Final Essay Student Sample
Final Essay Student Sample
Final Essay Student Sample
Student Name
Tammy Jones
3 December 2023
In October of 2023, a terrorist group, the Hamas, massively attacked Southern Israel.
This surprise attack killed thousands, and Hamas took dozens of women and children as
hostages. The United States and Israel are allied together, increasing the chances of the US
joining this foreign war. Today, the US is using military devices that keep surveillance and
safety against the threats from these terrorist groups. However, without the contributions Albert
Einstein made during his warfare efforts, the US military would not be able to have the resources
they have today. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and E = mc2 equation has contributed to
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity allowed the US military to develop satellites to keep
surveillance and to operate at a strategic level. In simple terms, Einstein's Theory of Relativity
says that motion is continuously relative, and time and space are in association. With this,
Earth. An article written by NASA, "Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Critical For GPS, Seen In
Distant Stars," states, "predicted by Einstein’s theory . . . this means that clocks on Earth
observed from orbiting satellites run at a slower rate . . . this effect needs to be taken into account
or there will be small differences in time that would add up quickly, calculating inaccurate
positions" (“Einstein’s”). Astronomers around the world look to Einstein's theory to create a
satellite that correctly orbits in space. Satellites have become a big contribution to military
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warfare. As the technology continues to grow, the US military has seen them as a major asset in
the overall protection of the US. In Gregory Gagnon's recent article "Why Military Space
Matters" he expresses how "space can be the greater enabler of long-range fighting capabilities . .
." (62). With rising tensions among other nations, operating at a strategic level keeps the military
a step ahead of their competitors. The US military is one of the few countries that have space
range capabilities which allows them to detect threats, and fight from a distance. The US has had
a military advantage against other countries because of their satellite surveillance orbiting in
space. However, according to Gagon "Moving into 2023, China had more than 700 operational
satellites in space, indicating a 385 percent growth rate since the establishment of the PLASSF in
December 2015." (62). This puts the US and its military at risk as they "have never faced a
competitor with as much capability on orbit." (Gagon 63). The US must continue their
advancements in satellite surveillance in order to protect themselves from missile attacks, lasers,
or even robots of some kind. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity gave astronomers the ability
to build a system that translates accordingly to things down on Earth. The US has been able to
thrive in military protection because of what Einstein's theory was able to create.
Albert Einstein's E=mc2 equation helps the US military continue their advancements in
technology, which allows them to keep a winning hold on warfare materials. The E=mc2
equation describes mass times the speed of light squared. As it created the first atomic bomb, it
allowed the US to develop other nuclear weapons that are not as lethal. In the brief book review
"Sullivan, Edward T. The Ultimate Weapon: The Race to Develop the Atomic Bomb," Jeffery A.
French states "Otherwise, this is a valuable account of a critical event in the world's history"
(140). He discusses how the atomic bomb was a creation that was crucial for the world's warfare.
Albert Einstein's E=mc2 equation is one of the most famous equations in history, and it is still
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used when making military weapons today. As Beason and Lewis explain in their article "The
war fighter's need for science and technology," "we have seen the introduction of radar,
computers, jet aircraft, stealth technology, satellites . . . Each of these technologies has had a
profound impact on the way we fight and, equally importantly, on the way we keep our war
fighters out of harm's way" (Beason and Lewis 71). This proves that because of the scientific
contributions Albert Einstein made throughout history, it has allowed for the technological field
to grow. This has implemented a strong US military that continues to grow as advancements are
made. Technology continues to grow rapidly throughout the world. While other countries are
starting to increase their technological advancements, the US has an advantage as Albert Einstein
helped create products that put the US ahead. Beason and Lewis explain how "new technology
introduced on the battlefield has changed the course of military affairs overnight." (73). The US
military is making changes to their warfare efforts daily, and have seen the benefits of Einstein's
weaponry equations. Albert Einstein's famous equation gave the US the ability to create weapons
that are productive, yet controllable. The military continues to grow and stay ahead of other
countries, because of the contributions Einstein made during his presence in the war.
Albert Einstein had a major contribution in the development of military technology and
overall protection. As seen in today’s warfare, the US uses satellites and other weapons to
protect the United States and its allies. Albert Einstein's inventions kept the US ahead in military
advancements, and allowed the US military to operate at a strategic level against Hamas and
other terrorist groups. Still influencing military protection today, Albert Einstein's scientific
Works Cited
French, Jeffrey A. "Sullivan, Edward T. The Ultimate Weapon: The Race to Develop the Atomic
Bomb." School Library Journal, vol. 53, no. 8, Aug. 2007, p. 140. Gale In Context:
“Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Critical for GPS, Seen in Distant Stars.” NASA, 22 Oct 2020,
Gagnon, Gregory. "Why Military Space Matters." Joint Force Quarterly, no. 110, July 2023, pp.
Beason, Douglas, and Mark Lewis. "The war fighter's need for science and technology." Air &
Space Power Journal, vol. 19, no. 4, winter 2005, pp. 71+. Gale Academic OneFile,