Essay On Setting Goals For Success

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20231109947 20/11/2023

Essay on Setting Goals for Success

What is Goal? For me Goal is an envision of your desire, it is something that we

want to achieve, Goal is what motivates us to insert effort in our daily lives, it is the thing
that enables us to work hard every day to achieve that certain goal, Goals also serves
as our direction, and purpose it is what guide us to achieved toward our envision desire.
Goal can start in different ways depending on the circumstances, for instance, you set a
Goal for yourself because you need to fill a gap or you think there is gap within your
current self to your desired self, what you need to do is to identify that gap and once you
recognize that, only then you can set a plan to fulfill that gap to achieved your desired
self/your goal. Another example is a desired profession, for me my goal is to be a
licensed Civil engineering where I can earn enough to support my family needs. In this
example where I first identify my desired profession in life and I also provide a reason
why I wanted to achieve that goal, by following that steps you can start your own Goal
for yourself and slowly Achieved it by working hard every day. Another example where
Goal can occur is by Inspiration, wherein you are inspired to be someone or something
and you start making a Goal for yourself to be what you are inspired to be. You may
also set a Goal for yourself wherein it was influenced by others, for instance you want to
be a Chef because your family has/owns a restaurant, you want to be an I.T. because
you always play with your computer. All of this is a process in which Goals occurs It is
vast and free as long as you have an envision of your future you can set a goal for

Goals serves as a compass that direct our endeavors, providing us purpose and a
sense of direction, The relationship between goals, plans, and behavior is what shapes
us and guide us towards our journey. Goals can serve as a catalyst for planning, when
we set a specific objective, we start it by processing and strategic thinking, this is where
we strategize a plan for our specific goal. The formulation of goals necessitates a
thoughtful consideration of the steps, resources, and timelines required for attainment.
In other words, objectives serve as the catalyst for the development of thorough and
intentional planning. Goal affect also affects our behavior, because when we set a Goal
for ourselves, we also considered behavior as a necessities to be able to achieve our
desired goals, for instance your goal is to become a good citizen, you will need to plan
now on how to become a good citizen, that includes changing your current self to
achieved that Goal of yours. There are various factors whether a goal will succeed, an
example of it is the Clarity of your Goals, where in Goals that are clearly defined and
specific have a higher chance of success. Ambiguous or vague goals make it
challenging to develop effective plans and measure progress accurately. Goals without
certain plan in mind make it hard for us to achieve it, that is why it is important to clarify
our goal, we need to develop a plan that is set to achieve our desired goal.

The characteristics of the goal to be effective is first it should be Achievable, It is

crucial for us to set a goal where we can really know for sure that we can achieve it, It
should be realistic and attainable for it to succeed, because achieving Unrealistic goal
may lead to frustration and demotivation, It make us harder to set a certain goal.
Relevance is also a key for goals to be effective, your set goals need to be relevant to
your broader objectives in life, if it aligns with your overall objective in life, there is a
greater chance that you will exert commitment and sustained effort to achieve that goal.
You should also consider your Resources including time, finances and skill is essential,
because it will help us proceed with an ease on mind, knowing that you are not restraint
by your resources, for instance you want to open your own restaurant, but you lack
finances, you won’t be able to open one. Setting a Goal for yourself comes in different
ways, it is vast and free, when setting a goal for yourself you should considered the fact
that you are not only setting them to have a goal, but you are setting a goal in order for
you to achieve it. Before making a Goal for yourself, take a closer look first at what
you’re trying to achieve/ identify what you really wanted best for yourself, after doing
that ask yourself a question, is this goal something I really wanted? Does it align with
my values or other goal? Is it achievable? Is this important enough to pour my hours
and effort into it? After answering all of this question and you’re still unsure about it and
if you’re not willing to pour hours and effort into it then maybe it is not worth pursuing. If
you have set your goal the next thing to do is plan it and of course the next step is to
Take action so that you can achieve those goals of yours.

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