Project Review Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine
Project Review Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine
Project Review Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine
Presented By:-
►Devyani Jadhav
►Prashant Kalokhe
►Savita Mahamuni
►Sonal Kamble
► Abstract
► Introduction
► Literature Survey
► Problem Statement
► Aim and Objectives
► Technologies used
► Frauds Classification
► Approaches used to find Fraud
► References
► It is vital that credit card companies are able to identify fraudulent credit card
transactions so that customers are not charged for items that they did not
► Such problems can be tackled with Data Science and its importance, along with
Machine Learning, cannot be overstated. This project intends to illustrate the
modelling of a data set using machine learning with Credit Card Fraud Detection
► The Credit Card Fraud Detection Problem includes modelling past credit card
transactions with the data of the ones that turned out to be fraud. This model is
then used to recognize whether a new transaction is fraudulent or not. Our
objective here is to detect 100% of the fraudulent transactions while minimizing
the incorrect fraud classifications. Credit Card Fraud Detection is a typical
sample of classification.
► In this process, we have focused on analysing and pre-processing data sets as well
as the deployment of multiple anomaly detection algorithms such as Local
Outlier Factor and Isolation Forest algorithm on the PCA transformed Credit Card
Transaction data.
► Popularity of online shopping is growing day to day . Credit card is
the easy way to do online shopping. According to ACNielsen study
conducted in 2005 one tenth of the world’s population is shopping
online in same study it is also mentioned that credit cards are
most popular mode of online payment.
► In case of multinational banks , the usage or average balance ,
per borrower for credit card holder has rise up from Rs. 61,758 in
2011 to Rs. 82,455 in 2012. in the same period private bank
customers usage rise from Rs. 39,368 to Rs. 47,370 .
► As the number of credit card users increases world wide , the
opportunities for fraudster to steal credit details and,
subsequently, commit fraud are also grew up.
Literature Survey-