Hubbard Microeconomics8E
Hubbard Microeconomics8E
Hubbard Microeconomics8E
8th Edition
Glenn Hubbard, Columbia University
Anthony Patrick O’Brien
» Chapter-Opening Cases illustrate how the economic concepts presented » Economics in Your Life & Career boxes
in the text impact real-life businesses, such as Nike, Apple and Lyft. ask students to consider questions related
to their lives and careers, adding a personal
» An Inside Look boxes use news articles to teach students how to apply dimension to the material.
economic thinking to current events and policy debates.
» Don’t Let This Happen to You boxes alert students
» 27 new and 73 revised Apply the Concepts features reinforce to common pitfalls seen throughout the chapters.
key concepts and help students interpret the news. Several discuss
the COVID-19 pandemic, health care, and trade. » Real-Time Data exercises help familiarize students
with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ FRED™
» End-of-Chapter Questions, Problems and Critical-Thinking Exercises site and build skills in data interpretation.
help students build skills in analyzing info and applying reasoning and logic
to new or unfamiliar ideas and situations. » Concept Check questions encourage students
to stop and check their understanding of fundamental
» 7 new Solved Problems show students how to solve an economic problem concepts before moving to the next section.
by breaking it down step by step.