Haematology Jaypratap Singh 1720436458616
Haematology Jaypratap Singh 1720436458616
Haematology Jaypratap Singh 1720436458616
Monday To Sunday
8:00 am To 9:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am To 2:00 pm
Test Name Result Unit Reference Value
RBCs parameter
Haemoglobin 15.2 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0 g/dL
RDW sd 42.5 fL 30 - 45 fL
PLATELETs parameter
Platelet count 289000 /μL 150000 - 450000 /μL
PDW 13.4 fL 9 - 17 fL
WBCs parameter
WBCs count 9160 /μL 4000 - 10000 /μL
Neutrophils 69 % 40.0 - 70.0 %
Malarial parasite Not Detected
High flouroscence lymphocyte 0.5 % < 1 : Normal
> 1% : Reactive
lymphocytes %
Research parameter
Neutrophil Granularity 153.2 SI 134.0 - 163.2 SI
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