Statutes & Regulations For Conduct, Discipline & Appeal
Statutes & Regulations For Conduct, Discipline & Appeal
Statutes & Regulations For Conduct, Discipline & Appeal
Section I: Preamble
Section II: Definitions
Section III: Jurisdiction
Section IV: Pre-Hearing Procedures
Section V: Hearings
Section VI: Sanctions
Section VII: Appeals
With the understanding that:
1. It is in the interests of the University of Health Sciences, its constituent institutions
and the University Departments that harmful behavior which affects the teaching and
academic environment should not go without a proper disciplinary response designed
to prevent further behavior of a similar, detrimental nature;
2. The UHS desires to frame discipline rules for effective preventive and disciplinary
measures relating to the conduct of University students, maintenance of discipline
and breach of discipline of its academic activities within its premises, its constituent
colleges and in the examination centers including those established in its affiliated
The Discipline Committee, UHS shall function under section 14 of the First Statutes of
the University of Health Sciences, Lahore.
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i. “Affiliated College” means a partner institution of a University approved to deliver
one or more courses for teaching through which students can gain degree of that
ii. “Close Relative” means wife, husband , son, daughter, adopted son, adopted
daughter, grand-son, grand-daughter, full and half brother and sister, niece/nephew,
brother and sister in law, son and daughter in law, paternal and maternal uncle and
aunt etc.
iii. “Complaint” means allegations framed against the accused.
iv. “Corruption” means accepting or obtaining any gratification as a reward for doing
any act of the University; dishonestly or fraudulently misappropriating or misusing
the University property or resources and having a reputation of being corrupt.
v. “Constituent College” means a Constituent College of the University.
vi. “Examination Centre” means approved venues of University where theoretical and
practical/ oral/ clinical examinations are held.
vii. “Examiner” means a person appointed by the University for examining and
assessing the answer books of a candidate or his ability through written or
practical/oral/clinical examination and award marks.
viii. “Hostility” means non-cooperation by declining to comply with the instructions of
discipline committee and/or adopting a demeaning attitude towards member (s)
ix. “Indiscipline” means an act of student, examiner (internal or external), supervisory
staff/ invigilators (teachers of schools/colleges) liable to be penalized and includes-
a. Disruption of teaching, examination or administrative work.
b. Leaking examination material.
c. Damaging or defacing University property.
d. Engaging or attempting to engage in wrongful confinement of
teachers/students/staff of the University.
e. Using of abusive and derogatory language.
f. Ragging in any form.
g. Tearing of pages, defacing, burning and destroying of books of
h. Unauthorized occupation of hostel rooms.
i. Indulgence into corruption
j. Any act of immoral turpitude.
k. Harassment in any form.
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l. Any other act which may be considered by the V.C. or Discipline
Committee to be an act of violation of discipline.
x. “Misconduct” means conduct prejudicial to good order or conduct unbecoming of a
xi. “Officer” means officer of the University as defined under sections 8 and 21 of UHS
xii. “Sanctions” means penalties as envisaged in Statutes & Regulations of the
xiii. “Student” means a student of the University or any constituent/ affiliated college
and includes a candidate who has applied for admission to an examination or has
appeared as an examinee at any such examination.
xiv. “University” means University of Health Sciences, Lahore.
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5. At least 48 hours before the hearing, the defendant must submit a written statement
containing its plea, a summary of the reasoning behind this plea, and a list of any
witness to be called and/or evidence to be presented.
6. At least 48 hours before the hearing, the complainant must submit a written
statement containing the reasoning behind the complaint and a list of witness to be
called and/or evidence to be presented.
7. The hearing proceedings shall be completed within 45 days of its commencement.
An extension in the period may be obtained from the Vice Chancellor after stating
reasons in writing.
1. Hearing shall only be open to members of the Discipline Committee. The Discipline
Committee however can seek services of any officer of the University, if necessary,
for its assistance to conduct the hearing. The members of Discipline committee shall
not attend any proceedings involving their close relative(s).
2. The Discipline Committee, in case of the hostility of a witness/ complainant/
defendant towards it, reserves the right to culminate the proceedings and refer the
issue to the Vice Chancellor for taking an appropriate action.
3. The hearing procedure shall be determined by the Committee so as to ensure the
fairness and impartiality of the proceedings.
4. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any evidence after ascertaining
its authenticity.
5. Following the hearing, the Committee shall deliberate in private. It may decide to:
i. Dismiss the case on the grounds of:
a. No violation
b. Insufficient evidence
c. Lack of jurisdiction
ii. Find the accused responsible and recommend sanctions.
6. All decisions shall be determined by a majority vote of Discipline Committee
members, with the Chair casting only a tiebreaking vote, if necessary.
7. A written copy of the finding(s) and decision(s) of the Committee shall be prepared
and delivered to the Vice Chancellor as soon as possible and at least within 72 hours
of the close of deliberations.
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A. The Discipline Committee, in case of a party found responsible for misconduct by
violating the University’s Statutes/ Regulations or affecting efficiency and efficacy, will
recommend the imposition of sanctions in accordance with governing regulations.
Offence/ violation
Disciplinary action against the student/ examiner (internal or external)/ supervisory staff/
invigilators (teachers of schools/colleges) may be taken in one or more of the following
forms depending upon the severity of the offence:
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iii. A student may be fined. The fine imposed shall have to be deposited with the
Treasurer, under intimation to Discipline Committee as the case may be. The
rate of fine shall be determined by Discipline Committee.
iv. A student may be turned out of the class and be not permitted to attend the
same course upto three periods at one time.
v. A student/ examiner (internal or external)/ supervisory staff/ invigilators
(teachers of schools/ colleges) may be placed under vigilance for a fixed
period not exceeding 4 months. If during the period of vigilance he/ she fails
to improve his conduct, he/ she may be rusticated or expelled from the
college or struck off his/ her name from the panel of examiners.
vi. A student may be suspended from the rolls of a college/ institute/
department, for a period not exceeding four weeks at a time.
vii. A student may be rusticated, expelled or asked to withdraw from the
College/Institute/Department for maximum of 2 years.
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E. If the appeal is brought on the grounds of new evidence, the above constituted
Committee may:
1. Deny the appeal
2. Send the case back to the Discipline Committee for a retrial.
F. If the appeal is brought on the grounds of a due process violation, the above
Committee may:
1. Deny the appeal.
2. Send the case back to the Discipline Committee for a retrial with instructions
to ensure due process.
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