Revised Mutual Fund Application Form 2024
Revised Mutual Fund Application Form 2024
Revised Mutual Fund Application Form 2024
(Please read the Key Information Memorandum, the Product Labels and instructions carefully and complete the relevant section
legibly in black / dark coloured ink and in BLOCK LETTERS.)
*I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/
sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has
not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.
**By mentioning the RIA Code/ PMRN , I/we hereby give my/our consent to share/provide the transactions data feed / unit holdings in respect of my/our investments under Direct Plan in the Scheme(s)
of Union Mutual Fund with the SEBI Registered Investment Adviser/ SEBI registered Portfolio Managers.
1. EXISTING UNIT HOLDER INFORMATION (Please complete Section 1, 8 & 11 only) (The details in our records under the Folio No. mentioned below will only be considered for this application) *Mandatory
Unitholder's Name Folio No.
3. FIRST APPLICANT'S INFORMATION* [Please tick (3)] (Refer Section 'B' and 'C' of instructions) (Please ensure that the details mentioned matches with the KYC details)
Mr. Ms. M/s. N A M E
LEI Code^^ Valid up to D D M M Y Y Y Y
3a. Contact Details* (Refer Section ‘I’ of Instructions) (Please ensure to mention Country and Area Code)
Mobile No$. E-mail$
Tel. (Off.) Country/ Area code Tel. (Res.) Country/ Area code Fax Country/ Area code
$ $
Mobile number specified above belongs to [Please (3)] Email address specified above belongs to [Please (3)]
Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment) Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment)
Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings
On providing email-id, investors shall receive the scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof/ account statements/ statutory and other documents by email.
However, if the investors wish to receive the scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof in physical form [Please (3)] Opt-in
Mailing address* (P. O. Box address is not sufficient.)
3d. Status* Resident Individual Minor NRI (Repatriable) NRI (Non-Repatriable) Sole Proprietorship HUF
Partnership Firm Limited Partnership (LLP) Listed Company Unlisted Company Body Corporate Bank/FI Insurance Company
Government Body AOP/BOI Trust Society Provident Fund Superannuation/Pension Fund Gratuity Fund FII Others (Please Specify)
3e. Occupation* Pvt. Sector Public Sector Govt. Service Business Professional Agriculturist Retired Housewife Student Others (Please Specify)
3f. Gross Annual Income* Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs 5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs >25 Lacs - 1 Crore >1 Crore
To be detached by the Registrar (CAMS Ltd.) and presented to Union Bank of India.
I / We ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Scheme Name)
pay for the purchase of units of Union______________________________________ 4
Signature of Account Holder(s) / Authorised Signatory(ies)
( As per Bank records)
We are falling under “Non-Profit Organization” [NPO] which has been constituted for religious or charitable purposes referred to in clause (15) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961
(43 of 1961), and is registered as a trust or a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or any similar State legislation or a Company registered under the section 8
of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013). (If not registered already, please register immediately and confirm with the above information)
(Refer Section 'B' and 'C' of instructions)
Mr. Ms. N A M E O F S E C O N D A P P L I C A N T Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y
4a. Status* Resident Individual Minor NRI (Repatriable) NRI (Non-Repatriable) Others (Please Specify)
4b. Occupation* Pvt. Sector Public Sector Govt. Service Business Professional Agriculturist Retired Housewife Student Others (Please Specify)
4c. Gross Annual Income* Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs 5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs >25 Lacs - 1 Crore >1 Crore Net-worth in ` ____________________________
4d. Other Details* I am Politically Exposed Person I am Related to Politically Exposed Person Not Applicable
4e. Contact Details* Mobile No$. E-mail$
$ $
Mobile number specified above belongs to [Please (3)] Email address specified above belongs to [Please (3)]
Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment) Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment)
Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings
5. THIRD APPLICANT'S INFORMATION* [Please tick (3)] (Refer Section 'B' and 'C' of instructions)
Mr. Ms. N A M E O F T H I R D A P P L I C A N T Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y
5a. Status* Resident Individual Minor NRI (Repatriable) NRI (Non-Repatriable) Others (Please Specify)
5b. Occupation* Pvt. Sector Public Sector Govt. Service Business Professional Agriculturist Retired Housewife Student Others (Please Specify)
5c. Gross Annual Income* Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs 5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs >25 Lacs - 1 Crore >1 Crore Net-worth in ` ____________________________
5d. Other Details* I am Politically Exposed Person I am Related to Politically Exposed Person Not Applicable
5e. Contact Details* Mobile No$. E-mail$
$ $
Mobile number specified above belongs to [Please (3)] Email address specified above belongs to [Please (3)]
Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment) Self Spouse Guardian (for Minor investment)
Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings Dependent Children Dependent Parents Dependent Siblings
^Investors who have completed the Central KYC with the Central KYC Records Registry (CKYCR), and have a KYC Identification Number (KIN) from the CKYCR are
requested to quote the 14 digit KIN.
6. FATCA INFORMATION/ FOREIGN TAX LAWS* - for Individuals including Sole Proprietors (Non-Individuals are required to submit the separate FATCA, UBO and
NPO Declaration Form available at or at our Customer Service Centres) [Please tick (3)] (Refer Section ‘M’ of instructions)
The below information is required for all applicant(s)/ guardian
Category First Applicant (including Minor) Second Applicant/ Guardian Third Applicant
Is the Country of Birth / Citizenship /
Nationality / Tax Residency other Yes No Yes No Yes No
than India?*
* If Yes, please indicate all countries in which you are resident for tax purposes and the associated Tax Reference Numbers below.
Place/ City of Birth
Country of Birth
Address Type
Residential / Business Residential Residential / Business Residential Residential / Business Residential
(of address in KYC records)
Country of Tax Residency 1
Tax Payer Ref. ID No. 1
Documentation Type 1
(TIN or Other Please specify)
If TIN is not applicable, [Please Reason A B C Reason A B C Reason A B C
tick (3)] the reason A, B or C
[as defined below] __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
Country of Tax Residency 2
Tax Payer Ref. ID No. 2
Documentation Type 2
(TIN or Other Please specify)
If TIN is not applicable, [Please Reason A B C Reason A B C Reason A B C
tick (3)] the reason A, B or C
[as defined below] __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
• Reason A - The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue Tax Identification Numbers to its residents.
• Reason B - No TIN required. (Select this reason Only if the authorities of the respective country of tax residence do not require the TIN to be collected)
• Reason C - others; please state the reason thereof.
7. UNITHOLDING OPTION [Please tick (3)] Physical Mode Demat Mode (If demat account details are provided below, units will be allotted by default in electronic mode only)
DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS (Refer Section ‘G’ of instructions)
NSDL: Depository Participant (DP) Name _______________________ DP ID No: I N Beneficiary Account Number
Please address all future communication(s) in connection with this application to the Union Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd.
Registrar & Transfer Agent of the Scheme: Unit 503, 5th Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road,
Computer Age Management Services Ltd., Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059
Unit: Union Mutual Fund Toll Free : 1800 200 2268/1800 572 2268 | Tel No. : 022 67483333
Rayala Tower 2, 5th Floor, # 158 Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002. Website: | Email :
Email: | Website: Give a missed call from your registered mobile number on 08010421326 and
get an Account Statement via SMS.
8. INVESTMENT AND PAYMENT DETAILS* [Please tick (3)] (Refer Section 'E’ of instructions) [Third Party payment(s) will not be accepted]
Name of the Scheme UNION
Plan Option Sub Option IDCW Frequency~
Regular Direct Growth IDCW Payout of IDCW Reinvestment of IDCW Transfer of IDCW Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Transfer of IDCW to U N I O N
Plan/ Option Facility
Default Plan/ Option/ Facility will be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy. ~Note: IDCW - Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal Option
Payment Mode: Cheque RTGS NEFT Fund Transfer Debit Mandate (Union Bank of India A/C Holders only) One Time Mandate (OTM)
Cheque / RTGS / NEFT No. Cheque / RTGS / NEFT Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
Amount in ` (Figures) Amount in ` (words )
11. NOMINATION DETAILS* [Please tick (3)] (Refer Section 'H' of instructions) This section is applicable only to new investors. Existing investors need to fill standalone
Nomination / Cancellation /Opt-out Form for any changes or modification in the existing details registered in your Folio with the AMC.
I/We wish to nominate I/We hereby nominate the under mentioned Nominee(s) to receive the amounts to my / our credit in the event of my / our death. I/We also understand that all
payments and settlements made to such Nominee(s) shall be a valid discharge by the AMC / Mutual Fund / Trustee/ Sponsor
Name and Address of PAN of Nominee Relationship % of Date of Birth Name and Address of Guardian Signature of Nominee/
Nominee Allocation Guardian of Nominee
(to be furnished in case the Nominee is a minor) (Optional)
I/ We do not wish I / We hereby confirm that I / We do not wish to appoint any nominee(s) for my mutual fund units held in my / our mutual fund folio and understand the issues involved
to nominate in non- appointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account holder(s), my / our legal heirs would need to submit all the requisite
documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of assets held in the mutual fund folio.
MANDATE INSTRUCTION FOR NACH/ ONE TIME MANDATE (OTM) (Refer overleaf for instructions)
UMRN F o r O f f i c e u s e Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
[tick (3)] Sponsor Bank Code For Office Use Only Utility Code For Office Use Only
I/We, hereby authorize Union Mutual Fund To debit [tick (3)] SB CA CC SB-NRE SB-NRO Other
CANCEL X Bank a/c number
FREQUENCY X Daily X Weekly X Monthly X Quarterly X Half Yearly X Yearly As & when presented DEBIT TYPE X Fixed Amount Maximum Amount
Reference 1 Folio No. Phone No.
Signature Primary Account Holder Signature of Account Holder Signature of Account Holder
From D D M M Y Y Y Y
To 3 1 0 3 2 0 6 4 Name as in bank records Name as in bank records Name as in bank records
1. 2. 3.
12. DECLARATION & SIGNATURES* (Refer Section 'K’ of instructions)
1. I/ We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions (T & C) of the scheme related documents, the T & C and policies on the AMC’s
website, and hereby apply for Units of the aforementioned Scheme(s). I/ We have neither received nor been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly in making
this investment. I/ We hereby declare that the amount invested in the Scheme is through legitimate sources only and is not designed for the purpose of contravention or
evasion of any Act, Regulation, Rule, Notification, Directions or any other applicable laws. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail
commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to
me/us. I/ We hereby confirm that Union Mutual Fund (the Fund)/ Union Asset Management Company Private Limited (the AMC) and its empanelled broker(s) have not
given me/ us any indicative portfolio and indicative yield, in any manner whatsoever. I/ We hereby confirm that at the time of investment, I / we have the express authority to
invest in units of the Scheme and the AMC / Trustee / Mutual Fund/ Sponsor will not be responsible if such investment is ultravires the relevant constitution.
2. I/ We hereby confirm that the information provided hereinabove is true, correct and complete to the best of my/ our knowledge and belief and that I/ we shall be solely liable
and responsible for the information submitted. I/We am/are not prohibited from accessing capital markets under any order/ruling/judgment etc., of any regulation,
including SEBI. I/We confirm that my application is in compliance with applicable Indian and foreign laws. I/ we also confirm that I have read and understood the FATCA &
CRS T & C and hereby accept the same. I/ We also undertake to keep you promptly informed in writing about any changes/ modifications to the above information in future
and also undertake to provide any other additional information as may be required by any intermediary or by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities. I/ We hereby
authorize the Fund/ the AMC/ the RTA to share any information provided by me/ us to the Fund, its Sponsor, the AMC, Trustee, their employees, RTAs, authorized agents,
third party service providers, my/ our distributor(s), SEBI registered Intermediaries or any Indian or foreign governmental or statutory or judicial or tax/ revenue authorities/
agencies and other investigation agencies in or outside India, and/ or to withhold and pay out any sums from my/ our account(s) or close or suspend my/our account(s),
without any obligation of advising me/ us of the same, as may be required by regulators/ tax authorities.
Applicable to SIP Investments only: I/ We hereby express my/ our willingness to make payments towards SIP instalments as mentioned under the SIP Auto debit form. If the
transaction is delayed or not effected for reasons of incomplete/ incorrect information, I/we would not hold the user institution and its affiliates responsible. Further, I/ we
authorize the representative (the bearer of this request) to get the mandate herein verified. Mandate verification charges, if any, may be charged to my/ our account.
Applicable to Micro Investments only: I/We do not have any existing Micro investments which together with the current application will result in aggregate investments
exceeding ` 50,000 in a year.
Applicable to NRIs only: I/We confirm that I am / we are Non-Resident(s) of Indian Nationality / Origin and I/we hereby confirm that the funds for subscriptions have been
remitted from abroad through normal banking channels or from fund in my/our Non Resident External / Ordinary account/ FCNR account(s).
Important alert: Incase there is any change to your KYC information, please update the same by using the prescribed "KYC Change Request Form" and submit the same at the
point of service of any KYC Registration Agency.
Document Checklist Individual Company Society Partnership Investment Trusts NRI FII's HUF AOP & BOI Demat Holder
Firms through POA
PAN Card [Micro Investments, Investor(s) from 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sikkim, government officials specifically exempt]
KYC Acknowledgement 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3*
Resolution/ Authorisation to invest 3 3 3 3 3 3
List of authorised signatories with specimen signatures 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Memorandum & Articles of Association 3
Certificate of Incorporation 3 3 3 3
Trust Deed 3
Bye-laws 3
Partnership Deed 3
Notorised POA (signed by investor and POA Holder) 3
Bank Account Proof (Latest available) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Demat Statement (Latest available) 3
Client Master Statement (Latest available) 3
HUF Deed 3
Overseas Auditor's Certificate & SEBI Regn. Certificate 3
FATCA Form & UBO Declarations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
NPO Declarations 3 3 3 3
*For demat holder, submission of KYC is optional.
• TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ONE TIME MANDATE (OTM) REGISTRATION: c. Bank Account Number (Investor’s bank account number)
I. Investment through NACH (National Automated Clearing House) / ECS / Direct Debit d. Name of Destination Bank (Investor’s bank)
is offered to investors having bank accounts in selected bank / cities where they have e. IFSC / MICR code
an account or located currently.
f. Mention Maximum Amount such that the total of all SIP instalments in a day should
ii. The list of such banks may be modified/ updated at any time in future entirely at be less than or equal to the Maximum Amount.
the discretion of Union Mutual Fund without assigning any reasons or prior notice.
g. Reference 1: Mention Folio Number
iii. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility of National
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). The investor assumes the entire risk of using the h. Reference 2: Mention Application No.
Auto Debit Facility and takes full responsibility for the same. Investor will not hold Union i. Phone No. (Optional)
Mutual Fund, its registrars and other service providers responsible if the transaction is
delayed or not effected or the investor bank account is debited in advance or after the j. Email ID (Optional)
specific SIP date due to various clearing cycles of NACH Debit/Auto Debit /ECS. k. Period: Start date and End Date of NACH registration (in format DD/MM/YYYY).
iv. Union Mutual Fund reserves the right to reverse allotments in case the Auto debit is Maximum period of validity of this mandate is 40 years only.
rejected by the bank for any reason whatsoever. l. Signature as per bank account records
v. By submitting the Auto Debit mandate the investor authorizes Union Mutual Fund to m. Name: Mention Bank Account Holder Name as per bank records
utilize the information provided herein for the purpose of investor’s investments in the
Mutual Fund, including creation of a folio. SIP Snapshot- Frequency, Minimum Amount and Minimum Period.
vi. Investors are required to ensure that there are adequate funds in their bank account on SIP Minimum SIP Amount Minimum Period Default Date/Day
the date of investment transaction. Union Mutual Fund will endeavor to debit the investor Frequency
bank account on the date of investment transaction, however if there is any delay all such
transactions will be debited subsequently. Daily^ ` 100 and in multiples of ` 1 thereafter 6 Days Daily (i.e. Business
vii. SIP cancellation can be done separately by submitting the request atleast 15 Business
Days in advance; however the associated mandate can be retained Weekly ` 500 and in multiples of ` 1 thereafter 6 Weeks Wednesday
for future investments. Fortnightly ` 500 and in multiples of ` 1 thereafter 6 Fortnights 1st and 15th of
viii. Lumpsum Investment / SIP instalments in a day should be less than or equal to the the month
maximum amount as mentioned in the Mandate Instruction. Monthly ` 500 and in multiples of ` 1 thereafter 6 Months 8th of the month
ix. The enrolment period i.e Start and End Month/ Year specified for the SIPs Note:
should be less than or equal to the enrolment period mentioned in the Mandate
Instruction. • ^Daily Frequency is applicable to all schemes except Union Liquid Fund, Union Money
Market Fund and Union Overnight Fund.
x. Investments made through the One Time Mandate (OTM) Mode are subject to realization
of funds from investor’s bank account and the NAV guidelines will be applicable • In case none of the frequencies have been selected then Monthly Frequency shall be
for the transactions. treated as the default frequency.
xi. Following fields need to be filled mandatorily:-
a. Date in format DD/MM/YYYY
b. Bank A/c Type: Tick the relevant box