentively met. participation in syndicates.
• Classes take the form of
Advanced Diploma graduates are equipped to be leaders in the 4IR economy, but presentation and discussion,
will also have gained a solid foundation for advanced post-graduate studies, rather than conventional
through which they could continue to achieve greater heights in terms of lectures.
developing their expertise. Qualifying students who further their studies through • Both theoretical under-
Cranefield may next enrol for the Post-graduate Diploma in Programme standing and practical skills
Management (completed part-time in nine months) and thereafter for the Master of in application are promoted.
Commerce in Programme Management (completed part-time in two years, • Emphasis is on hands-on
depending on module choices and personal progress). Exceptional students may problem solving.
later in their careers progress all the way to the Cranefield PhD in Commerce and
Ad-ministration, which signifies the highest level of attainment.
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Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM)
• Reflect critically on the role of quality and performance management in the 4IR organisational value chain, particularly the
cross-functional programme-managed supply chain and project components thereof, with the aim of achieving optimal benefits
of strategic importance; or [elective]
• Understand and apply organisational strategy theory and practices to meet challenges in a predominantly emergent manner in
the internal and external organisational environment to enhance the value creation ability of 4IR learning organisations.
Note that live inter-active online classes are streamed globally via the Internet. Student syndicate groups meet outside of work
hours to discuss their practical case studies. Cranefield’s state of the art teaching and learning technologies allow classes, and
even syndicate group meetings, to be attended live online via the Internet anywhere in the world. Recordings of classes are
available for revision purposes, or where a student is unable to attend a live online session, or resides in a country that falls
outside the time line.
To cater to the needs of working students, there are intakes in each quarter of the year so as to allow for flexibility in terms of
being able to commence studies in January, April, July or October in any given year. Learning modules are offered in series, with
one module at a time being completed per quarter.
*If the Admissions Committee determines that your current academic qualifications and working experience are not sufficient for
admission, the applicant will need to complete Module Mα (Project Management: Perspective, Planning and Implementation) at
an additional cost before proceeding to module M1.
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Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM)
R 68,000.00
Pay full fee, or R 4 400.00
registration fee and
Accreditation: R 21, 200.00 per module.
The Advanced Diploma in Project Management AdvDip(PM) is accredited by the *May be claimed back from your
Council on Higher Education at NQF level 7, with 120 credits (consisting of three organisation’s SETA (South
modules of 40 credits each). The qualification is registered by the Department of Africa)
Higher Education and Training. It particularly serves to meet the need for a
professional qualification on the graduate level in project, programme and portfolio REGISTRATION FEE:
management. R4 400.00
Three modules required to
Certification: complete the academic
The Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM) is fully aligned with the programme.
Project Management Institute’s PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge)
and the International Project Management Association’s ICB (International FEE PER MODULE:
Competency Baseline). Successful candidates with sufficient practical experience will R21, 200.00
be equipped to sit for the PMI’s PMP (Project Management Professional) certification,
and the more experienced for PMI’s PgMP (Program Management Professional) ACADEMIC PROGRAMME FEE
certification. Such candidates also qualify for ICB levels D and C certifications. CALCULATION:
Moreover, module M1 is validated by ECSA for 3 CPD points. R 4 400.00 + (3 x R 21, 200.00)
R 63, 600.00 = R 68, 000.00
*If the applicant needs to com-
PROGRAMME AVAILABILITY plete Module Mα, an additional
cost of R 21, 200.00 for the
module will be billed.
The Advanced Diploma commences every quarter starting in January, April, July,
or October. New enrollments start with module M1, followed by M2 and M3. PAYMENT OPTIONS
Module M1 is offered four times per annum, while modules M2 and M3 are offered Full or 3 part payments
twice per annum. The sequence of the modules depends on which quarter the new
enrollment commences. For details please view the Academic Calendar below (or CANCELLATION FEE
click on “Academic Calendars” at the top of the HOME page). Learning modules Contact Cranefield’s Financial
are offered in series, with ONE module at a time being completed per quarter. Co-ordinator.
Note that all lectures are streamed live online globally via Cranefield's Virtual • LIVE ONLINE ATTENDANCE
Learning Environment (VLE). The online system also caters for viewing recordings Globally
of all classes afterwards.
7 days prior to starting dates
Cranefield College offers technology-enhanced distance learning. It entails the
integration of self-study, live inter-active online classes, and recordings of classes
online. Cranefield's learning mode is supported by its online Virtual Learning
9 months – 3 modules
Environment (VLE).
4 | www.cranefield.ac.za
Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM)
• Although Cranefield operates on a distance learning mode, students are advised to attend the inter-active online classes
streamed globally.
• Note that students can also view recordings of all lectures online in their own time.
09h00 - 12h00
Contact Days:
Five (5) live inter-active online lecture dates per module, spread evenly over the three months duration of each module. For
dates see the ACADEMIC CALENDER.
A Degree or Diploma coupled with relevant experience. However, applicants who do not yet hold a tertiary qualification may in
some cases be considered for entry onto the Advanced Diploma programme on the basis of recognition of prior learning (RPL).
For the purpose of RPL assessment, all relevant information and documentation, including a detailed curriculum vitae
(particularly describing the applicant’s substantial work experience) must be submitted to the Registrar (Academic). This is
designed to provide opportunities to those who meet the following criteria:
1. Have completed at least the National Senior Certificate (or international equivalent).
2. Have been employed or active in the community for at least eight years since leaving secondary school.
3. Have gained substantial management experience in the workplace, holding a position of authority and responsibility.
4. Have successfully completed the foundational module Mα (Project Management: Perspective, Planning and Implementation)
or PM Short Course (Project Management: Perspective, Planning and Implementation) at Cranefield College.
5. Have completed other courses related to the required competencies at credible institutions.
Applicants must generally comply with at least 1) to 5) above, but evidence related to 5) will also contribute significantly to RPL.
Where an applicant has been identified by his or her employer as having leadership potential resulting from Human Resources
career-path tracking, it is sufficient for him or her to comply only with 1), 2) and 4) above. In evaluating students for RPL
purposes, current competencies in the field of Project Management that have been acquired by experiential learning through
related studies and/or experience will be closely assessed.
Submission of Documents:
Complete the online application form and upload the required documents.
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Advanced Diploma in Project Management (AdvDipPM)
Kindly note applications close 7 days prior to the starting date. Main Administration
(South Africa)
Should you experience any difficulties, kindly contact Tel: +27 (0)12 807 3990
registrations@cranefield.ac.za or admin@cranefield.ac.za for assistance. Fax: +27 (0)12 807 5559
email: admin@cranefield.ac.za
• Students are able to see and ask questions from the lecturer.
• Remote students, including those in other countries, are able to attend live
inter-active online classes via the Internet, or view recordings thereof.
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