The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Working Paper Series

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The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

Robert H. Rasche and Marcela M. Williams

Working Paper 2005-048B

June 2005 Revised July 2005

FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST. LOUIS Research Division 411 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63102
______________________________________________________________________________________ The views expressed are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the Federal Reserve System, or the Board of Governors. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Papers are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. References in publications to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Papers (other than an acknowledgment that the writer has had access to unpublished material) should be cleared with the author or authors. Photo courtesy of The Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO.

The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Robert H. Rasche Marcela M. Williams July, 2005

Abstract: The analysis addresses changing views of the role and effectiveness of monetary policy, inflation targeting as an effective monetary policy, monetary policy and short-run (output) stabilization, and problems in implementing a short-run stabilization policy. JEL Codes: E520 Keywords: monetary policy, inflation targeting, short-run stabilization policy

The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Robert H. Rasche Marcela M. Williams Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *

Introduction The question of the effectiveness of monetary policy is a long-standing issue in the literature of monetary economics and central banking. Perspectives on the question have been influenced, in part, by developments in monetary theory, in part by interpretations of monetary history. Progress in the discussion has also been influenced, indeed some might say hindered, by changing definitions of both monetary policy and effectiveness. Our discussion will address 1) changing views of the role and effectiveness of monetary policy, 2) inflation targeting as an effective monetary policy, 3) monetary policy and short-run (output) stabilization, and 4) problems in implementing a short-run stabilization policy. 1. Changing Views on the Role and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy. What do analysts mean by monetary policy and the effectiveness thereof? Both terms are something of moving targets. At times monetary policy has referred to central bank actions to influence and/or target some measure of the money stock. Frequently, though certainly not always, the definition of monetary policy focused on a measure of high powered money liabilities of the central bank. For a long time, this was the definition incorporated in theoretical models. In the policy arena this

The authors are Senior Vice President and Director of Research and Senior Research Associate, respectively. The views expressed are the authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve System.

definition was the foundation of the monetarist revolution in the 1960s and 70s. A counter definition that was likely the dominant perspective of policymakers was that monetary policy referred to central bank actions to influence and/or target short-term interest rates or nominal exchange rates. Sargent and Wallace (1975) advanced the proposition that, in a model with rational expectations, the price level (and all other nominal variables) could be indeterminate if central banks set targets for nominal interest rates, because the economy would lack a nominal anchor. McCallum (1981) showed that an appropriately defined interest rate rule would avoid such indeterminacy. The interest rate rule had to include a nominal anchor. In recent years, in particular since Taylors (1993) proposed characterization of FOMC behavior in the early Greenspan years, interest rate rules that include a nominal anchor in the form of a desired or target inflation rate, have become the basic specification of monetary policy in theoretical analyses [see for example, Clarida, Gal, and Gertler (1999)]. The legacy of the Great Depression in the United States and other industrialized economies was that monetary policy was ineffective. This perspective is most prominent in Keynes General Theory and in the writings of the Keynesian economists in the 1940s through the 1960s. For example, the Radcliffe Committee in the United Kingdom reported: The immediate object of monetary policy action is to affect the level of total demand. In theory, monetary action may work upon total demand by changing the interest incentive; we believe that only very limited reliance can be placed on this. More certainly, monetary action works upon total demand by altering the liquidity position of financial institutions and of firms and people desiring to spend on real resources; the supply of money itself is not the critical factor. 1

Committee on the Workings of the Monetary System: Report, p. 135

In the United States the minimalist perspective on the role and effectiveness of monetary policy can be seen in the first two Reports of the Kennedy Council of Economic Advisers: Unless the Government acts to make compensating changes in the monetary base, expansion of general economic activity, accompanied by increased demands for liquid balances and for investment funds will tend to tighten interest rates and restrict the availability of credit. Discretionary policy is essential, sometimes to reinforce, sometimes to mitigate or overcome, the monetary consequences of short-run fluctuations of economic activity. In addition, discretionary policy must provide the base for expanding liquidity and credit in line with the growing potential of the economy. 2 and: Monetary policy as well as debt management policy must be coordinated with fiscal policy to secure the objectives of high employment and growth without inflation. We are, and for some time still will be, in a situation of substantial slack in labor force and capital resources, a situation in which expansionary policies are required. What matters most at this time is that financial policy should be designed to facilitate rather than retard the expansionary process which the tax program is designed to launch. 3 A decade later, perspectives on the effectiveness of monetary policy had changed; and, in some circles, monetary policy was viewed as equally important as fiscal policy for affecting both inflation and output fluctuations: The past 10 years have been characterized by an average growth rate of aggregate expenditures that is very high by historical standards and that has substantially outstripped the sustainable growth of supply of real goods and services. Contributing significantly to the growth of aggregate demand were rapidly increasing Government expenditures along with monetary policies that were appreciably more expansionary than those in earlier post-World War II periods. When the inflationary phase has lasted so long that expectations of further inflation are firmly embedded in the cost trend, a shift to policies of restraint first exerts an adverse influence on output and the desired price
2 3

Economic Report of the President, Jan 1962, p. 85. Economic Report of the President, Jan 1963, p. 55.

deceleration effect materializes only with a lag. Any convincing interpretation of the events during 1970 and 1973-4 must stress this difficulty. 4 This was not the only view of monetary and fiscal policy at that time. The 1960s saw the rise of monetarism subsequent to the work of Friedman and Schwartz (1963), Friedman and Meiselman (1963), and Andersen and Jordan (1968). There were several planks in the monetarism platform. First and foremost was that sustained inflation was a monetary phenomenon and that central banks should be held accountable for maintaining price stability. Monetarists contended that central banks should control the stock of money in the economy, and not focus on targeting short-term nominal interest rates, as the mechanism to achieve this long-run inflation objective. The rationale for the focus on the growth of the money stock was that, in a fiat money economy, the money stock provided the nominal anchor for the system. In the eyes of monetarists, inflation control was not the only concern of the monetary authorities. They saw monetary policy as having significant effects on shortrun fluctuations in real output (Andersen and Jordan, 1968; Andersen and Carlson, 1970), though not affecting long-run output growth. Indeed many monetarists (see Brunner and Meltzer, 1968; Meltzer, 1995, 2003; and Friedman and Schwartz, 1963) saw monetary policy as responsible for aggravating, not attenuating historical cyclical fluctuations in real output. With the rational expectations revolution in macroeconomics came the policy ineffectiveness proposition of the New Classical Macroeconomics (Sargent and Wallace, 1975). The initial interpretations of this paradigm were that, in any macroeconomic model, the assumption of rational expectations would render monetary

Economic Report of the President, February, 1975, pp. 128-9

policy ineffective in influencing real output, both in the short run and long run. Hence there was no role for monetary policy in output stabilization. Subsequent research (Fischer, 1977, Taylor, 1980, and Calvo, 1983) demonstrated that it was the interaction of the rational expectations hypothesis and an assumption of perfectly flexible wages and/or prices that generated the policy ineffectiveness proposition. The outgrowth of this insight was the New Keynesian perspective. With the widespread use of New Keynesian models, the monetarist tenets about how monetary policy impacts economic activity are widely held throughout academia and central banking circles today, though most academics and almost all central bankers would disown a monetarist label. Money has largely disappeared from discussions on monetary policy. Fry et al. (2000), utilizing data from a Bank of England survey, report that in the 1970s 11 (of 22) central banks in industrial countries reported using a money and credit framework to formulate monetary policy; but, that by the 1990s, only 2 of these banks maintained this framework. 5 Von Hagen (2004) found a negative trend from 1970 2002 in the fraction of titles of articles in major economics journals that included the word money, though the frequency of titles including inflation was relatively constant. 6 He also found that the frequency of money in the annual reports of major central banks declined over the period 1996-2002. 7 King (2002) notes: there is a paradox in the role of money in economic policy. It is this: that as price stability has become recognized as the central objective of central banks, the attention actually paid by central banks to money has declined. 8
5 6

Fry et al., (2000), Chart 7.2, p. 123. Von Hagen (2004), Table 4. 7 Von Hagen, (2004), Table 5 8 King, (2002), p. 162

The decline and fall of money in policy formation is confirmed by a fall in the number of references to money in speeches of central bank governors. So much so that over the past two years, Governor Eddie George has made one reference to money in 29 speeches, Chairman Greenspan one in 17, Governor Hayami one in 11 and Wim Duisenberg three in 30. 9 In contemporary literature, models, and policy discussions, attention is given to the role of an inflation objective in a central bank policy rule as the nominal anchor in a fiat money economy. Taylor rules (Taylor, 1993) that specify a systematic relation between the target for a short-term interest rate and deviations of inflation from an inflation target and real output from a measure of potential output have become the norm for the analysis of the impact of monetary policy. 10 In this rule like environment, the setting of the interest rate value is the policy action; the policy itself is represented by the parameters of the rule, including the inflation objective ( * ) and the respective weights that are assigned to deviation of observed inflation from that objective and deviations of real output from potential output. 2. Long-run Stabilization Objectives for Monetary Policy Over the past 15 years, a number of countries, starting with New Zealand, have announced explicit numeric inflation objectives (the * term in the Taylor rule framework.) The relevant question is how effective are central banks at hitting explicit numeric inflation targets? Clearly one straightforward way to address the question of the effectiveness of monetary policy is to look at the performance of those countries that have announced
King, (2002), p. 162-3. There is an active discussion in the contemporary literature over the design of monetary policy rules. Some economists (for example, Svensson, 2005) argue for instrument rules that are optimized from an objective function of the central bank and models of the macroeconomy. Others (for example, McCallum and Nelson, 2004) argue for independently constructed target rules in the spirit of Taylor (1993). Both sides in this debate appear to accept the proposition that monetary policy can impact both inflation and real
10 9

explicit numeric inflation targets. Our list of the countries in this group is shown in Table 1. We have identified a total of 21 countries that continue to pursue such targets. 11 The initial inflation under which the target was adopted by each of these countries is graphed against the year of adoption in Figure 1. 12 As far as we have been able to determine, no country has joined the group since 2002. In many, but certainly not all of these countries, inflation was below 5 percent at the time of the announcement of the inflation targeting regime. Table 2 provides the details on the target index(es), the target ranges, dates of adoption for the target, responsibility for target setting, and public reporting on the performance of the inflation policy. Figures 2-22 show the history of inflation for each of the inflation targeting countries. 13 There are multiple graphs for those countries that have changed the index in which they define their inflation target one graph for each index used. The graphs show the inflation target range (the shaded area) or the point inflation target as appropriate. It is immediately apparent from these graphs that the period-to-period (month-to-month or quarter-to-quarter) annualized rate of inflation is highly volatile in all of the countries that pursue an explicit numeric inflation target. These short-run inflation rates are as likely as not to be outside of the target range. If effective monetary policy were to be defined in terms of stability of high-frequency rates of inflation, then all of these central banks would have to be judged as failing to achieve the objective. However, it is neither reasonable nor desirable to define the objective in such short-run
output in the short run, but only inflation in the long run. Hence this theoretical debate is about how to best implement monetary policy rules, not about the effectiveness of policy. 11 We consider three countries that at one time had explicit numeric targets Finland, Spain, and Greece that have dropped from the group upon accession to the EMU. 12 This graph updates similar graphs that can be found in Loayza and Soto (2002) and Mishkin and Schmidt-Hebbel (2002).

terms. Shocks to the price level that is transitory shocks to inflation originate from numerous sources, both monetary and nonmonetary. No central bank can foresee such shocks and probably cannot accurately predict the dynamics by which such shocks ultimately impact the price level. Economic theory suggests that central banks can be held accountable for sustained inflation. Correspondingly, inflation targeting central banks, and even central banks without explicit numeric targets such as the Fed, typically focus on medium term inflation. The duration of the medium term, frequently, and probably intentionally, is left ambiguous. 14 Absent a precise definition of the medium term some measures must be specified to judge the effectiveness of the inflation targeting policies. We examine two measures of the effectiveness of explicit numeric inflation targeting. Both measures are based on moving averages of the observed rates of inflation. These measures are indicated by the red (heavy) line in the figures. Relative to the dates indicated on the horizontal axis, this line shows the leading moving average rate of inflation to the end of 2004. The shortest moving average shown is one year. The question is what is the maximum period, ending with 2004, that the moving average of the inflation rate remained within the bounds determined by the current (end of 2004) inflation target? These periods are shown for each of the inflation targeting countries in Table 3. Judged by this metric, there are a number of inflation targeting countries in which monetary policy has been very effective. For five countries, New Zealand, Norway,

For early discussions of the implementation and experience of several of these countries with inflation targeting, see Leiderman and Svensson (1995).

Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom the moving average rate of inflation has been within the current announced target range since before the adoption of the inflation targeting procedure. 15 Canada and Australia also have maintained average inflation within the range currently in effect for considerable periods (note that for Australia and New Zealand, data are quarterly, not monthly.) None of these countries has a particularly wide target range. The Czech Republic and South Africa have shorter records of success by this metric but, nevertheless moderately, effective performances. The Czech Republic is notable, since the inflation rate there was fairly high when the target was adopted, and the moving average inflation has fallen outside of the target range only on the low side. Nevertheless, the moving average of Czech headline inflation has been positive for the entire period since it fell below the lower bound of the current target range (in February 2002.) Israel, Peru, and Poland have experienced long-term average inflation below their current target ranges. The short-horizon moving averages for Hungary, Peru, and Poland have exceeded the current target range. In Israel the moving average inflation rate actually went negative in 2002 and 2003. Three countries, Chile, Colombia, and Hungary have adjusted their targets downward over time and generally the average inflation rate has fallen below the ranges, consistent with success in moving to the lower inflation targets. Failure to stay in the target ranges has not been asymmetric. Other countries, notably Brazil, Mexico, and the Philippines have consistently missed their target ranges on the high side.
President Santomero of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has stated that he prefers measuring inflation against an explicit target range on a 12-month moving average (year-over-year) basis. Few central bankers have been this explicit about their definitions of a medium term. 15 Norway has a stated target of 2.5 percent, not an inflation range. The moving average inflation rate has been below this value since 2000 and only dipped slightly below zero in early 2003.


While averages provide interesting insights into the sustainability of the inflation performance, they obscure the marginal performance. A moving average could remain within the target range for a long period of time because, over time, the inflation rate is converging towards the midpoint of the range. Alternatively, the same moving average could result because, early in the period, the inflation rate was close to one end point of the target range and, as time progressed, inflation moved close to the opposite edge of the target range. The latter situation could be characterized as skating on thin ice. To examine this issue, Table 3 shows the value of the moving average over the two-year period 2003-4 and a standardized deviation of this two-year moving average from the midpoint of the target range that prevailed at the end of 2004. The standardization is constructed by dividing the deviation of the moving average from the midpoint by one-half the difference between the upper and lower endpoints of the target range. By this metric the bulk of the inflation targeting countries are doing quite well in the past two years. The exceptions are Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Mexico, and the Philippines (whose average inflation rate over the past two years fell above their target ranges) and Israel and Sweden (whose average inflation rate over the past two years fell below the target ranges.) Our conclusion from these data is that, where countries have announced explicit numeric inflation objectives for their central banks, central banks have been quite effective in achieving the stated inflation stabilization objective. The FOMC has not adopted this framework, though it is known that on at least three occasions the pros and cons of adopting this approach have been debated around the


FOMC table. 16 Several current participants in the FOMC have stated on the record their preference for explicit numeric targets and given their preferred measures. Included are Governor Ben Bernanke, President Jeffrey Lacker of the Richmond Fed, President Janet Yellen of the San Francisco Fed, and President Anthony Santomero of the Philadelphia Fed. 17 Governor Bernanke has indicated his preferred inflation target is 1-2 percent as measured by the core personal consumption price index. 18 President Lacker indicated his preference for a target of 2 percent as measured by the core CPI price index or 1.5 as measured by the core personal consumption price index. He also indicated a preference that inflation be kept above 1 percent. 19 President Yellen has indicated a preference for a target of 1.5 percent as measured by the core personal consumption price index, with a range of about 1 percent. 20 President Santomero has indicated his preference for a target range of 1-3 percent as measured by a 12-month moving average rate of change in the core personal consumption price index. 21 Other current participants at FOMC meetings, including Governor Donald Kohn (2005), have indicated that they do not prefer an explicit numeric inflation objective. President William Poole has stated that he
Transcripts of two of these debates, on January 31, 1995 and July 2, 1996 can be found on the Web site of the Board of Governors:<>; <>. A summary of the most recent debate at the February 1, 2005, FOMC meeting is also available on the Boards Web site <>. 17 During the July 1996 FOMC debate on inflation targets, President Gary Stern of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis indicated that a 2 percent target (in terms of the CPI) would be acceptable to him. (FOMC Transcripts, July 2-3, 1996, p. 56) The discussion at that time was not framed in terms of a target point or a target range. 18 For instance B.S Bernanke remarks at Stanford University, February 11, 2005. Reported by Michael Derby Dow Jones Commodity Wire, February 11, 2005. 19 J.M. Lacker, Inflation Targeting and the Conduct of Monetary Policy, University of Richmond Robins School of Business, March 1, 2005. <>. 20 Feds Yellen says inflation target has some merit, Reuters News, February 11, 2005. 21 Santomero: Fed should adopt explicit inflation target, AFX Asia, October 4, 2004.


believes ambiguity with respect to the Feds inflation and employment objectives is not large and is not the main problem the Fed faces with its communication policies. 22 Differences of opinion among FOMC participants notwithstanding, in May 2003 the press release following the FOMC meeting indicated that the probability of an unwelcome substantial fall in inflation, though minor, exceeds that of a pickup in inflation from its already low level. 23 The minutes of that FOMC meeting indicate the rationale for this statement: Members commented that substantial additional disinflation would be unwelcome because of the likely negative effects on economic activity and the functioning of financial institutions and markets, and the increased difficulty of conducting an effective monetary policy, at least potentially in the event the economy was subjected to adverse shocks. Members also agreed that there was only a remote possibility that the process of disinflation would cumulate to the point of a decline for an extended period in the general price level. 24 At that time, core personal consumption inflation was in the neighborhood of 1 percent. Since FOMC participants who have expressed preferences in terms of both the core CPI and core personal consumption price index have typically indicated values for core CPI inflation a half percent above those for the core personal consumption inflation rate, it seems reasonable to conclude that the FOMC has a lower bound of an acceptable medium-term rate of inflation in the neighborhood of 1 percent for the core personal consumption inflation rate and perhaps 1.5 percent for the core CPI inflation rate. Former Governor Larry Meyer (2001) is also on record in favor of an explicit numeric inflation objective. However, his position is that the dual mandate inherent in

How Should the Fed Communicate, Princeton University, April 2, 2005. <>. 23 <>


the Federal Reserve Act differentiates the U.S. environment from that of other inflation targeting central banks that operate under a hierarchical mandate. Meyer defines a hierarchical mandate as an environment where price stability is identified as the principal objective, and central banks are restricted from pursuing other objectives unless price stability has been achieved. 25 He contrasts this with the dual mandate where monetary policy is directed at promoting both full employment and price stability with no priority expressed, and with the central bank responsible for balancing both these objectives in the short run. 26 It is our opinion that Meyers view does not allow for the different in the effectiveness of monetary policy in the long and short run. In terms of long-run objectives, central banks must necessarily operate under a hierarchical mandate, given the consensus view of monetary policy that policymakers are not presented a long-run tradeoff between inflation and real output. Indeed, in specifying a policy rule, whether an instrument or target rule, the exercise of determining how much weight to place on shortrun movements in inflation versus short-run movements in real output is conditioned on the prespecification of the long-run inflation target ( * ). In this sense any central bank seeking to operate in such a monetary policy framework has to be hierarchical: first it must specify its long-run inflation objective and then, and only then, can it set its preferred (or optimal) weights for short-run fluctuations. 27 The choice of weights could be such that the central bank follows a hierarchical mandate in both the long and short run; however there is nothing to preclude pursuing a dual short-run mandate nested
24 25

<> Meyer (2001), p. 151. 26 ibid.


within a hierarchical long-run mandate. It is likely that most, if not all, central banks that have adopted an explicit inflation target pursue that objective within a nested hierarchical/dual structure. In Figure 23a and 23b the core CPI inflation and core personal consumption price inflation for the United States and the leading moving average from each of the dates since January 1990 until the end of 2004 are shown. 28 We have superimposed on these time series a shaded area from 1 to 3 percent, which appears to approximate a consensus of the FOMC participants who have spoken out in favor of an explicit numeric inflation objective. Leading moving-average core CPI inflation in the United States bottomed out in August 2002 at a value of 1.64 percent (annual rate). The corresponding dates and values for core personal consumption price inflation are December 2002 and 1.28 percent. These appear to be close to the bottom of the FOMCs implicit acceptable range of inflation. On the other end of the scale, the leading moving-average rate of core CPI inflation has been below the 3 percent level since March, 1991, while that for personal consumption price inflation has been below the three percent level since March 1987. These are comparable to the best performance of the inflation targeting central banks against their announced targets. From this, it cannot be claimed that an explicit numeric inflation target is a necessary condition to produce low and stable rates of inflation for an extended period. The question, which will not be answered unless inflation pressures build in the future, is whether in the absence of a public numeric inflation objective the
See also Svensson (2004). Relative to the end of 2004, the line indicates a trailing moving average of inflation back to the date indicated.
28 27


institutional commitment exists to take potentially unpopular policy actions to resist upward creep in inflation.

3. How Effective Are Central Banks at Short-run (Output) Stabilization? The evidence on the effectiveness of monetary policy as a short-run stabilization device is problematic. As Poole has noted: The only certainty is that [the] effect of policy actions on real variables eventually dissipates. Eventually may cover a period of several years, and may be longer in some circumstances than others. It is worth noting that these hedges on my part reflect ignorance mine and the professions and not obfuscations. We just dont have precise estimates of the magnitudes and durations of effects of monetary policy on real variables. 29 Our objective here is to examine why a definitive answer to this question remains so illusive. On one hand there is case study evidence supporting the idea that monetary policy does impact output fluctuations in the short run. The most prominent evidence from such studies highlights the contractionary effects of monetary policy. On the other hand there are volumes of VAR analyses that fail to determine a major role for monetary policy in short-run stabilization. The best known, though not uncontested, case study analysis of the short-run response of real activity to monetary policy is Friedman and Schwartzs monetary history (Friedman and Schwartz, 1963.) They argue that the Federal Reserve put the great in the Great Contraction: The monetary character of the contraction changed drastically in late 1930, when several large bank failures led to the first of what were to prove a series of liquidity crises involving runs on banks and bank failures on a scale unprecedented in our history.

W. Poole, Oct. 6, 2004 , FOMC Transparency.


The drastic decline in the stock of money and the occurrence of a banking panic of unprecedented severity did not reflect the absence of power on the part of the Reserve System to prevent them. Throughout the contraction, the System had ample powers to cut short the tragic process of monetary deflation and banking collapse. Had it used those powers effectively in late 1930 or even in early or mid-1931, the successive liquidity crises that in retrospect are the distinctive feature of the contraction could almost certainly have been prevented and the stock of money kept from declining, or indeed, increased to any desired extent. Such action would have eased the severity of the contraction and very likely would have brought it to an end at a much earlier date. 30 Romer and Romer (1989) construct case studies of six episodes from World War II through 1979 in which they believe that the Fed deliberately took action to induce a recession to reduce inflation. They conclude that the evidence supports the hypothesis that the monetary policy actions had a significant negative impact on real output in all of these instances. Case studies such as these address the qualitative question of whether monetary policy has an impact on real output; they do not address the question of the magnitude of the output response to a change in policy. The final experience that is widely cited as evidence of a contractionary impact of monetary policy is the U.S. experience in 1979-83: the so-called Volcker disinflation. This period is marked by two separate recessions: January July 1980 and July 1981 November 1982. The first recession followed closely the introduction of the new operating procedures in October 1979 and an increase of 6 percent in the federal funds rate. 31 Note that the increase in the funds rate was not directly targeted by the Fed under the new operating procedures. Furthermore, the impact of the monetary policy action
Friedman and Schwartz (1963), pp. 10-11. For an analysis of the environment that led to the introduction of the new operating procedures and the objectives that the Volcker Fed sought to achieve with this innovation see Lindsey, Orphanides, and Rasche (2005).



in 1980 is confounded with the introduction of credit controls by the Carter Administration in March 1980. 32 Goodfriend maintains that the recession of 1981-2 was the direct consequence of monetary policy directed at disinflation: The lesson of 1980 was that the Fed could not restore credibility for low inflation if it continued to utilize interest rate policy to stabilize the output gap. As measured by personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation, which was about 10 percent in Q1 1981, real short-term interest rates were then a very high 9 percent. Not surprisingly, the aggressive policy tightening began to take hold by midyear. 33 Certainly the home building industry in the United States regarded the collapse of housing construction during both recessions as the direct responsibility of the Volcker Fed as evidenced by the numerous complaints delivered to the Board of Governors on 2x4s. The housing construction industry in the United States showed highly cyclical fluctuations through the recession of 1990-1 (see Figure 24), and concerns about the sensitivity of this industry to monetary policy actions had been the focus of discussion at least since the early 1960s. 34 Housing starts and housing construction behaved very differently in the 2001 recession than in prior postwar recessions: no slowdown is obvious. Admittedly, this cyclical slowdown was very mild, at least as measured in terms of real output growth. Yet this raises the question of whether cyclical fluctuations in housing should be cited as universal evidence of an impact of monetary policy on short-run fluctuations. 35
See Schreft (1990). Goodfriend (2005) , pp. 316-7. 34 See, for example, Housing and Monetary Policy, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Conference Series Number 4, October 1970; Grebler and Maisel, 1963. 35 Stock and Watson (2003) note the large decline in the volatility of residential construction (though not nonresidential construction) in the United States since the mid-1980s (p. 39).
33 32


One legacy of the Great Depression in the United States was price controls on bank deposits so-called Reg Q ceilings. In 1966 these controls were extended to liabilities of thrift institutions that, at the time, were the principal source of mortgage financing. Cyclical fluctuations in interest rates had a major impact on the availability of mortgage financing during this period. By the mid-1980s these price controls had been removed, but by that time (economic) insolvency was widespread among thrift institutions. The resolution of the crisis in the housing finance industry continued through the recession of 1990-1. Hence, it may be more appropriate to argue that the interaction of monetary policy with the system of deposit price controls produced a unique environment that supported a cyclical response of the economy to monetary policy actions. In the current U.S. environment, where mortgage securitization has become the rule and specialized deposit intermediaries have ceased to be significant players in mortgage finance, a traditional argument for the transmission of monetary policy may be more tenuous. Alternative evidence on the effectiveness of monetary policy to influence the short-run behavior of real output is from econometric models. Over the past 25 years, since the publication of Simss (1980) classic article, literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of econometric studies in vector autocorrelation (VAR) frameworks have sought to address this question. We believe that few people would argue that research in this framework has provided conclusive evidence to support the hypothesis that monetary policy has strong short-run effects on real output fluctuations. Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999) summarize their extensive overview of this literature: viewed across both sets of identification strategies that we have discussed, there is a great deal of


uncertainty about the importance of monetary policy shocks in aggregate fluctuations 36 and there is agreement that monetary policy shocks account for only a very modest percentage of the volatility of aggregate output; they account for even less of the movements in the aggregate price level. 37 But if a consensus from case studies of historical episodes is that there are substantial effects, the question is how to reconcile the apparently conflicting evidence? An early assessment of the VAR type of study is provided by Cagan (1989): If we accept the bulk of historical evidence as confirming the important monetary effects on the real economy, contrary findings cannot be fully valid. And, if such contrary evidence is not valid, what kind of evidence in monetary research is acceptable and convincing? 38 The VAR seems to me to be hopelessly unreliable and low in power to detect monetary effects of the kind we are looking for and believe, from other kinds of evidence, to exist. 39 In the approximately fifteen years since Cagan posed this question, analysts have become much more aware of the limitations of VAR analyses. It is now well understood that the VAR approach does not solve the fundamental econometric problem of identification. The VARs that are readily estimated using standard econometric software are no more than reduced-form models. 40 Indeed, there is substantial risk of misspecification from omitted variables given limits on the dimensionality of the typical VAR that is imposed by the available time span of macroeconomic data series. In the formative years of VAR analysis (say 1980-6) the typical approach was to rotate and orthogonalize shocks by computing a Cholesky decomposition of the
36 37

Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999), p. 127. Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999), p. 71. 38 Cagan (1989), p. 119. 39 Cagan (1989), p. 127.


covariance matrix of the estimated VAR residuals and to assume that one of the resulting shocks, frequently that associated with a short-term interest rate, represented the monetary policy innovation the unpredictable component of monetary policy. Analyses of the effectiveness of monetary policy were constructed from impulse response functions and variance decompositions with respect to this monetary shock. Gradually, it became recognized that recursiveness and orthogonalization is the imposition of a particular set of identifying restrictions a triangular Wold causal chain structure. 41 This approach to identification was widely rejected by the econometrics establishment when initially proposed in the 1960s. Starting in the mid 1980s, alternative restrictions for identification of structural VARs appeared in the literature. 42 Generally the SVAR (Structural VAR) framework has maintained the identifying restrictions that shocks in the economic model are independent and found the additional required restrictions among the only available alternatives: constraints on impact or steady-state multipliers of the SVAR or exclusion restrictions on the slope coefficients among contemporaneous variables or steady-state relationships in the SVAR. Steady-state identifying restrictions are those for which accepted theory provides the most insight. Such restrictions may provide information on the dynamics of a real output response to a monetary policy shock that produces a permanent change in the inflation rate (assuming that inflation is approximately a nonstationary variable during the sample period). This is facilitated by received macroeconomic theories that suggest only monetary shocks can produced sustained changes in inflation. In an economy where

For an extensive discussion of the identification problem in VAR models see, Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999) Section 2. 41 See Wold (1954, 1960). 42 See, for example, Sims (1986) and Bernanke (1986).


the central bank focuses on a rule for an interest rate target that responds to deviations from a desired rate of inflation and other variables such as output gaps, such monetary shocks occur only when there is a change in the inflation target. 43 This does not get to the question of the effectiveness of monetary policy for short-run output stabilization. Here the issue is how real output responds to monetary shocks that cause transitory fluctuations in the inflation rate (i.e., changes in the price level.) Unfortunately, received theories suggest that shocks from many nonmonetary sources can have a permanent impact on the price level. Examples include fiscal policy shocks, energy price shocks, productivity shocks, and terms-of-trade shocks. In such economic structures restrictions on impact multipliers are hard to justify, and sufficient restrictions on slope coefficients among the contemporaneous variables in the VAR to identify the desired monetary shock are problematic. This concern is echoed in Romer and Romer (1989): The reason that purely statistical tests, such as regressions of output on money, studies of the effects of anticipated and unanticipated money, and vector autoregressions, probably have not played a crucial role in forming most economists views about the real effects of monetary disturbances is that such procedures cannot persuasively identify the direction of causation. 44 Identification of the effectiveness of monetary policy to stabilize output fluctuation is further complicated by a lack of transparency and likely a lack of stationarity in the rule-like behavior of central banks. There is an ongoing debate about whether FOMC behavior over a long period can be characterized by a common rulelike specification. Romer and Romer (2002a,b) argue that the actions of the FOMC in
43 44

This conclusion should hold whether the central bank pursues an instrument rule or a target rule. Romer and Romer (1989), p. 121.


the 1950s and in the 1980-90s were similar in their rule-like characteristics, but that during the 1960s and 70s a different regime was in place. Orphanides (2001, 2002) and Orphanides and van Norden (2002) argue that, when judged in terms of real-time data, the rule-like behavior of the FOMC in the 1960s and 70s is consistent with behavior in the 80s and 90s. They conclude that the Great Inflation did not result from bad policy, but from applying reasonable policy without recognition of and adjustment for biased measurements of potential output. Either view of the 1960-70s poses a challenge to the standard approach of identifying monetary shocks in SVAR structures. Beyond the arguments about the specification of monetary policy during the Great Inflation, there are other objectives that at least occasionally dominate the concern of central bankers. Such incidents at a minimum contaminate efforts to identify policy rules with measurement error and likely also contaminate the assumed identifying restrictions. For the FOMC there are at least four incidents in the past 20 years that can be documented in the published record of Minutes and Transcripts in which concerns about financial stability dominated policy decisions and policy actions were driven by issues other than inflation or output stabilization. These incidents include the stock market collapse in October 1987, the Asian crisis/Russian default in August-October 1998, Y2K in late 1999, and the 9/11 tragedy in September 2001. Some analysts add the credit crunch/financial headwinds concern in 1990-3 to this list. 45 According to the Unofficial Staff Interpretations of FOMC Policy Changes compiled by Thornton and Wheelock (2000), the expected funds rate was decreased by 37.5 basis points on October 23, 1987, and by an additional 12.5 to 25 basis points on October 28, 1987, in response to the stock market crash. This interrupted the succession


of increases in the expected funds rate that had started on January 15, 1987. Increases in the expected funds rate were not resumed until March 29, 1988, roughly six months after the crash. During a conference call on October 20, 1987, Chairman Greenspan noted: I think were playing it on a day-to-day basis. And in a crisis environment. I suspect we shouldnt really focus on longer-term policy questions until we get beyond this immediate period of chaos. ( p. 3) On September 29, 1998, FOMC reduced the funds rate target by 25 basis points. This was followed by a two additional reductions of 25 basis points on October 15 and November 17. In all three cases, the press release accompanying the policy actions noted conditions in financial markets as a rationale for the action: The action was taken to cushion the effects on prospective economic growth in the United States of increasing weakness in foreign economies and of less accommodative financial conditions domestically. (FOMC Press Release, September 29, 1998) Growing caution by lenders and unsettled conditions in financial markets more generally are likely to be restraining aggregate demand in the future. (FOMC Press Release, October 15, 1998) Although conditions in financial markets have settled down materially since mid-October, unusual strains remain. (FOMC Press Release, November 17, 1998) The funds rate target established in November was maintained until the FOMC meeting in June 1999, though no argument was made that financial markets remained unsettled after November. On December 21, 1999, the FOMC press release noted that the funds rate target was kept unchanged, in spite of the possibility that over time increases in demand will continue to exceed the growth in potential supply, even after taking account of the

See, for example, Romer and Romer, (2002b), p. 68.


remarkable rise in productivity growth. (FOMC Press Release, December 21, 1999) The maintenance of the existing target funds rate was explained by concerns about the century date change: Nonetheless, in light of market uncertainties associated with the century date change, the Committee decided to adopt a symmetric directive in order to indicate that the focus of policy in the intermeeting period must be ensuring a smooth transition into the Year 2000. (FOMC Press Release, December 21, 1999) On September 17, 2001, the FOMC press release noted that the funds rate target was reduced 50 basis points in response to the uncertainty about financial market conditions in light of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center: The Federal Reserve will continue to supply unusually large volumes of liquidity to the financial markets, as needed, until more normal market functioning is restored. (FOMC Press Release, September 17, 2001) On October 2, 2001, the funds rate target was reduced by an additional 50 basis points and uncertainty in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks was again cited: The terrorist attacks have significantly heightened uncertainty in an economy that was already weak. (FOMC Press Release, October 2, 2001) Finally on November 6, 2001, the funds rate target was again reduced by 50 basis points. The policy action was explained: Heightened uncertainty and concerns about a deterioration in business conditions both here and abroad are damping economic activity. (FOMC Press Release, November 6, 2001) It is worth noting that while in real time FOMC participants were concerned about significant weakness in economic activity in the fourth quarter of 2001, the current estimate is that GDP grew at a positive 1.6 percent annual rate in that quarter.


Our conclusion from these questions is that considerable care and additional research is required to ensure that a valid identified model of the economy has been constructed from which to draw inferences about the effectiveness of monetary policy as a tool for short-run stabilization of an economy. The number of issues that remain to be addressed suggest that we are a long way from a definitive answer. If the objective of a well-identified model is achieved, then how should it be used to address the question of the effectiveness of monetary policy? Impulse response functions and variance decompositions that investigate the response to a monetary shock may not be the most informative analyses. These address only how the economy responds to the unpredictable component of monetary policy the deviations from rulelike behavior. Cagan (1989) complained that in the VAR analysis available at the time, the impact of such residuals was so small as to be implausible: By removing all serial and cross correlations from economic series, VAR reduces them to exogenous movements and looks for correlation between these movements in each pair of series. But these exogenous movements are little more that isolated blips in the series, which in monetary growth have little effect on GNP. The financial system filters out the effect on monetary blips. Only changes in monetary growth that are maintained for an extended period of time affect business activity These extended changes in monetary growth, however, exhibit serial correlation and, despite their variable lags in affecting output and prices, tend to be correlated with cyclical movements in other economic variables. The VAR accordingly eliminates the correlated movements in money as endogenous to the economic system. Thus does this technique give new meaning to the old clich of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 46 An alternative investigation is to vary the parameters in the equation of the identified economic model that characterize the rule-like behavior of the monetary authorities. The question then becomes not how effective has monetary policy been


stabilizing the economy under the historical characterization of policy, but how effective could it be with alternative rule-like behaviors. Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999) argue that with, VAR models, this type of analysis may be difficult, since identification of monetary policy shocks is not sufficient to identify the historical policy rule pursued by the central bank. 47 The answer to the question of how effective monetary policy could be in short-run stabilization likely depends on the nature of the shocks that are assumed to hit the economy and, at least for some shocks, the relative tolerance for short-run inflation volatility versus output volatility. Finally, has increased transparency and accountability of monetary authorities led to increased economic stability? This question has been raised in several contexts. First, some analysts have argued that the Great Moderation since approximately 1983 is substantially due to better monetary policy and improved transparency. Stock and Watson (2003) use three different econometric models of the U.S. economy and replace their estimate of a post-1984 monetary policy rule with their estimate of a pre-1979 monetary policy rule. They conclude from these experiments that the models all suggest that improved monetary control brought inflation under control, but accounts for only a small fraction among the models fit to the United States data, less than 10 percent of the reduction in output volatility. 48 Other analysts argue that improved transparency and accountability of central banks anchor long-term inflation expectations more firmly, thus giving central banks more latitude to pursue short-run stabilization objectives. Support for this argument
46 47

Cagan (1989), p.135. Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999), pp. 134-6.


requires two kinds of research: 1) what evidence would support the hypothesis that longterm inflation expectations are less variable and 2) has the rule-like behavior of any central bank changed in the direction of more aggressive reaction to short-term fluctuations of output? Levin, Natalucci, and Piger (2004) provide some evidence on both of these issues by comparing inflation targeting industrial countries with industrial countries that do not announce inflation targets. They conclude that inflation targeting in these countries has played a role in anchoring inflation expectations and in reducing inflation persistence. 49 Chairman Greenspan early on argued that a low and stable inflation environment contributed to the higher rate of productivity growth in the United States after 1995: Given these real-world uncertainties, it is important for policymakers to be as explicit as possible about not only the central banks long-run inflation objective but also about its short-run policy objectives. The more ambiguous policymakers are about these objectives, the more difficult it will be for the public to differentiate policy actions that may reflect a change in the central banks long-run inflation objective from actions intended only to offset the effects of real shocks on economic activity. Implicit in that argument, if we are to move toward price stability, is that the process in and of itself induces an acceleration of productivity. 50 It is not that low or stable prices are an environment that is conducive to capital investment to reduce costs, but rather that it is an environment that forces productivity enhancements. It forces people who want to stay in business to take those actions--such as cutting down the size of the cafeteria, reducing overtime, and taking away managers driversthat they did not want to take before in the ordinary course of business in a modest inflationary environment because it was easier then just to raise prices to maintain margins. If you force the price level down, you induce real reallocations of resources because to stay in business firms have to achieve real as distinct from nominal efficiencies.51
48 49

Stock and Watson (2003), p. 29. Levin, Natalucci and Piger (2004), p. 75 50 FOMC Transcripts, July 2-3, 1996, p. 47 51 FOMC Transcripts, July 2-3, 1996, p. 67


This is an intriguing hypothesis that is difficult to investigate, given the limited understanding and theory of the determinants of productivity growth. Unfortunately it is difficult to reconcile this hypothesis with the apparent uniqueness of the U.S. experience with the productivity boom in the face of almost worldwide low and stable inflation over the last decade. 4. Problems in the Implementation of Short-run Stabilization Policy One important issue for the implementation of short-run stabilization policy that did not receive much attention for a considerable period of time is the inherent uncertainty of the environment in which central bankers make decisions. There are several dimensions to this uncertainty: 1) lack of accurate information about the contemporary state of the economy, 2) inability to forecast accurately the future path of the economy, and 3) lack of accurate information about how policy actions impact the economy. Two problems face central bankers (and policymakers in general) in assessing the need for a short-run stabilization action: 1) lags in the availability of data and 2) measurement error in preliminary data. In the United States major economic statistics are available at either monthly or quarterly frequency, usually with a initial publication lag of a month or two. In other countries, comparable data may be measured at lower frequency and with longer publication lags. Consequently, most formal statistical data that are available for policy deliberations are stale. In the FOMC process, such data are supplemented by anecdotal data from the various Federal Reserve Districts. 52 The latter

See, for example, W. Poole (2002), The Role of Anecdotal Information in Fed Policymaking, <>



data are not collected from scientific surveys and the number of respondents surveyed is small. Hence, there is a danger of inappropriately extrapolating from the small environment to the macroeconomy. Nevertheless, such reports can give insights into and reduce, though not eliminate, uncertainty about emerging trends. The second problem, measurement error, is well known; but until recently, it did not receive much attention, probably because it is regarded as a mundane problem and research into it is unlikely to receive much attention. In appears that, recently, attitudes have been changing. Research using real-time data has become more fashionable. Some of this research (Orphandides, 2001, 2002) alleges that the principal culprit in the Great Inflation in the United States was systematic bias in the real-time assessment of potential output and the output gap in FOMC deliberations. Nevertheless, formal consideration of measurement error in forecasting models, whether constructed by private sector entities or by the staff of policy agencies, remains underdeveloped, even though the econometric methodology is well understood. The paucity of readily accessible vintage data may contribute to this problem. 53 The second issue is the limited accuracy in the forecasts or projections that are available to monetary policymakers. Absent instantaneous reaction of the economy to policy actions, effect stabilization actions require an assessment of the future state of the economy. Gavin and Mandal (2001) found the accuracy of the forecasts by FOMC participants as recorded in Monetary Policy Reports from 1983 through 1994 for real
For the United States a limited amount of vintage data has been reconstructed by the research staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Complete archives of the FRED data base have been preserved since the web version of this service was introduced in 1996 at least at monthly intervals; since 1999 at weekly intervals. In the near future a new data service (Archival FRED AlFRED) will be implemented by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Initially this service will allow the user to retrieve a data list that is indexed with an as of vintage date. Over time, vintage data that was preserved on hard copy of National Economic Trends and Monetary Trends will be added to this archive.


output growth were comparable those of private forecasters (e.g., Blue Chip forecasters). 54 However, the root-mean-squared forecast error at 12- and 18- month horizons was roughly 1 percent (at annualized rates.) At a 6-month horizon the forecast error was of a percent. In a subsequent analysis they extended the sample of forecasts to 1979 2001 (Gavin and Mandal, 2002). For this longer sample, they found that the root-mean-squared forecast error at the 12- and 18- month horizons was 1.32 and 1.59 percent, respectively. The same statistic at a 6-month forecast horizon was only slightly less than 1 percent. 55 This forecast (in)accuracy suggests that variations in real output growth, from recessions to rapid expansions, cannot be reliably distinguished on a horizon as short as a year. The projection accuracy for real output of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) appears to be comparable to that of the participants in the FOMC. 56 Root-meansquared projection errors of the RBNZ are reported as 1 percent at a 1-quarter horizon and 1.5 percent at a 1-year horizon. The Bank of England publishes estimates of the uncertainty associated with its numeric projections of inflation and GDP growth with each of its Inflation Reports. 57 At the 1-year projection horizon conditioned on market interest rate expectations, the reported uncertainty measure is 0.76 percent; at the 2-year horizon it is 1.0 percent and at the 3-year horizon it is 1.10 percent. These values are on the order of 50 percent of the root-mean-squared error of the RBNZ and FOMC projections at comparable horizons,
Gavin and Mandal (2001), Table 2. Forecasts are fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter growth rates. Gavin and Mandal (2002), Table 1. Forecasts are fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter growth rates. 56 See Reserve Bank of New Zealand, The Projection process and accuracy of the RBNZ projections, <> 57 The most recent estimates are in the Numerical Parameters of Inflation Report Probability Distributions, February 2005,<>. That report indicates
55 54


but still suggest substantial uncertainty relative to business cycle fluctuations in real GDP. Other inflation targeting central banks also make public projections of real output growth, though this information does not appear to have a long history and we have not found any other analyses of these projection performances. 58 The final problem is the paucity of accurate information about the dynamic effects of policy actions. The major problem is that received macroeconomic theories generally provide little insight into dynamic structures. This is reflected in the VAR paradigm that eschews any restrictions on dynamics. One perspective is associated with Milton Friedman that lags in the impact of monetary policy are long and variable. Another perspective is derived from impulse response functions of econometric models, including VAR specifications. In many such models the impact effect of a shock to the monetary policy variable is constrained to be zero as part of the identifying restrictions imposed on the data. In such models a typical response pattern is that several quarters elapse before a significant response of real output builds up, and then this response dissipates over a year to eighteen months. 59 In general, estimated confidence intervals around the impulse response functions are quite wide. This leaves a policymaker interested in short-run stabilization with a difficult and unfortunate dilemma: the impact of a policy action at any horizon is highly uncertain, and the horizon over which any policy action is most likely to have a major impact is one where the future is not predicted with any precision.
that the uncertainty measure is the standard deviation of the forecast error in those cases where the distribution of forecast errors is symmetric. 58 We have found quantitative projections/forecasts of real output in published inflation/monetary reports of the central banks of Chile, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Sweden, and the United Kingdom Undoubtedly we have missed some reports and we have not completed a tabulation of all published estimates.


Conclusion Several conclusions seem warranted. First, inflation targeting central banks appear to have an admirable record of consistently hitting targets on a medium run horizon. However, it is not clear what the marginal contribution of inflation targeting beyond a credible commitment to price stability is, since the Federal Reserve, which eschews an inflation targeting framework, has accumulated a comparable record of low and stable inflation. Second, it is not clear what will happen to low and stable inflation if bad shocks are realized and the going gets tough. Good luck in the form of a decade or two of relatively mild shocks cannot be ruled out as a significant environmental factor during the inflation targeting period (see Stock and Watson, 2003, pp. 46-47.) Finally, the case for consistently effective short-run monetary stabilization policies is problematic there are just too many dimensions to uncertainty in the environment in which central banks operate.
Impulse response functions that are typical of those derived from VAR analysis can be found in Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1999) Figures 2 and 4.


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Table 1. Inflation Targeting Countries by Year of Adoption Year Country Total 1990 New Zealand 2 Chile 1991 Canada 2 Israel 1992 United Kingdom 1 1993 Sweden 3 Australia Finland1 1994 Peru 2 1 Spain 1995 -----0 1996 -----0 1997 -----0 1998 Czech Republic 4 Korea Poland Greece1 1999 Mexico 3 Brazil Colombia 2000 South Africa 3 Switzerland Thailand 2001 Norway 3 Iceland Hungary 2002 Philippines 1

Finland and Spain are considered to have become non-inflation-targeting countries upon joining the third stage of the EMU in 1999; this applies to Greece as of 2001. Sources: Authors compilation based on Monetary Policy and Inflation Reports of each countrys central bank and Mishkin and Schmidt-Hebbel (2002), and Morande (2002).


Table 2. Characteristics of Inflation Targeting Regimes of Countries COUNTRY INFLATION MEASURE Australia CURRENT TARGET VALUE Headline CPI 2%-3% INFLATION TARGETS 2%-3% Treasury underlying CPI until 1998. CPI thereafter. ADOPTION DATE June 1993 60 WHO SETS SEPARATE THE TARGET INFLATION REPORT Government No. and Central Statements Bank Jointly on Monetary Policy contain prospects for inflation growth Government in Consultation with Central Bank Yes PUBLISHED INFLATION FORECAST Yes. Monetary Policy Report


Headline CPI 4.5 % 2.5%

1999: 8% 2% 2000: 6% 2% 2001: 4% 2% 2002: 3.5% 2%. 2003: 4% 2.5% 61 2004: 4.5% 2.5%

June 1999



CPI and Core 2% 1% CPI 62

1991: 3%-5% (for 22 February months) 1991 1992: 2%-4% (multiyear) June 1994: 1.5%3.5% 1995-2004: 1%-3%

Government and Central Bank jointly


Yes. Monetary Policy Report

Source: Australias Central Bank. While the first formal agreement on the conduct of monetary policy between the RBA and the government was made in 1996, the RBA effectively adopted inflation targeting in 1993. 61 Bank of Brazil Open Letter 2002, 2003, 2004.




Headline CPI





1991: 15%-20% 1992: 13%-16% 1993: 10%-12% 1994: 9%-11% 1995: 8% 1996: 6.5% 1997: 5.5% 1998: 4.5% 1999: 4.3% 2000: +/- 3.5% 2001, onward: 2%4% 1999: 15% 2000: 10% 2001: 8% 2002: 6% 2003: 4%-6% 2004: 5%-6% 2005: 4.5% - 5.5% 2006: 3.5% 5.5%

September 1990

Central Bank in consultation with Government



September 1999

Jointly by Government and Central Bank




Canadas Core CPI excludes food, energy, and the effect of indirect taxes.


Czech Republic

Net Inflation 1%-3% through 2001 63 Headline CPI thereafter

Finland 65

Core CPI


Net Inflation 1998: 5.5% - 6.5 % 1999: 4%-5% 2000: 3.5% - 5.5. % 2001: 2%-4% Headline CPI 2002 2005: Band starts Jan. 2002: 3%-5%. Band ends Dec. 2005: 2%-4% From 2006: 3% 64 Since 1993: 2%

January 1998

Central Bank



February 1993 to June 1998 July 2001

Central Bank





4% 1%

2001: 7.5% 1% 2002: 4.5% 1% 2003: 3.5 % 1% 2004: 3.5 % 1% 2005: 4% 1% 2006: 3.5 % 1%

Central Bank




Net inflation is calculated by the Czech Statistical Office (CSO) as the growth of prices in the unregulated part of the consumer basket adjusted for changes in indirect taxes and for abolition of subsidies. 64 The inflation target 3% has been announced for the period from Jan. 2006 until the Czech Republics accession to the euro area. 65 Since 1998, Finland has been a member of the ESCB and the Eurosystem.




2% 1%

Since 2001: 2% 1%

March 2001

Central Bank and Government Jointly

No. Their Monetary Bulletin contains prospects for inflation growth



Headline CPI 1%-3%

1992: 14 %-15% 1993: 10% 1994: 8% 1995: 8%-11% 1996: 8%-10% 1997: 7%-10% 1998: 7%-10% 1999: 4% 2000: 3%-4 % 2001: 3%- 4% 2002: 3%- 4% 2003: 1%-3% 2004: 1%-3%

December 1991

Central Bank





CPI (1998) Core Inflation (after 1999)

2.5% 3.5%

1998: 9 1% 1999: 3 1% 2000: 2.5 1% 2001: 2.5 1% 2002: 3 1% 2003: 3 1% Jan-2004, change to medium-term (instead of annual) targeting system. Target for 20042006: 2.5%-3.5% 1999: 13% 2000: <10% 2001: 6.5% 2002: 4.5 % 2003: 3% 1% (in line with trading partners) 1990: 3%-5% 1991: 2.5%-4.5% 1992: 1.5%- 3.5% 1993-1996: 0%-2% 1997-2001: 0%-3% 2002-present: 1%3% 2001-present: 2.5%

April 1998

Government in Consultation with Central Bank




Headline CPI 3% 1%

January 1999

Central Bank



New Zealand

Headline CPI 66


March 1990

Government and Central Bank jointly






March 2001





Officially CPI, but RBNZ targets "underlying" or "core" inflation.CPI: (since Dec-97, the CPI excluding credit services; before that date, overall CPI. In late 1999, mortgage interest rates were removed from the index)



Headline CPI 2.5% 1%

1994: 15-20% 1995: 9-11% 1996: 9.5-11.5% 1997: 8-10% 1998: 7.5-9% 1999: 5-6% 2000: 3.5-4% 2001: 2.5-3.5% 2002: 2.5 1% 2003: 2.5 1% 2004: 2.5 1% 2002: 5%-6% 2003:4.5%-5.5% 2004: 4%-5% 2005: 4%-5%

January 1994

Central Bank Yes in Consultation with Government



CPI (they 4.5% monitor Core 5.5% CPI measures also)

January 2002

Jointly by Central Bank and Government




Headline CPI 2.5% 1%

1998: <9.5% 1999: 6.6-7.8% 2000: 5.4-6.8% 2001:<6-8%. 3% by 2003 2002: 5% 1% <4% by 2003 2003: 3% 1% 2004: 2.5% 1%

October 1998

Central Bank




CPI inflation adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products


South Africa



2003: 3%-6%

February 2000

Spain 69 Sweden Switzerland

Headline CPI NA Headline CPI 2% 1% Headline CPI Less than 2%

1996: 3.5% - 4% 1997: 2.5% 1998: 2% Since 1995: 2% 1% Since 2000: Less than 2%

November 1994 to June 1998 January 1993 January 2000

Government after consultation with the Reserve Bank and the National Treasury. Central Bank Central Bank Central Bank



Yes Yes No. Monetary Policy Report, Monetary Policy Assessment, and Inflation Forecast published quarterly

Yes Yes Yes

68 69

The consumer price index for metropolitan and other urban areas excluding the interest cost of mortgage bonds. Since 1998, Spain is a member of the ESCB and the Eurosystem.



United Kingdom

Core CPI (Excludes raw food and energy prices) Headline CPI 70

0% - 3.5%

Since 2000: 0%3.5%

May 2000

Government in Consultation with Central Bank Government




1992: RPIX inflation 1-4% 1995: 2.5% or less 1997: 2.5% 12/2003: CPI inflation 2% 1%

October 1992



Authors compilations based on each central banks website discussions on Monetary Policy; individual monetary policy and inflation reports of each country; Mishkin and Schmidt-Hebbel (2002) and Morande (2002).


Since 12/2003 CPI Inflation became the target, formerly known as the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. Prior to that, RPIX inflation was targeted.


TABLE 3. Effectiveness of Explicit Numeric Inflation Targeting Number Target Moving Average Standardized First Date for of Range as Rate of Inflation Deviation COUNTRY which Target Periods of From Dec-2002 from Moving Range is not met within 12/2004 to Dec-2004 Average Range Australia 2-3 Jun-2000 17 2.51 0.02 Brazil 4.5 2.5 Dec-2003 12 8.80 1.72 Canada 21 Nov-1992 109 2.24 0.24 Chile 2-4 Nov-2003 13 1.76 -1.24 Colombia 5-6 Dec-2002 24 6.17 1.34 Czech 1-3 Feb-2002 34 1.93 -0.07 Republic Hungary 3.5 1 Dec-2003 12 5.75 2.25 Iceland 2.5 1.5 Aug-2003 (next 16 3.37 0.58 date is April 2001) Israel 1-3 Nov-2003 13 -0.35 -2.35 Korea 2.5 - 3.5 Nov-2003 (next 13 2.87 -0.26 date is November 2001) Mexico 2-4 December 2003 12 4.69 1.69 New Zealand 1-3 Never 71 59 2.15 0.15 72 Norway 2.5 Never 45 0.85 --Peru 2.5 1 Nov-2003 13 3.03 0.53 Philippines 4-5 Dec-2003 12 6.38 3.76 Poland 2.5 1.5 Dec-2003 12 3.09 0.39 South 3-6 Feb-2002 34 4.25 -0.17 Africa Sweden 21 Dec-2003 12 0.78 -1.22 73 Switzerland Less than 2 Never 59 0.97 -0.03 Thailand 0 3.5 Never 74 55 0.30 -0.83 75 76 U.K. 21 Never 146 1.46 -0.54
Average rate of Inflation for New Zealand never went outside the range since inflation targeting regime was adopted (1990). 72 No index numbers for CPI-ATE are available. Average rate of Headline CPI inflation was used instead. Value for average rate of Headline CPI inflation never exceeded 2.5 since inflation targeting regime was adopted (2001). 73 Average rate of inflation for Switzerland never went outside the range since inflation targeting regime was adopted (2000). First date for which the average rate of inflation was outside the range was Oct-89 at 2.09. 74 Average rate of inflation for Thailand never went outside the range since inflation targeting regime was adopted (2000). First date for which the average rate of inflation was outside the range was Aug-92 at 3.52. 75 First date for which the average rate of inflation was outside the range was Mar-92 at 3.03 for average rate of RPIX inflation. 76 Note that in 12/2002, UK targeted RPIX, and not Headline CPI. The value for the average rate of inflation of RPIX in 12/2002 was 2.6, still within the target range as of 12/2004.


Figure 1: Year of Adoption and Initial Inflation in Twenty Three Inflation-Targeting Countries
Inflation (Percent) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
New Zealand Canada Chile





Czech Republic Korea UK Spain Sweden Finland Australia Poland Brazil


Philippines Iceland

5 0 1988

Switzerland Norway Thailand

South Africa











Figure 2a. Australia: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Treasury Underlying CPI
Inflation (Percent)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range

Source: Reserve Bank of Australia

Quarterly Treasury Underlying Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

The initial, formal inflation target related to the Treasury Underlying measure of the CPI. When interest charges were removed from the CPI in the June quarter 1998, this target was amended to the headline CPI inflation rate.

Figure 2b. Australia: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Headline CPI
Inflation (Percent)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1990 -2 -4 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range

Quarterly Headline CPI

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Reserve Bank of Australia The initial, formal inflation target related to the Treasury Underlying measure of the CPI. When interest charges were removed from the CPI in the June quarter 1998, this target was amended to the headline CPI inflation rate.

Figure 3. Brazil: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 -10 -20

Inflation (Percent)



30 25



10 5

0 2000 -5



















Inflation Target Range

Monthly Total CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Banco Central do Brazil

Figure 4. Canada: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1990 -5 -10 -15 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

Inflation Target Range

Source: Banque du Canada

Monthly Total CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Figure 5. Chile: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 -10 -20 1992 1994 1996


0 2000









Inflation Target Range

Source: Banco Central de Chile

Monthly Total CPI Inflation

Target Midpoint

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Figure 6. Colombia: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range


Inflation (Percent)








0 2000







0 1990 -10
Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Target Midpoint Leading Moving Average of Inflation








Source: Banco Central de Colombia

Inflation (Percent)

Figure 7. Czech Republic: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Headline CPI


20 15




0 2000 -5









0 1990 -10 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Czech Statistical Office Czech Republic targeted Net inflation through 2001 and Headline CPI thereafter

Figure 8. Hungary: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)

90 80 70 60 50
0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 30





40 30 20 10 0 1990 -10
Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation

















Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Figure 9. Iceland: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)





0 1990 -5 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Statistics Iceland

Figure 10. Israel: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)





0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Target Midpoint Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel

Inflation (Percent)

Figure 11a. Korea: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Total CPI Inflation

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1990 -5 -10
Inflation Target Range Target Midpoint Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation















Source: Korea National Statistics Office and The Bank of Korea. Total CPI was targeted until 1999. Core Inflation was targeted beginning in 2000.

Inflation (Percent)

Figure 11b. Korea: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Core CPI Inflation






0 1990 -5
Inflation Target Range Monthly Core CPI Inflation Target Midpoint Leading Moving Average of Inflation















Source: Korea National Statistics Office and The Bank of Korea. Total CPI was targeted until 1999. Core Inflation was targeted beginning in 2000.

Figure 12. Mexico: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)





0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004




0 1990 -20
Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Target Midpoint Leading Moving Average of Inflation















Source: Banco de Mexico

Figure 13a. New Zealand: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range CPI ex. Credit Services
Inflation (Percent)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1990 -1 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range

Monthly CPI ex. Credit Services Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

RBNZ targeted Underlying inflation until the September 1997 quarter, CPIX inflation through to the June 1999 quarter, then CPI inflation from the September 1999 quarter.

Figure 13b. New Zealand: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range Headline CPI
Inflation (Percent)

0 1990 -2 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand. RBNZ targeted Underlying inflation until the September 1997 quarter, CPIX inflation through to the June 1999 quarter, then CPI inflation from the September 1999 quarter.

Figure 14. Norway: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1990 -5 -10 -15 -20
Total CPI Inflation Target Leading Moving Average of Inflation















Source: Statistics Norway

Figure 15. Peru: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)






0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004




0 1990








Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru.

Figure 16. Philippines: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range

Inflation (Percent)







0 2000








1990 -10









Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Target Midpoint Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Central Bank of Philippines.

Figure 17. Poland: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1990 -20 1992 1994 1996





0 2000









Inflation Target Range

Monthly CPI Inflation


Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Central Statistical Office, Poland

Figure 18. South Africa: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)





0 1990 -5 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inflation Target Range Monthly CPIX Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: South African Reserve Bank

Figure 19. Sweden: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)






0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004




0 1990 -10 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

Inflation Target Range Monthly Total CPI Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Statistics Sweden

Figure 20. Switzerland: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)




0 1990 -5 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004



Inflation Target Range

Monthly Total CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: Swiss National Bank

Figure 21. Thailand: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range
Inflation (Percent)




0 1990 -5 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


Inflation Target Range

Monthly Core CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source : Bureau of Trade and Economic Indices, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand

Inflation (Percent)

Figure 22a. United Kingdom: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range RPIX
12 10 8 6


4 2


0 2000 -2 -4 2001 2002 2003 2004


-6 -8 -10


0 1990 -10
RPIX Inflation Target Range RPIX Lower Bound Monthly RPIX Inflation Leading Moving Average of Inflation
















Source: National Statistics, UK * Since Dec. 2003, the UK's inflation target has been based on the Consumer Prices Index

Inflation (Percent)

Figure 22b. United Kingdom: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Target Range CPI
Inflation (Percent)



0 2000 -5 2001 2002 2003 2004





0 1990 -10















CPI Inflation Target Range

Monthly Total CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation


Source: National Statistics, UK * Since Dec. 2003, the UK's inflation target has been based on the Consumer Prices Index

Figure 23a. United States: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Range
Inflation (Percent)

Core CPI

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1990
















Inflation Range

Monthly Core CPI Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Source: FRED Economic Database. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food & Energy

Figure 23b. United States: Moving Average of Inflation and Inflation Range
Inflation (Percent)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1990 -2 -4 -6 -8

Core PCE
















1-3 Percent Inflation Range

Monthly Core PCE Inflation

Leading Moving Average of Inflation

Figure 24. U.S. Housing Starts Annual Rates

Thousands of Units







0 1959
















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