ICT Network and Websites

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Universal Wisdom School

Name: Subject: ICT

Grade: Date:

Instructions: Please answer the following questions to test your understanding of the components of the web and
how it works and topology network.Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a URL?

a) Uniform Resource Locator

b) Universal Reading Language
c) Unidentified Request Location
d) User Recognition Language

2. Which component of the web is responsible for requesting web pages from web servers?

a) Web Browser
b) Web Server
c) URL
d) DNS

3. What is the role of a web server in the World Wide Web?

a) Rendering webpages
b) Storing and serving web content
c) Translating URLs into IP addresses
d) Displaying images and videos

4. Which of the following is NOT part of a typical URL?

a) Protocol
b) Domain Name
c) Browser Version
d) Path

5. When you type a URL into your web browser and press Enter, what type of request does your browser send to
the web server to retrieve the webpage?

a) GET request
b) POST request

c) PUT request
d) DELETE request

6. What does DNS stand for in the context of the World Wide Web?

a) Digital Network System

b) Domain Name System
c) Dynamic Networking Service
d) Data Naming Structure

7. Which web component is responsible for interpreting HTML and displaying webpages to users?

a) Web Server
b) URL
c) Web Browser
d) DNS Server

8. What is the purpose of HTML in web development?

a) To request webpages from servers

b) To store user data on the server
c) To structure and format web content
d) To secure websites from cyberattacks

9. Which of the following is NOT a valid web protocol?

b) FTP

10. Which part of a URL specifies the location or path to a specific resource on a web server?

a) Protocol
b) Domain Name
c) Port Number
d) Path

11. What is web hosting?

a) A type of computer programming

b) A service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the internet
c) A web browser

12. Where are websites and web pages stored when they are hosted on the internet?

a) On the website owner's computer

b) In a special folder on your own computer
c) On a web server

13. What is a web server?

a) A person who designs websites
b) A computer that stores and serves website files to visitors
c) A software used to create web content

14. What is the advantage of using cloud hosting?

a) It is the cheapest hosting option available.

b) It provides high reliability and scalability.
c) It does not require an internet connection.

15. What does "bandwidth" refer to in the context of web hosting?

a) The physical width of a web server

b) The amount of data that can be transferred between the server and visitors' browsers
c) The number of web pages a server can host

16. Why is it important to regularly back up a website when using web hosting services?

a) It helps reduce the cost of web hosting.

b) It ensures that your website's content is always up-to-date.
c) It protects against data loss in case of technical issues or cyber attacks.

17. Which of the following is NOT a type of network?

a) Local Area Network (LAN)

b) Internet
c) Email

18. Which of the following is an example of a wired network connection?

a) Wi-Fi
b) Ethernet
c) Bluetooth

19. What is network topology?

a) The study of the Earth's magnetic field

b) The physical or logical layout of devices in a computer network
c) A type of computer virus

20. Which of the following network topologies is characterized by a central hub or switch with all devices connected
to it?

a) Bus Topology
b) Star Topology
c) Ring Topology

21. In a bus topology, how are devices connected to the main communication channel?

a) Through a central hub
b) In a circular fashion
c) In a linear fashion

22. Which network topology is known for its fault tolerance, as data can take multiple paths to reach its destination?

a) Star Topology
b) Ring Topology
c) Mesh Topology

23. In a ring topology, how is data transmitted between devices?

a) In a linear fashion from one device to the next

b) In a circular fashion, passing through each device until it reaches its destination
c) Through a central hub

24. What is the disadvantage of a bus topology?

a) It is expensive to set up.

b) If the main cable fails, the entire network can go down.
c) It is difficult to add new devices to the network.

25. Which network topology offers the highest level of redundancy?

a) Star Topology
b) Ring Topology
c) Mesh Topology

26. In a mesh topology, how many connections does each device typically have?

a) One
b) Two
c) Multiple, creating a fully interconnected network

27. Which network topology is commonly used in home Wi-Fi networks?

a) Ring Topology
b) Star Topology
c) Bus Topology

28. What is the purpose of a network topology diagram?

a) To show the physical layout of network devices

b) To list the IP addresses of network devices
c) To display network traffic in real-time

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