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Agriculture Rural development and food security for developing countries. Least-developed and net food-importing developing countries. Export credits, export credit guarantees or insurance programmes. Tariff rate quotas. Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures More time for developing countries to comply with other countries new SPS measures. Reasonable interval between publication of a countrys new SPS measure and its entry into force. Equivalence: putting into practice the principle that governments should accept that different measures used by other governments can be equivalent to their own measures for providing the same level of health protection for food, animals and plants. Review of the SPS Agreement. Developing countries participation in setting international SPS standards. Financial and technical assistance. Textiles and clothing Effective use of the agreements provisions on early integration of products into normal GATT rules, and elimination of quotas. Restraint in anti-dumping actions. The possibility of examining governments new rules of origin. Members to consider favourable quota treatment for small suppliers and leastdeveloped countries, and larger quotas in general. Technical barriers to trade Technical assistance for least-developed countries, and reviews of technical assistance in general. When possible, a six-month reasonable interval for developing countries to adapt to new measures. The WTO director-general encouraged to continue efforts to help developing countries participate in setting international standards. Trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) The Goods Council is to consider positively requests from least-developed countries to extend the seven-year transition period for eliminating measures that are inconsistent with the agreement. Anti-dumping (GATT Article 6) No second anti-dumping investigation within a year unless circumstances have changed. How to put into operation a special provision for developing countries (Article 15 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement), which recognizes that developed countries must give special regard to the situation of developing countries when considering applying anti-dumping measures. Clarification sought on the time period for determining whether the volume of dumped imported products is negligible, and therefore no anti-dumping action should be taken. Annual reviews of the agreements implementation to be improved.
Customs valuation (GATT Article 7) Extending the deadline for developing countries to implement the agreement. Dealing with fraud: how to cooperate in exchanging information, including on export values. Rules of origin Completing the harmonization of rules of origin among member governments. Dealing with interim arrangements in the transition to the new, harmonized rules of origin. Subsidies and countervailing measures Sorting out how to determine whether some developing countries meet the test of being below US$1,000 per capita GNP allowing them to pay subsidies that require the recipient to export. Noting proposed new rules allowing developing countries to subsidize under programmes that have legitimate development goals without having to face countervailing or other action. Review of provisions on countervailing duty investigations. Reaffirming that least-developed countries are exempt from the ban on export subsidies. Directing the Subsidies Committee to extend the transition period for certain developing countries. Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) Non-violation complaints: the unresolved question of how to deal with possible TRIPS disputes involving loss of an expected benefit even if the TRIPS Agreement has not actually been violated. Technology transfer to least-developed countries. Cross-cutting issues Which special and differential treatment provisions are mandatory? What are the implications of making mandatory those that are currently non-binding? How can special and differential treatment provisions be made more effective? How can special and differential treatment be incorporated in the new negotiations? Developed countries are urged to grant preferences in a generalized and nondiscriminatory manner, i.e. to all developing countries rather than to a selected group. Outstanding implementation issues To be handled under paragraph 12 of the main Doha Declaration. Final provisions The WTO Director-General is to ensure that WTO technical assistance gives priority to helping developing countries implement existing WTO obligations, and to increase their capacity to participate more effectively in future negotiations. The WTO Secretariat is to cooperate more closely with other international organizations so that technical assistance is more efficient and effective. The implementation decision is tied into the main Doha Declaration, where ministers agreed on a future work programme to deal with unsettled implementation questions. Negotiations on outstanding implementation issues shall be an integral part of the Work Programme in the coming years, they declared. In the declaration, the ministers established a two-track approach. Those issues for which there was an agreed negotiating mandate in the declaration would be dealt with under the terms of that mandate.
ON THE WEBSITE: > trade topics > Doha Development Agenda > Implementation Decision Explained
Those implementation issues where there is no mandate to negotiate, would be the taken up as a matter of priority by relevant WTO councils and committees. These bodies were to report on their progress to the Trade Negotiations Committee by the end of 2002 for appropriate action.
Negotiations on agriculture began in early 2000, under Article 20 of the WTO Agriculture Agreement. By November 2001 and the Doha Ministerial Conference, 121 governments had submitted a large number of negotiating proposals. These negotiations have continued, but now with the mandate given by the Doha Declaration, which also includes a series of deadlines. The declaration builds on the work already undertaken, confirms and elaborates the objectives, and sets a timetable. Agriculture is now part of the single undertaking in which virtually all the linked negotiations were to end by 1 January 2005, now with the unofficial target of the end of 2006. The declaration reconfirms the long-term objective already agreed in the present WTO Agreement: to establish a fair and market-oriented trading system through a programme of fundamental reform. The programme encompasses strengthened rules, and specific commitments on government support and protection for agriculture. The purpose is to correct and prevent restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets. Without prejudging the outcome, member governments commit themselves to comprehensive negotiations aimed at: market access: substantial reductions exports subsidies: reductions of, with a view to phasing out, all forms of these (in the 1 August 2004 framework members agreed to eliminate export subsidies by a date to be negotiated) domestic support: substantial reductions for supports that distort trade (in the 1 August 2004 framework, developed countries pledged to slash trade-distorting domestic subsidies by 20% from the first day any Doha Agenda agreement is implemented). The declaration makes special and differential treatment for developing countries integral throughout the negotiations, both in countries new commitments and in any relevant new or revised rules and disciplines. It says the outcome should be effective in practice and should enable developing countries to meet their needs, in particular in food security and rural development. The ministers also take note of the non-trade concerns (such as environmental protection, food security, rural development, etc) reflected in the negotiating proposals already submitted. They confirm that the negotiations will take these into account, as provided for in the Agriculture Agreement. A first step along the road to final agreement was reached on 1 August 2004 when members agreed on a framework (Annex A of the General Council decision). The negotiations take place in special sessions of the Agriculture Committee.
ON THE WEBSITE: > trade topics > goods > agriculture > agriculture negotiations
Key dates: services Start: early 2000 Negotiating guidelines and procedures: March 2001 Initial requests for market access: by 30 June 2002 Initial offers of market access: by 31 March 2003 Stock taking: originally 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Revised market-access offers: by 31 May 2005 Deadline: Now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
ON THE WEBSITE: > trade topics> services > services negotiations
Key dates: market access Start: January 2002 Stock taking: 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Deadline: Now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
ON THE WEBSITE: > trade topics > market access > market access negotiations
Key dates: intellectual property Report to the General Council solution on compulsory licensing and lack of pharmaceutical production capacity: originally by end of 2002, decision agreed 30 April 2003 Report to TNC action on outstanding implementation issues under par 12: by end of 2002 (missed) Deadline negotiations on geographical indications registration system (wines and spirits): by 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) (missed)
Deadline negotiations specifically mandated in Doha Declaration: now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking Least-developed countries to apply pharmaceutical patent provisions: 2016
Geographical indications extending the higher level of protection to other products. The TRIPS Agreement provides a higher level of protection to geographical indications for wines and spirits. This means they should be protected even if there is no risk of misleading consumers or unfair competition. A number of countries want to negotiate extending this higher level to other products. Others oppose the move, and the debate in the TRIPS Council has included the question of whether the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement provide a mandate for extending coverage beyond wines and spirits. The Doha Declaration notes that the TRIPS Council will handle this under the declarations paragraph 12 (which deals with implementation issues). Paragraph 12 offers two tracks: (a) where we provide a specific negotiating mandate in this Declaration, the relevant implementation issues shall be addressed under that mandate; (b) the other outstanding implementation issues shall be addressed as a matter of priority by the relevant WTO bodies, which shall report to the Trade Negotiations Committee [TNC], established under paragraph 46 below, by the end of 2002 for appropriate action. In papers circulated at the Ministerial Conference, member governments expressed different interpretations of this mandate. Argentina said it understands there is no agreement to negotiate the other outstanding implementation issues referred to under (b) and that, by the end of 2002, consensus will be required in order to launch any negotiations on these issues. Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, EU, Hungary, India, Liechtenstein, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey argued that there is a clear mandate to negotiate immediately. Reviews of TRIPS provision. Two reviews have been taking place in the TRIPS Council, as required by the TRIPS Agreement: a review of Article 27.3(b) which deals with patentability or non-patentability of plant and animal inventions, and the protection of plant varieties; and a review of the entire TRIPS Agreement (required by Article 71.1). The Doha Declaration says that work in the TRIPS Council on these reviews or any other implementation issue should also look at: the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the UN Convention on Biodiversity; the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore; and other relevant new developments that member governments raise in the review of the TRIPS Agreement. It adds that the TRIPS Councils work on these topics is to be guided by the TRIPS Agreements objectives (Article 7) and principles (Article 8), and must take development fully into account.
Key dates: trade and competition policy Continuing work in working group with defined agenda: to 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Negotiations: after 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) subject to explicit consensus on modalities with deadline: by 1 January 2005, part of single undertaking. But no consensus: dropped from Doha agenda in 1 August 2004 decision
Key dates: government procurement (transparency) Continuing work in working group with defined agenda: to 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Negotiations: after 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) subject to explicit consensus on modalities with deadline: by 1 January 2005, part of single undertaking. But no consensus: dropped from Doha agenda in 1 August 2004 decision
Key dates: trade facilitation Continuing work in Goods Council with defined agenda: to 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Negotiations: after 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) subject to explicit consensus on modalities, agreed in 1 August 2004 decision. Deadline: Now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
Key dates: anti-dumping, subsidies Start: January 2002 Stock taking: 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Deadline: Now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
Key dates: regional trade Start: January 2002 Stock taking: 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Deadline: Now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
Key dates: disputes understanding Start: January 2002 Deadline: originally by May 2003, currently no deadline, separate from single undertaking
Key dates: environment Committee reports to ministers: 5th and 6th Ministerial Conference, 2003 and 2005 (in Mexico and Hong Kong, China) Negotiations stock taking: 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico) Negotiations deadline: now none. Originally by 1 January 2005, then unofficially by end of 2006. Part of single undertaking
Fisheries subsidies. Ministers agreed to clarify and improve WTO rules that apply to fisheries subsidies. The issue of fisheries subsidies has been studied in the Trade and Environment Committee for several years. Some studies demonstrate these subsidies can be environmentally damaging if they lead to too many fishermen chasing too few fish. Negotiations on these issues, including concepts of what are the relevant environmental goods and services, take place in special sessions of the Trade and Environment Committee. Negotiations on market access for environmental goods and services take place in the Market Access Negotiating Group and Services Council special sessions. Work in the committee Ministers instructed the Trade and Environment Committee, in pursuing work on all items on its agenda, to pay particular attention to the following areas: The effect of environmental measures on market access, especially for developing countries. Win-win-win situations: when eliminating or reducing trade restrictions and distortions would benefit trade, the environment and development. Intellectual property. Paragraph 19 of the Ministerial Declaration mandates the TRIPS Council to continue clarifying the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Biological Diversity Convention. Ministers also ask the Trade and Environment Committee to continue to look at the relevant provisions of the TRIPS agreement. Environmental labelling requirements. The Trade and Environment Committee is to look at the impact of eco-labelling on trade and examine whether existing WTO rules stand in the way of eco-labelling policies. Parallel discussions are to take place in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. For all these issues: when working on these (market access, win-win-win situations, intellectual property and environmental labelling), the Trade and Environment Committee should identify WTO rules that would need to be clarified. General: ministers recognize the importance of technical assistance and capacity building programmes for developing countries in the trade and environment area. They also encourage members to share expertise and experience on national environmental reviews.
Key date: electronic commerce Report on further progress: 5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico)
38-40 (technical cooperation and capacity building), 42 and 43 (least-developed countries). (Paragraph 2 in the preamble is also cited.) Under this heading (i.e. pars 3841), WTO member governments reaffirm all technical cooperation and capacity building commitments made throughout the declaration and add general commitments: The Secretariat, in coordination with other relevant agencies, is to encourage WTO developing-country members to consider trade as a main element for reducing poverty and to include trade measures in their development strategies. The agenda set out in the Doha Declaration gives priority to small, vulnerable, and transition economies, as well as to members and observers that do not have permanent delegations in Geneva. Technical assistance must be delivered by the WTO and other relevant international organizations within a coherent policy framework. The Director-General reported to the General Council in December 2002 and to the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the implementation and adequacy of these new commitments. Following the declarations instructions to develop a plan ensuring long-term funding for WTO technical assistance, the General Council adopted on 20 December 2001 (one month after the Doha conference) a new budget that increased technical assistance funding by 80% and established a Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund with a proposed core budget of 15 million Swiss francs. The fund now has an annual budget of 24 million Swiss francs.
ON THE WEBSITE: > trade topics > development > technical cooperation & training
Key date: least-developed countries Reports to: General Council: July 2002, 5th and 6th Ministerial Conferences, 2003 and 2005 (in Mexico and Hong Kong, China)