ICT Network and Websites
ICT Network and Websites
ICT Network and Websites
Instructions: Please answer the following questions to test your understanding of the components of the web and
how it works and topology network.Choose the best answer for each question.
1. What is a URL?
2. Which component of the web is responsible for requesting web pages from web servers?
a) Web Browser
b) Web Server
c) URL
d) DNS
a) Rendering webpages
b) Storing and serving web content
c) Translating URLs into IP addresses
d) Displaying images and videos
a) Protocol
b) Domain Name
c) Browser Version
d) Path
5. When you type a URL into your web browser and press Enter, what type of request does your browser send to
the web server to retrieve the webpage?
a) GET request
b) POST request
c) PUT request
d) DELETE request
6. What does DNS stand for in the context of the World Wide Web?
7. Which web component is responsible for interpreting HTML and displaying webpages to users?
a) Web Server
b) URL
c) Web Browser
d) DNS Server
b) FTP
10. Which part of a URL specifies the location or path to a specific resource on a web server?
a) Protocol
b) Domain Name
c) Port Number
d) Path
12. Where are websites and web pages stored when they are hosted on the internet?
a) A person who designs websites
b) A computer that stores and serves website files to visitors
c) A software used to create web content
16. Why is it important to regularly back up a website when using web hosting services?
a) Wi-Fi
b) Ethernet
c) Bluetooth
20. Which of the following network topologies is characterized by a central hub or switch with all devices connected
to it?
a) Bus Topology
b) Star Topology
c) Ring Topology
21. In a bus topology, how are devices connected to the main communication channel?
a) Through a central hub
b) In a circular fashion
c) In a linear fashion
22. Which network topology is known for its fault tolerance, as data can take multiple paths to reach its destination?
a) Star Topology
b) Ring Topology
c) Mesh Topology
a) Star Topology
b) Ring Topology
c) Mesh Topology
26. In a mesh topology, how many connections does each device typically have?
a) One
b) Two
c) Multiple, creating a fully interconnected network
a) Ring Topology
b) Star Topology
c) Bus Topology