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King’s College London

University Of London

This paper is part of an examination of the College counting towards the award of a degree.
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Candidate No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Desk No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MSc and MSci Examination

7CCMCS02/7CCMCS02U Theory of Complex Networks

Summer 2023

Time Allowed: Two Hours

This paper consists of two sections, Section A and Section B.

Section A contributes half of the total marks for the paper.
Answer all questions in Section A.
All questions in Section B carry equal marks, but if more than TWO questions
are attempted, then only the best two will count.

NO calculators are permitted.



2023 ©King’s College London


Section A

A 1. Consider a nondirected, N -node graph G represented by an adjacency matrix

A of dimensions N × N . Use the adjacency matrix A to define the following
graph theoretical quantities. Provide complete and precise definitions.

(a) [3 points] a simple (nondirected) graph;

(b) [3 points] the distribution p(k|A) of the degrees of nodes obtained by

sampling uniformly and randomly nodes from the set of vertices of the
graph represented by A;

(c) [4 points] the degree distribution W (k|A) of the degrees of nodes that are
the end points of edges selected uniformly and randomly from the set of
edges of the graph represented by A.

1 2 3 4

5 6

Figure 1: Graphical representation of a graph with 6 nodes.

A 2. Consider the graph in Figure 1, represented by the adjacency matrix A1 . Answer

the questions below:

(a) [5 points] show that the graph with adjacency matrix A1 is bipartite;

(b) [5 points] determine the degree distribution p(k|A1 );

(c) [5 points] determine the degree distribution W (k|A1 ).

-2- See Next Page


3 2 1 4

6 5

Figure 2: Graphical representation of a graph with 6 nodes, represented by A2 .

A 3. Let A be the adjacency matrix of an N -node graph that is a tree. Prove the
following claims.

(a) [5 points] The cluster coefficient Ci (A) of an arbitrary node i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }

is equal to zero.

(b) [15 points] Suppose that there exists a node of degree k, say node 1, such
that its removal would divide the tree into k isolated trees of sizes N1 , N2 ,
. . ., and Nk , with N = N1 + N2 + . . . + Nk + 1. Show that the betweenness
centrality of this node is
y1 (A) = N − Nα2 . (1)

(c) [5 points] Use Eq. (1) to determine the betweenness centrality y1 (A2 ) of
node 1 in the graph of Fig. 2.

-3- See Next Page


5 1 3

Figure 3: A star graph of 5 nodes.

Section B
B 4. Consider the linear voter model
d X
si = Aij sj − λsi (2)
dt j=1

with i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }, defined on a nondirected graph of N vertices and rep-

resented by the adjacency matrix A with entries Aij . The decay parameter
λ ∈ R+ , si (t) ∈ R, and t ≥ 0 is the time index.
(a) [10 points] Show that the solution s(t) of Eq. (2), which is the column
vector with entries si (t), is given by
s(t) = (êk · s(0))e(µk −λ)t êk , (3)
where ê , k = 1, 2, . . . , N are a set of orthonormal eigenvectors of the
adjacency matrix A, and µk are the corresponding eigenvalues.

(b) [5 points] Show that when λ > µmax , with µmax the largest eigenvalue of
A, then s(t) converges to zero as a function of t, i.e., limt→∞ s(t) = 0.

(c) [10 points] Determine the eigenvectors of the star graph shown in Fig. 3,
assuming that its eigenvalues are given by {2, −2, 0}. Subsequently, use
the obtained expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to show that
 
2 cosh(2t)
 sinh(2t) 
1 −λt  
s(t) = e  sinh(2t) 
 
2  
 sinh(2t) 
for all t ≥ 0, when the initial state s(0) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0)T .

-4- See Next Page


B 5. Consider the random graph ensemble that assigns probabilities

p(A; N ) =
to all A that belong to the set G of adjacency matrices of nondirected, simple
N -node graphs. Here, N is a normalisation constant such that
p(A; N ) = 1.

(a) [5 points] Determine the normalisation N .

(b) [4 points] What probability does the ensemble assign to the graph shown
in Figure 2.

(c) [5 points] Show that the ensemble averaged mean degree,

hk(A)i = p(A; N )k(A)

is given by
N −1
hk(A)i = .

(d) [6 points] Show that the average number of triangles incident to a node i

(N − 1)(N − 2)
hTi (A)i = ,
1 X X
Ti (A) = Aij Aj` A`i .
2 j=1;j6=i `=1;`6=i,j

(e) [5 points] Consider the Erdős-Rényi ensemble that assigns probabilities

Y i−1

p δAij ,1 + (1 − p? )δAij ,0

pER (A; p , N ) =
i=1 j=1

to nondirected, simple graphs. Show that for a specific value of p? the two
ensembles pER (A; p∗ , N ) and p(A; N ) are identical

-5- See Next Page


B 6. Consider an infinitely large, random graph with a prescribed degree distribution

pα,c (k) that is defined through its generating function
Gα,c (x) = αx + (1 − α) exp (−c(1 − x)) ,
where α ∈ [0, 1] and c ∈ R+ .

(a) [4 points] Derive an explicit expression for the degree distribution pα,c (k)
that is determined by the generating function Gα,c (x).

(b) [4 points] Derive an explicit expression for the mean degree hki and the
second moment hk 2 i of the distribution pα,c (k) as a function of α and c.

(c) [4 points] By using the Molloy-Reed condition, show that for each value
of c > 1 the critical parameter α∗ (c) at which a giant component emerges
in random graphs with a prescribed degree distribution pα,c (k) is given by
c(c − 1)
α∗ (c) = .
1 + c(c − 1)

(d) [4 points] Show that for c < 1 infinitely large, random graphs with a
prescribed degree distribution pα,c (k) do not have a giant component, i.e.,
a connected subgraph that contains a nonzero fraction of the nodes.

(e) [5 points] Use the theorem of Molloy and Reed that we have seen in the
lecture notes, to show that the fraction of nodes f in the largest connected
component is given by
f = 1 − αy − (1 − α) exp (−c(1 − y)) ,
where y is the smallest nonnegative solution of
α + c(1 − α) exp (−c(1 − y))
y= .
α + c(1 − α)

(f ) [4 points] Show that near the percolation transition the fraction of nodes
f that belong to the largest connected component is given by
f = [c(1 − α) + α]g(α, c) + O(g 2 )
[1 + c(c − 1)](α∗ (c) − α)
g(α, c) = ,
(1 − α)c3
and where O(g 2 ) indicates that we neglect terms that are quadratic or of
higher order in g.

-6- Final Page

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