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(J320202-Pos-Ge-Def-010) Block of Area

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PROJECT NUMBER: JESA310-311/11M Doc.Name : LOG SHEET OF BLOCK AREA Date of issue 2/26/2013

PROJECT NAME: Handling System for Fertilizer and Phosphate Phase DIs Doc.No. : J320202-POS-GE-DEF-010 Date of update 5/14/2013
LOG COMPANY NAME Detail due to the block due to the block
related to the block Work step
From To Period Item unit Quatity

Attached Table
Drive Pulley
POSCO and JESA have reached another agreement on the drive pulleys as per the attached
document. There is potential delay due to revision work from MECADRUM. 1. Revision of Pulley
The revision work from POSCO for tower and structure related to pulley shall be needed also. Specification and Drawings

Pulley Secondary Pulley Ongoing Ongoing 2. Re-Selection of Pulley Shaft

16 MECH MECADRUM 12/31/2012 Set 36
for all phases For majority of tail and take up pulley and A1A2 snub pulley, the pulley diameters shall be changed in to check to check with calculation
agreement between JESA and POSCO. There is potential delay due to revision work from
MECADRUM and POSCO. 3. Re-selection of plummer
block matched the shaft
Pulley Shaft
POSCO needs to confirm that the shaft design are respected by MECADRUM.

Pulley Shaft
POSCO, MECADRUM and OCP have reached mutual agreement on Pulley type(Hot shrunk type
and Guarantee 5 years by MECADRUM)
for all phases But, POSCO don't have received official approval from OCP until now.
This fact make project delivery schedule impact because MECADRUM never proceed without official
approval from OCP.

Case 1 and 2 for G3G4 Line

If tail part of G3G4 has horizontal profile, The existing EC line clashes with G3G4 conveyor line.
According to JESA's request, POSCO proposed two cases with general arrangement on Dec 20th,

POSCO hold the engineering work for detail drawings of G3G4 tail part and LD/G tower(G3G4 Tail
Tower) now. For Case 1
If there is no response from JESA regarding two option, POSCO cannot proceed all work related to 1. Revision of detail drawings for
G3G4 line. G3G4 tail part.

Case 1 : Horizontal tail part of G3G4. 2. Revision of basic and detail

- If the modification of EC line is able to be excuted before G3G4 erection, Case 1 can be selected. drawings for LD/G tower.
(G3G4 Tail Tower)
Case 2 : Declining tail part of G3G4.
- If the modification of EC line is not able to be excuted before G3G4 erection, Case 2 can be 3. Revision of structure analysis
OCP, JESA, selected. for LD/G Tower (G3G4 Tail
17 MECH G3G4 12/14/2012 2/15/2013 63 days line - Cleared
Contractor for EC line. Tower)
As a result of discussion, JESA decided to proceed work with case.2.

For electric pylon,

1. Revision of structural details

for G3G4 line.
The electric pylon below G3G3 Line
To avoid clashes between G3G4 and electric pylon, G3G4 line shall have a raised profile. There is
potential delay due to revising engineering result for G3G4.

Structure analysis of all the tower shall be conducted again because the pulley weight tower inside Ongoing Ongoing
18 MECH Structure POSCO, JESA 12/31/2012 Set 15
have been increased by enhanced pulley diameter. to check to check

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Phase.3 B1,B2-GA
POSCO got a comment for B1,B2-GA drawing because of other Project pipe. J-218-JESA-POSCO-ME-FCO-830
Return_VDRN 0890
1 We are discussing with JESA in order to solve this problem until now. 1/15/2013

According to this situation , We didn't get approval another drawing related with B1,B2 Line.
(Return_VDRN 0890)

2 POSCO submitted method statement for B line's foundation in interference with Gypsum pipes 2/21/2013

19 MECH Phase.3 POSCO, JESA 3 POSCO received JESA's comments about the procedure. 2/25/2013 73 days Cleared

4 After recieving comments, revised procedure was sent. 2/26/2013

5 JESA rejected the second procedure on 28 february 2013 2/28/2013

POSCO sent again a third procedure on 06-03-2013 for approval.

6 3/6/2013
Now, POSCO is waiting for response from JESA for approval

7 JESA approved B1,B2 GA Drawings 3/29/2013

Transmittal - 378
Hoist Arrangement

Some of hoist arrangement have clashes with the existing conveyor line for another project. So
Transmittal_J 32 J 320202- POS-
some of hoist cannot be installed as per the contractual condition. 0202- POS- J ES- 3 ME- COR- 009
Transmittal - 418
- 2013-01-02 : To solve this issue, OCP, JESA and POSCO discussed hoist arrnagement on Jan
2nd, 2013.
- 2013-01-08 : In addition, POSCO proposed as submitting the related query of hoist arrangement on
Jan 8th, 2013 (Transmittal-378)
Transmittal_J 32 J 320202- POS-
However, POSCO did not receive any comment or response for this issue. 0202- POS- J ES- 4 ME- COR- 013
20 MECH All phases POSCO, JESA 1/2/2013 3/21/2013 78 days Transmittal - 495
This issue is also critical for tower design.
Before fixing the hoist arrangement, POSCO is not able to proceed tower design.
- 2013-01-28 : That is why POSCO submitted related query of hoist arrangement again on Jan 28th,
2013 (Transmittal-418)
- 2013-02-23 : As a result of discussion between POSCO and JESA, arrangement of hoist was fixed
(Cleared except SC2) Query for SC2

- 2013-03-05 : But, Hoist for SC2 is not able to be install so POSCO send query to JESA on 5th
March 2013.
- 2013-03-21 : JESA sent POSCO VDT that POSCO doesn't need to install SC2.

Motor :
21 MECH All phases JESA POSCO has submitted ABB’s data for approval, but there is no response from JESA yet. So, supplier 2/26/2013 3/12/2013 14 days Cleared
is holding manufacture.

B1 Pulley :
POSCO can not guarantee B1 belt because existing pulley of B1 is not suitable for our belt
POSCO suggests that existing pulley should be replaced.
Phase.3 POSCO asks JESA's fast response because It's impossible to fix design without JESA's
22 MECH BMP Phase 2/26/2013
(B1line) confirmation.

- 2013-02-26 : To solve this issue., POSCO sent query to JESA .

- 2013-03-29 : JESA want to receive proposal for B1 Pulley according to VDT
- 2013-05-09 : POSCO sent B1 Pulley proposal after decided pulley type

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Weighing Station

Even it Annexe-K include 3 company for weighing station , PRECIA MOLEN company’s model name
mentioned on the contract. That's why we can't proceed interner bidding.
23 MECH Weighing JESA 1/19/2013 VDT-0519
Station - 2013-01-18 : To solve this issue , POSCO sent query to JESA TR-495
- 2013-01-28 : Even if JESA sent response to POSCO , JESA still want to use VDT-0666
PRECIA MOLEN company’s model
- 2013-02-27 : To solve this issue , POSCO sent query to JESA again.
- 2013-03-29 : JESA want to receive Proposal in order to solve this issue.

POSCO submitted Phase 4 GA on 1/19 (TR-400) , There is no response from JESA yet.

POSCO already cheked TOPO for other project near sea, so there is no reason to delay approval of
24 MECH Phase.4 JESA 1/19/2013 4/16/2013 87 days TR-400 Cleared
Phase 4 GA. FCO-932
- 2013-01-18 : POSCO sent trasmittal for Phase 4 GA drawings.
- 2013-04-16 : JESA sent comment for phase 4 GA drawing.

JESA required that some of feeders for GH13 line should be powered from PE5 substation. It is
powered from PE3-bis substation in ITB. The point is that POSCO received order without solution. Ongoing Ongoing
25 ELEC GH13 line POSCO, IMASA 11/21/2012
Therefore, POSCO has searched new route for JESA requirment. POSCO has still spent lots of man to check to check
power and time to solve this problem.

POSCO calculated all of cables size and quantity based on International standard. Through many
projects, it has been proved that is very resonable. As you know, ITB is stage of beginning.
Therefore, the quantity of cables in ITB is just assumption. It is not calculated. But JESA want to
LV Cable Ongoing Ongoing
POSCO comply with ITB. It is very unreasonable. POSCO can't accept anymore. In addition, POSCO hasn't 1/21/2013
to check to check
contracted with subcontrcator from 21/Jan/2013, TR-394. (VDT is 2013-02-26, VDT_0591)
For this reason, Construction was delayed about 1 month until now. If JESA doesn't accept this
issue, Construction will be delayed continuously.

1st progress payment :

1 POSCO submitted progress validation sheet for 1st progress payment of November 2013. 12/1/2012
And, POSCO and JESA discussed to validate the progress and invoice for 1month.

POSCO received JESA's response that POSCO can issue invoice, so POSCO issued invoice and
2 got the stamp for invoice receipt from OCP financial department. 1/3/2013
POSCO expected to be paid within 60days from 03/01/2013

OCP suggested payment condition differ to the invoice which is already issued.
But, POSCO did not agreed with OCP's suggestion because of cash balace & payment delay
3 problems. 1/18/2013
So, POSCO ask OCP to keep the payment condition with same condition of issued invoice on

POSCO accepted OCP's suggestion, but there was a condition like below:
27 Commercial All phases JESA 4 - JESA/OCP will do their best to shorten the period of payment. 2/23/2013
- 1st progress payment for November 2012 should be paid within estimated date.(03/03/2013)

5 POSCO submitted invoices which is revised according to OCP's suggestion. 2/25/2013

6 JESA gave comments to POSCO for revised invoices 3/5/2013

7 POSCO revised and submitted invoice for review. 3/6/2013

8 POSCO get JESA/OCP's approval and issued invoice. 3/7/2013

9 POSCO confirmed the bank transfer for payment of USD part, but VAT was not transferred. 4/25/2013

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related to the block Work step
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10 POSCO confirmed the bank transfer for payment of MAD part. 5/9/2013

11 VAT for payment of USD part is still pending

2st progress payment :

1 2/20/2013
POSCO submitted progress validation sheet for 2st progress payment of January 2013.

2 JESA requested POSCO to resend some file in Excel format. 3/1/2013

POSCO sent Excel format to JESA.

28 Commercial All phases JESA 3 For progress validation, JESA should try to shorten the period of progress validation because it is 3/7/2013 35 days
related to payment.

JESA sent POSCO VDT with comments that some approved drawings on the attachment list should
4 3/12/2013
not be status "A"

5 After the agrrement on the meeting on 22nd or March, JESA approved this validation with VDT-0661. 3/27/2013 VDT-0661


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