Deep Packet Inspection and Its Effects On Net Neutrality
Deep Packet Inspection and Its Effects On Net Neutrality
Deep Packet Inspection and Its Effects On Net Neutrality
Fall 2010
Recommended Citation
DeRose, Michael A., "Deep Packet Inspection and its Effects On Net Neutrality" (2010). Regis University
Student Publications (comprehensive collection). 355.
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Michael A. DeRose
Shari Plantz-Masters
Stephen D. Barnes
Deep packet inspection (DPI) is becoming increasingly important as a means to classify and
control Internet traffic based on the content, applications, and users. Rather than just using
packet header information, Internet Service Providers are using DPI for traffic management,
routing and security. But by being able to control traffic by content, a growing number of public
policy makers and users fear ISPs may discriminately charge more for faster delivery of their
data, slow down applications or even deny access. They cite such practices as endangering the
principle of net neutrality; the premise that all data on the Internet should be treated equally.
The existing literature on DPI and net neutrality is sizeable, but little exists on the relationship
between DPI and net neutrality. This study examines the literature, develops a research
methodology and presents results from a study on the challenges of DPI in regards to privacy and
net neutrality. The findings show that although most users are unaware of DPI technology, they
I would like to thank my fellow students, the faculty of Regis University and all those
that have made this culmination of my education possible. I have been privileged to have had
some great cohorts on this journey and I am thankful for the contributions, discussions,
arguments and revelations that would not have been possible without your support.
Additionally, I would like to thank my Thesis Advisor, Dr. Ernest Eugster whose tireless efforts
I would also like to thank my friends, family and coworkers that stepped up and
supported me by participating in the longest survey ever composed. In particular, I would like to
thank Timmy Harper for his tireless efforts in taking the survey. My sincere thanks also go out
to my children, Sofia and Conner for putting up with Daddy being grumpy, busy and generally
unavailable afterhours for the past six years. Well, Daddy is done and I promise that it was all
worth it! Most importantly, I would like to thank my wife, Jodee, for her patience, her wisdom,
her guidance and her never ending support on my journey to complete my education. Without
her help and innumerable sacrifices, this would not have been remotely possible.
Table of Contents
Abstract ...............................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1 - Introduction.....................................................................................................1
1.5 Summary............................................................................................................6
2.6 Summary.........................................................................................................14
Chapter 3 - Methodology....................................................................................................15
3.1 Ontology…………………….........................................................................15
3.3 Summary.....…………………………............................................................17
4.3 Regulation........................................................................................................26
4.6 Summary..........................................................................................................31
References .........................................................................................................................34
List of Tables
Chapter 1 – Introduction
For decades, ISPs have been managing and routing traffic based on packet header
information. DPI, however, has emerged as a critical traffic management tool and is the subject
of this research. By being able to control traffic based on content, in addition to header
information, DPI offers ISPs improved traffic management and routing as well as security. But
having ISPs controlling traffic content has lead to increasing public debate. The opposing sides
of the net neutrality debate argue that without safeguards in place, ISPs would cut lucrative deals
to prioritize some kinds of content and throttle others, turning themselves into the unofficial
gatekeepers of the world's best leveling force. ISPs argue that practices such as tiered-pricing
This chapter introduces DPI and the concept of net neutrality. It identifies how the
technology works and the challenges it can present to net neutrality. The chapter also describes
Deep packet inspection takes the process of inspecting the origin and destination of
packets and expands it to examine the actual data being sent. This technology allows Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) and network administrators the ability to filter data transmissions by
Historically, packet inspection occurred at the network layer which was dependant upon
the header and footer information contained in packets to determine routing and filtering options.
Deep packet inspection came about as a means to enhance the process to include the data that
was once only accessible in the application and presentation layers of the OSI model. Access to
the presentation and application layer information at the network layer, allows for packet
filtering to be implemented based on the actual data, not header information. The ability to filter
data at the lower layers allows ISPs to circumvent any header information and route packets
As the type, contents, the destination and any digital signatures of the data can be
identified, deep packet inspection can provide many benefits for ISP environments. Kumar
• Content-based traffic management and routing, where packets are classified and
• Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) generally scan the packet header and
By applying content-based traffic management, ISPs can give priority to traffic based on the
type of content being sent, guaranteeing enhanced delivery for premium content providers.
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) utilize DPI to examine the content of packets and
compare the digital signatures to a database of known threats, discarding transmissions that pose
security risks. DPI also enables layer 7 switches to become application aware. This awareness
gives application layer switches the ability to filter traffic based on the type of application. This
Such applications and benefits can provide ISPs an important competitive advantage.
Stallings (2007) observed that many opportunities exist for companies to use differentiation as a
strategy to create competitive advantages. Today’s networks can offer differing levels of quality
of service (QoS), which include specifications for maximum delay and minimum throughput.
They also provide a variety of customizable services in the network management and security
arenas. Deep packet inspection can provide the differentiation that will help ISPs offer a wide
array of services with guaranteed QoS levels. These services and guarantees are possible
because DPI allows network traffic to be manipulated with intimate knowledge of the data being
Net neutrality enters the picture as the movement to keep the flow of information free.
Free access to content, the ability to connect with any device or run any application is what has
made the Internet so popular and useful. This openness is the heart of innovation that has driven
the rapid growth of the Internet and to deny any content, applications or devices would be
stifling. Net neutrality is the process of keeping the Internet open and freely available to all
Net neutrality began as an information revolution to help guide Internet policies as they
were being formed. Since 1930, the United States communication networks have been governed
communications still have their place, but updated regulation aimed at Internet communications
Congressional debate on net neutrality heated up in 2005 and the debate still continues.
Initially, Congress had focused on video franchising, attempting to revamp the laws to allow
phone companies to compete in the video space. Once the legislation progressed, net neutrality
as a whole was addressed and some minimal progress was achieved. Although a recent bill was
By giving ISPs the ability to discriminate packets based on content or premium access,
only ideas or services backed by a significant funding or offered by ISPs would flourish.
Although the technology allows for safer, more scalable and more controllable networks, DPI
The problem under investigation in this study focuses on the threats that deep packet
DPI gives ISPs the ability to manipulate and inspect every bit of data sent over their
networks and this does not sit well with pundits for net neutrality. The ability to throttle
services, divvy out bandwidth and even reject contents of information traversing the network
Using data from a survey of Internet users, this study has three goals. The first objective
of the study is to determine the risks that DPI poses to net neutrality. To reach this objective, a
survey was conducted of Internet users. The results of the study revealed that most users are not
aware their privacy may even be compromised and that IT industry insiders appear largely in the
dark with regards to network monitoring capabilities. ISPs have always been able to challenge
the free flow of information, but deep packet inspection allows them to do so with frighteningly
intrusive means.
A second and more general objective is to add to the body of knowledge. Considerable
literature on DPI exists, but it is largely focused on technical issues and case studies. The
existing literature on net neutrality is also sizable. But there exists little technical description on
how ISPs use DPI for monitoring and control. The study has emerged from this researcher’s
belief that the coupling of DPI technology and its net neutrality context has not been well
Third, this researcher hopes that this study will result in informed public debate. By
discussing the technology behind deep packet inspection and mapping that to the affects it can
have on privacy and a free Internet, this study attempts to educate the general user on challenges
To reach these goals, the research proceeded in three phases. In the first phase, this
researcher reviewed the existing literature, both in DPI and in net neutrality. The literature is
vast, yet weighs heavily to technical descriptions and public policy debate. This paper attempts
to redress this imbalance by examining and integrating DPI’s role in endangering net neutrality.
The literature review also provided a better definition of guidelines for exploration, especially in
In the second phase, specific questions were generated. Should ISPs be allowed to
examine the content of network communications? Should they be allowed to deny or delay
communications based on the type of content being sent (e.g., music, text, video)? Should they
answer these questions, a survey represented the most appropriate research method to verify the
knowledge and attitudes of the general Internet population. These questions were grouped to
determine specific types of information. The first group was participant background
In the third phase, the survey targeted general Internet users. The sole criterion was that
the participant had to have a working Facebook profile. This tactic was selected for a few
reasons. First, through the popularity of Facebook, the rate of response was hoped to be
adequate for the study (67, or 33% out of 200 responded to the invitation posted to Facebook).
Second, by only querying active Facebook users, the respondents were guaranteed to be Internet
users. Lastly, Facebook provided a medium other than email to communicate the invitations to
participate in the study. It is this researcher’s belief that had email been employed, the rate of
The researcher felt this approach would be more rewarding than interviewing ISPs. One
of the fundamental questions in the net neutrality debate is how much ISPs should be allowed to
discriminate packets traversing their networks. As the debate rages on, the argument gets
sidetracked with semantics. ISPs argue that they have the right to manage traffic on their
networks, users and content providers argue that while it is acceptable for ISPs to manage traffic,
it is not within their rights to block or delay any traffic. By focusing the study on users, the
1.5 Summary
Deep packet inspection provides many benefits to ISPs. But it can also adversely affect
privacy. After laying the foundation for the technology and its benefits, the problem of net
neutrality and a free Internet were discussed. Also, due to the lack of substantial literature on the
specific impacts of DPI on privacy and net neutrality, it was necessary to generate a study
surrounding the issue from the end user’s point of view. It is these competing factors that
combine to formulate the need for further research and education on the topic. Finally, the
The next chapter presents a review of the literature on DPI and net neutrality.
This chapter delves deeper into literature on deep packet inspection and net neutrality.
There is considerable literature on DPI, but it is limited to engineering issues and case studies.
The literature on net neutrality is also vast, but little exists on how DPI poses a threat to privacy.
A number of researchers have examined DPI technology. Hills (2006), for example,
stated that DPI devices can operate on layers two through seven of the Open Systems
Deep packet inspection is packet filtering that inspects the data payload of an IP packet.
DPI devices take deep looks into the data of each packet and either allows or denies passage
according to some set of predetermined rules. Smith (2008) noted that as networks incorporate
increasingly sophisticated services into their infrastructure, DPI uses application-specific data
found in packet payloads to make routing decisions, to block or rate-limit unwanted traffic, to
The DPI inspection engine parses each packet and compares the contents against its rule
set. This rule set is comprised of known electronic signatures of content which allow
identification of the packet’s data. In the past, network packets were classified by their headers,
but DPI now allows them to be classified by the actual content of their payloads.
that are crosschecked against to determine the nature of the packet traversing the network. The
DPI device groups the packets by protocol and security levels then processes the packets by
“performing application level checks as well as stateful inspection” (Ranum, 2005). DPI devices
look for any anomalies in the packets based on their know application signatures. If any packet
is deemed out of the ordinary, it is not allowed to pass. An example would be the order in which
commands are given for a certain protocol. An application will always order commands in the
same sequence, where as a human attempting to hack into a system might issue the commands in
some random order. By inspecting the packet for its application signature, then comparing that
signature against known parameters, DPI devices can thwart attacks that would have gotten past
Normally, DPI is used to monitor and shape IP traffic. ISPs can use DPI to monitor the
type of traffic on their networks and give priority to the protocols they deem more important.
This type of traffic shaping can slow down less important protocols, while not entirely cutting of
Deep packet inspection does come with a heavy cost on the processing and bandwidth
sides of the equation. To perform such a thorough look at each individual packet traversing a
network, while keeping the throughput speed at normal levels, is quite a challenge. Becchi
(2007) and Kumar (2006) showed that advanced algorithms are needed to enhance DPI’s ability
to meet the challenge. They argued the processing bottleneck is a result of the speed in which
comparisons between known electronic signatures and quickly moving data occurs. As the data
is moving at ever increasing speeds, it is necessary for the processing to increase at the same rate
as the bandwidth. Not until recently have DPI device vendors been able to come close to real-
time DPI for mass market consumption. Even then, the financial costs can be prohibitive.
Anderson (2007) noted that “ products can set you back several hundred
thousand dollars, but some of them can inspect and shape every single packet—in real time—
for nearly a million simultaneous connections while handling 10-gigabit Ethernet speeds and
above.” The processing power needed to make DPI successful at real time speeds has been the
Along with throughput concerns comes the fact that DPI devices depend upon software to
match, categorize, interpret and finally decide which packets are allowed to pass. As with any
software, there are bound to be some cases of vulnerability. According to Porter (2005), Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) attacks, stack overflow attacks, buffer overflow attacks, VoIP command
processing vulnerabilities and H.225 messages over TCP are all cases of known DPI
vulnerabilities. Even though DPI provides a robust manner in which to monitor network
application requirements” (Goldman, 2004). This boils down to ISPs ranking network traffic
and throttling bandwidth in accordance to the ranking. The rankings can be based on several
different factors, such as service level agreements, types of traffic, application requirements and
performance considerations.
Shaping network traffic is accomplished by either controlling the pace of the data or by
queuing the data for a timed release. These two methodologies can also be combined to further
control or shape the traffic as it travels over a network. Georgiadis (1996) stated that “Reshaping
makes the traffic at each node more predictable and, therefore, simplifies the task of
policy, it allows the specification of worst case delay bounds at each node. End-to-end delay
bounds can then be computed as the sum of the worst case delay bounds at each node along the
path.” This is analogous to an interstate highway at rush hour. Traffic flows in the main lanes,
while stop lights queue on ramp traffic to enter the interstate in a staggered fashion. All the
DPI devices are a combination of previous filtering technology with deep packet
inspection functionality. Stateful inspection, packet sniffing and firewall technology work in
concert with the DPI database to perform network monitoring and traffic shaping on a level that
has not previously been attainable. As speeds and functionality improve, deep packet inspection
Several flavors of deep packet inspection devices exist, but devices are mainly found in
the form of hardware firewalls. The main consideration with DPI devices is the throughput in
which they can operate. Deep inspection of packets is expensive in terms of processing and
memory overhead. Porter (2005) stated that “searching through the payload for multiple string
patterns within the data stream is a computationally expensive task. The requirement that these
Deep packet inspection can provide many benefits for corporate and ISP environments.
The addition of a DPI to a network monitoring portfolio can help to bolster the services and
security provided by their respective networks. Increased service levels can be attained by
utilizing content-based traffic management while increased understanding and control of their
networks will help to cut operating and capital expenditures. Application aware switches can
increased service levels and more control, DPI can help ISPs secure their networks by
implementing network intrusion detection systems based on electronic signatures of well known
Previous network monitoring devices only gave the network administrators an overview
of bandwidth, services and the destination of network traffic. By adding DPI functionality,
network monitoring takes a step up to the next level. Companies will be able to stop many
network attacks in their tracks. Combining existing intrusion prevention technology with the
additional filtering of DPI devices will allow for networks to identify and prevent many attacks
that currently are able to bypass today’s prevention measures. ISPs will be able to shape their
bandwidth to better serve their customers most critical needs. DPI will allow them to throttle
services at peak usage times to better accommodate the needs of their customers. While a DPI
device is in use, ISPs and corporations will gain a deeper understanding of what their networks
are actually being used for. This greater level of knowledge will allow them to focus on specific
areas of need and not waste time or expense on areas that are performing up to par. As a result
of a more controlled network, companies can focus on additional services and offerings that will
help to generate additional opportunities for revenue generation. Hill (2006) wrote that “Once
ISPs have networks under better control, it is time to look into how to extract additional revenue
The advent of inspecting the data payloads of packets traversing the network is a
powerful tool which can help better manage traffic, increase security, and shape usage. The
ability to inspect the data portion of IP packets, however, poses challenges to net neutrality.
What is net neutrality? Jordan (2009) defined net neutrality as, “the idea that Internet
users are entitled to service that does not discriminate on the basis of source, destination, or
ownership of Internet traffic.” The implications of net neutrality are vast and it is getting
• Google and Verizon released their joint policy proposal aimed preserving the openness of
the Web, but exempting net neutrality regulation to the mobile industry (Krigman, 2010).
• The FCC now requires ISPs to treat lawful content, applications, and services in a
• Congress was debating the Waxman Net Neutrality Bill, requiring ISPs to follow the
basic principles of the "open internet" advocated by net neutrality supporters, including
services and devices. The bill has since been dropped, but it is evidence that net
One of the main drivers for net neutrality was to prevent ISPs and backbone network
providers to charge more for specific types of network traffic (Economides, 2008). This
differentiation of network communications is greatly enhanced by devices that can peer deep into
the payload of network communications and report the type and content of the data being
transmitted. Jordan (2009) wrote that advocates of net neutrality want to prohibit discrimination
that these discriminations could result in outright blocking of sites or content types which could
result in a decrease in innovation and development. Jordan contends that dedicated bandwidth
and improved QoS as a result of priority access offerings should not be allowed due to the
Those against net neutrality argue that free market forces and competition will be
sufficient regulation of ISPs, as any official regulation will hinder ISPs ability to fund
infrastructure improvements (Jordan 2009). It is an age old argument, free market versus
regulation, but in this case DPI devices provide the ability that oversteps the boundaries of
network performance and encroaches on basic rights of free speech. As such, net neutrality is
When asked about how concerned he was about Internet companies using his bandwidth,
AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre stated, “How do you think they’re going to get to customers? Through
a broadband pipe. Cable companies have them. We have them. Now what they would like to do
is use my pipes free, but I ain’t going to let them do that because we have spent this capital and
we have to have a return on it. So there’s going to have to be some mechanism for these people
who use these pipes to pay for the portion they’re using. Why should they be allowed to use my
pipes? The Internet can’t be free in that sense, because we and the cable companies have made
an investment and for a Google or Yahoo! or Vonage or anybody to expect to use these pipes
The ability of ISPs to track, monitor and thoroughly log the data being sent over their
networks, raises important ethical questions. Is it even ethical to parse through data being sent
via network communications? Surely a private corporation is well within its rights to monitor
data transmitted by its employees, but is it right for an ISP to log the data sent by its customers?
Proponents of net neutrality also raise issues with ISPs throttling back services or charging extra
for those that utilize higher bandwidth or services that are deemed less than critical. Deep packet
inspection and subsequent logging of the mined data are tantamount to bugging your phone line,
and in fact could be exactly that in the case of voice over IP (VoIP) communications (Renals,
2009). Throw in government monitoring of private citizens and DPI gives ISPs the technology
to comply with government surveillance initiatives. “Although the technology isn't yet common
knowledge among consumers, DPI already gives network neutrality backers nightmares and
enables American ISPs to comply with Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement
2.6 Summary
This chapter focused on the technology of deep packet inspection, the devices that
employ the technology and the different ways it is used. It also examined the principles behind
net neutrality and how DPI is at odds with a free Internet. Deep packet inspection can come in
many forms, and provide great functionality, but it also gives ISPs the means to threaten net
Chapter 3 – Methodology
This research proceeded in three phases. The first step was to gather the academic
literature on net neutrality and deep packet inspection to identify any gaps in knowledge. The
results of this phase formed the basis of Chapter 2. The second phase developed questions based
on the identified gaps in the knowledgebase. In phase three, the survey was conducted to
3.1 Ontology
While most of the technological facts about the benefits of deep packet inspection are
empirical, or fact based, the main focus of the argument for restraining the technology came
from personal perspectives with citations from non empirical sources. This maintained an
overarching approach to the study which encompassed the technological facts along with
affirming and deferring opinions, which were generated through a survey of general Internet
By employing qualitative ontology to the thesis, the goal was to discover how deep
packet inspection technology impacts privacy and net neutrality. This qualitative approach
allowed for the research to be measured against general principles of right and wrong and how
those principles change based on the environment. Once the study was complete, it was apparent
the privacy concerns due to monitoring of telephone service, were more clearly understood and
held in higher regard than the privacy concerns of monitoring Internet communications. This
further proved that the perceived gap in the body of knowledge existed and needed to be
accounted for.
As noted, Chapter 2 contains the results of the first phase of the research. Gaps in the
literature were discovered and areas of improvement were apparent. The literature review also
provided a foundation for the remaining two phases: question development and survey.
In phase two, questions were developed. The survey consisted of 33 questions divided
into four sections: a) background information, such as field of work (IT vs. non-IT), knowledge
of packet inspection and traffic shaping, b) details on Internet Service Providers with regards to
how they treat network communications, regulation and pricing, c) descriptions of Telephone
Service Providers such as phone tapping, conversation shaping and regulation, and d) privacy of
The participants were asked to rank each survey statement on a scale of 1 – 5, with an
answer of 1 meaning strongly disagree with the statement and an answer of 5 meaning strongly
agree with the statement. These rankings were combined to tally a final score for each survey
question. For example, a score of 4.45 would mean that the majority of respondents strongly
agree with the statement, while a score of .25 would indicate that most respondents strongly
disagree with the statement. An average score of 3 would show that the average respondent fell
somewhere in the middle (an average of 3 could also mean half strongly agreed and half strongly
disagreed, but that scenario was not present in the result set).
In phase three, the researcher posted the survey to Facebook. The survey was available
for two weeks, August 28 to September 11 2010. Once the allotted timeframe expired, the
Of the 200 invitations extended, 68 (33%) responses were received. As expected, each
respondent was a technology user with at least a passing knowledge of Internet usage (only those
with Facebook accounts were surveyed). The general goal was to extract a theme or pattern to
display the knowledge level and attitudes of Internet users with regards to the topics covered in
this study.
3.3 Summary
Any endeavor worth attempting requires a plan. Through research of the academic
literature involving deep packet inspection, net neutrality and their relationships, a gap in the
knowledge base was ascertained. This study embraced the missing components and presented
new research, accompanied by empirical data, to fill the void. The plan became a framework
which allowed the research to be quantified. Once the research was in place, deliverables were
created to support the study. These deliverables included the academic research and the survey
of Internet users. The combination of deliverables formed the basis of what is hoped to be a
solid contribution to the field by directly addressing the identified gaps in the body of
knowledge. By specifically targeting an audience that stood to gain the most from the study, the
methodology was doubly effective as it was able to educate while it collected data. This research
framework allowed the study to uncover real concerns about privacy while detailing the
The survey suggested several findings that seem to support the investigation into how
DPI threatens net neutrality. The results of the study revealed that most users are not aware of
the dangers posed by DPI and that many IT insiders were only slightly more informed. The
second finding showed that even though considerable literature on DPI exists, it is largely
targeted to the engineering side of the technology. The last finding displayed that although
literature on net neutrality is vast, little research has been documented on how damaging DPI
68 respondents, 14 or 21% work in the IT field, while 53 or 79% do not (1 abstained from
answering). This question was posed to decipher the demographics of the audience and to
Table 1
Table 2 shows the lack of awareness of DPI. The majority of respondents 46, or 68%
were not aware of what packet inspection was. Even fewer know about deep packet inspection,
55 or 81% or traffic shaping 52 or 77%. These questions set the baseline for the group as a
whole. When viewing the results, they begin to show that a gap exists in the general Internet
Table 2
To explore these findings further, the researcher looked those working in the IT field.
The data in Table 3 shows that all respondents knew what packet inspection was, while 9, or
64% knew about deep packet inspection and 10, or 71% were familiar with traffic shaping. It
was no surprise that greater knowledge of network monitoring and filtering technologies was
Table 3
Inversely, by looking at the same questions when asked only to non-IT workers, the
results speak loudly. As shown in Table 4, only 8 respondents, or 15% knew what packet
inspection was, while only 4 or 7% knew about deep packet inspection and only 6, or 11% were
familiar with traffic shaping. When comparing IT workers against non-IT workers, there was a
decrease in background knowledge of 85%, 57%, and 60% respectively. A decrease was
expected, but this radical fall off provided solid evidence that serious gaps in network monitoring
knowledge exists and a reminder that what may seem like common knowledge to industry
Table 4
Once the background information was cataloged, the study moved to understand the
attitudes of respondents towards privacy and content. As previously discussed, the format
changed from yes or no responses to a rating scale, where a score of 0 meant the respondent
strongly disagreed with the statement and a score of 5 meant they strongly agreed. The first
to this question scored a .9 making it clear that the respondents did not think ISPs should be
allowed to examine user network communications. This response was echoed when the subject
switched to telephone communications as well. These queries were included to validate the
necessity of privacy when communicating over any medium and the response overwhelmingly
Table 5
After establishing the need for privacy, the study continued and focused on ISPs ability to
delay or deny communications based on the content being sent. Table 6 presents the scores of
1.46 in response to deny communications and 1.49 in response to delay communications. While
not as lopsided as the answers in Table 5, the scores clearly illustrate disapproval of ISPs
Table 6
service provider’s ability to deny or delay communications, the subjects disagreed even more
stringently. As shown in Table 7, the scores tallied 1.14 and 1.2, clearly laying out a disdain for
any type of delaying or denying of communications based on content. This is a critical point that
must be disseminated; Internet and telephone users do not want their communications disrupted
Table 7
To cap off the content based questions, the survey turned to the respondent’s attitudes
towards content based fees. For both network and telephone communications, the subjects
decreed a strong unwillingness to pay for service based on content. In this case, the scores for
both network communications (1.75) and telephone communications (1.61) were squarely placed
in the strongly disagree category. As evidenced in Table 8, the thought of paying a premium for
Table 8
4.3 Regulation
The content and privacy attitudes were clearly displayed as evidenced by reviewing the
results in the previous segment, but the trend did not continue with the regulation results as they
After reviewing the data for the network monitoring topics (packet inspection, deep
packet inspection and traffic shaping), the majority of the answers were agreeable (final score of
~3) for regulation, but disagreeable (final score of ~2) for government regulation. The general
regulation results are defined in Table 9, which showed the respondents were middle of the road
when asked about general regulation of packet inspection, deep packet inspection and traffic
shaping. Table 10 illustrated that the respondents did not feel government regulation was the
answer. Following suite, the questions surrounding regulation by a standards agency scored
roughly on par with general regulation as shown in Table 11. These results detail the overall
uneasiness felt around government regulation, but still supported that some regulation would be
Table 9
Table 10
Government Regulation?
Table 11
As deep packet inspection gives ISPs the ability to peer into the content of network
communications, the threat of abuse is present. The study attempted to gauge the respondent’s
feelings about whether or not service providers had moral obligations when utilizing network
monitoring technology. Table 12 shows that while the ratings were agreeable, with scores of
3.34 for ISPs and 3.47 for telephone service providers. This shows that even though the
respondents were lukewarm towards regulation, they felt that there still was a moral obligation
Table 12
Moral Obligations?
Continuing the theme of the previous statements, the next two survey questions dealt with
trust. As illustrated in Table 13, Internet users felt they could somewhat trust service providers
to examine only the content and not the information of their communications. It should be noted,
that the highest tallies were present in the strongly disagree (no trust) options on both statements
and the lowest tallies were in the strongly agree (trust) columns.
Table 13
Trusted Providers.
The loudest declaration from the respondents was far and away their privacy concerns.
These last two questions were included to put a statement on the survey, and the results came
through. Table 14 shows the direct privacy questions scored the highest of all questions. When
asked if Internet and telephone communications should be private, the audience resoundingly
agreed, with scores of 4.44 and 4.55. These final questions were further evidence that privacy is
Table 14
Privacy of Communications.
4.6 Summary
Clearly the results provided a deeper understanding of the technical knowledge and
attitudes of general Internet population. This understanding validated that the identified gap in
Once the demographics of the study were established, the results between IT and non-IT
workers showed a vast difference in network monitoring knowledge. This delta in the
knowledge adds to the evidence that more research and communication is needed to ensure the
general population is educated about threats to their privacy. When queried about regulation, the
audience felt it was a good idea, but they felt strongly that government regulation was not the
answer. That privacy was worth worrying about was validated as the respondents made it clear
they want their communications to remain private and they want service providers to stay away
This researcher believes this study contributes to the literature still dominated by
engineering issues and public policy debate. The findings help explain how a gap in the
literature can have far reaching consequences and the need for more education and awareness of
the general public with regards to privacy of communications is needed. Analyzing the results
clearly illustrated a desire for privacy, yet the knowledge of network monitoring technologies
was scant at best. Without raising the awareness of technologies like deep packet inspection and
In designing the research, a three phase methodology was adopted. The first phase was
to gather existing literature on deep packet inspection and net neutrality and how they related to
privacy of communications. The gap in the literature became evident. Once the empirical data
was garnered, the second phase focused on generating questions to help gauge the attitudes and
knowledge of Internet users. Once the questions were in hand, they were presented via survey to
The methodology used may limit the use and interpretation of the data. First, by relying
on qualitative means to demonstrate the missing links, the study will always be open to
interpretation. As the nature of qualitative research is to generate and quantify opinions, it can
only be as strong as the opinions and the analysis of them. This is especially difficult when the
subject matter is as controversial as net neutrality. Second, the number of respondents was
small. But this researcher believes that even with a greater number of respondents, the overall
trends would remain largely unchanged. The focus of the study was to fill a gap in the literature.
The validity of the gap was proven as the drastic differences in knowledge between IT and non-
IT workers was displayed in the results. The study’s ability to fill that gap will be judged as time
passes. This study should be considered an early attempt to investigate the linkages between
deep packet inspection and net neutrality. The literature could benefit from other studies;
notably - a survey of ISPs. Further research is necessary to ensure that while technology
advances, so does the ability to keep a balance between progress and privacy. This research
generally supports the belief that DPI endangers net neutrality and privacy. But more research
would, in the long run, produce a more complete picture of the challenges that DPI poses to net
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