Sea Food

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Sea Food

Technically anything edible which is obtained from sea or any other water body
(even fresh water) is termed as Sea food.
The difference between fish and shellfish is that fish have internal skeleton (endoskeleton) and
shellfish have external skeleton (exoskeleton).
Flat Fish
Different Varieties of Fish
Fin Fish

1) Salt Water Fish

Fish which come from salty water bodies are termed as sea water fish or salty water fish. These account for majority
of fish which is included in fish cookery. These fish are more salty in flavor as the flesh contain more salt when
compared with fresh water fish.
a) Salt Water Flat Fish
They are flat and oval in shape, and have both the eyes on one side of the head. This are mild in flavor and have very
lean meat, the flesh is delicate and white in color and very fine flake. Example of this fish is Flounder, Halibut,
Turbot, and Sole (Dover Sole, English Sole, Lemon Sole, Gray Sole, and Pacific Dover Sole)
b) Salt Water Round Fish
They are round in shape, have eyes on both the side of the head. Depending upon the fish the flesh can be either lean
or have fat content. These fish are flavorful as most of them are oily and have oily flesh, the flesh is delicate and
white. Example of this fish are Arctic Char, Black Sea Bass, Blue Fish, Chilean Sea Bass, Cod, Escolar, Grouper,
Haddock, Herring, Jack, John Dory, Mackerel, Monkfish, Ocean Perch, Red Mullet, Salmon, Red Snapper, Sardines,
Shark, Swordfish, Tuna, etc.
Fin Fish
2) Freshwater Fish
These fish are obtained from fresh water bodies and have less salt in their flesh
when compared to saltwater fish. This fish are mostly round in shape and have
eye on both the side of the head. Also fish in this category are either lean or oily,
some examples of Oily freshwater fish are Eel, Trout, White Fish, Cat Fish, etc.
Examples of Lean fresh water fish are Cat Fish, Perch, Pike, Tilapia, etc. The
flesh of oily fish is flavorful and delicate.
Fin Fish
3) Anadromous
Fish that spend some part of their life in Salt water and some part in Fresh water,
Fish that lives in ocean or sea (salt water) but migrate to lake or river (fresh
water) for laying egg or spawning is termed as anadromous fish. Example
Salmon, Shad, Artic, Char, etc.
4) Catadromous
Fish that lives in lake or river but swim to ocean or sea for spawning or laying
egg is termed as catadromous. Example Eel.
Shell Fish

These have external skeleton which acts as a protective home for the fish in case of danger, the
backbone is also missing in shell fish. The shell fish is classified under Crustaceans and Mollusks,
Mollusks are further dived into Univalve or Gastropods, Bivalves, and Cephalopods.
1) Crustaceans
Crustaceans are sea animals which have outer shell along with legs and claws. Lobster, Shrimp and
Prawns is the most common of all shellfish. Lobster has a flexible tail, four pairs of legs, and two
large claws, shrimp and prawn are same except for the missing claws and the size. Other Crustaceans
are CrayFish, Craw Fish, Crab and Langoustes.
Only the meat from the tail, claws, and sometimes legs is eaten, in case of crab even the body meat is
eaten. The meat is white and chunkier, it has very strong and distinctive flavor. The egg (coral), is also
preferred by many which is dark green when raw and red when cooked, in case of lobster even the
liver or pancreas (Tomalley) is eaten which is green in color and is found in the thorax or body cavity
of the lobster.
Shell Fish
2) Mollusks
Mollusks are those sea animals which has soft body which may or may not be protected by an
outer shell. Mollusks are further divided into Gastropods or Univalves, Bivalves, and
Cephalopods. There are other mollusks also but only this three are important in culinary world.
a) Gastropods or Univalve
These are the animal which has single protective shell, they are found stuck to a side of a rock
usually appearing as a rock, the meat is very chewy and salty in flavor can be used raw also like
abalone is used in sushi. Example of gastropods are Abalone, Conch, Limpet, Snail, and
Shell Fish
b) Bivalve or Pelecypoda
These are animal which have pair of hinged shell as a protective home,they compressed
bodies enclosed in the shell, have no head, and also lack a Radula.The gills have evolved
into Ctenidia,specialized organs for feeding and breathing.
Some bivalves, such as the scallops, can swim. Example of Univalve is Clam, Oyster,
Cockles, Mussels and Scallops.
Shell Fish
c) Cephalopods
The term cephalopods mean “foot attached to the head”. Though this animal have
no outer shell still they are categorized under Mollusks as they don’t have internal
skeleton. Example of cephalopods are Octopus and Squid which has tentacles
attached directly to their head. Cuttlefish is also a cephalopod.
Selection or Buying of Fish

The buying and selecting process is different for fish and shell fish, I will write it separately for both.
Below are the following points which should be checked before purchasing fish or shell fish.
Fin Fish
● Skin- Should be shiny and of good color.
● Color- For white fish, the color should be white, not faintly yellow.
● Weight- The body weight should be proportionate in comparison with the length of the fish
and should be springy.
● Eyes- It should be absolutely fresh and bright not shrunken.
● Gills- It should be bright red in color.
● Finger Marks- If the finger marks remain after it has been pressed, then it is not fresh.
● Flesh- Raw flesh should not come out from the bone.
● Scales- Should not come out very easily.
● Tails- The tail should be stiff in nature.
Selection or Buying of Fish

Shell Fish
§ Freshness- Can be recognized by the brightness of the eyes and stiffness of flesh and
§ Claws- When pulled, should spring back and both the claws are attached.
§ Smell- There should not be any bad smell.
§ Weight- The weight should be proportionate with the body.
§ Shell- Shell should be hard and shouldn’t break easily.
§ Legs- Legs should be attached to the body and shouldn’t come out without pulling.
§ Tail- Tail should be intact.
Storage of Fish & Shellfish

Freshness in the fish is of utmost important the period of storage should be

reduced to minimum and if at all it has to be stored, fish must be clean, washed
and dried with a fresh dry cloth. Placed on a clean tray and store under a suitable
refrigeration with the temperature limit 35°F (1.5°C) – 45°F (7.2°C). In case of
shellfish if possible they should be purchased alive so as to ensure absolute
freshness and stored in a cool room and cooked as fast as possible.
Fabrication of Fish

1. Fillet- A fillet is a boneless cut such as a side of a fish. A round fish yields 2 whereas flat fish yields 4
2. Tronçon- Flat fish cut on the bone
3. Darné- Round fish cut on the bone
4. Supreme- A supreme is a slice cut off a fillet, sometimes cut at a slant. This cut is now commonly
called a pavé which means ‘a slab or block’ and usually applied to cake or dessert – but now is
fashionably applied to fish.
5. Goujons- Strips of fillet cut 8 x .5 cm, deep fried (with coating), stir fry. This cut is sometimes also
known as ‘Finger Cut’.
6. Paupiette- Fillet of fish, spread with a farce and rolled; poached. ‘Cravatte’ is also a cut which is
from the same cut as Paupiette. It is a fillet tied in a knot.
7. Delice- Fillet of fish neatly folded in half, poached.
8. En Tresse- Also known as ‘Plaited’. Fillet of fish cut lengthwise into three and plaited
9. Cornet – Thin slice of a fish fillet usually triangular in shape which is rolled to form a cone.
PLIE– Fillet which is flattened and folded into two.
10. Medallions – A boneless round shaped steak or slice of fish fillet usually cut from a large fillet
of fish.
Cooking of Fish

Lean Fish
Lean fish are those that are low in fat. Examples: flounder, sole, cod, red snapper, bass, perch, halibut,
pike. Because lean fish has almost no fat, it can easily become dry, especially if overcooked. It is often
served with sauces to enhance moistness and give richness.
§ Moist-Heat Methods-Lean fish is especially well suited to poaching. This method preserves
§ Dry-Heat Methods-Lean fish, if it is broiled or baked, should be basted with butter or oil. Take
special care not to overcook it, or the fish will be dry.
§ Dry-Heat Methods with Fat- Lean fish may be fried or sautéed. The fish gains palatability from the
added fat.
Cooking of Fish

Oily Fish
Oily fish are those that are high in fat. Examples: salmon, tuna, trout, butter fish, mackerel. The
fat in these fish enables them to tolerate more heat without becoming dry.
§ Moist-Heat Methods-Fat fish, like lean fish, can be cooked by moist heat. Poached salmon
and trout are very popular.
§ Dry-Heat Methods-Oily fish are well suited to broiling and baking. The dry heat helps
eliminate excessive oiliness.
§ Dry-Heat Methods with Fat- Large oily fish, like salmon, and stronger-flavored fish, like
bluefish and mackerel, may be cooked in fat, but care should be taken to avoid excessive
greasiness. Smaller ones, like trout, are often pan-fried.

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