CSE 2321 Lec-2

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International Islamic University Chittagong

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Autumn - 2022

Course Code: CSE-2321

Course Title: Data Structures

Mohammed Shamsul Alam

Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIUC
Lecture – 2

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Floor and Ceiling Functions

❑∟x⅃, called the floor of x, denotes the greatest integer
that does not exceed x.
❑ℾx⅂, called the ceiling of x, denotes the least integer that
is not less than x.

If x is itself an integer, then └ x ┘ = ┌ x ┐; otherwise, ∟ x

⅃ + 1 = ℾ x ⅂.
∟3.14⅃ = 3; ℾ3.14⅂ = 4; ∟-8.5⅃ = -9; ℾ-8.5⅂ = -8;
∟7⅃ = 7; ℾx⅂ = 7.

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Remainder Function
Let k be any integer and let M be a positive integer. Then
k (mod M) will denote the integer remainder when k is
divided by M.
k (mod M) is the unique integer r such that k = M q + r
where 0 ≤ r < M.
25 (mod 7) = 4 25 (mod 5) = 0 3 (mod 8) = 3

a ≡ b (mod M) if and only if M divides a – b
22 ≡ 2 (mod 5)

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Integer and Absolute Value Function

Let x be any real number. The integer value of x, written
INT(x), converts x into an integer y deleting (truncating)
the fractional part of the number.
INT (3.14) = 3 INT (-8.5) = -8 INT (7) = 7

The absolute value of the real number x, written ABS(x)

or |x|, is defined as the greater of x and –x.
| -15 | = 15 | 3 | = 3 | -8.5 | = 8.5 | 8.5 | = 8.5

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Factorial Function
n! = 1 . 2 . 3 …. (n-2) . (n-1) . n
4! = = 24 0! = 1

Fibonacci Function
The Fibonacci sequence is as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 34, 55, … …
Here, F0 = 0 and F1 = 1 and each succeeding term is the
sum of two preceding terms.

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Permutation and Combination

P r = n! / (n-r)!
C r = n! / r! (n-r)!

1 + 2 + 3 + ……. + n = n (n +1) / 2

Mathematical Notation and Functions

Exponents and Logarithms

am = a . a . … . a (m times).
a0 = 1

by = x y = log b x
log 2 8 = 3 log 10 100 = 2

Common logarithm (base 10), Natural logarithm (base e),

Binary logarithm (base 2)
The term log x shall mean log 2 x unless otherwise specified

Algorithmic Notation
An algorithm is a finite step‑by‑step list of well‑defined instructions
for solving a particular problem.
Algorithm 2.1: (Largest Element in Array) A nonempty array DATA with N
numerical values is given. This algorithm finds the location LOC and the value MAX
of the largest element of DATA. The variable K is used as a counter.
Step 1. [Initialize] Set K:= 1, LOC:= 1 and MAX: = DATA[1].
Step 2. [Increment counter] Set K:= K + 1.
Step 3. [Test counter] If K > N, then:
Write: LOC, MAX, and Exit.
Step 4. [Compare and update] If MAX < DATA[K], then:
Set LOC:= K and MAX:= DATA [K].
Step 5. [Repeat loop] Go to Step 2.

The format for the formal presentation of an algorithm consists of two parts.
The first part is a paragraph which tells the purpose of the algorithm,
identifies the variables which occur in the algorithm and lists the input data.
The second part of the algorithm consists of the list of steps that is to be

Algorithmic Notation
The following summarizes certain conventions that we will use in
presenting our algorithms.
Steps, Control, Exit: The steps of the algorithm are executed one after the
other, beginning with Step 1, unless indicated otherwise. Control may be
transferred to Step n of the algorithm by the statement “Go to Step n”. If several
statements appear in the same step, then they are executed from left to right.
The algorithm is completed when the statement Exit is encountered.
Comments: Each step may contain a comment in brackets which
indicates the main purpose of the step.
Variable Name: Variable names will use capital letters. Single-letter
[both uppercase and lowercase] names of variables used as counters
or subscripts.
Assignment statement: Dots-equal notation : = is used as assignment
operation. Some texts use backward arrow ← or the equal sign = for
this operation.
Input and Output: For input Read: variables names is used. For
writing, Write: Messages and/or variable names.
The graphical representation of an algorithm is called a flowchart.
For the flowchart of the above algorithm see the following flowchart:

There are three types of logic, or flow of control, called
a. Sequence logic or sequential flow
b. Selection logic or conditional flow
c. Iteration logic or repetitive flow

Sequence Logic (Sequential Flow)
❑ Unless instructions are given to the contrary, the modules are
executed in the obvious sequence. The sequence may be presented
explicitly, by means of numbered steps, or implicitly, by the order in
which the modules arc written. Most processing, even of complex
problems, will generally follow this elementary flow pattern.

Selection Logic (Conditional Flow)
Selection logic employs a number of conditions which lead to a selection of one
out of several alternative modules. The structures which implement this logic
are called conditional structures or If structures. These conditional structures
fall into three types, which are discussed below.
i) Single alternative: This structure has the form
If condition, then:
[Module A]
[End of If structure]
Here, if the condition is TRUE, then Module A is executed, otherwise, Module A
is skipped and control transfers to the next step of the algorithm.

Selection Logic (Conditional Flow)
ii) Double alternative: This structure has the form
If condition, then:
[Module A]
[Module B]
[End of If structure]
In this logic, if the condition is TRUE, then Module A is executed; if it is FALSE then
Module B is executed.
iii) Multiple alternatives: This structure has the form:
If condition (1) then:
[Module A1]
Else if condition (2) then:
[Module A2]
Else if Condition (M) then:
[Module AM]
[Module B]
[End of If structure]
The logic of this structure allows only one of the modules to be executed. If the condition (1) is TRUE
then Module A1 is executed, if it is false then condition (2) is checked and if it is TRUE, then Module A2
is executed, and so on. If all the conditions are FALSE then Module B is executed.
Quadratic Equation
Algorithm: (Quadratic Equation) This algorithm inputs the coefficients A,
B, C of a quadratic equation and outputs the real solutions, if any.
Step 1. Read: A, B, C.
Step 2. Set D:= B2 ‑ 4AC.
Step 3. If D > 0, then:
(a) Set X1 := (‑B + √D)/2A and X2:= (‑B ‑√D)/2A.
(b) Write: X1, X2.
Else if D = 0, then:
(a) Set X:= ‑B/2A.
(b) Write: 'UNIQUE SOLUTION', X.
[End of If structure]
Step 4. Exit.

❖Home task: Draw the flowchart for the above algorithm.

Iteration Logic (Repetitive Flow)
There are two types of iteration logic. Each type begins with a Repeat
statement and is followed by a module, called the body of the loop.
i) The repeat-for loop:
Repeat for K = R to S by T:
[End of loop]
Here, R is called the initial value, S is the end value and T is the
increment. K is called control variable.

ii) The repeat-while loop:

Repeat while condition:
[End of loop]
Here the loop is executed until the condition is FALSE.

Iteration Logic (Repetitive Flow)

Largest Element in Array
Algorithm 2.3: (Largest Element in Array) given a nonempty
array DATA with N numerical values, this algorithm finds the
location LOC and the value MAX of the largest element of DATA.
1. [Initialize] Set K:=1, LOC:=1 and MAX:= DATA[1].
2. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 while K <= N:
3. If MAX < DATA [K], then:
Set LOC: = K and MAX: = DATA [K].
4. Set K: = K+1.
[End of Step 2 loop.]
5. Write: LOC, MAX.
6. Exit.

❖Home task: Draw the flowchart for the above algorithm.

A subalgorithm is a complete and independently defined
algorithmic module which is used (or invoked or called) by some
main algorithm or by some other subalgorithm. A subalgorithm
receives values, called arguments, from an originating (calling)
algorithm; performs computations; and then sends back the result to
the calling algorithm. The subalgorithm is defined independently so
that it may be called by many different algorithms or called at
different times in the same algorithm. The relationship between an
algorithm and a subalgorithm is similar to the relationship between a
main program and a subprogram in a programming language.
▪ The main difference between the format of a subalgorithm and that
of an algorithm is that the subalgorithm will usually have a heading
of the form NAME (PAR1, PAR2, … , PARK).
▪ Another difference is that the subalgorithm will have a Return
statement rather than an Exit statement.



Home Task
1.Write a program to calculate the roots of the
quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a,
b and c are known.
2.Write a program to find the largest number
from a given list of integers.


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