Reviewer On Hbo
Reviewer On Hbo
Reviewer On Hbo
Person-job fit - the extent to which the contributions Attribution Theory suggests that managers attribute
made by individual match the inducements offered by causes to behavior based on observations of certain
the organization characteristics of that behavior such as degrees of
consensus (behavior in same situation and same way),
BIG 5 PERSONALITY TRAITS consistency (same way at different times) and
AGREEABLENESS - ability to get along with distinctiveness (same way in different situations).
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS - the number of goals Absenteeism - occurs when an individual does not
on which a person focuses show up at work
NEUROTISM - tendency to experience
unpleasant emotions such as anger, anxiety, Turnover – occurs when people quit their jobs
depression and feelings of vulnerability
EXTRAVERSION - quality of being Dysfunctional Behaviors – those that detract from,
comfortable with relationships (opposite of rather than contribute to, organizational behavior
which is introversion)
OPENNESS - capacity to entertain new ideas Performance Behavior – are set of work-related
and to change as a result of new information. behaviors that the organization expects the individual
to display
Locus of Control - extent to which a person Organizational Citizenship – entails behavior that
believes his/her circumstances are a function make a positive overall contribution to the
of either own actions or external factors organization
beyond his/her control
Self-efficacy - person’s beliefs about his or her
capabilities to perform a task
Authoritarianism - belief that power and CHAPTER 4: DIFFERENTIATING
status differences are appropriate within
hierarchical social systems such as TEAMS FROM GROUPS
Machiavellianism - behave to gain power and
control the behavior of others named after Work Groups - The collection of people who report to
the same supervisor or manager in an organization.
contribute and are able to make genuine
Teams: A team is a small number of people with contributions.
complementary skills who are committed to a
common purpose, performance goals, and approach Harlow’s Heirarchy of Needs - The hierarchy of needs,
for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in the
1940s, is the best-known need theory. Influenced by
TYPES OF REWARD SYSTEM the human relations school, Maslow argued that
SKILL-BASED PAY human beings are "wanting" animals: They have
GAIN-SHARING SYSTEMS innate desires to satisfy a given set of needs.
TEAM BONUS PLANS Furthermore, Maslow believed that these needs are
arranged in a heirarchy of importance, with the most
TYPES OF TEAMS basic needs at the foundation of the heirarchy.
Quality Circles - Are small groups of
employees from the same work area who
meet regularly (usually weekly or monthly) to
discuss and recommend solutions to
workplace problems.
Work Teams - Task-oriented, with
collaboration, communication, and
coordination to achieve specific work
outcomes or targets
Problem-solving Teams - Temporary Teams
Short Life-span Cross-functional trategic and
Tactical Roles Immediate Action
Management Teams – Counseling, Coaching,
Coordination THE ERG THEORY
Virtual Teams - Virtual teams are groups of Developed by yale psychologist Clayton Alderfer in
individuals who work together from different 1969. Simplified and more flexible version of Maslow’s
geographic locations and rely on hierarchy of needs.
communication technology
Product Development Teams - A product
development team is a group of individuals
with different skill sets and expertise who
work together to develop a specific product or
MOTIVATION - The set of forces that causes the
people to engage in one behavior rather than some
alternative behavior.
Founded by Frederick Herzberg originally called the
two-factor theory states that there are certain factors
in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a
employees want to feel useful and important, that
separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction, all of
employees have strong social needs, and that these
which act independently of each other. two types of
needs are more important than money in motivating
factors that influence job satisfaction: