1. Write a program using while loop statement that will display a series of numbers from 1 to 100 and 100 to 1. 2. Write a program using while loop statement that will display odd and even number from 100 to 200. 3. Write a program that will put a starting numbers and an ending number and will print all even numbers within the two numbers. 4. Write a program that will ask the user to input a stating numbers and ending numbers. Based from the given range, display all odds, even and prime numbers. 5. Write a program to compute the sume of 1 to 100 using for, while and do-while statements. Display the output on the screen. 6. Write a program to compute and accept 10 numbers from the user and then compute the average value of the 10 numbers given by the user. 7. Write a program that will reverse the input number of the user. 8. Write a program that will display all the prime numbers from 1 to 200. 9. Write a program that will display the following sequence of number using for, while and do-while statements. 10. Write a program that will display the following sequence of numbers using for loop statement.